11 resultados para MIB1


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Aims: To evaluate whether ki-67 labelling index (LI) has independent prognostic value for survival of patients with bladder urothelial tumours graded according to the 2004 World Health Organisation classification. Methods: Ki-67 LI was evaluated in 164 cases using the grid counting method. Non-invasive (stage Ta) tumours were: papilloma (n = 5), papillary urothelial neoplasia of low malignant potential (PUNLMP; n = 26), and low (LG; n = 34) or high grade (HG; n = 15) papillary urothelial carcinoma. Early invasive (stage T1) tumours were: LG (n = 58) and HG (n = 26) carcinoma. Statistical analysis included Fisher and x2 tests, and mean comparisons by ANOVA and t test. Univariate and multivariate survival analyses were performed according to the Kaplan–Meier method with log rank test and Cox’s proportional hazard method. Results: Mean ki-67 LI increased from papilloma to PUNLMP, LG, and HG in stage Ta (p,0.0001) and from LG to HG in stage T1 (p = 0.013) tumours. High tumour proliferation (.13%) was related to greater tumour size (p = 0.036), recurrence (p = 0.036), progression (p = 0.035), survival (p = 0.054), and high p53 accumulation (p = 0.015). Ki-67 LI and tumour size were independent predictors of disease free survival (DFS), but only ki-67 LI was related to progression free survival (PFS). Cancer specific overall survival (OS) was related to ki-67 LI, tumour size, and p27kip1 downregulation. Ki-67 LI was the main independent predictor of DFS (p = 0.0005), PFS (p = 0.0162), and cancer specific OS (p = 00195). Conclusion: Tumour proliferation measured by Ki-67 LI is related to tumour recurrence, stage progression, and is an independent predictor of DFS, PFS, and cancer specific OS in TaT1 bladder urothelial cell carcinoma.


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Neuroendocrine tumors (NET) are routinely graded and staged to judge prognosis. Proliferation index using MIB1 staining has been introduced to assess grading. There are vivid discussions on cutoff definitions, automated counting, and interobserver variability. However, no data exist regarding interlaboratory reproducibility for low proliferation indices which are of importance to discriminate between G1 and G2 NET. We performed MIB1 staining in three different university hospital-based pathology laboratories on a tissue micro array (TMA) of a well-characterized patient cohort, containing pancreatic NET of 61 patients. To calculate the proliferation index, number of positive tumor nuclei was divided by the total number of tumor nuclei. Labeling index was compared to mitotic counts in whole tissue sections and to clinical outcome. Linear regression analysis, intraclass comparison, and log-rank analysis were performed. Intraclass correlation showed moderate-to-fair agreement. Especially low proliferating tumors were affected by interlaboratory differences. Log-rank analysis was performed for each lab and resulted in three different cutoffs (5.0, 3.0, and 0.5 %). Every calculated cutoff stratified the patient cohort to a significant extent for the underlying stain (p < 0.001, <0.001, and <0.001) but showed no or lesser significance when applied to the other stains. Significant and relevant interlab differences for MIB1 exist. Since the MIB1 proliferation index influences grading, local cutoffs or external standardization should urgently be introduced to achieve reliability and reproducibility.


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O presente estudo reporta o caso de uma mulher de 63 anos da qual a única informação clínica era a suspeita de um sarcoma da cérvix. Simultaneamente à colpocitologia, foram enviadas biópsias do colo e do endométrio para diagnóstico. A visualização da amostra citológica revelou vários agregados de número variável de células monótonas, com tamanho pequeno, formato redondo e citoplasma escasso, num fundo com diátese. Os núcleos apresentavam moldagem, hipercromasia, cromatina “sal-e-pimenta” e ausência de nucléolos. O aspeto microscópico das biópsias foi concordante com os achados citológicos, tendo sido igualmente identificados focos glanduliformes com características atípicas. A neoplasia mostrou expressão imunohistoquímica dos antigénios enolase neurónio-específica (neuron specific enolase, NSE), sinaptofisina e citoqueratina (clones AE1/AE3), e uma elevada atividade proliferativa demonstrada pela imunorreactividade para o marcador nuclear Ki67/Mib1. Os achados citológicos, histológicos e imunohistoquímicos foram consistentes com o diagnóstico de carcinoma neuroendócrino de pequenas células. Dos tumores cervicais, esta neoplasia maligna é das mais raras, mostrando um comportamento muito agressivo, com prognóstico muito pobre, em que as terapêuticas existentes são pouco consensuais quanto à sua eficácia. A sua etiologia ainda é estudada, podendo estar relacionada com a infeção pelo Vírus do Papiloma Humano.


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Se trabaja con materiales de citologías y biopsias de cervix uterino en un grupo de pacientes controles biopsiados por otras sospechas clínicas sin diagnóstico clínico, colposcópico ni citológico de presunción de infección por HPV, y tres grupos de pacientes problemas, scorizados como presuntamente negativos, presuntamente sospechosos y presuntamente infectados, basados en presencia de cortes histológicos de acantosis, hiperplasia de células basales y asas capilares, coilocitorisis, cambios nucleares, binucleación y disqueratosis. Se correlacionan las biopsias con los estudios citológicos; sobre los cortes histológicos se procede a efectuar técnicas de hibridización in situ con sondas Innogenex para los virus 6-11, 6-18, grupo del 30. Se han estudiado las asociaciones del HPV en cervix con otras patologías (especialmente infecciosas) en nuestro medio, lesiones simuladoras de infección por el HPV y se trabajará en los grupos sospechosos y presuntamente infectados que sean positivos para la HIS, con marcaciones de detección de grado de actividad proliferativa para Mib1 y p53 y su relación con los subtipos virales. En las lesiones intraepiteliales relacionadas con el HPV se investigarán en la lesión y en la mucosa vecina receptores estrogénicos y progestacionales para tratar de determinar si la infección viral afecta la expresión de estos receptores.


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These past few years, neoadjuvant strategy has taken an increasing place in the management of breast cancer patients. This strategy is mainly indicated to obtain a tumour bulk regression allowing a breast conserving surgery in patients that otherwise would have undergone mastectomy. Of note, development of new chemotherapy agents and targeted therapies has critically helped in the progress of neoadjuvant strategy as it is currently associated with better pathological response rates. In this context, the pathologist is at the crossroad of this multidisciplinary process. First, he provides on the initial core needle biopsy the tumour pathological characteristics that are critical for the choice of treatment strategy, i.e. histological type, histological grade, proliferative activity (mitotic count and Ki67/MIB1 index labeling), hormone receptor status (oestrogen receptor and progesterone receptor) and HER2 status. Secondly, the pathologist evaluates the pathological response and the status of surgical margins with regards to the residual tumour on the surgical specimen after neoadjuvant treatment. These parameters are important for the management of the patient, since it has been shown that complete pathological response is associated with improved disease free survival. Several grading systems are used to assess the pathological response in breast and axillary lymph nodes. The most frequently used in France are currently the systems described by Sataloff et al. and Chevallier et al. In this review, we detail the different steps involving the pathologist in neoadjuvant setting, with special regards to the quality process and future perspectives such as emerging predictive biomarkers.


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Many patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma (HC) have a poor prognosis. Snail, a transcription factor and E-cadherin repressor, is a novel prognostic factor in many cancers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between snail and E-cadherin protein expression and the prognostic significance of snail expression in HC. We examined the protein expression of snail and E-cadherin in HC tissues from 47 patients (22 males and 25 females, mean age 61.2 years) using immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. Proliferation rate was also evaluated in the same cases by the MIB1 index. High, low and negative snail protein expression was recorded in 18 (38%), 17 (36%), and 12 (26%) cases, respectively, and 40.4% (19/47) cases showed reduced E-cadherin protein expression in HC samples. No significant correlation was found between snail and E-cadherin protein expression levels (P = 0.056). No significant correlation was found between snail protein expression levels and gender, age, tumor grade, vascular or perineural invasion, nodal metastasis and invasion, or proliferative index. Cancer samples with positive snail protein expression were associated with poor survival compared with the negative expresser groups. Kaplan-Meier curves comparing different snail protein expression levels to survival showed highly significant separation (P < 0.0001, log-rank test). With multivariate analysis, only snail protein expression among all parameters was found to influence survival (P = 0.0003). We suggest that snail expression levels can predict poor survival regardless of pathological features and tumor proliferation. Immunohistochemical detection of snail protein expression levels in routine sections may provide the first biological prognostic marker.


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Perineurioma is an uncommon, mostly benign, spindle-cell tumor of peripheral nerve sheath origin with a predilection for the soft tissues. Although increasing awareness points to the sites of involvement by perineurioma possibly being as ubiquitous as those frequented by schwannian tumors, only one intracerebral example has been described to date. We report on a surgically resected perineurioma of the falx cerebri in an 86-year-old woman. Preoperative imaging showed an enhancing extraaxial mass of 6 cm × 5.7 cm × 3.7 cm. Histologically, the tumor consisted of a proliferation of spindle cells interwoven by a lattice of basal lamina. Alongside a prevailing soft tissue perineurioma pattern, sclerosing and reticular areas were seen as well. Tumor cells coexpressed EMA and GLUT-1, and a minority immunoreacted for smooth muscle actin. Pericellular basal lamina was decorated with collagen type IV. No staining for S100 protein was detected. Mitotic activity was virtually absent, and the MIB1 labeling index averaged 2%. Ultrastructural examination revealed abundant pinocytotic vesicles within and conspicuous tight junctions between slender cytoplasmic processes which, in turn, were encased by discontinuous basal lamina. FISH analysis confirmed loss of at least part of one chromosome 22q. This observation calls attention to perineurioma as a novel item in the repertoire of low-grade meningial spindle cell neoplasms, in the differential diagnostic context of which it is apt to being misconstrued as either meningioma, solitary fibrous tumor, or neurofibroma. Confusion with the latter bears the risk of overgrading innocuous features of perineurioma as criteria for malignancy.


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Central nervous system space-occupying lesions with clear-cell features encompass a nosologically heterogeneous array, ranging from reactive histiocytic proliferations to neuroepithelial or meningothelial neoplasms of various grades and to metastases. In the face of such differential diagnostic breadth, recognizing cytoplasmic lucency as part of the morphological spectrum of some low grade gliomas will directly have an impact on patient care. We describe a prevailing clear-cell change in an epileptogenic left temporal pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma surgically resected from a 36-year-old man. Mostly subarachnoid and focally calcified, the tumor was composed of fascicles of moderately atypical spindle cells with optically lucent cytoplasm that tended to intermingle with a desmoplastic mesh of reticulin fibers. Immunohistochemically, coexpression of S100 protein, vimentin, GFAP, and CD34 was noted. Conversely, neither punctate staining for EMA nor positivity for CD68 was seen. Mitotic activity was absent, and the MIB1 labeling index was 2-3% on average. Diastase-sensitive PAS-positive granula indicated clear-cell change to proceed from glycogen storage. Electron microscopy showed tumor cell cytoplasm to be largely obliterated by non-lysosomal-bound pools of glycogen, while hardly any fat vacuole was encountered. Neither ependymal-derived organelles nor annular lamellae suggesting oligodendroglial differentiation were detected. The latter differential diagnosis was further invalidated by lack of codeletion of chromosomal regions 1p36 and 19q13 on molecular genetic testing. By significantly interfering with pattern recognition as an implicit approach in histopathology, clear-cell change in pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma is likely to suspend its status as a "classic", and to prompt more deductive differential diagnostic strategies to exclude look-alikes, especially clear-cell ependymoma and oligodendroglioma.


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Myoepithelioma is a dimorphic neoplasm with contractile-epithelial phenotype, originally interpreted as deriving from, but not actually restricted to the salivary glands. As a novel addition to the list of exquisitely rare intracranial salivary gland-type tumors and tumor-like lesions, we report on an example of myoepithelioma encountered in the left cerebellopontine angle of a 32-year-old male. Clinically presenting with ataxia and dizziness, this extraaxial mass of 4 × 3.5 × 3 cm was surgically resected, and the patient is alive 6 years postoperatively. Histologically, the tumor exhibited a continuum ranging from compact fascicles of spindle cells to epithelial nests and trabeculae partitioned by hyalinized septa, while lacking tubular differentiation. Regardless of architectural variations, there was robust immunoexpression of S100 protein, smooth muscle actin, GFAP, cytokeratin, and vimentin. Cytologic atypia tended to be modest throughout, and the MIB1 labeling index averaged less than 1%. Fluorescent in situ hybridization indicated no rearrangement of the EWSR1 locus. We interpret these results to suggest that myoepithelioma of the posterior fossa - along with related salivary epithelial tumors in this ostensibly incongruous locale - may possibly represent analogous neoplasms to their orthotopic counterparts, ones arising within aberrant salivary anlagen. The presence of the latter lends itself to being mechanistically accounted for by either postulating placodal remnants in the wake of branchial arch development, or linking them to exocrine glandular nests within endodermal cysts. Alternatively, myoepithelioma at this site could be regarded as a non tissue-specific lesion similar to its relatives ubiquitously occurring in the soft parts.


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Medullary breast cancer (MBC) is a rare, diagnostically difficult, pathological subtype. Despite being high grade, it has a good prognosis. MBC patients have an excess of BRCA1 germ-fine mutation and reliable identification of MBC could help to identify patients at risk of carrying germline BRCA1 mutations or in whom chemotherapy could be avoided. The aim of this study was therefore to improve diagnosis by establishing an MBC protein expression profile using immunohistochemistry (IHC) on tissue-microarrays (TMA). Using a series of 779 breast carcinomas ('EC' set), diagnosed initially as MBC, a double-reading session was carried out by several pathologists on all of the histological material to establish the diagnosis as firmly as possible using a 'medullary score'. Only MBCs with high scores, i.e. typical MBC (TMBC) (n = 44) and non-TMBC grade III with no or low scores (n = 160), were included in the IHC study. To validate the results obtained on this first set, a control series of TMBC (n = 17) and non-MBC grade III cases (n = 140) ('IPC' set) was studied. The expression of 18 proteins was studied in the 61 TMBCs and 300 grade III cases from the two sets. The global intra-observer concordance of the first reading for the diagnosis of TMBC was 94%, with almost perfect kappa (kappa) of 0.815. TMBC was characterized by a high degree of basal/myoepithelial differentiation. In multivariate analysis with logistic regression, TMBC was defined by the association of P-cadherin (R = 2.29), MIB1 > 50 (R = 3.80), ERBB2 negativity (R = 2.24) and p53 positivity (RR = 1.45). Copyright (c) 2005 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.