11 resultados para MLCK
Dictyostelium myosin II is activated by phosphorylation of its regulatory light chain by myosin light chain kinase A (MLCK-A), an unconventional MLCK that is not regulated by Ca2+/calmodulin. MLCK-A is activated by autophosphorylation of threonine-289 outside of the catalytic domain and by phosphorylation of threonine-166 in the activation loop by an unidentified kinase, but the signals controlling these phosphorylations are unknown. Treatment of cells with Con A results in quantitative phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain by MLCK-A, providing an opportunity to study MLCK-A’s activation mechanism. MLCK-A does not alter its cellular location upon treatment of cells with Con A, nor does it localize to the myosin-rich caps that form after treatment. However, MLCK-A activity rapidly increases 2- to 13-fold when Dictyostelium cells are exposed to Con A. This activation can occur in the absence of MLCK-A autophosphorylation. cGMP is a promising candidate for an intracellular messenger mediating Con A-triggered MLCK-A activation, as addition of cGMP to fresh Dictyostelium lysates increases MLCK-A activity 3- to 12-fold. The specific activity of MLCK-A in cGMP-treated lysates is 210-fold higher than that of recombinant MLCK-A, which is fully autophosphorylated, but lacks threonine-166 phosphorylation. Purified MLCK-A is not directly activated by cGMP, indicating that additional cellular factors, perhaps a kinase that phosphorylates threonine-166, are involved.
We have created a strain of Dictyostelium that is deficient for the Ca2+/calmodulin-independent MLCK-A. This strain undergoes cytokinesis less efficiently than wild type, which results in an increased frequency of multinucleate cells when grown in suspension. The MLCK-A-cells are able, however, to undergo development and to cap crosslinked surface receptors, processes that require myosin heavy chain. Phosphorylated regulatory light chain (RLC) is still present in MLCK-A-cells, indicating that Dictyostelium has one or more additional protein kinases capable of phosphorylating RLC. Concanavalin A treatment was found to induce phosphorylation of essentially all of the RLC in wild-type cells, but RLC phosphorylation levels in MLCK-A-cells are unaffected by concanavalin A. Thus MLCK-A is regulated separately from the other MLCK(s) in the cell.
Background: Smooth muscle content is increased within the airway wall in patients with asthma and is likely to play a role in airway hyperresponsiveness. However, smooth muscle cells express several contractile and structural proteins, and each of these proteins may influence airway function distinctly. Objective: We examined the expression of contractile and structural proteins of smooth muscle cells, as well as extracellular matrix proteins, in bronchial biopsies of patients with asthma, and related these to lung function, airway hyperresponsiveness, and responses to deep inspiration. Methods: Thirteen patients with asthma (mild persistent, atopic, nonsmoking) participated in this cross-sectional study. FEV1 % predicted, PC20 methacholine, and resistance of the respiratory system by the forced oscillation technique during tidal breathing and deep breath were measured. Within 1 week, a bronchoscopy was performed to obtain 6 bronchial biopsies that were immunuhistochemically stained for alpha-SM-actin, desmin, myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), myosin, calponin, vimentin, elastin, type III collagen, and fibronectin. The level of expression was determined by automated densitometry. Results: PC20 methacholine was inversely related to the expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin (r = -0.62), desmin (r = -0.56), and elastin (r = -0.78). In addition, FEV1% predicted was positively related and deep inspiration-induced bronchodilation inversely related to desmin (r = -0.60), MLCK (r = -0.60), and calponin (r = -0.54) expression. Conclusion: Airway hyperresponsiveness, FEV1% predicted, and airway responses to deep inspiration are associated with selective expression of airway smooth muscle proteins and components of the extracellular matrix.
Vascular hyporeactivity is an important factor in irreversible shock, and post-shock mesenteric lymph (PSML) blockade improves vascular reactivity after hemorrhagic shock. This study explored the possible involvement of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) in PSML-mediated vascular hyporeactivity and calcium desensitization. Rats were divided into sham (n=12), shock (n=18), and shock+drainage (n=18) groups. A hemorrhagic shock model (40±2 mmHg, 3 h) was established in the shock and shock+drainage groups. PSML drainage was performed from 1 to 3 h from start of hypotension in shock+drainage rats. Levels of phospho-MLCK (p-MLCK) were determined in superior mesenteric artery (SMA) tissue, and the vascular reactivity to norepinephrine (NE) and sensitivity to Ca2+ were observed in SMA rings in an isolated organ perfusion system. p-MLCK was significantly decreased in the shock group compared with the sham group, but increased in the shock+drainage group compared with the shock group. Substance P (1 nM), an agonist of MLCK, significantly elevated the decreased contractile response of SMA rings to both NE and Ca2+ at various concentrations. Maximum contractility (Emax) in the shock group increased with NE (from 0.179±0.038 to 0.440±0.177 g/mg, P<0.05) and Ca2+ (from 0.515±0.043 to 0.646±0.096 g/mg, P<0.05). ML-7 (0.1 nM), an inhibitor of MLCK, reduced the increased vascular response to NE and Ca2+ at various concentrations in the shock+drainage group (from 0.744±0.187 to 0.570±0.143 g/mg in Emax for NE and from 0.729±0.037 to 0.645±0.056 g/mg in Emax for Ca2+, P<0.05). We conclude that MLCK is an important contributor to PSML drainage, enhancing vascular reactivity and calcium sensitivity in rats with hemorrhagic shock.
O-GlcNAcylation is a modification that alters the function of numerous proteins. We hypothesized that augmented O-GlcNAcylation levels enhance myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) and reduce myosin light chain phosphatase (MLCP) activity, leading to increased vascular contractile responsiveness. The vascular responses were measured by isometric force displacement. Thoracic aorta and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) from rats were incubated with vehicle or with PugNAc, which increases O-GlcNAcylation. In addition, we determined whether proteins that play an important role in the regulation of MLCK and MLCP activity are directly affected by O-GlcNAcylation. PugNAc enhanced phenylephrine (PE) responses in rat aortas (maximal effect, 14.2±2 vs 7.9±1 mN for vehicle, n=7). Treatment with an MLCP inhibitor (calyculin A) augmented vascular responses to PE (13.4±2 mN) and abolished the differences in PE-response between the groups. The effect of PugNAc was not observed when vessels were preincubated with ML-9, an MLCK inhibitor (7.3±2 vs 7.5±2 mN for vehicle, n=5). Furthermore, our data showed that differences in the PE-induced contractile response between the groups were abolished by the activator of AMP-activated protein kinase (AICAR; 6.1±2 vs 7.4±2 mN for vehicle, n=5). PugNAc increased phosphorylation of myosin phosphatase target subunit 1 (MYPT-1) and protein kinase C-potentiated inhibitor protein of 17 kDa (CPI-17), which are involved in RhoA/Rho-kinase-mediated inhibition of myosin phosphatase activity. PugNAc incubation produced a time-dependent increase in vascular phosphorylation of myosin light chain and decreased phosphorylation levels of AMP-activated protein kinase, which decreased the affinity of MLCK for Ca2+/calmodulin. Our data suggest that proteins that play an important role in the regulation of MLCK and MLCP activity are directly affected by O-GlcNAcylation, favoring vascular contraction.
Large forces are the primary mechanism of injury in muscular dystrophy, and muscular dystrophy is especially damaging to type IIB muscle fibers. It was hypothesized that post-tetanic potentiation (PTP) would be down-regulated to prevent damage in Xlinked muscular dystrophy (mdx) mice since PTP increases force and PTP effects are greatest in IIB fibers. PTP experiments were performed on the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) of 50 day old mdx (YM) and C57BL/10 (YC) mice and 10 month old mdx (OM) and C57B1710 (OC) mice. Twitch and tetanic forces were lower in mdx than controls and lower in younger than older mice. Contrary to the hypothesis, PTP was higher in both mdx groups compared to controls. OM potentiated more than any other condition (OM: 29.8%, OC: 23.2%, YM: 21.9%, YC: 17.2%). In accordance with literature PTP increased in the older groups. To explain PTP changes, fiber typing and Western blots for myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) were performed. YM and YC had similar fiber type profiles (2% I, 58% IIX/D and 40% IIB). In accordance with literature but contrary to expected conditions for elevated PTP, OM had a slower fiber type profile (1.7% I, 69% IIX/D and 29% IIB) than OC (0.4% I, 61% IIX/D and 38% IIB). No differences were found in MLCK expression. It seems that PTP is up-regulated to maintain muscle function rather than being down-regulated to prevent muscle damage. Ca""^ transient and myosin phosphorylation measurements would be beneficial in explaining increased PTP seen in this study.
Oxidized low-density lipoproteins (oxLDL) generated in the hyperlipidemic state may contribute to unregulated platelet activation during thrombosis. Although the ability of oxLDL to activate platelets is established, the underlying signaling mechanisms remain obscure. Weshow that oxLDL stimulate platelet activation through phosphorylation of the regulatory light chains of the contractile protein myosin IIa (MLC). oxLDL, but not native LDL, induced shape change, spreading, and phosphorylation of MLC (serine 19) through a pathway that was ablated under conditions that blocked CD36 ligation or inhibited Src kinases, suggesting a tyrosine kinase–dependent mechanism. Consistent with this, oxLDL induced tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of proteins including Syk and phospholipase C g2. Inhibition of Syk, Ca21 mobilization, and MLC kinase (MLCK) only partially inhibited MLC phosphorylation, suggesting the presence of a second pathway. oxLDL activated RhoA and RhoA kinase (ROCK) to induce inhibitory phosphorylation of MLC phosphatase (MLCP). Moreover, inhibition of Src kinases prevented the activation of RhoA and ROCK, indicating that oxLDL regulates contractile signaling through a tyrosine kinase–dependent pathway that induces MLC phosphorylation through the dual activation of MLCK and inhibition of MLCP. These data reveal new signaling events downstream of CD36 that are critical in promoting platelet aggregation by oxLDL.
Die Funktion von Rho GTPasen in den von Toll-Rezeptoren induzierten Signaltransduktionswegen Der Toll-ähnliche Rezeptor 2 (hTLR2) ist wie der TNFa-Rezeptor und das bei Drosophila identifizierte Imd-Protein in der Lage, über einen bisher ungeklärten Mechanismus, sowohl die Aktivierung von NF-kB als auch Apoptose zu induzieren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, daß die aktive Form der GTPase Rho in beiden Signaltransduktionswegen eine entscheidende Kontrollfunktion übernimmt. So führt die Stimulierung von TLR2 zu einer Aktivierung von RhoA in epithelialen und monozytischen Zellinien. Die aktivierte GTPase rekrutiert die Kinase PKCz und induziert so die IkB-unabhängige Aktivierung des p65/Rel-Transkriptionskomplexes. Aktives RhoA kontrolliert darüberhinaus einen weiteren Signaltransduktionsweg, der die TLR2-abhängigen, früh-apoptptischen Membranveränderungen unter der Beteiligung der Kinasen ROCK und MLCK herbeiführt. Die Rho-abhängige Regulation dieser gegensätzlichen Signalantworten wird durch die direkte Interaktion mit spezifischen Downstreamtargets, die jeweils nur Bestandteil eines Signalweges sind, ermöglicht. Die GTPase Rho stellt somit ein Schlüsselelement in der von TLR2 induzierten primären Immunantwort dar.
Zerebrale Erkrankungen, wie Schädelhirntrauma (SHT) und Subarachnoidalblutung (SAB) sind mit einer hohen Morbidität und Mortalität vergesellschaftet und stellen eine ernsthafte medizinische und ökonomische Herausforderung dar. Grundlage für die Entwicklung neuer effektiver Therapieansätze ist das Verständnis der pathophysiologischen Mechanismen dieser Krankheiten. Das Entstehen eines vasogenen Hirnödems ist eine schwere Komplikation nach SHT und SAB und beruht u.a. auf einem Öffnen der Bluthirnschranke (BHS). Ein möglicher zu Grunde liegender Mechanismus könnte die Aktivierung der Myosin-leichte-Kette-Kinase (MLCK) sein, was man therapeutisch unterbinden könnte.rnIn der vorliegenden Studie wurde in zwei unterschiedlichen experimentellen, zerebralen Schadensmodellen der Einfluss des kontraktilen Apparates auf die BHS Störung untersucht. In dem Schadensmodell des SHT sind die Hauptergebnisse: 1.) die Myosin-leichte-Kette-Kinase (MLCK) wird durch das induzierte Schädelhirntrauma hochreguliert. 2.) eine pharmakologische MLCK Inhibition stabilisiert die BHS, senkt den ICP und das Hirnödem nach experimentellen SHT. 3.) die MLCK Inhibition führte nicht zu einer Verbesserung des Hirnschadens, der neurologischen Funktion oder der zerebralen Inflammation 24 Stunden nach SHT, obwohl angenommen wird, dass die Entstehung eines Hirnödems den sekundären Hirnschaden vergrößert. In einer weitern Studie wurde untersucht, durch welchen Signalweg dieser zugrunde liegende Mechanismus aktiviert wird. In einem in-vitro BHS Model konnte gezeigt werden, dass C-reaktives Protein (CRP) über die Bindung an Fcγ-Rezeptoren den kontraktilen Apparat aktiviert und somit zu einem Öffnen der BHS führt. Obwohl der CRP Plasmaspiegel nach experimentellen SHT ansteigt, kommt es nicht zu einer Verringerungrndes Hirnwassergehaltes in FcγR-/- Mäusen. Die Entstehung des vasogenen Hirnödems wird im murinen CCI Model somit nicht über den Fcγ-Rezeptor vermittelt. Die in-vitro gezeigte Fcγ vermittelte Öffnung der BHS konnte in-vivo in dieser Studie nicht reproduziert werden. Mit der vorliegenden Studie kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass CRP über einen Fcγ unabhängigen Mechanismus eine Öffnung der BHS vermittelt. Jedoch deuten die Daten daraufhin, das CRP im murinen CCI Model eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt. Die FcγR-/- Mäuse zeigten allerdings ein deutlich reduziertes Kontusionsvolumen und eine reduzierte Mikroglia Aktivierung, was darauf hindeutet, dass FcγR eine wesentliche Rolle bei der zerebralen Inflammation spielen.rnIn dem Schadensmodell der experimentellen SAB konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Inhibition der MLCK die Folgen einer SAB mindert. Sie führt zu einer Senkung des Hirnödems, des intrakraniellen Drucks und Verbesserung der neurologischen Erholung nach experimenteller SAB. Die Ergebnisse unterstützen die Hypothese, dass die MLCK einer der Endpunkteffektor für verschiedene Mechanismen ist, welche die endotheliale Permeabilität sowohl nach SHT als auch nach SAB erhöhen.rnZusammenfassend lässt sich feststellen, dass in beiden zerebralen experimentellen Insulten die MLCK eine wichtige Rolle beim BHS Versagen spielt. Die Daten tragen dazu bei, den zugrundeliegenden Mechanismus der BHS Öffnung, der durch eine Aktivierung der MLCK hervorgerufen werden könnte, besser zu verstehen. Dies könnte zu Entwicklung neuer Medikamente für eine Therapie des zerebralen Hirnödems führen.
We present evidence for differential roles of Rho-kinase and myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) in regulating shape, adhesion, migration, and chemotaxis of human fibrosarcoma HT1080 cells on laminin-coated surfaces. Pharmacological inhibition of Rho-kinase by Y-27632 or inhibition of MLCK by W-7 or ML-7 resulted in significant attenuation of constitutive myosin light chain phosphorylation. Rho-kinase inhibition resulted in sickle-shaped cells featuring long, thin F-actin-rich protrusions. These cells adhered more strongly to laminin and migrated faster. Inhibition of MLCK in contrast resulted in spherical cells and marked impairment of adhesion and migration. Inhibition of myosin II activation with blebbistatin resulted in a morphology similar to that induced by Y-27632 and enhanced migration and adhesion. Cells treated first with blebbistatin and then with ML-7 also rounded up, suggesting that effects of MLCK inhibition on HT1080 cell shape and motility are independent of inhibition of myosin activity.
Aortic aneurysms and dissections are the 15th most common cause of death in the United States. Genetic factors contribute to the pathogenesis of thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections (TAAD). Currently, six loci and four genes have been identified for familial TAAD. Notably, mutations in smooth muscle cell (SMC) contractile genes, ACTA2 and MYH11, are responsible for 15% of familial TAAD, suggesting that proper SMC contraction is important for normal aorta function. Therefore, we hypothesize that mutations in other genes encoding SMC contractile proteins also cause familial TAAD. ^ To test this hypothesis, we used a candidate gene approach to identify causative mutations in SMC contractile genes for familial TAAD. Sequencing DNA in 80 TAAD patients from unrelated families, we identified putative mutations in eight contractile genes. We chose myosin light chain kinase (MLCK ) S1759P for further study for the following reasons: (1) Serine 1759 is conserved between vertebrates and invertebrates. (2) S1759P is predicted to be functionally deleterious by bioinformatics. (3) Low blood pressure is observed in SMC-selective MLCK-deficient mice. ^ In the presence of Ca2+/Calmodulin (CaM), MLCK containing CaM binding and kinase domains are activated to phosphorylate myosin light chain, thereby initiate SMC contraction. The CaM binding sequence of MLCK forms an α-helix structure required for CaM binding. MLCK Serine 1759 is located within the CaM binding domain. S1759P is predicted to decrease the α-helix composition in the CaM binding domain. Hence, we hypothesize that MLCK mutations cause TAAD through disturbing CaM binding and MLCK activity. ^ We further sequenced MLCK in DNA samples from additional 86 probands with familial TAAD. Two more mutations, MLCK A1754T and R1480Stop, were identified, supporting that MLCK mutations cause familial TAAD. ^ To define whether MLCK mutations disrupted CaM binding and MLCK activity, we performed co-immunoprecipitation and kinase assays. Decreased CaM binding and kinase activity was detected in A1754T and S1759P. Moreover, R1480Stop is predicted to truncate kinase and CaM binding domains. We conclude that MLCK mutations disrupt CaM binding and MLCK activity. ^ Collectively, our study is first to show mutations in genes regulating SMC contraction cause TAAD. This finding further highlights the importance of SMC contraction in maintaining aorta function. ^