41 resultados para MELIPONINAE


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In S. postica the hypopharyngeal glands are present in workers, males and queens. The glands of newly emerged workers are in a prefunctional phase, in nurse workers they reach their highest development and in forager workers they suffer reabsorption. The newly emerged males and queens, however, have well developed glands that soon start involution. The electrophoretical pattern of worker and male hypopharyngeal glands is compared with the pattern of nurse workers of A. mellifera. The results show simularities, as well as differences among the S. postica males and workers, and among the phases of worker life. The electrophoretic band pattern suggests that the hypopharyngeal glands of nurse workers of S. postica produce substances similar to the ones produced by A. mellifera. The similarity of the extracts of nurse glands of A. mellifera and S. postica, as well as the behavioural similarities of the workers, suggest the same function of this gland in both species.


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SDS electrophoresis of midgut proteins from two Trigonini species with different feeding habits shows many similarities and the absence of unique protein in the necrophagous stingless bee Trigona hypogea, suggesting that biochemical adaptation to necrophagy, in this bee, occurs more in the qualitative than in quantitative level. Workers of different ages display some variations in the midgut protein pattern, suggesting that it is important to know the age in studies regarding to bee digestion.


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The total number and distribution per antennal flagellomere of sensilla placodea (olfactory disks), sensilla coeloconica, sensilla ampullacea and sensilla campaniformia were determined in workers of Nannotrigona testaceicornis Lepeletier a stingless bee species quite common in Brazil. The distribution of the sensilla was uniform, with the largest number occurring in flagellomere 10 and gradually decreasing in the direction of the basal flagellomeres in a way similar to that observed in Scaptotrigona postica Latreille.Nannotrigona testaceicornis had a larger number of sensilla ampullacea and a smaller number of sensilla coeloconica and sensilla campaniformia than Scaptotrigona postica. Although Nan notrigona testaceicornis does not communicate through the formation of pheromone trails, this species presents a larger quantity of sensilla placodea (relative to the length of the flagellum) than Scaptotrigona postica.


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The comparative study of the ultrastructure of the midgut epithelium of stingless bee larvae that eat plant protein (pollen) and animal protein (carrion) throughout the larval phase, shows variations in the digestive cells that are only relative to larval aging and not to the type of larval diet. The cells of older larvae present a cytoplasm with empty spaces that result from emptying of lipid and glycogen stocks, and the presence of autophagic vacuoles. These results are discussed in relation to the hypothesis that variations in the digestive tract of insects may be associated with different diets or phylogeny. We conclude that different diets do not determine cell morphology adaptations in the studied species. As the variations in the ultrastructure of the midgut epithelium are the same in all studied species, including the necrophagous species Trigona hypogea, throughout the larval stage, this sequence of changes seems to be due to different physiological state during larval development.


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As compared to Apis mellifera where only workers have hypopharyngeal glands, in Scaptotrigona postica, these glands occur in workers, queens and males. They are composed of two long axial ducts with many unicellular secretory alveoli interconnected by secretory canaliculi. The axial ducts are longer in miles than in workers, but the alveolar areas of queens and males are generally smaller. In workers the alveoli have their greatest size in the nurses or middle-aged individuals while in queens and males they are larger in newly emerged individuals. The results indicate that the glands in workers may produce food for the brood as in A. mellifera, since they are well developed in the nurse workers. However, the function of the glands in queens and males remains to be clarified since these individuals have no part in brood care.


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The present paper reports the presence of an electrondense material of unknown nature distributed under the viteline membrane of Scaptotrigona postica egg. The dorsal side layer is thicker then the ventral one. In eggs newly oviposited the material is gradually distributed inside the plasmalema invaginations. Later on (12 hs after oviposition) when a blastoderm is already formed around the egg, the material moves to the intercellular space. on the sequence of the development there was no more indication of the material under the membrane.


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Este é um primeiro relato sobre a presença de células glandulares no tegumento lateral do mesotórax de abelhas da subfamília Meliponinae. Trata-se de células glandulares de classe III que estão presentes em rainhas, operárias e machos. As glândulas são mais desenvolvidas nas rainhas que nas operárias e nestas mais que nos machos.


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The present paper reports the presence of glandular structures in legs of some stingless bee species. The glands appear as: the epidermis transformation in a glandular epithelium as in basitarsus, an epithelial sac inside the segment as in the femur of queens or in the last tarsomere, as round glandular cells, scattered or forming groupments. The saculiform gland of femur is present only in queens, the other glands are present in males, queens and workers of the studied species, apparently without any type of polymorphism. This occurrence seems indicate that the function of these glands have not to do with the sociality or specific behavior of castes.


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Ultrastructure of the digestive cells was analyzed in three midgut regions (anterior, middle and posterior) of stingless bees. Variations occurs in the presence of lipid inclusions in the cells from posterior midgut and presence of double-membraned vesicles associated to microvilli in the anterior midgut. However, basal plasmic membrane infoldings and augmentation of surface area achieved by microvilli ale very similar in all midgut regions. These results not supported the existence of fluid fluxes in the ectoperitrophic space and suggest that digestive cells in stingless bees are polifunctional, that is, there is not midgut region specialized in secretion ol absorption as observed in other insects.


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Study of the epithelial morphology of a stingless bee ileum from the pyloric valve to the last portion of high absorptive cells shows that although the bee ileum is an anatomically undifferentiated tube, four types of epithelial cells along the tube (in addition to the valve cells) indicate physiological differentiation. The anterior end seems to be less active in reabsorption, while the posterior region contains cells with typical morphology of an ion pump and permits conclusions about the mechanisms of absorption in the posterior end of the intestine. (C) 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The origin of bees was marked by the change from the use of animal of vegetal protein to feed the larvae. The advantages of this change and the existence of some necrophagous species among the bees is discussed regarding to the poor digestibility of pollen.


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The ultrastructure of digestive cells of newly emerged, nurse and forager worker bees is described. Newly emerged bees have the endoplasmic reticulum characteristically in whorls and stacks as well as in parallel arrays of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Nurse bees have spherits, autophagic vacuoles, lysosomes and multivesicular bodies. Forager bees have many cells with disorganized cytoplasm containing vacuoles, lamellated bodies, lipid inclusions, microbodies and intranuclear crystalloid inclusions. The basal cell region stays essentially unchanged. The changes observed are discussed in relation to previous observations on other insect species.


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Ultrastructure of the anterior end of the midgut of three Neotropical stingless bees, including an obligate necrophagous species Trigona hypogea, suggests that this midgut region has no role in nutrient absorption because its lumen is reduced by a thick cuticle that lines the outer epithelium of the cardiac valve. A possible involvement of this midgut region in the production of the peritrophic membrane compounds is discussed.