929 resultados para METHANE UPTAKE


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Two petroleum residues were pyrolyzed under two different conditions to obtain pitches with low or high mesophase content. The effect of the KOH: precursor ratio and the activation temperature on the packing density and porous texture of the carbons have been studied and optimized. Activated carbons combining high micropore volume (>1 cm3/g) and high packing density (0.7 g/cm3) have been successfully prepared. Regarding excess methane adsorption capacities, the best results (160 cm3 (STP)/cm3 at 25 °C and 3.5 MPa) were obtained using the pitch with the higher content of the more organized mesophase, activated at relatively low temperature (700 °C), with a medium KOH: precursor ratio (3:1). Some of the activated carbons exhibit enhanced adsorption capacity at high pressure, giving values as high as 175 cm3 (STP)/cm3 at 25 °C and 5 MPa and 200 cm3 (STP)/cm3 at 25 °C and 10 MPa (the same amount as in an empty cylinder but at half of the pressure), indicating a contribution of large micropores and narrow mesopores to adsorption at high pressure. The density of methane in pores between 1 and 2.5 nm at pressure up to 10 MPa was estimated to understand their contribution to the total adsorption capacity.


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Acknowledgements. This study is a product of the Andes Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group consortium (http://www.andesconservation.org/). The authors would like to acknowledge the agencies that funded this research; the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC; joint grant references NE/G018278/1, NE/H006583, NE/H007849 and NE/H006753) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad; via a sub-contract to Yit Arn Teh managed by the Amazon Conservation Association). Patrick Meir was also supported by an Australian Research Council Fellowship (FT110100457). Javier Eduardo Silva Espejo, Walter Huaraca Huasco and the ABIDA NGO provided critical fieldwork and logistical support. Angus Calder, Michael Mcgibbon, Vicky Munro and Nick Morley provided invaluable laboratory support. Thanks to Adrian Tejedor and the Amazon Conservation Association (http://www.amazonconservation.org/), who provided assistance with access and plot selection at Hacienda Villa Carmen. This publication is a contribution from the Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society (http://www.sages.ac.uk). Edited by: E. Veldkamp


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Methane (CH4) emission from agricultural soils increases dramatically as a result of deleterious effect of soil disturbance and nitrogen fertilization on methanotrophic organisms; however, few studies have attempted to evaluate the potential of long-term conservation management systems to mitigate CH4 emissions in tropical and subtropical soils. This study aimed to evaluate the long-term effect (>19 years) of no-till grass- and legume-based cropping systems on annual soil CH4 fluxes in a formerly degraded Acrisol in Southern Brazil. Air sampling was carried out using static chambers and CH4 analysis by gas chromatography. Analysis of historical data set of the experiment evidenced a remarkable effect of high C- and N-input cropping systems on the improvement of biological, chemical, and physical characteristics of this no-tilled soil. Soil CH4 fluxes, which represent a net balance between consumption (-) and production (+) of CH4 in soil, varied from -40 +/- 2 to +62 +/- 78 mu g C m(-2) h(-1). Mean weighted contents of ammonium (NH4+-N) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in soil had a positive relationship with accumulated soil CH4 fluxes in the post-management period (r(2) = 0.95, p = 0.05), suggesting an additive effect of these nutrients in suppressing CH4 oxidation and stimulating methanogenesis, respectively, in legume-based cropping systems with high biomass input. Annual CH4 fluxes ranged from -50 +/- 610 to +994 +/- 105 g C ha(-1), which were inversely related to annual biomass-C input (r(2) = 0.99, p = 0.003), with the exception of the cropping system containing pigeon pea, a summer legume that had the highest biologically fixed N input (>300 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)). Our results evidenced a small effect of conservation management systems on decreasing CH4 emissions from soil, despite their significant effect restoring soil quality. We hypothesized that soil CH4 uptake strength has been off-set by an injurious effect of biologically fixed N in legume-based cropping systems on soil methanotrophic microbiota, and by the methanogenesis increase as a result of the O-2 depletion in niches of high biological activity in the surface layer of the no-tillage soil. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein biologisches Verfahren zur Reduzierung des Methanschlupfes in Gasaufbereitungsanlagen entwickelt. Der Methanschlupf entsteht, wenn das in Biogasanlagen produzierte Biogas auf normierte Erdgasqualität aufgereinigt wird, welches notwendig ist, um es in das bestehende Erdgasnetz einleiten zu können. Bei dieser Aufreinigung wird aus dem Biogas auch ein Teil des Methans mit ausgewaschen und gelangt mit dem Abgas der Gasaufbereitungsanlage in die Umwelt. Bisher wird dieses methanhaltige Abgas verbrannt, da eine Freisetzung des starken Treibhausgases Methan durch das Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz untersagt ist. Dies reduziert die ökologische Bilanz und setzt die Wirtschaftlichkeit der gesamten Biogasanlage herab. rnUm das Methan mit Hilfe eines biologischen Verfahrens zu entfernen, wurden zunächst methanoxidierende Bakterien (MOB) aus verschiedenen Habitaten isoliert, darunter auch erstmalig aus Termiten. Der Nachweis erfolgte durch (quantitative) Polymerase-Kettenreaktion und Fluoreszenz-in-situ-Hybridisierung anhand spezifischer Primer bzw. Sonden für das Gen der partikulären Methanmonoxygenase, ein MOB kennzeichnendes Enzym. Ihr Titer wurde durch qPCR auf 10^2 - 10^3 MOB pro Termitendarm durch qPCR bestimmt. Mit Hilfe einer 16S rDNA Sequenzierung, der (n)SAPD-PCR, der Bestimmung der zellulären Fettsäurezusammensetzung sowie MALDI-TOF-MS-Analysen konnten die Termitenisolate der Gattung Methylocystis zugeordnet werden. Die fehlende Artzuweisung spricht jedoch für die Isolierung einer neuen Art. rnFür den Einsatz der Isolate in Gasaufbereitungsanlagen wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Prüf- und Forschungsinstitut in Pirmasens ein Reaktor im Technikumsmaßstab entwickelt und konstruiert. Der Reaktor wurde mit synthetischen Aufwuchskörper befüllt, diese mit einem neu gewonnenen potenten Termitenisolat besiedelt und der methanhaltige Abgasstrom der Gasaufbereitungsanlage darüber geleitet. Es wurde eine Reduktion des Methans um 68 % innerhalb von 30 Stunden erzielt. Medienoptimierungen wiesen das Potential auf, diesen Verbrauch um das bis zu 4-fache weiter zu steigern. Da durch die Oxidation des Methans im Abgasstrom der Gasaufbereitungsanlage Zellmasse und Polyhydroxybuttersäure (PHB) aufgebaut wurde, können diese als Substrat zurück in die Biogasanlagen geleitet werden und die Wirtschaftlichkeit weiter verbessern. Die Wirksamkeit des in diesem Projekt entwickelten Verfahrens wurde somit eindeutig demonstriert.


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Natural methane (CH4) emissions from wet ecosystems are an important part of today's global CH4 budget. Climate affects the exchange of CH4 between ecosystems and the atmosphere by influencing CH4 production, oxidation, and transport in the soil. The net CH4 exchange depends on ecosystem hydrology, soil and vegetation characteristics. Here, the LPJ-WHyMe global dynamical vegetation model is used to simulate global net CH4 emissions for different ecosystems: northern peatlands (45°–90° N), naturally inundated wetlands (60° S–45° N), rice agriculture and wet mineral soils. Mineral soils are a potential CH4 sink, but can also be a source with the direction of the net exchange depending on soil moisture content. The geographical and seasonal distributions are evaluated against multi-dimensional atmospheric inversions for 2003–2005, using two independent four-dimensional variational assimilation systems. The atmospheric inversions are constrained by the atmospheric CH4 observations of the SCIAMACHY satellite instrument and global surface networks. Compared to LPJ-WHyMe the inversions result in a~significant reduction in the emissions from northern peatlands and suggest that LPJ-WHyMe maximum annual emissions peak about one month late. The inversions do not put strong constraints on the division of sources between inundated wetlands and wet mineral soils in the tropics. Based on the inversion results we diagnose model parameters in LPJ-WHyMe and simulate the surface exchange of CH4 over the period 1990–2008. Over the whole period we infer an increase of global ecosystem CH4 emissions of +1.11 Tg CH4 yr−1, not considering potential additional changes in wetland extent. The increase in simulated CH4 emissions is attributed to enhanced soil respiration resulting from the observed rise in land temperature and in atmospheric carbon dioxide that were used as input. The long-term decline of the atmospheric CH4 growth rate from 1990 to 2006 cannot be fully explained with the simulated ecosystem emissions. However, these emissions show an increasing trend of +3.62 Tg CH4 yr−1 over 2005–2008 which can partly explain the renewed increase in atmospheric CH4 concentration during recent years.


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Biogeochemical cycle of methane in the Barents Sea was studied using isotope geochemistry to determine rates of microbial methane oxidation. It was established that microbiological processes (glucose consumption, 14CO2 assimilation, sulfate reduction, and slow methane oxidation) in oxidized surface and weakly reduced sediments are marked by only insignificant change in SO4 concentration and absence of notable increase of total alkalinity and N/NH4 downward sediment cores. Microbial methane productivity was 0.111x10**6 mol/day. Taking into account volume of the water column, microbial methane consumption therein can be as much as 1.8x10**6 mol/day.


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We present the first high-resolution (500 m × 500 m) gridded methane (CH4) emission inventory for Switzerland, which integrates the national emission totals reported to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and recent CH4 flux studies conducted by research groups across Switzerland. In addition to anthropogenic emissions, we also include natural and semi-natural CH4 fluxes, i.e., emissions from lakes and reservoirs, wetlands, wild animals as well as uptake by forest soils. National CH4 emissions were disaggregated using detailed geostatistical information on source locations and their spatial extent and process- or area-specific emission factors. In Switzerland, the highest CH4 emissions in 2011 originated from the agricultural sector (150 Gg CH4/yr), mainly produced by ruminants and manure management, followed by emissions from waste management (15 Gg CH4/yr) mainly from landfills and the energy sector (12 Gg CH4/yr), which was dominated by emissions from natural gas distribution. Compared to the anthropogenic sources, emissions from natural and semi-natural sources were relatively small (6 Gg CH4/yr), making up only 3 % of the total emissions in Switzerland. CH4 fluxes from agricultural soils were estimated to be not significantly different from zero (between -1.5 and 0 Gg CH4/yr), while forest soils are a CH4 sink (approx. -2.8 Gg CH4/yr), partially offsetting other natural emissions. Estimates of uncertainties are provided for the different sources, including an estimate of spatial disaggregation errors deduced from a comparison with a global (EDGAR v4.2) and a European CH4 inventory (TNO/MACC). This new spatially-explicit emission inventory for Switzerland will provide valuable input for regional scale atmospheric modeling and inverse source estimation.