176 resultados para MICROCHANNEL


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Red Blood Cells (RBCs) exhibit different types of motions and different deformed shapes, when they move through capillaries. RBCs can travel through capillaries having smaller diameters than RBCs’ diameter, due to the capacity of high deformability of the viscoelastic RBC membrane. The motion and the steady state shape of the RBCs depend on many factors, such as the geometrical parameters of the microvessel through which blood flows, the RBC membrane bending stiffness and the flow velocity. In this study, the effect of the RBC’s membrane stiffness on the deformation of a single RBC in a stenosed capillary is comprehensively examined. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) in combination with the two-dimensional spring network membrane model is used to investigate the motion and the deformation property of the RBC. The simulation results demonstrate that the membrane bending stiffness of the RBC has a significant impact on the RBCs’ deformability.


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In the present study, the heat transfer characteristics of thermally developing magnetohydroclynamic flow of nanofluid through microchannel are delineated by following a semi analytical approach. The combined influences of pressure driven flow, electroosmotic transport and magnetic field is taken into account for the analysis of the complex microscale thermal transport processes. Solutions for the normalized temperature distributions and the Nusselt number variations, considering the simultaneous interplay of electrokinetic effects (electroosmosis), magnetic effects, Joule heating and viscous dissipation are obtained, for constant wall temperature condition. Particular attention is paid to assess the role of nanolluids in altering the transport phenomena, through variations in the effective nanoparticle volume fractions, as well as the aggregate structure of the particulate phases. It is observed that magnetohydrodynamic effect reduces advective transport of the liquid resulting in gradual reduction of heat transfer. Increase in nanoparticle volume fraction shows decrease in heat transfer. Similar effects are observed with increase in aggregate sizes of the nanoparticles. The effect of the nanofluids on system irreversibility is also studied through entropy generation analysis due to flow and heat transfer in the microchannel. Total entropy generation is found to be dominant at the thermally developing region of the microchannel, whereas it drops sharply at the thermally developed region. Presence of nanoparticles in the base fluid reduces the total entropy generation in the microchannel, thereby indicating decrease in thermodynamic irreversibility with increasing nanoparticle volume fraction. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper critically analyzes, for the first time, the effect of nanofluid on thermally fully developed magnetohydrodynamic flows through microchannel, by considering combined effects of externally applied pressure gradient and electroosmosis. The classical boundary condition of uniform wall heat flux is considered, and the effects of viscous dissipation as well as Joule heating have been taken into account. Closed-form analytical expressions for the pertinent velocity and temperature distributions and the Nusselt number variations are obtained, in order to examine the role of nanofluids in influencing the fully developed thermal transport in electroosmotic microflows under the effect of magnetic field. Fundamental considerations are invoked to ascertain the consequences of particle agglomeration on the thermophysical properties of the nanofluid. The present theoretical formalism addresses the details of the interparticle interaction kinetics in tune with the pertinent variations in the effective particulate dimensions, volume fractions of the nanoparticles, as well as the aggregate structure of the particulate system. It is revealed that the inclusion of nanofluid changes the transport characteristics and system irreversibility to a considerable extent and can have significant consequences in the design of electroosmotically actuated microfluidic systems.


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The room-temperature synthesis of mono-dispersed gold nanoparticles, by the reduction of chlorauric acid (HAuCl4) with tannic acid as the reducing and stabilizing agent, is carried out in a microchannel. The microchannel is fabricated with one soft wall, so that there is a spontaneous transition to turbulence, and thereby enhanced mixing, when the flow Reynolds number increases beyond a critical value. The objective of the study is to examine whether the nanoparticle size and polydispersity can be modified by enhancing the mixing in the microchannel device. The flow rates are varied in order to study nanoparticle formation both in laminar flow and in the chaotic flow after transition, and the molar ratio of the chlorauric acid to tannic acid is also varied to study the effect of molar ratio on nanoparticle size. The formation of gold nanoparticles is examined by UV-visual spectroscopy and the size distribution is determined using scanning electron microscopy. The synthesized nanoparticles size decreases from a parts per thousand yen6 nm to a parts per thousand currency sign4 nm when the molar ratio of chlorauric acid to tannic acid is increased from 1 to 20. It is found that there is no systematic variation of nanoparticle size with flow velocity, and the nanoparticle size is not altered when the flow changes from laminar to turbulent. However, the standard deviation of the size distribution decreases by about 30% after transition, indicating that the enhanced mixing results in uniformity of particle size.


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In comparison to the flow in a rigid channel, there is a multifold reduction in the transition Reynolds number for the flow in a microchannel when one of the walls is made sufficiently soft, due to a dynamical instability induced by the fluid-wall coupling, as shown by Verma & Kumaran (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 727, 2013, pp. 407-455). The flow after transition is characterised using particle image velocimetry in the x-y plane, where x is the streamwise direction and y is the cross-stream coordinate along the small dimension of the channel of height 0.2-0.3 mm. The flow after transition is characterised by a mean velocity profile that is flatter at the centre and steeper at the walls in comparison to that for a laminar flow. The root mean square of the streamwise fluctuating velocity shows a characteristic sharp increase away from the wall and a maximum close to the wall, as observed in turbulent flows in rigid-walled channels. However, the profile is asymmetric, with a significantly higher maximum close to the soft wall in comparison to that close to the hard wall, and the Reynolds stress is found to be non-zero at the soft wall, indicating that there is a stress exerted by fluid velocity fluctuations on the wall. The maximum of the root mean square of the velocity fluctuations and the Reynolds stress (divided by the fluid density) in the soft-walled microchannel for Reynolds numbers in the range 250-400, when scaled by suitable powers of the maximum velocity, are comparable to those in a rigid channel at Reynolds numbers in the range 5000-20 000. The near-wall velocity profile shows no evidence of a viscous sublayer for (y upsilon(*)/nu) as low as two, but there is a logarithmic layer for (y upsilon(*)/nu) up to approximately 30, where the von Karman constants are very different from those for a rigid-walled channel. Here, upsilon(*) is the friction velocity, nu is the kinematic viscosity and y is the distance from the soft surface. The surface of the soft wall in contact with the fluid is marked with dye spots to monitor the deformation and motion along the fluid-wall interface. Low-frequency oscillations in the displacement of the surface are observed after transition in both the streamwise and spanwise directions, indicating that the velocity fluctuations are dynamically coupled to motion in the solid.


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The potential of textured hydrophobic surfaces to provide substantial drag reduction has been attributed to the presence of air bubbles trapped on the surface cavities. In this paper, we present results on water flow past a textured hydrophobic surface, while systematically varying the absolute pressure close to the surface. Trapped air bubbles on the surface are directly visualized, along with simultaneous pressure drop measurements across the surface in a microchannel configuration. We find that varying the absolute pressure within the channel greatly influences the trapped air bubble behavior, causing a consequent effect on the pressure drop (drag). When the absolute pressure within the channel is maintained below atmospheric pressure, we find that the air bubbles grow in size, merge and eventually detach from the surface. This growth and subsequent merging of the air bubbles leads to a substantial increase in the pressure drop. On the other hand, a pressure above the atmospheric pressure within the channel leads to gradual shrinkage and eventual disappearance of trapped air bubbles. We find that in this case, air bubbles do cause reduction in the pressure drop with the minimum pressure drop (or maximum drag reduction) occurring when the bubbles are flush with the surface. These results show that the trapped air bubble dynamics and the pressure drop across a textured hydrophobic microchannel are very significantly dependent on the absolute pressure within the channel. The results obtained hold important implications toward achieving sustained drag reduction in microfluidic applications.


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用去离子水及有机液体在内径约为25μm的石英圆管内进行了流量特性实验.液体分子量范围为18~160,动力黏性系数的范围为0.5~1 mPa.s.实验雷诺数范围为Re<8.所用有机液体为:四氯化碳、乙基苯及环己烷都是非极性液体,其分子结构尺度小于1 nm.实验结果表明,在定常层流条件下,圆管内的液体流量与两端压力差成正比,其压力-流量关系仍符合经典的Hagen-Poiseuille流动.这说明非极性小分子有机液体在本实验所用微米尺度管道中其流动规律仍符合连续介质假设.鉴于微尺度流动实验的特殊性,文中还介绍了微流动实验装置,分析了微尺度流动测量误差来源及提高测量精度的措施.


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Measured mass flow rates and streamwise pressure distributions of gas flowing through microchannels were reported by many researchers. Assessment of these data is crucial before they are used in the examination of slip models and numerical schemes, and in the design of microchannel elements in various MEMS devices. On the basis of kinetic solutions of the mass flow rates and pressure distributions in microchannel gas flows, the measured data available are properly normalized and then are compared with each other. The 69 normalized data of measured pressure distributions are in excellent agreement, and 67 of them are within 1 +/- 0.05. The normalized data of mass flow-rates ranging between 0.95 and 1 agree well with each other as the inlet Knudsen number Kn (i) < 0.02, but they scatter between 0.85 and 1.15 as Kn (i) > 0.02 with, to some extent, a very interesting bifurcation trend.


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The gas flows in micro-electro-mechanical systems possess relatively large Knudsen number and usually belong to the slip flow and transitional flow regimes. Recently the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) was proposed by Nie et al. in Journal of Statistical Physics, vol. 107, pp. 279-289, in 2002 to simulate the microchannel and microcavity flows in the transitional flow regime. The present article intends to test the feasibility of doing so. The results of using the lattice Boltzmann method and the direct simulation Monte Carlo method show good agreement between them for small Kn (Kn = 0.0194), poor agreement for Kn = 0.194, and large deviation for Kn = 0.388 in simulating microchannel flows. This suggests that the present version of the lattice Boltzmann method is not feasible to simulate the transitional channel flow.


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Focusing particles into a tight stream is usually a necessary step prior to separating and sorting them. We present herein a proof-of-concept experiment of a novel particle focusing technique in DC electrokinetic flow through a planar serpentine microchannel. This focusing stems from the cross-stream dielectrophoretic motion induced within the channel turns. The observed particle focusing behavior is consistent with the predicted particle trajectories from a numerical modeling.


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In this work, we measured 14 horizontal velocity profiles along the vertical direction of a rectangular microchannel with aspect ratio alpha = h/w = 0.35 (h is the height of the channel and w is the width of the channel) using microPIV at Re = 1.8 and 3.6. The experimental velocity profiles are compared with the full 3D theoretical solution, and also with a Poiseuille parabolic profile. It is shown that the experimental velocity profiles in the horizontal and vertical planes are in agreement with the theoretical profiles, except for the planes close to the wall. The discrepancies between the experimental data and 3D theoretical results in the center vertical plane are less than 3.6%. But the deviations between experimental data and Poiseuille's results approaches 5%. It indicates that 2D Poiseuille profile is no longer a perfect theoretical approximation since a = 0.35. The experiments also reveal that, very near the hydrophilic wall (z = 0.5-1 mu m), the measured velocities are significantly larger than the theoretical velocity based on the no-slip assumption. A proper discussion on some physical effects influencing the near wall velocity measurement is given.


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This paper reports the design and numerical analysis of a three-dimensional biochip plasma blood separator using computational fluid dynamics techniques. Based on the initial configuration of a two-dimensional (2D) separator, five three-dimensional (3D) microchannel biochip designs are categorically developed through axial and plenary symmetrical expansions. These include the geometric variations of three types of the branch side channels (circular, rectangular, disc) and two types of the main channel (solid and concentric). Ignoring the initial transient behaviour and assuming that steady-state flow has been established, the behaviour of the blood fluid in the devices is algebraically analysed and numerically modelled. The roles of the relevant microchannel mechanisms, i.e. bifurcation, constriction and bending channel, on promoting the separation process are analysed based on modelling results. The differences among the different 3D implementations are compared and discussed. The advantages of 3D over 2D separator in increasing separation volume and effectively depleting cell-free layer fluid from the whole cross section circumference are addressed and illustrated. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper describes the design and development cycle of a 3D biochip separator and the modelling analysis of flow behaviour in the biochip microchannel features. The focus is on identifying the difference between 2D and 3D implementations as well as developing basic forms of 3D microfluidic separators. Five variants, based around the device are proposed and analysed. These include three variations of the branch channels (circular, rectangular, disc) and two variations of the main channel (solid and concentric). Ignoring the initial transient behaviour and assuming steady state flow has been established, the efficiencies of the flow between the main and side channels for the different designs are analysed and compared with regard to relevant biomicrofluidic laws or effects (bifurcation law, Fahraeus effect, cell-free phenomenon, bending channel effect and laminar flow behaviour). The modelling results identify flow features in microchannels, a constriction and bifurcations and show detailed differences in flow fields between the various designs. The manufacturing process using injection moulding for the initial base case design is also presented and discussed. The work reported here is supported as part of the UK funded 3D-MINTEGRATION project. © 2010 IEEE.


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