989 resultados para METALLIC NANOPARTICLES


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Recent advances in nanotechnology have paved ways to various techniques for designing and fabricating novel nanostructures incorporating noble metal nanoparticles, for a wide range of applications. The interaction of light with metal nanoparticles (NPs) can generate strongly localized electromagnetic fields (Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance, LSPR) at certain wavelengths of the incident beam. In assemblies or structures where the nanoparticles are placed in close proximity, the plasmons of individual metallic NPs can be strongly coupled to each other via Coulomb interactions. By arranging the metallic NPs in a chiral (e.g. helical) geometry, it is possible to induce collective excitations, which lead to differential optical response of the structures to right-and left circularly polarized light (e.g. Circular Dichroism - CD). Earlier reports in this field include novel techniques of synthesizing metallic nanoparticles on biological helical templates made from DNA, proteins etc. In the present work, we have developed new ways of fabricating chiral complexes made of metallic NPs, which demonstrate a very strong chiro-optical response in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Using DDA (Discrete Dipole Approximation) simulations, we theoretically studied the conditions responsible for large and broadband chiro-optical response. This system may be used for various applications, for example those related to polarization control of visible light, sensing of proteins and other chiral bio-molecules, and many more.


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The paper explores the synthesis of oxide-free nanoparticles of Ag and Cu through laser ablation of pure targets under aqueous medium and tuning the quality and size through addition of Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in the medium. The size distribution of nanoparticles reduces from 37 +/- 30 nm and 13 +/- 5 nm to 32 +/- 12 nm and 4 +/- 1 nm for Ag and Cu with changes in PVP concentration from 0.00 to 0.02 M, respectively. Irregular shaped particles of Ag with Ag2O phase and a Cu-Cu2O core-shell particles form without the addition of PVP, while oxide layer is absent with 0.02 M of PVP. The recent understanding of the mechanism of particle formation during laser ablation under liquid medium allows us to rationalize our observation.


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Ammonia (NH 3) plasma pretreatment is used to form and temporarily reduce the mobility of Ni, Co, or Fe nanoparticles on boron-doped mono- and poly-crystalline silicon. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy proves that NH 3 plasma nitrides the Si supports during nanoparticle formation which prevents excessive nanoparticle sintering/diffusion into the bulk of Si during carbon nanotube growth by chemical vapour deposition. The nitridation of Si thus leads to nanotube vertical alignment and the growth of nanotube forests by root growth mechanism. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper, we demonstrated an effective enviromentally friendly synthesis route to prepare noble metallic (Au, Ag, Pt and Pd) nanoparticles (NPs) networks mediated by type I collagen in the absence of any seeds or surfactants. In the reactions, type I collagen served as stabilizing agent and assembly template for the synthesized metallic NPs. The hydrophobic interaction between collagen and mica interface as well as the hydrogen bonds between inter- and intra-collagen molecules play important roles in the formation of collagen-metallic NPs networks. The noble metallic NPs networks have many advantages in the applications of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) and electrochemistry detection. Typically, the as-prepared Ag NPs networks reveal great Raman enhancement activity for 4-ATP, and can even be used to detect low concentration of DNA base, adenine.


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Herein, we present a facile method for the formation of monodispersed metal nanoparticles (NPs) at room temperature from M(III)Cl3 (with M = Au, Ru, Mn, Fe or V) in different media based on N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) or water solutions containing a protic ionic liquid (PIL), namely the octylammonium formate (denoted OAF) or the bis(2-ethyl-hexyl)ammonium formate (denoted BEHAF). These two PILs present different structures and redox-active structuring properties that influence their interactions with selected molecular compounds (DMF or water), as well as the shape and the size of formed metal NPs in these solutions. Herein, the physical properties, such as the thermal, transport and micellar properties, of investigated PIL solutions were firstly investigated in order to understand the relation between PILs structure and their properties in solutions with DMF or water. The formation of metal NPs in these solutions was then characterized by using UV–vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements. From our investigations, it appears that the PILs structure and their aggregation pathways in selected solvents affect strongly the formation, growths, the shape and the size of metal NPs. In fact by using this approach, the shape-/size-controlled metal NPs can be generated under mild condition. This approach suggests also a wealth of potential for these designer nanomaterials within the biomedical, materials, and catalysis communities by using designer and safer media based on PILs.


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Acicular monodispersed Fe1-xREx (RE= Nd, Sm,Eu,Tb;x=0, 0.05, 0.10) metallic nanoparticles (60 +/- 5 nm in length and axial ratio similar to6) obtained by reduction of alumina-coated goethite nanoparticles-containing rare earth (RE) under hydrogen flow are reported. Alumina and maghemite thin layers on particle surface were used to protect the goethite particles against sintering and oxidation, respectively. Al and RE additions were obtained by successive heterocoagulation reactions. Aluminum sulfate (10 at.% based on Fe) was dissolved in water and the pH adjusted to 12.5 with NaOH solution. Goethite particles were suspended in this solution and CO2 gas was blown into the slurry to neutralize it to a pH 8.5 or less. Particles were purified and dehydrated to effect transformation to alumina-coated hematite nanoparticles, which were re-suspended in aqueous solution in which RE sulfate (0-0.15 at.% based on Fe) has been dissolved, and the pH increased by ammonia aqueous solution addition. Resulted alumina-coated RE-doped hematite nanoparticles were reduced to metal at 450 degreesC/12 h under hydrogen flow and passivated with nitrogen-containing ethanol vapor at room temperature. Acicular monodispersed metallic nanoparticle systems were obtained and the presence of Al and RE were confirmed by induced-coupled plasma spectrometry analysis. X-ray diffraction, Mossbauer spectroscopy, and magnetization data are in agreement with the nanosized alpha-Fe core in a bcc structure, having a spinel structure, gammaFe(2)O(3), with thickness similar to1.5 run on particle surface. Main magnetic parameters showed saturation magnetization decreases and significant increasing in the coercive field with the RE composition increases. Magnetic properties of these particles, similar to40% smaller than those commercially available, suggest a decrease in the bit-size for high-density magnetic or magneto-optics recording media application. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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There is special interest in the incorporation of metallic nanoparticles in a surrounding dielectric matrix for obtaining composites with desirable characteristics such as for surface plasmon resonance, which can be used in photonics and sensing, and controlled surface electrical conductivity. We investigated nanocomposites produced through metallic ion implantation in insulating substrate, where the implanted metal self-assembles into nanoparticles. During the implantation, the excess of metal atom concentration above the solubility limit leads to nucleation and growth of metal nanoparticles, driven by the temperature and temperature gradients within the implanted sample including the beam-induced thermal characteristics. The nanoparticles nucleate near the maximum of the implantation depth profile (projected range), that can be estimated by computer simulation using the TRIDYN. This is a Monte Carlo simulation program based on the TRIM (Transport and Range of Ions in Matter) code that takes into account compositional changes in the substrate due to two factors: previously implanted dopant atoms, and sputtering of the substrate surface. Our study suggests that the nanoparticles form a bidimentional array buried few nanometers below the substrate surface. More specifically we have studied Au/PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate), Pt/PMMA, Ti/alumina and Au/alumina systems. Transmission electron microscopy of the implanted samples showed the metallic nanoparticles formed in the insulating matrix. The nanocomposites were characterized by measuring the resistivity of the composite layer as function of the dose implanted. These experimental results were compared with a model based on percolation theory, in which electron transport through the composite is explained by conduction through a random resistor network formed by the metallic nanoparticles. Excellent agreement was found between the experimental results and the predictions of the theory. It was possible to conclude, in all cases, that the conductivity process is due only to percolation (when the conducting elements are in geometric contact) and that the contribution from tunneling conduction is negligible.


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The stabilization of nanoparticles against their irreversible particle aggregation and oxidation reactions. is a requirement for further advancement in nanoparticle science and technology. For this reason the research aim on this topic focuses on the synthesis of various metal nanoparticles protected with monolayers containing different reactive head groups and functional tail groups. In this work cuprous bromide nanocrystals haave been synthetized with a diameter of about 20 nanometers according to a new sybthetic method adding dropwise ascorbic acid to a water solution of lithium bromide and cupric chloride under continuous stirring and nitrogen flux. Butane thiolate Cu protected nanoparticles have been synthetized according to three different syntesys methods. Their morphologies appear related to the physicochemical conditions during the synthesis and to the dispersing medium used to prepare the sample. Synthesis method II allows to obtain stable nanoparticles of 1-2 nm in size both isolated and forming clusters. Nanoparticle cluster formation was enhanced as water was used as dispersing medium probably due to the idrophobic nature of the butanethiolate layers coating the nanoparticle surface. Synthesis methods I and III lead to large unstable spherical nanoparticles with size ranging between 20 to 50 nm. These nanoparticles appeared in the TEM micrograph with the same morphology independently on the dispersing medium used in the sample preparation. The stability and dimensions of the copper nanoparticles appear inversely related. Using the same methods above described for the butanethiolate protected copper nanoparticles 4-methylbenzenethiol protected copper nanoparticles have been prepared. Diffractometric and spectroscopic data reveal that decomposition processes didn’t occur in both the 4-methylbenzenethiol copper protected nanoparticles precipitates from formic acid and from water in a period of time six month long. Se anticarcinogenic effects by multiple mechanisms have been extensively investigated and documented and Se is defined a genuine nutritional cancer-protecting element and a significant protective effect of Se against major forms of cancer. Furthermore phloroglucinol was found to possess cytoprotective effects against oxidative stress, thanks to reactive oxygen species (ROS) which are associated with cells and tissue damages and are the contributing factors for inflammation, aging, cancer, arteriosclerosis, hypertension and diabetes. The goal of our work has been to set up a new method to synthesize in mild conditions amorphous Se nanopaticles surface capped with phloroglucinol, which is used during synthesis as reducing agent to obtain stable Se nanoparticles in ethanol, performing the synergies offered by the specific anticarcinogenic properties of Se and the antioxiding ones of phloroalucinol. We have synthesized selenium nanoparticles protected by phenolic molecules chemically bonded to their surface. The phenol molecules coating the nanoparticles surfaces form low ordered arrays as can be seen from the wider shape of the absorptions in the FT-IR spectrum with respect to those appearing in that of crystalline phenol. On the other hand, metallic nanoparticles with unique optical properties, facile surface chemistry and appropriate size scale are generating much enthusiasm in nanomedicine. In fact Au nanoparticles has immense potential for both cancer diagnosis and therapy. Especially Au nanoparticles efficiently convert the strongly adsorbed light into localized heat, which can be exploited for the selective laser photothermal therapy of cancer. According to the about, metal nanoparticles-HA nanocrystals composites should have tremendous potential in novel methods for therapy of cancer. 11 mercaptoundecanoic surface protected Au4Ag1 nanoparticles adsorbed on nanometric apathyte crystals we have successfully prepared like an anticancer nanoparticles deliver system utilizing biomimetic hydroxyapatyte nanocrystals as deliver agents. Furthermore natural chrysotile, formed by densely packed bundles of multiwalled hollow nanotubes, is a mineral very suitable for nanowires preparation when their inner nanometer-sized cavity is filled with a proper material. Bundles of chrysotile nanotubes can then behave as host systems, where their large interchannel separation is actually expected to prevent the interaction between individual guest metallic nanoparticles and act as a confining barrier. Chrysotile nanotubes have been filled with molten metals such as Hg, Pb, Sn, semimetals, Bi, Te, Se, and with semiconductor materials such as InSb, CdSe, GaAs, and InP using both high-pressure techniques and metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Under hydrothermal conditions chrysotile nanocrystals have been synthesized as a single phase and can be utilized as a very suitable for nanowires preparation filling their inner nanometer-sized cavity with metallic nanoparticles. In this research work we have synthesized and characterized Stoichiometric synthetic chrysotile nanotubes have been partially filled with bi and monometallic highly monodispersed nanoparticles with diameters ranging from 1,7 to 5,5 nm depending on the core composition (Au, Au4Ag1, Au1Ag4, Ag). In the case of 4 methylbenzenethiol protected silver nanoparticles, the filling was carried out by convection and capillarity effect at room temperature and pressure using a suitable organic solvent. We have obtained new interesting nanowires constituted of metallic nanoparticles filled in inorganic nanotubes with a inner cavity of 7 nm and an isolating wall with a thick ranging from 7 to 21 nm.


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Recent developments in tailoring the structural and chemical properties of colloidal metal nanoparticles (NPs) have led to significant enhancements in catalyst performance. Controllable colloidal synthesis has also allowed tailor-made NPs to serve as mechanistic probes for catalytic processes. The innovative use of colloidal NPs to gain fundamental insights into catalytic function will be highlighted across a variety of catalytic and electrocatalytic applications. The engineering of future heterogenous catalysts is also moving beyond size, shape and composition considerations. Advancements in understanding structure-property relationships have enabled incorporation of complex features such as tuning surface strain to influence the behavior of catalytic NPs. Exploiting plasmonic properties and altering colloidal surface chemistry through functionalization are also emerging as important areas for rational design of catalytic NPs. This news article will highlight the key developments and challenges to the future design of catalytic NPs.


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