999 resultados para MITOCHONDRIAL 16S


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The pharaoh cuttle Sepia pharaonis Ehrenberg, 1831 (Mollusca: Cephalopoda: Sepiida) is a broadly distributed species of substantial fisheries importance found from east Africa to southern Japan. Little is known about S. pharaonis phylogeography, but evidence from morphology and reproductive biology suggests that Sepia pharaonis is actually a complex of at least three species. To evaluate this possibility, we collected tissue samples from Sepia pharaonis from throughout its range. Phylogenetic analyses of partial mitochondrial 16S sequences from these samples reveal five distinct clades: a Gulf of Aden/Red Sea clade, a northern Australia clade, a Persian Gulf/Arabian Sea clade, a western Pacific clade (Gulf of Thailand and Taiwan) and an India/Andaman Sea clade. Phylogenetic analyses including several Sepia species show that S. pharaonis sensu lato may not be monophyletic. We suggest that "S. pharaonis" may consist of up to five species, but additional data will be required to fully clarify relationships within the S. pharaonis complex.


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We sequenced partial mitochondrial 16S ribosomal DNA (16S rDNA) of 18 firefly species from Southwest of China. Combined with homologous sequences previously reported, phylogenetic trees including Japanese, Korean and Chinese species were reconstructed by


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测定了4个种(红蹼树蛙、黑蹼树蛙、白斑小树蛙和红吸盘小树蛙)共11个种群的16S rRNA基因片段.双斑树蛙、马来棱皮树蛙、越南棱皮树蛙以及日本溪树蛙的同源序列通过GenBank检索获得.去除所有插入、缺失及模糊位点后,比对序列长度为500 bp,其中变异位点115个,简约信息位点92个.以日本溪树蛙为外群,运用Bayesian法、MP法和ML法构建了系统发育树.结果表明红蹼树蛙和白斑小树蛙在种级水平上均不是单系.红蹼树蛙海南种群与双斑树蛙亲缘关系更近,并且来自云南不同地理种群的红蹼树蛙可以分为两大支系;越南棱皮树蛙与红吸盘小树蛙聚为一支,马来棱皮树蛙嵌套在白斑小树蛙不同地理种群中.进而认为白斑小树蛙是马来棱皮树蛙的同物异名,建议将红吸盘小树蛙并入棱皮树蛙属.


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The mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequences from 93 cyprinid fishes were examined to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships within the diverse and economically important subfamily Cyprininae. Within the subfamily a biased nucleotide composition (A > T, C > G) was observed in the loop regions of the gene, and in stem regions apparent selective pressures of base pairing showed a bias in favor of G over C and T over A. The bias may be associated with transition-transversion bias. Rates of nucleotide substitution were lower in stems than in loops. Analysis of compensatory substitutions across these taxa demonstrates 68% covariation in the gene and a logical weighting factor to account for dependence in mutations for phylogenetic inference should be 0.66. Comparisons of varied stem-loop weighting schemes indicate that the down-weightings for stem regions could improve the phylogenetic analysis and the degree of non-independence of stem substitutions was not as important as expected. Bayesian inference under four models of nucleotide substitution indicated that likelihood-based phylogenetic analyses were more effective in improving the phylogenetic performance than was weighted parsimony analysis. In Bayesian analyses, the resolution of phylogenies under the 16-state models for paired regions, incorporating GTR + G + I models for unpaired regions was better than those under other models. The subfamily Cyprininae was resolved as a monophyletic group, as well as tribe Labein and several genera. However, the monophyly of the currently recognized tribes, such as Schizothoracin, Barbin, Cyprinion + Onychostoma lineages, and some genera was rejected. Furthermore, comparisons of the parsimony and Bayesian analyses and results of variable length bootstrap analysis indicates that the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene should contain important character variation to recover well-supported phylogeny of cyprinid taxa whose divergences occurred within the recent 8 MY, but could not provide resolution power for deep phylogenies spanning 10-19 MYA. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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The phylogenetic relationships within the family Penaeidae are examined based on mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis of 30 species from 20 genera. The analysis generally supports the three- tribe scheme proposed by Burkenroad ( 1983) but it is not consistent with the five- group classification of Kubo ( 1949). Three clades are resolved: ( Penaeus sensu stricto + Fenneropenaeus + Litopenaeus + Farfantepenaeus + Marsupenaeus + Melicertus + Funchalia + Heteropenaeus), ( Metapenaeus + Parapenaeopsis + Xiphopenaeus + Rimapenaeus + Megokris + Trachysalambria) and ( Metapenaeopsis + Penaeopsis + Parapenaeus), corresponding to the Penaeini, Trachypenaeini and Parapenaeini respectively, while the affinities of Atypopenaeus and Trachypenaeopsis are obscure. The molecular data support that Miyadiella represents the juvenile stage of Atypopenaeus. Within the Trachypenaeini, Trachypenaeus sensu lato is clearly paraphyletic, while the monophyly of Penaeus sensu lato in the Penaeini is questionable.


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The mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA gene is sequenced from 24 ingroups taxa, including 18 species from Labeoninae grouped in 13 genera. Phylogenetic analyses are subjected to neighbor joining, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that Labeoninae is basically a monophyletic assemblage and can be divided into 2 major clades: one comprising the genera Cirrhinus, Crossocheilus and Garra; and the other consisting of the genera Labeo, Sinilabeo, Osteochilus, Pseudoorossocheilus, Parasinilabeo. Ptychidio, Semilabeo, Pseudogyricheilus, Rectori and Discogobio. According to our present analysis, the features such as the presence of the adhesive disc on the chin and the pharyngeal teeth in 2 rows used in the traditional taxonomy of Labeoninae provide scarce information for phylogeny of labeonine fishes.


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Partial sequences of mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene were obtained by PCR amplification for comparisons among nine species of glyptosternoid fishes and six species of non-glyptosternoids representing 10 sisorid genera. There are compositional biases in the A-rich impaired regions and G-rich paired regions. A-G transitions are primarily responsible for the Ts/Tv bias in impaired regions. The overall substitution rate in impaired regions is almost two times higher than that in the paired regions. Saturation plots at comparable levels of sequence divergence demonstrate no saturation effects. Phylogenetic analyses using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods support the monophyly of Sisoridae. Chinese sisorid catfishes are composed of two major lineages, one represented by (Gagata (Bagarius, Glyptothorax)) and the other by "glyptosternoids + Pseudecheneis". The glyptosternoids may not be a monophyletic group. A previous hypothesis referring to Pseudecheneis as the sister group of monophyletic glyptosternoids, based on morphological evidence, is not supported by the molecular data. Pseudecheneis is shown to be a sister taxon of Glaridoglanis. Pareuchiloglanis might be paraphyletic with Pseudexostoma and Euchiloglanis. Our results also support the hypothesis that Pareuchiloglanis anteanalis might be considered as the synonyms of Pareuchiloglanis sinensis, and genus Euchiloglanis might have only one valid species, Euchiloglanis davidi.


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This study presents partial mitochondrial 16S rRNA sequences of 13 unionid bivalve species from China and analyses their relationships in combination with known data of 21 American mussels. According to our results, Chinese unionids, formerly regarded as two subfamilies, should be divided into three subfamilies: Ambleminae, Anodontinae and Unioninae. The genera Hyriopsis, Solenaia, Lamprotula and Ptychorhynchus, hitherto placed in Unioninae or Anodontinae, should be moved to the subfamily Ambleminae, demonstrated for the first time from China. The other genera recorded from China are suggested to belong to Anodontinae and Unioninae, which is in agreement with traditional classifications, except for the genus Lepidodesma.


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Based on the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal DNA partial sequences (473 bp) of 9 species of Pamphagidae (Acridoidea, Orthoptera) from China and of 4 species of Pamphagidae and 2 species of Pyrgomorphidae and Acrididae (as outgroups) retrieved from GenBank, we constructed the molecular phylogeny using the Neighbor Joining (NJ) and Minimum Evolution ( ME) methods based on the nucleotide Kimura 2-parameter model. The results of our study shown that: 1) the ranges of the 16S rDNA nucleotide divergence between two species of a genus were 0.21%, among genera of a subfamily were 0.42-3.38%, and among subfamilies of Pamphagidae were 1.90-8.88%, respectively. The phylogenetic tree shows that: 1) all Pamphagidae taxa form a monophyletic clade, and are well separated from the outgroup; 2) the African taxa Porthetinae (Lobosceliana brevicornis) and Akicerinae (Batrachotetrix sp.) are distinctly separated from the Chinese taxa Prionotropisinae; 3) Haplotropis bruneriana and Glauia terrea of Pamphaginae are nested in the middle of the tree, but their phylogenetic status is uncertain in this study; 4) 8 genera of Asiotmethis, Beybienkia, Mongolotmethis, Sinotmethis, Rhinotmethis, Filchnerella, Eotmethis and Pseudotmethis from China are all grouped into the subfamily Prionotropisinae, but their phylogenetic relationships are not clearly resolved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study uses nucleotide sequences from the 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene to investigate the taxonomy and phylogeny of freshwater crayfish belonging to the 'Cherax destructor' complex. The sequencing of an approximately 440-bp fragment of this gene region from freshwater crayfish sampled from 14 locations identified significant haplotype diversity. Phylogenetic analysis found three distinct clades that correspond to the species C. rotundus, C. setosus and C. destructor. C. rotundus is largely confined to Victoria, and C. setosus is restricted to coastal areas north of Newcastle in New South Wales. C. destructor is widely distributed in eastern Australia and shows significant phylogeographic structure, with three well supported clades. None of these clades, however, correspond to species previously recognised as C. esculus, C. davisi or C. albidus. The failure to genetically distinguish these morphologically defined species is consistent with reproductive information and morphological plasticity relating to habitat similar to that documented for other Cherax species.


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The phylogenetic relationships of the order Pleuronectiformes are controversial and at some crucial points remain unresolved. To date most phylogenetic studies on this order have been based on morpho-anatomical criteria, whereas only a few sequence comparisons based studies have been reported. In the present study, the phylogenetic relationships of 30 flatfish species pertaining to seven different families were examined by sequence analysis of the first half of the 16S mitochondrial DNA gene. The results obtained did not support percoids as the sister group of pleuronectiforms. The monophyletic origin of most families analyzed, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae, Achiridae, Pleuronectidae and Bothidae, was strongly supported, except for Paralichthyidae which was clearly subdivided into two groups, one of them associated with high confidence to Pleuronectidae. The analysis of the 16S rRNA gene also suggested the monophyly of Pleuronectiforms as the most probable hypothesis and consistently supported some major interfamily groupings.


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Approximately 350 base pairs (bp) of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene were used to study the phylogenetic relationships among 5 genera of the clawed lobster family Nephropidae (infraorder Astacidea), including Homarus, Homarinus, Metanephrops, Nephrops, and Nephropsis. Maximum-parsimony analysis, using a hermit crab, Pagurus pollicaris (infraorder Anomura), as an outgroup. produced a tree topology in which Homarus and Nephrops formed a well-supported clade that excluded Homarinus. The same tree topology was obtained from both neighbor-joining and maximum-likelihood analyses, Some morphological characters that appear synapomorphic for Nephrops and Metanephrops may be due to convergence rather than symplesiomorphy. The current taxonomy, therefore, does not reflect the phylogeny of this group as suggested by the molecular data. More molecular data and studies using homologous morphological characters me needed to reach a better understanding of the phylogenetic history of clawed lobsters.


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The evolutionary relationships of the freshwater prawn genus Macrobrachium are obscure. Members of this genus are widely distributed across tropical and subtropical regions. The phylogenetic relationships among the seven endemic and six non-endemic Australian Macrobrachium, along with five non-Australian species, were inferred from the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene sequences. Methods of analysis yielded phylogenetic trees of differing topologies; however, none supported a monophyletic origin for endemic Australian Macrobrachium. Enforced monophyly of a single origin of endemic Macrobrachium was statistically tested and rejected. These results support the view that the endemic Australian Macrobrachium arose from multiple origins. Previous biogeographical hypotheses related to the radiation of Macrobrachium into Australia are re-examined in the context of these results.


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We sequenced part of the 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene in 17 extant taxa of Pilosa (sloths and anteaters) and used these sequences along with GenBank sequences of both extant and extinct sloths to perform phylogenetic analysis based on parsimony, maximum-likelihood and Bayesian methods. By increasing the taxa density for anteaters and sloths we were able to clarify some points of the Pilosa phylogenetic tree. Our mitochondrial 16S results show Bradypodidae as a monophyletic and robustly supported clade in all the analysis. However, the Pleistocene fossil Mylodon darwinii does not group significantly to either Bradypodidae or Megalonychidae which indicates that trichotomy best represents the relationship between the families Mylodontidae, Bradypodidae and Megalonychidae. Divergence times also allowed us to discuss the taxonomic status of Cyclopes and the three species of three-toed sloths, Bradypus tridactylus, Bradypus variegatus and Bradypus torquatus. In the Bradypodidae the split between Bradypus torquatus and the proto-Bradypus tridactylus / B. variegatus was estimated as about 7.7 million years ago (MYA), while in the Myrmecophagidae the first offshoot was Cyclopes at about 31.8 MYA followed by the split between Myrmecophaga and Tamandua at 12.9 MYA. We estimate the split between sloths and anteaters to have occurred at about 37 MYA.