390 resultados para MENINGITIS
Background: Aims of the study were: (i) to characterise the clinical picture, immunological features and changes in brain morphology and function in patients with widespread unilateral pain and HSV-infections, and (ii) to analyse the prevalence, clinical symptoms and immunological predisposing factors of HSV-2 induced recurrent lymphocytic meningitis (RLM) in Southern Finland. Patients and methods: Patients for the studies were recruited from the Pain Clinic, and from the Department of Neurology, at Helsinki University Central Hospital. Plasma concentrations of IgM, IgA, IgG, and IgG1-4, and serum concentrations of C3, C4 were measured. Serological anti-HSV-1 and -2 antibody status was tested. C4 genotyping, HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-DRB1 typing, MBL2 genotyping, and IgG1 and IgG3 allotyping (Gm) were performed. Clinical neurological examination, quantitative sensory testing, skin biopsy, and functional magnetic resonance imaging were also performed. Results: HSV probably has a role in the generation of a pathological pain state. Low serum IgG1 and IgG3 levels, made the patients vulnerable for recurring HSV infections. Both functional and structural changes were observed in the brain pain-processing areas in the patients: they had less pain-related activity in the insular cortices bilaterally, in the anterior cingular cortex (ACC), and in the thalamus, and the gray matter density was lower in the ACC, in the frontal and prefrontal cortices. In the meningitis studies it was shown that RLM is more common and less benign than previously reported, and that neuropathic pain is frequently present both during and after meningitis episodes. HLA-DRB1*01, HLA-B*27, and low IgG1 levels are predisposing factors for RLM. Conclusions: Patients are vulnerable to recurrent HSV infections because of subtle immunological abnormalities. HSV causes diverse clinical manifestations. First, the herpes simplex virus, or the inflammatory process triggered by it, may cause pathological widespread pain probably by activating glial cells in the CNS. In these patients, signs of alterations in the brain pain-processing areas can be demonstrated by functional brain imaging methods. Secondly, HSV-2 induced RLM is a rare complication of HSV-2 virus. The predisposing factors include low IgG1 subclass levels, HLA-DRB1*01 and HLA –B*27 genotypes. Neuropathic pain is frequently associated with RLM.
Improving outcome of childhood bacterial meningitis by simplified treatment : Experience from Angola
Background Acute bacterial meningitis (BM) continues to be an important cause of childhood mortality and morbidity, especially in developing countries. Prognostic scales and the identification of risk factors for adverse outcome both aid in assessing disease severity. New antimicrobial agents or adjunctive treatments - except for oral glycerol - have essentially failed to improve BM prognosis. A retrospective observational analysis found paracetamol beneficial in adult bacteraemic patients, and some experts recommend slow β-lactam infusion. We examined these treatments in a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Patients and methods A retrospective analysis included 555 children treated for BM in 2004 in the infectious disease ward of the Paediatric Hospital of Luanda, Angola. Our prospective study randomised 723 children into four groups, to receive a combination of cefotaxime infusion or boluses every 6 hours for the first 24 hours and oral paracetamol or placebo for 48 hours. The primary endpoints were 1) death or severe neurological sequelae (SeNeSe), and 2) deafness. Results In the retrospective study, the mortality of children with blood transfusion was 23% (30 of 128) vs. without blood transfusion 39% (109 of 282; p=0.004). In the prospective study, 272 (38%) of the children died. Of those 451 surviving, 68 (15%) showed SeNeSe, and 12% (45 of 374) were deaf. Whereas no difference between treatment groups was observable in primary endpoints, the early mortality in the infusion-paracetamol group was lower, with the difference (Fisher s exact test) from the other groups at 24, 48, and 72 hours being significant (p=0.041, 0.0005, and 0.005, respectively). Prognostic factors for adverse outcomes were impaired consciousness, dyspnoea, seizures, delayed presentation, and absence of electricity at home (Simple Luanda Scale, SLS); the Bayesian Luanda Scale (BLS) also included abnormally low or high blood glucose. Conclusions New studies concerning the possible beneficial effect of blood transfusion, and concerning longer treatment with cefotaxime infusion and oral paracetamol, and a study to validate our simple prognostic scales are warranted.
Detection of cryptococcal antigen in serum or cerebrospinal fluid allows cryptococcal meningitis diagnosis within few hours with >90% sensitivity. In an HIV-positive patient with Cryptococcus neoformans meningitis, initial antigen detection by immunoagglutination was negative. We thus evaluated a new immunochromatographic detection assay that exhibited a higher sensitivity.
La concentración de ácido láctico en LCR en pacientes con sospecha de meningitis postquirúrgica luego de clipaje de aneurisma cerebral y hemorragia subaracnoidea espontánea se midió prospectivamente por un período de tres años. Se analizaron un total de 32 muestras de líquido cefalorraquídeo, se midió la concentración de ácido láctico y se comparó con el cultivo de LCR. Los cultivos fueron positivos en cinco pacientes, con una prevalencia de infección del 15%. Se utilizó un valor umbral de ácido láctico de 4 mmol/L. y se encontró una sensibilidad del 80%, especificidad del 52%, VPP del 23%, VPN del 93%, y likelihood ratio (LHR) positivo de 1,66 con una probabilidad post test de 15% de la concentración del ácido láctico en el diagnóstico de meningitis postquirúrgica en pacientes con hemorragia subaracnoidea aneurismática. La concentración de ácido láctico en LCR tiene un desempeño limitado en el diagnóstico de meningitis postquirúrgica en pacientes con hemorragia subaracnoidea aneurismática.
Hombre de 54 años, agricultor, con cuadro agudo de cefalea global progresiva en intensidad, emesis, limitación física, asociado con un episodio de movimientos clónicos focales y alteración de la esfera mental. Antecedentes de consumo de alcohol ocasional y exposición a Eucalyptus globulus. Los hallazgos en el examen físico y laboratorio fueron: Paciente en regular estado general, alerta, signos meníngeos positivos, fuerza y reflejos conservados, sin déficit en pares craneanos. Hemograma con leucocitosis, neutrofilia y linfopenia, niveles de inmunoglobulinas normales, linfocitos CD4 disminuidos, relación CD4/CD8 normal, Elisa para VIH negativo; LCR con presión de apertura elevada, coloración de Gram negativa, leucorraquia con 54% de linfocitos, hipoglucorraquia, hiperproteinorraquia; Rx tórax y TAC cerebral normales.
Este documento tiene como finalidad la prevención y control de la meningitis. Para ello analiza diferentes tipos de meningitis y establece el procedimiento de actuación ante cada una de ellas. Incluye anexos con encuestas epidemiológicas y diferentes modelos de cartas de notificación al colegio y a los padres en caso de meningitis.
We evaluated the presence of the melatonin metabolite N-1-acetyl-N-2-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AFMK), in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with viral meningitis (n = 20) and control samples (n = 8) and correlate AFMK levels with inflammatory markers such as cellularity, protein, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-8 and IL-1 beta levels. A portion of the CSF was extracted with dichloromethane (1:5) and analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) under standardized conditions for AFMK. AFMK was detected in 16 of 20 CSF samples of patients with viral meningitis; the concentration of AFMK was found to be above the quantification limit (50 nmol/L) in six of these samples. AFMK was not detected in any of the eight control samples. The samples were classified into groups according to AFMK levels: undetectable (< 10 nmol/L, group I), detectable but below the quantification limit (< 50 nmol/L, group II), and quantified (> 50 nmol/L, group III). Group II presented the highest levels of proteins and IL-8, whereas group III showed the lowest levels of the inflammatory parameters. This study supports our hypothesis that inflammation favors the formation of AFMK and that this compound has immunomodulatory activity in vivo.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of and mortality due to meningitis and compare data according to microbiological diagnosis. This was a ten-year retrospective study conducted at a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Newborns with meningitis confirmed by positive CSF culture were included; those with congenital infection or malformations that made lumbar puncture impossible were excluded. The variables investigated were birth weight, gestational and postnatal age, procedures, hematological and CSF parameters, and complications. Parametric and non-parametric tests were used (statistical value p<0.05). The incidence of meningitis was 0.6% and mortality was 27%. of the 22 cases, 59% involved Gram-negative bacteria; 36% Gram-positive and 5% fungi. The groups did not differ in relation to birth weight, gestational and postnatal age, procedures or hematological and CSF parameters. Sepsis, convulsions and deaths were frequent in both groups, without statistical difference. Gram-negative cases showed abscesses and higher frequency of ventriculitis and hydrocephaly. Meningitis was infrequent, but presented high mortality and frequent complications.
A lytic bacteriophage, which was previously isolated from sewage and which attaches to the K1 capsular antigen, has been used to prevent septicemia and a meningitis-like infection in chickens caused by a K1+ bacteremic strain of Escherichia coli. Protection was obtained even when administration of the phage was delayed until signs of disease appeared. The phage was able to multiply in the blood. In newly borne colostrum-deprived calves given the E. coli orally, intramuscular inoculation of phage delayed appearance of the bacterium in the blood and lengthened life span. With some provisos there is considerable potential for this approach to bacterial-disease therapy.