1000 resultados para MEN 2A


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Background: The surgical management of patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia-2A (MEN-2A) continues to evolve with specific genotype-phenotype correlations allowing for a more tailored approach. In this study, we report the surgical management of one of the largest MEN-2A families with a rearranged during transfection (RET) codon 804 mutation. Method: This is a cohort study comprising all at-risk kindred within a single known MEN-2A family. Prophylactic total thyroidectomy with lymph node dissection was recommended to all mutation carriers aged 5 years and older. Results: There were a total of 48 at-risk individuals in the MEN-2A kindred, with 22 patients undergoing thyroidectomy after appropriate preoperative evaluation. A total of 9 patients had medullary thyroid cancer including 5 with a normal preoperative calcitonin level. A total of 11 patients had C-cell hyperplasia and 7 showed histological evidence of parathyroid disease. Only the index case had a phaeochromocytoma. Conclusion: Genetic testing for germline mutations in the RET proto-oncogene has allowed precise identification of affected RET carriers and provided the opportunity for prophylactic or 'preclinical' surgery to treat and in fact to prevent medullary thyroid cancer. This concept of prophylactic surgery based on a genetic test is likely to be applied more widely as the tools of molecular biology advance.


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No mundo, as hepatites decorrentes de infecções virais têm sido uma das grandes preocupações em saúde pública devido a seu caráter crônico, curso assintomático e pela sua capacidade de determinar a perda da função hepática. Com o uso em larga escala de medicamentos antirretrovirais, a doença hepática relacionada à infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C (VHC) contribuiu para uma mudança radical na história natural da infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV). Não se sabe ao certo o peso da coinfecção VHC/HIV no Brasil, mas evidências apontam que independentemente da região geográfica, esses indivíduos apresentam maiores dificuldades em eliminar o VHC após o tratamento farmacológico, quando comparados a monoinfectados. No âmbito do SUS, o tratamento antiviral padrão para portadores do genótipo 1 do VHC e do HIV é a administração de peguinterferon associado à Ribavirina. Quanto ao período de tratamento e aos indivíduos que devem ser incluídos, os dois protocolos terapêuticos mais recentes possuem divergências. A diretriz mais atual preconiza o tratamento de indivíduos respondedores precoces somados a respondedores virológicos lentos, enquanto a diretriz imediatamente anterior exclui na 12 semana indivíduos que não respondem completamente. Com base nessa divergência, esse estudo objetivou avaliar o custo-efetividade do tratamento contra o VHC em indivíduos portadores do genótipo 1, coinfectados com o HIV, virgens de tratamento antiviral, não cirróticos e imunologicamente estabilizados, submetidos às regras de tratamento antiviral estabelecidos pelas duas mais recentes diretrizes terapêuticas direcionadas ao atendimento pelo SUS. Para tal, foi elaborado um modelo matemático de decisão, baseado em cadeias de Markov, que simulou a progressão da doença hepática mediante o tratamento e não tratamento. Foi acompanhada uma coorte hipotética de mil indivíduos homens, maiores de 40 anos. Adotou-se a perspectiva do Sistema Único de Saúde, horizonte temporal de 30 anos e taxa de desconto de 5% para os custos e consequências clínicas. A extensão do tratamento para respondedores lentos proporcionou incremento de 0,28 anos de vida ajustados por qualidade (QALY), de 7% de sobrevida e aumento de 60% no número de indivíduos que eliminaram o VHC. Além dos esperados benefícios em eficácia, a inclusão de respondedores virológicos lentos mostrou-se uma estratégia custo-efetiva ao alcançar um incremental de custo efetividade de R$ 44.171/QALY, valor abaixo do limiar de aceitabilidade proposto pela Organização Mundial da Saúde OMS - (R$ 63.756,00/QALY). A análise de sensibilidade demonstrou que as possíveis incertezas contidas no modelo são incapazes de alterar o resultado final, evidenciando, assim, a robustez da análise. A inclusão de indivíduos coinfectados VHC/HIV respondedores virológicos lentos no protocolo de tratamento apresenta-se, do ponto de vista fármaco-econômico, como uma estratégia com relação de custoefetividade favorável para o Sistema Único de Saúde. Sua adoção é perfeitamente compatível com a perspectiva do sistema, ao retornar melhores resultados em saúdeassociados a custos abaixo de um teto orçamentário aceitável, e com o da sociedade, ao evitar em maior grau, complicações e internações quando comparado à não inclusão.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess the correlations between the hormone leptin and lipoatrophy in HIV-positive, treatment-naive patients on combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). DESIGN: Case-control study nested in a multicentre cohort of HIV-infected adults. Cases were patients that developed lipoatrophy and controls those who did not. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Clinical parameters and plasma leptin determinations were studied in 97 HIV-1-infected, treatment-naive Caucasian men (10 cases and 87 controls) on an unchanged and virologically successful drug regimen with a zidovudine/lamivudine backbone at baseline and after 2 years of cART. The association of plasma leptin levels and the development of lipoatrophy was investigated. RESULTS: Two years of cART was not associated with a change in plasma leptin levels. Plasma leptin levels remained sensible to changes in body mass index. There was no difference in leptin levels between patients who developed lipoatrophy and controls, neither before nor after cART. The only predictor of development of lipoatrophy was a higher age (P = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Leptin as measured in plasma is unlikely to play a major role in the genesis of lipoatrophy.


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This paper seeks to identify the approaches undertaken in implementing equal employment opportunity in the transport industry in Australia and the links between these approaches and indicators of increased participation of women. This male dominated industry employs limited numbers of women with fewer numbers of women in management. The study analyses data from a unique set of equal opportunity progress reports from all organisations in the transport industry that are required to provide public reports under Australian legislation. The findings indicate a correlation between some approaches to equal opportunity and increased numbers of women in some areas. The study is equally remarkable for what it does not find. Despite widespread equal opportunity implementation across a broad number of employment measures there are limited measures that predict increases in the numbers of women in management or in non-traditional roles. This study differs from others in that it identifies issues specific to one industry and links organisational approach to equal opportunity with the employment status of both women and men.


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The incidence and mortality of oral cancer in Taiwanese men have increased over the past decade, primarily associated with a surge in the popularity of betel quid chewing. The aim of this study was to examine the experience of six Taiwanese men with oral cancer, who were aged between 40 and 60 years, using a qualitative approach. The three major themes emerging from the data include: (i) understanding the cancer diagnosis; (ii) the challenges of cancer treatment; and (iii) adapting to difference. Increasing nurses' understanding of the experiential aspects of oral cancer in this population is required if nurses are to develop successful health promotion programmes and nursing interventions to meet these patients' needs.


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Background: Factors associated with cannabis use among people with psychosis are not well understood. ----- Aims: To examine whether people with psychosis and age-matched controls modified cannabis use in response to recent experiences. ----- Method: This study predicted 4 weeks of cannabis use prospectively, using expectancies derived from recent occasions of use. ----- Results: People with psychosis used cannabis less frequently than controls, but had more cannabis-related problems. More negative cannabis expectancies resulted in less frequent cannabis use over Follow-up. The psychosis group was more likely to moderate cannabis use after negative effects than controls. ----- Conclusions: Results offer optimism about abilities of people with psychosis tomoderate cannabis use in the short term.


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Psychoses are relatively low prevalence disorders that have a disproportionately negative impact on individuals and society. Cannabis use is one factor that can exacerbate the negative consequences associated with psychotic disorders. Relatively few studies have examined the effects or reasons for using cannabis self-reported by individuals with psychosis. The present study is the first known to compare directly such factors in individuals with and without psychosis, within a single study. At baseline and follow-up participants with psychosis most commonly reported using cannabis for positive mood alteration (36% and 42%), coping with negative affect (27% and 29%) and for social activity reasons (38% and 29%). The control group most commonly reported using cannabis for relaxation (34% and 43%) and social activity reasons (49% and 51%). Participants with psychosis were less likely to report relaxation as the most important effect after use (27%) or expect it at follow-up (49%) compared to the control group (53% and 70%). In both groups, addiction and positive affect enhancement were the composite variable scores correlated most consistently with concurrent amount and frequency of use.


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Rather than passing judgment of the content of young women’s magazines, it will be argued instead that such texts actually exist as manuals of self-formation, manuals which enroll young women to do specific kinds of work on themselves. In doing so, they form an effective link between the governmental imperatives aimed at constructing particular personas – such as the sexually responsible young girl - and the actual practices whereby these imperatives are operationalised.