191 resultados para MICROGLIA


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Microglia are the resident macrophage-like populations in the central nervous system (CNS). Microglia remain quiescent, unable to perform effector and antigen presentation (APC) functions until activated by injury or infection, and have been suggested to represent the first line of defence for the CNS. Previous studies demonstrated that microglia can be persistently infected by neurotropic mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) which causes meningoencephalitis, myelitis with subsequent axonal loss, and demyelination and serve as a virus-induced model of human neurological disease multiple sclerosis (MS). Current studies revealed that MHV infection is associated with the pronounced activation of microglia during acute inflammation, as evidenced by characteristic changes in cellular morphology and increased expression of microglia-specific proteins, Iba1 (ionized calcium-binding adaptor molecule 1), which is a macrophage/microglia-specific novel calcium-binding protein and involved in membrane ruffling and phagocytosis. During chronic inflammation (day 30 postinfection), microglia were still present within areas of demyelination. Experiments performed in ex vivo spinal cord slice culture and in vitro neonatal microglial culture confirmed direct microglial infection. Our results suggest that MHV can directly infect and activate microglia during acute inflammation, which in turn during chronic inflammation stage causes phagocytosis of myelin sheath leading to chronic inflammatory demyelination.


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Erratun publicado en Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 7 : (2013) // Article ID 107


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Microglia are the resident brain macrophages and they have been traditionally studied as orchestrators of the brain inflammatory response during infections and disease. In addition, microglia has a more benign, less explored role as the brain professional phagocytes. Phagocytosis is a term coined from the Greek to describe the receptor-mediated engulfment and degradation of dead cells and microbes. In addition, microglia phagocytoses brain-specific cargo, such as axonal and myelin debris in spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis, amyloid-beta deposits in Alzheimer's disease, and supernumerary synapses in postnatal development. Common mechanisms of recognition, engulfment, and degradation of the different types of cargo are assumed, but very little is known about the shared and specific molecules involved in the phagocytosis of each target by microglia. More importantly, the functional consequences of microglial phagocytosis remain largely unexplored. Overall, phagocytosis is considered a beneficial phenomenon, since it eliminates dead cells and induces an anti-inflammatory response. However, phagocytosis can also activate the respiratory burst, which produces toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). Phagocytosis has been traditionally studied in pathological conditions, leading to the assumption that microglia have to be activated inorder to become efficient phagocytes. Recent data, however, has shown that unchallenged microglia phagocytose apoptotic cells during development and in adult neurogenic niches, suggesting an overlooked role in brain remodeling throughout the normal lifespan. The present review will summarize the current state of the literature regarding the role of microglial phagocytosis in maintaining tissue homeostasis in health as in disease.


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The formation of cerebral senile plaques composed of amyloid beta peptide (A beta) is a fundamental feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Glial cells and more specifically microglia become reactive in the presence of A beta. In a triple transgenic model of AD (3 x Tg-AD), we found a significant increase in activated microglia at 12 (by 111%) and 18 (by 88%) months of age when compared with non-transgenic (non-Tg) controls. This microglial activation correlated with A beta plaque formation, and the activation in microglia was closely associated with A beta plaques and smaller A beta deposits. We also found a significant increase in the area density of resting microglia in 3 x Tg-AD animals both at plaque-free stage (at 9 months by 105%) and after the development of A plaques (at 12 months by 54% and at 18 months by 131%). Our results show for the first time that the increase in the density of resting microglia precedes both plaque formation and activation of microglia by extracellular A beta accumulation. We suggest that AD pathology triggers a complex microglial reaction: at the initial stages of the disease the number of resting microglia increases, as if in preparation for the ensuing activation in an attempt to fight the extracellular A beta load that is characteristic of the terminal stages of the disease. Cell Death and Disease (2010) 1, e1; doi:10.1038/cddis.2009.2; published online 14 January 2010


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In this thesis, we explore the density of the microglia in the cerebral and cerebellar cortices of individuals with autism to investigate the hypothesis that neuroinflammation is involved in autism. We describe in our findings an increase in microglial density in two disparate cortical regions, frontal insular cortex and visual cortex, in individuals with autism (Tetreault et al., 2012). Our results imply that there is a global increase in the microglial density and neuroinflammation in the cerebral cortex of individuals with autism.

We expanded our cerebellar study to additional neurodevelopmental disorders that exhibit similar behaviors to autism spectrum disorder and have known cerebellar pathology. We subsequently found a more than threefold increase in the microglial density specific to the molecular layer of the cerebellum, which is the region of the Purkinje and parallel fiber synapses, in individuals with autism and Rett syndrome. Moreover, we report that not only is there an increase in microglia density in the molecular layer, the microglial cell bodies are significantly larger in perimeter and area in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and Rett syndrome compared to controls that implies that the microglia are activated. Additionally, an individual with Angelman syndrome and the sibling of an individual with autism have microglial densities similar to the individuals with autism and Rett syndrome. By contrast, an individual with Joubert syndrome, which is a developmental hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis, had a normal density of microglia, indicating the specific pathology in the cerebellum does not necessarily result in increased microglial densities. We found a significant decrease in Purkinje cells specific to the cerebellar vermis in individuals with autism.

These findings indicate the importance for investigation of the Purkinje synapses in autism and that the relationship between the microglia and the synapses is of great utility in understanding the pathology in autism. Together, these data provide further evidence for the neuroinflammation hypothesis in autism and a basis for future investigation of neuroinflammation in autism. In particular, investigating the function of microglia in modifying synaptic connectivity in the cerebellum may provide key insights into developing therapeutics in autism spectrum disorder.


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Microglia are largely known as the major orchestrators of the brain inflammatory response. As such, they have been traditionally studied in various contexts of disease, where their activation has been assumed to induce a wide range of detrimental effects. In the last few years, a series of discoveries have challenged the current view of microglia, showing their active and positive contribution to normal brain function. This Research Topic will review the novel physiological roles of microglia in the developing, mature and aging brain, under non-pathological conditions. In particular, this Research Topic will discuss the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which microglia contribute to the formation, pruning and plasticity of synapses; the maintenance of the blood brain barrier; the regulation of adult neurogenesis and hippocampal learning; and neuronal survival, among other important roles. Because these novel findings defy our understanding of microglial function in health as much as in disease, this Research Topic will also summarize the current view of microglial nomenclature, phenotypes, origin and differentiation, sex differences, and contribution to various brain pathologies. Additionally, novel imaging approaches and molecular tools to study microglia in their non-activated state will be discussed. In conclusion, this Research Topic seeks to emphasize how the current research in neuroscience is challenged by never-resting microglia.


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Background: There is growing evidence that microglia are key players in the pathological process of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). It is suggested that microglia have a dual role in motoneurone degeneration through the release of both neuroprotective and neurotoxic factors. Results: To identify candidate genes that may be involved in ALS pathology we have analysed at early symptomatic age (P90), the molecular signature of microglia from the lumbar region of the spinal cord of hSOD1(G93A) mice, the most widely used animal model of ALS. We first identified unique hSOD1(G93A) microglia transcriptomic profile that, in addition to more classical processes such as chemotaxis and immune response, pointed toward the potential involvement of the tumour suppressor gene breast cancer susceptibility gene 1 (Brca1). Secondly, comparison with our previous data on hSOD1(G93A) motoneurone gene profile substantiated the putative contribution of Brca1 in ALS. Finally, we established that Brca1 protein is specifically expressed in human spinal microglia and is up-regulated in ALS patients. Conclusions: Overall, our data provide new insights into the pathogenic concept of a non-cell-autonomous disease and the involvement of microglia in ALS. Importantly, the identification of Brca1 as a novel microglial marker and as possible contributor in both human and animal model of ALS may represent a valid therapeutic target. Moreover, our data points toward novel research strategies such as investigating the role of oncogenic proteins in neurodegenerative diseases.


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Under the guidance of Ramon y Cajal, a plethora of students flourished and began to apply his silver impregnation methods to study brain cells other than neurons: the neuroglia. In the first decades of the twentieth century, Nicolas Achucarro was one of the first researchers to visualize the brain cells with phagocytic capacity that we know today as microglia. Later, his pupil Pio del Rio-Hortega developed modifications of Achucarro's methods and was able to specifically observe the fine morphological intricacies of microglia. These findings contradicted Cajal's own views on cells that he thought belonged to the same class as oligodendroglia (the so called "third element" of the nervous system), leading to a long-standing discussion. It was only in 1924 that Rio-Hortega's observations prevailed worldwide, thus recognizing microglia as a unique cell type. This late landing in the Neuroscience arena still has repercussions in the twenty first century, as microglia remain one of the least understood cell populations of the healthy brain. For decades, microglia in normal, physiological conditions in the adult brain were considered to be merely "resting," and their contribution as "activated" cells to the neuroinflammatory response in pathological conditions mostly detrimental. It was not until microglia were imaged in real time in the intact brain using two-photon in vivo imaging that the extreme motility of their fine processes was revealed. These findings led to a conceptual revolution in the field: "resting" microglia are constantly surveying the brain parenchyma in normal physiological conditions. Today, following Cajal's school of thought, structural and functional investigations of microglial morphology, dynamics, and relationships with neurons and other glial cells are experiencing a renaissance and we stand at the brink of discovering new roles for these unique immune cells in the healthy brain, an essential step to understand their causal relationship to diseases.


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Fundus autofluorescence (AF) imaging by confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy has been widely used by ophthalmologists in the diagnosis/monitoring of various retinal disorders. It is believed that fundus AF is derived from lipofuscin in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells; however, direct clinicopathological correlation has not been possible in humans. We examined fundus AF by confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy and confocal microscopy in normal C57BL/6 mice of different ages. Increasingly strong AF signals were observed with age in the neuroretina and subretinal/RPE layer by confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. Unlike fundus AF detected in normal human subjects, mouse fundus AF appeared as discrete foci distributed throughout the retina. Most of the AF signals in the neuroretina were distributed around retinal vessels. Confocal microscopy of retinal and choroid/RPE flat mounts demonstrated that most of the AF signals were derived from Iba-1+ perivascular and subretinal microglia. An age-dependent accumulation of Iba-1+ microglia at the subretinal space was observed. Lipofuscin granules were detected in large numbers in subretinal microglia by electron microscopy. The number of AF+ microglia and the amount of AF granules/cell increased with age. AF granules/lipofuscin were also observed in RPE cells in mice older than 12 months, but the number of AF+ RPE cells was very low (1.48 mm-2 and 5.02 mm-2 for 12 and 24 months, respectively) compared to the number of AF+ microglial cells (20.63 mm-2 and 76.36 mm-2 for 6 and 24 months, respectively). The fluorescence emission fingerprints of AF granules in subretinal microglia were the same as those in RPE cells. Our observation suggests that perivascular and subretinal microglia are the main cells producing lipofuscin in normal aged mouse retina and are responsible for in vivo fundus AF. Microglia may play an important role in retinal aging and age-related retinal diseases.


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Purpose. To develop a protocol for isolating and culturing murine adult retinal microglia and to characterize the phenotype and function of the cultured cells. Method. Retinal single-cell suspensions were prepared from adult MF1 mice. Culture conditions including culture medium, growth factors, seeding cell density, and purification of microglia from the mixed cultures were optimised. Cultured retinal microglial cells were phenotyped using the surface markers CD45, CD11b, and F4/80. Their ability to secrete proinflammatory cytokines in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation was examined using cytometric bead array (CBA) assay. Results. Higher yield was obtained when retinal single-cell suspension was cultured at the density of cells per cm2 in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium (DMEM)/F12 + Glutamax supplement with 20% fetal calf serum (FCS) and 20% L929 supernatant. We identified day 10 to be the optimum day of microglial isolation. Over 98% of the cells isolated were positive for CD45, CD11b, and F4/80. After stimulating with LPS they were able to secrete proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF-α and express CD86, CD40, and MHC-II. Conclusion. We have developed a simple method for isolating and culturing retinal microglia from adult mice.


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BACKGROUND: Reactive microglia are commonly seen in retinal degenerative diseases, and neurotoxic microglia responses can contribute to photoreceptor cell death. We and others have previously shown that translocator protein (18 kDa) (TSPO) is highly induced in retinal degenerations and that the selective TSPO ligand XBD173 (AC-5216, emapunil) exerts strong anti-inflammatory effects on microglia in vitro and ex vivo. Here, we investigated whether targeting TSPO with XBD173 has immuno-modulatory and neuroprotective functions in two mouse models of acute retinal degeneration using bright white light exposure.

METHODS: BALB/cJ and Cx3cr1 (GFP/+) mice received intraperitoneal injections of 10 mg/kg XBD173 or vehicle for five consecutive days, starting 1 day prior to exposure to either 15,000 lux white light for 1 h or 50,000 lux focal light for 10 min, respectively. The effects of XBD173 treatment on microglia and Müller cell reactivity were analyzed by immuno-stainings of retinal sections and flat mounts, fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis, and mRNA expression of microglia markers using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Optical coherence tomography (OCT), terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) stainings, and morphometric analyses were used to quantify the extent of retinal degeneration and photoreceptor apoptosis.

RESULTS: Four days after the mice were challenged with bright white light, a large number of amoeboid-shaped alerted microglia appeared in the degenerating outer retina, which was nearly completely prevented by treatment with XBD173. This treatment also down-regulated the expression of TSPO protein in microglia but did not change the TSPO levels in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). RT-PCR analysis showed that the microglia/macrophage markers Cd68 and activated microglia/macrophage whey acidic protein (Amwap) as well as the pro-inflammatory genes Ccl2 and Il6 were reduced after XBD173 treatment. Light-induced degeneration of the outer retina was nearly fully blocked by XBD173 treatment. We further confirmed these findings in an independent mouse model of focal light damage. Retinas of animals receiving XBD173 therapy displayed significantly more ramified non-reactive microglia and more viable arrestin-positive cone photoreceptors than vehicle controls.

CONCLUSIONS: Targeting TSPO with XBD173 effectively counter-regulates microgliosis and ameliorates light-induced retinal damage, highlighting a new pharmacological concept for the treatment of retinal degenerations.