146 resultados para MLL
The aim of this work was to describe the morphology and ontogeny of P. riedelii fruits to aid in taxonomic, ecological and phylogenetic studies in Apocynaceae. Fruits were fixed in FAA, embedded in plastic resin, sectioned at 10 ìm and stained with toluidine blue, for structural analysis. The fruit of P. riedelii is a follicarium, with two follicular fruitlets. The epicarp is one-cell-layered, with trichomes and thick cuticle. The mesocarp, originating from fundamental ovary tissue, is parenchymatous with laticifers, non-lignified fibers and vascular bundles. The endocarp sensu lato is two-celllayered of crossed sclereids, originating from the inner ovary epidermis and from a single layer of parenchyma cells of fundamental ovary tissue. Follicle dehiscence is lateral and the dehiscence process involves anatomical characteristics such as a dehiscence zone with thin-walled cells, non-lignified fibers in the mesocarp and crossed sclereids in the endocarp.
Croton is the second bigger and more diverse genus in the family Euphorbiaceae, with about 1,200 species distributed in 40 sections, occurring in all tropical areas, most of them in Americas. In South America, Brazil is the country in which a larger number of taxa are found, ca. 356. According to recent classification, the genus belongs to the tribe Crotoneae, and despite the wide and morphological diversity, it would be a monophyletic taxon. However, a phylogenetic analysis using markers of ITS region from nuclear ribosomal DNA, and of trnL-F from plastidial DNA, showed that Croton, like traditionally circumscribed, is not a monophyletic taxon. A taxonomic revision of Croton section Lamprocroton (Müll. Arg.) Pax is presented here. It is a Neotropical group with most of its species occurring from Southeast and South Brazil to southern South America (Uruguay and Argentina). Morphologically, the members of Lamprocroton are characterized as monoecious or dioecious shrubs or subshrubs, with a lepidote indumentum at least in part of foliage, entire leaves with no glands. The staminate flowers have 9 to 16 stamens and the pistillate flowers may have equal or unequal sepals, reduced to absent petals, and styles once or twice bifid. Overall, are recognized 26 species in the group, three of them new to the science. Identification key, morphological descriptions, illustrations, phenological period, as well as data on geographic distribution and general comments of each species are presented. Four taxa were excluded from C. sect. Lamprocroton because they do not show the morphological features that are diagnostics of the section. Four species that are poorly known were not included in the taxonomic treatment.
We report a case of acute monoblastic leukemia showing a jumping translocation with the MLL gene in a 17-year-old male. Classic cytogenetic and spectral karyotyping revealed a complex karyotype, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) demonstrated amplification of the MLL gene followed by translocation to chromosomes 15q, 17q, and 19q. In addition, molecular analyses showed a high expression of AURKA and AURKB genes. It is already known that overexpression of Aurora kinases is associated with chromosomal instability and poor prognosis. The formation of jumping translocations is a rare cytogenetic event and there is evidence pointing toward preferential involvement of the heterochromatin region of donor chromosomes and the telomere ends of recipient chromosomes. Jumping translocation with the MLL gene rearrangement is an uncommon phenomenon reported in leukemia cytogenetics. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The successful treatment of paediatric malignancies by multimodal therapy has improved outcomes for children with cancer, especially those with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Second malignant neoplasms, however, represent a serious complication after treatment. Depending on dosage, 2-12% of patients treated with topoisomerase II inhibitors and/or alkylating agents develop treatment-related acute myeloid leukaemia characterized by translocations at 11q23. Our goal was to study MLL rearrangements in peripheral lymphocytes using cytogenetic and molecular methods in order to evaluate the late effects of cancer therapy in patients previously treated for childhood ALL. Chromosomal rearrangements at 11q23 were analysed in cytogenetic preparations from 49 long-term ALL survivors and 49 control individuals. Patients were subdivided depending on the inclusion or omission of topoisomerase II inhibitors (VP-16 and/or VM-26) in their treatment protocol. The statistical analysis showed significant (P = 0.007) differences between the frequency of translocations observed for the groups of patients and controls. These differences were also significant (P = 0.006) when the groups of patients (independent of the inclusion of topoisomerase II inhibitors) and controls were compared (P = 0.006). The frequencies of extra signals, however, did not differ between groups of patients and controls. Several MLL translocations were detected and identified by inverse polymerase chain reaction, followed by cloning and sequencing. Thirty-five patients (81%) presented putative translocations; among those, 91% corresponded with t(4;11) (q21;q23), while the other 9% corresponded with t(11;X), t(8;11)(q23;q23) and t(11;16). Our results indicate an increase in MLL aberrations in childhood ALL survivors years after completion of therapy. The higher frequency in this cohort might be associated with therapy using anti-tumoural drugs, independent of the inclusion of topoisomerase II inhibitors. Even though the biological significance of these rearrangements needs further investigation, they demonstrate a degree of genome instability, indicating the relevance of cytogenetic and molecular studies during the follow-up of patients in complete clinical remission.
E2F1 is a key positive regulator of human cell proliferation and its activity is altered in essentially all human cancers. Deregulation of E2F1 leads to oncogenic DNA damage and anti-oncogenic apoptosis. The molecular mechanisms by which E2F1 mediates these two processes are poorly understood but are important for understanding cancer progression. During the G1-to-S phase transition, E2F1 associates through a short DHQY sequence with the cell-cycle regulator HCF-1 together with the mixed-lineage leukaemia (MLL) family of histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methyltransferases. We show here that the DHQY HCF-1-binding sequence permits E2F1 to stimulate both DNA damage and apoptosis, and that HCF-1 and the MLL family of H3K4 methyltransferases have important functions in these processes. Thus, HCF-1 has a broader role in E2F1 function than appreciated earlier. Indeed, sequence changes in the E2F1 HCF-1-binding site can modulate both up and down the ability of E2F1 to induce apoptosis indicating that HCF-1 association with E2F1 is a regulator of E2F1-induced apoptosis.
E2F transcriptional regulators control human-cell proliferation by repressing and activating the transcription of genes required for cell-cycle progression, particularly the S phase. E2F proteins repress transcription in association with retinoblastoma pocket proteins, but less is known about how they activate transcription. Here, we show that the human G1 phase regulator HCF-1 associates with both activator (E2F1 and E2F3a) and repressor (E2F4) E2F proteins, properties that are conserved in insect cells. Human HCF-1-E2F interactions are versatile: their associations and binding to E2F-responsive promoters are cell-cycle selective, and HCF-1 displays coactivator properties when bound to the E2F1 activator and corepressor properties when bound to the E2F4 repressor. During the G1-to-S phase transition, HCF-1 recruits the mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) and Set-1 histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferases to E2F-responsive promoters and induces histone methylation and transcriptional activation. These results suggest that HCF-1 induces cell-cycle-specific transcriptional activation by E2F proteins to promote cell proliferation.
The phytochemical investigation of Guettarda pohliana roots led to the isolation of 28-O-beta-D-glycopyranosyl-3-O-beta-D-quinovopyranosyl quinovic acid, 28-O-beta-D-glycopyranosyl-3-O-beta-D-glycopyranosyl quinovic acid, 3-O-beta-D-glycopyranosyl quinovic acid, 28-O-beta-D-glycopyranosyl-3-O-beta-D-glycopyranosyl cincholic acid along with quinovic acid, daucosterol and 4,5-O-dicaffeoyl quinic acid. The structures of the isolated compounds were assigned on the basis of spectroscopic data, including two-dimensional NMR methods. The antiradical activity of the crude methanolic extract and of its fractions was evaluated.
The phytochemical investigation of Coussarea platyphylla led to the isolation of triterpenes betulonic and betulinic acid, monoterpenes monotropein and monotropein salt, the diterpene trans-phytol and esteroids. The structures of the isolated compounds were assigned on the basis of spectroscopic data, including two-dimensional NMR methods. The antiproliferative properties against human cancer cell lines and molluscicidal activity against Biomphalaria glabrata of the crude methanolic extract and of its fractions were investigated.
This study describes a simple, fast and reproducible method using RP-HPLC-UV, in a gradient system, for quantification of reserpine in Rauvolfia sellowii stem bark. The analysis were carried out on a C18 column; mobile phase was water and acetonitrile, and separations were carried out in 10 min, flow rate of 1.0 mL min-1, 25 ºC and 268 nm. The validation data showed that the method was specific, accurate, precise and robust. Results were linear over a range of 0.625-40.0 μg mL-1, and the mean recovery was 95.1%. The amount of reserpine found in the dried stem bark was 0.01% (m/m).
This phytochemical investigation of Guettarda pohliana leaves led to the isolation of the triterpenes pomolic acid, rotundic acid, 3β,6α,19α,23-tetrahydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid, clethric acid, ursolic acid and oleanolic acid, the monoterpenoids loliolide and secoxyloganin, besides daucosterol and steroids. The structures of the isolated compounds were assigned on the basis of NMR data, including two-dimensional NMR methods. The anti-inflammatory activity of the crude methanolic extracts from leaves and roots, as well as of their fractions, was evaluated.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de látex de seringueira (Heveabrasiliensis) e as possíveis alterações no teor de carboidratos em função das variações de fatores climáticos. Foram utilizadas plantas do clone RRIM 600 com 8 anos de idade e no primeiro ano de exploração. As análises dos teores de açúcares solúveis totais e açúcares redutores foram realizadas em duas datas distintas, 29/8/97 (inverno) e 23/12/97 (verão), com amostragens em intervalos de 3 horas, em um ciclo de 24 horas de avaliação. A produção de borracha seca foi avaliada em duas sangrias, em cada estação. Os resultados evidenciaram que, além da relação da produção de borracha com a disponibilidade de água, as variações de temperatura entre as estações também tiveram uma importante influência sobre a disponibilidade de carboidratos para a síntese de látex.
Chapas de partículas de cimento-madeira foram confeccionadas com a madeira de quatro clones de Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg. (seringueira): IAN 717, IAN 873, GT 711 e AVROS 1301. Confeccionaram-se as chapas na proporção de 1:4:1 (madeira:cimento:água) por peso e nas dimensões de 450 x 450 x 13 mm e densidade nominal de 1,4 g/cm³, com a adição de 4% de cloreto de cálcio di-hidratado (CaCl2.2H2O) como acelerador. Foram testadas partículas fervidas e não-fervidas dos quatro clones, totalizando oito tratamentos, sendo em cada um destes, com quatro repetições, avaliadas as propriedades mecânicas e físicas das chapas, segundo a norma ASTM D 1037 - 96a. De forma geral, os melhores resultados de propriedades físicas e mecânicas foram obtidos nas chapas com partículas do clone AVROS 1301. No teste de hidratação do cimento, a madeira de seringueira in natura foi classificada como de "inibição extrema", porém com a adição de CaCl2 o foi como de "baixa inibição". Essa madeira se mostrou tecnicamente viável à produção de chapas de cimento-madeira, independentemente do clone.
The population genetic structure of the endangered tree species Aspidosperma polyneuron Mull.Arg. (Apocynaceae) was reported based on analysis of esterase polymorphism in two remanant populations. Allelic variation was detected at three isoesterase loci (Est-3, Est-9, and Est-10). The proportion of polymorphic loci for both populations was 30% and deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed for the Est-3 locus observed in the northern population. Segregation distortion and the lower level of observed and expected heterozygosity in this population were attributed to founder genotype. The high genetic identity values for northern and northwestern populations are in accordance with the low levels of interpopulation genetic divergence demonstrated by the F(ST) (0.03) value. The F(IS) value (0.23) indicated moderate levels of inbreeding. A. polyneuron can be indicated as an example of endangered species suggesting high genetic variation in contrast to the low genetic variation reported for endangered species. The esterase isozymes may be a good genetic marker for studies of natural A. polyneuron populations.
Foram estudadas as respostas plásticas em plântulas e plantas jovens de duas espécies arbóreas nativas, Adelia membranifolia (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm. (Euphorbiaceae) e Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub. (Leguminosae-Caesalpinoidae), submetidas ao alagamento do substrado associado ao déficit nutricional. Avaliou-se o acréscimo em superfície no módulo de expressão, definido como a região do eixo da plântula que, sob condições de estresse, sofre rediferenciação sendo considerada a hipertrofia lenticelar como a expressão morfogenética mais comum. Em A. membranifolia a associação do estresse nutricional e alagamento do substrato foi a condição mais restritiva tanto para o crescimento em altura e diâmetro do colo quanto para as expressões morfogenéticas. Já em P. dubium o estado nutricional foi mais restritivo que o alagamento para o crescimento do colo. Em geral, para ambas as espécies, plantas nutridas mantidas alagadas restabeleceram seu ritmo de crescimento a partir do terceiro mês de tratamento, além de expressarem respostas plásticas como a hipertrofia lenticelar e a formação de raízes adventícias. Quanto ao aumento em superfície, nos lotes desnutridos, verificou-se que em A. membranifolia de um total de 38% de superfície expressa, 12% corresponderam à hipertrofia lenticelar. Em P. dubium verificou-se as maiores variações de aumento em superfície expressa por hipertrofia lenticelar, elevando de 5% para 13%. Em geral a superfície modular nos lotes tratados foi o dobro em relação ao controle. É possível que o aumento em superfície, para algumas espécies, seja significativo como tendência ao aumento da estabilidade no desenvolvimento a partir de interações fisiológicas.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever a morfologia do fruto, da semente e do desenvolvimento de plântulas de Jatropha elliptica Müll. Arg. Os frutos foram coletados em setembro e outubro de 2003, na Fazenda Experimental da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, no Município de Santo Antônio de Leverger. Para a descrição da morfologia dos frutos e das sementes foram utilizados 50 frutos e 50 sementes. Para a caracterização das etapas da germinação foram utilizadas quatro repetições de 20 sementes, colocadas sobre papel mata-borrão, umedecidas com ácido giberélico (400 ppm), em caixas de plástico transparente, mantidas em câmara para germinação, a 30 ºC e fotoperíodo de oito horas, durante 40 dias. O fruto de J. elliptica é seco, tricoca, endocarpo lenhoso e de deiscência explosiva. A semente é ovalada, endospérmica, de envoltório liso e marmoreado, com carúncula presa na parte ventral; o hilo é visível na base e a rafe é bem marcada longitudinalmente. A germinação é epígea e fanerocotiledonar. O tempo médio de germinação é de 13 a 25 dias. Foi possível descrever e ilustrar, de forma distinta, a morfologia do fruto, da semente e da plântula de J. elliptica, que se apresentou bastante homogênea e confiável para a identificação.