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The mitochondrial matrix flavoproteins electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF) and electron transfer flavoprotein-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (ETF-QO) are responsible for linking fatty acid β-oxidation with the main mitochondrial respiratory chain. Electrons derived from flavoprotein dehydrogenases are transferred sequentially through ETF and ETF-QO to ubiquinone and then into the respiratory chain via complex III. In this study, the effects of changes in ETF-QO redox potentials on its activity and the conformational flexibility of ETF were investigated. ETF-QO contains one [4Fe-4S]2+,1+ and one flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). In the porcine protein, threonine 367 is hydrogen bonded to N1 and O2 of the flavin ring of the FAD. The analogous site in Rhodobacter sphaeroides ETF-QO is asparagine 338. Mutations N338T and N338A were introduced into the R. sphaeroides protein by site-directed mutagenesis to determine the impact of hydrogen bonding at this site on redox potentials and activity. FAD redox potentials were measured by potentiometric titration probed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The N338T and N338A mutations lowered the midpoint potentials, which resulted in a decrease in the quinone reductase activity and negligible impact on disproportionation of ETF1e- catalyzed by ETF-QO. These observations indicate that the FAD is involved in electron transfer to ubiquinone, but not in electron transfer from ETF to ETF-QO. Therefore it is proposed that the iron-sulfur cluster is the immediate acceptor from ETF. It has been proposed that the αII domain of ETF is mobile, allowing promiscuous interactions with structurally different partners. Double electron-electron resonance (DEER) was used to measure the distance between spin labels at various sites and an enzymatically reduced FAD cofactor in Paracoccus denitrificans ETF. Two or three interspin distance distributions were observed for spin-labels in the αI (A43C) and βIII (A111C) domains, but only one is observed for a label in the βII (A210C) domain. This suggests that the αII domain adopts several stable conformations which may correspond to a closed/inactive conformation and an open/active conformation. An additional mutation, E162A, was introduced to increase the mobility of the αII domain. The E162A mutation doubled the activity compared to wild-type and caused the distance distributions to become wider. The DEER method has the potential to characterize conformational changes in ETF that occur when it interacts with various redox partners.


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The energetics of the low-temperature adsorption and decomposition of nitrous oxide, N(2)O, on flat and stepped platinum surfaces were calculated using density-functional theory (DFT). The results show that the preferred adsorption site for N(2)O is an atop site, bound upright via the terminal nitrogen. The molecule is only weakly chemisorbed to the platinum surface. The decomposition barriers on flat (I 11) surfaces and stepped (211) surfaces are similar. While the barrier for N(2)O dissociation is relatively small, the surface rapidly becomes poisoned by adsorbed oxygen. These findings are supported by experimental results of pulsed N(2)O decomposition with 5% Pt/SiO(2) and bismuth-modified Pt/C catalysts. At low temperature, decomposition occurs but self-poisoning by O((ads)) prevents further decomposition. At higher temperatures some desorption Of O(2) is observed, allowing continued catalytic activity. The study with bismuth-modified Pt/C catalysts showed that, although the activation barriers calculated for both terraces and steps were similar, the actual rate was different for the two surfaces. Steps were found experimentally to be more active than terraces and this is attributed to differences in the preexponential term. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objective: Pharyngeal stimulation can induce remarkable increases in the excitability of swallowing motor cortex, which is associated with short-term improvements in swallowing behaviour in dysphagic stroke patients. However, the mechanism by which this input induces cortical change remains unclear. Our aims were to explore the stimulus-induced facilitation of the cortico-bulbar projections to swallowing musculature and examine how input from the pharynx interacts with swallowing motor cortex. Methods: In 8 healthy subjects, a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) paired-pulse investigation was performed comprising a single conditioning electrical pharyngeal stimulus (pulse width 0.2 ms, 240 V) followed by cortical TMS at inter-stimulus intervals (ISI) of 10-100 ms. Pharyngeal sensory evoked potentials (PSEP) were also measured over the vertex. In 6 subjects whole-brain magnetoencephalography (MEG) was further acquired following pharyngeal stimulation. Results: TMS evoked pharyngeal motor evoked potentials were facilitated by the pharyngeal stimulus at ISI between 50 and 80 ms (Δ mean increase: 47±6%, P<0.05). This correlated with the peak latency of the P1 component of the PSEP (mean 79.6±8.5 ms). MEG confirmed that the equivalent P1 peak activities were localised to caudolateral sensory and motor cortices (BA 4, 1, 2). Conclusions: Facilitation of the cortico-bulbar pathway to pharyngeal stimulation relates to coincident afferent input to sensorimotor cortex. Significance: These findings have mechanistic importance on how pharyngeal stimulation may increase motor excitability and provide guidance on temporal windows for future manipulations of swallowing motor cortex. © 2004 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A systematic study was undertaken to gain more insight into the mechanism of transdermal delivery of nanoencapsulated model dyes across microneedle (MN)-treated skin, a complex process not yet explored. Rhodamine B (Rh B) and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) as model hydrophilic and hydrophobic small/medium-size molecules, respectively, were encapsulated in poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs) and delivered through full thickness porcine skin pretreated with MN array. Permeation through MN-treated skin was affected by physicochemical characteristics of NPs and the encapsulated dyes. Dye flux was enhanced by smaller particle size, hydrophilicity, and negative zeta potential of NPs. Regarding encapsulated dyes, solubility at physiological pH and potential interaction with skin proteins proved to outweigh molecular weight as determinants of skin permeation. Data were verified using confocal laser scanning microscopy imaging. Findings coupled with the literature data are supportive of a mechanism involving influx of NPs, particularly of smaller size, deep into MN-created channels, generating depot dye-rich reservoirs. Molecular diffusion of the released dye across viable skin layers proceeds at a rate determined by its molecular characteristics. Data obtained provide mechanistic information of importance to the development of formulation strategies for more effective intradermal and transdermal MN-mediated delivery of nanoencapsulated therapeutic agents.


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Grass-based diets are of increasing social-economic importance in dairy cattle farming, but their low supply of glucogenic nutrients may limit the production of milk. Current evaluation systems that assess the energy supply and requirements are based on metabolisable energy (ME) or net energy (NE). These systems do not consider the characteristics of the energy delivering nutrients. In contrast, mechanistic models take into account the site of digestion, the type of nutrient absorbed and the type of nutrient required for production of milk constituents, and may therefore give a better prediction of supply and requirement of nutrients. The objective of the present study is to compare the ability of three energy evaluation systems, viz. the Dutch NE system, the agricultural and food research council (AFRC) ME system, and the feed into milk (FIM) ME system, and of a mechanistic model based on Dijkstra et al. [Simulation of digestion in cattle fed sugar cane: prediction of nutrient supply for milk production with locally available supplements. J. Agric. Sci., Cambridge 127, 247-60] and Mills et al. [A mechanistic model of whole-tract digestion and methanogenesis in the lactating dairy cow: model development, evaluation and application. J. Anim. Sci. 79, 1584-97] to predict the feed value of grass-based diets for milk production. The dataset for evaluation consists of 41 treatments of grass-based diets (at least 0.75 g ryegrass/g diet on DM basis). For each model, the predicted energy or nutrient supply, based on observed intake, was compared with predicted requirement based on observed performance. Assessment of the error of energy or nutrient supply relative to requirement is made by calculation of mean square prediction error (MSPE) and by concordance correlation coefficient (CCC). All energy evaluation systems predicted energy requirement to be lower (6-11%) than energy supply. The root MSPE (expressed as a proportion of the supply) was lowest for the mechanistic model (0.061), followed by the Dutch NE system (0.082), FIM ME system (0.097) and AFRCME system(0.118). For the energy evaluation systems, the error due to overall bias of prediction dominated the MSPE, whereas for the mechanistic model, proportionally 0.76 of MSPE was due to random variation. CCC analysis confirmed the higher accuracy and precision of the mechanistic model compared with energy evaluation systems. The error of prediction was positively related to grass protein content for the Dutch NE system, and was also positively related to grass DMI level for all models. In conclusion, current energy evaluation systems overestimate energy supply relative to energy requirement on grass-based diets for dairy cattle. The mechanistic model predicted glucogenic nutrients to limit performance of dairy cattle on grass-based diets, and proved to be more accurate and precise than the energy systems. The mechanistic model could be improved by allowing glucose maintenance and utilization requirements parameters to be variable. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The "sustainability" concept relates to the prolonging of human economic systems with as little detrimental impact on ecological systems as possible. Construction that exhibits good environmental stewardship and practices that conserve resources in a manner that allow growth and development to be sustained for the long-term without degrading the environment are indispensable in a developed society. Past, current and future advancements in asphalt as an environmentally sustainable paving material are especially important because the quantities of asphalt used annually in Europe as well as in the U.S. are large. The asphalt industry is still developing technological improvements that will reduce the environmental impact without affecting the final mechanical performance. Warm mix asphalt (WMA) is a type of asphalt mix requiring lower production temperatures compared to hot mix asphalt (HMA), while aiming to maintain the desired post construction properties of traditional HMA. Lowering the production temperature reduce the fuel usage and the production of emissions therefore and that improve conditions for workers and supports the sustainable development. Even the crumb-rubber modifier (CRM), with shredded automobile tires and used in the United States since the mid 1980s, has proven to be an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional asphalt pavement. Furthermore, the use of waste tires is not only relevant in an environmental aspect but also for the engineering properties of asphalt [Pennisi E., 1992]. This research project is aimed to demonstrate the dual value of these Asphalt Mixes in regards to the environmental and mechanical performance and to suggest a low environmental impact design procedure. In fact, the use of eco-friendly materials is the first phase towards an eco-compatible design but it cannot be the only step. The eco-compatible approach should be extended also to the design method and material characterization because only with these phases is it possible to exploit the maximum potential properties of the used materials. Appropriate asphalt concrete characterization is essential and vital for realistic performance prediction of asphalt concrete pavements. Volumetric (Mix design) and mechanical (Permanent deformation and Fatigue performance) properties are important factors to consider. Moreover, an advanced and efficient design method is necessary in order to correctly use the material. A design method such as a Mechanistic-Empirical approach, consisting of a structural model capable of predicting the state of stresses and strains within the pavement structure under the different traffic and environmental conditions, was the application of choice. In particular this study focus on the CalME and its Incremental-Recursive (I-R) procedure, based on damage models for fatigue and permanent shear strain related to the surface cracking and to the rutting respectively. It works in increments of time and, using the output from one increment, recursively, as input to the next increment, predicts the pavement conditions in terms of layer moduli, fatigue cracking, rutting and roughness. This software procedure was adopted in order to verify the mechanical properties of the study mixes and the reciprocal relationship between surface layer and pavement structure in terms of fatigue and permanent deformation with defined traffic and environmental conditions. The asphalt mixes studied were used in a pavement structure as surface layer of 60 mm thickness. The performance of the pavement was compared to the performance of the same pavement structure where different kinds of asphalt concrete were used as surface layer. In comparison to a conventional asphalt concrete, three eco-friendly materials, two warm mix asphalt and a rubberized asphalt concrete, were analyzed. The First Two Chapters summarize the necessary steps aimed to satisfy the sustainable pavement design procedure. In Chapter I the problem of asphalt pavement eco-compatible design was introduced. The low environmental impact materials such as the Warm Mix Asphalt and the Rubberized Asphalt Concrete were described in detail. In addition the value of a rational asphalt pavement design method was discussed. Chapter II underlines the importance of a deep laboratory characterization based on appropriate materials selection and performance evaluation. In Chapter III, CalME is introduced trough a specific explanation of the different equipped design approaches and specifically explaining the I-R procedure. In Chapter IV, the experimental program is presented with a explanation of test laboratory devices adopted. The Fatigue and Rutting performances of the study mixes are shown respectively in Chapter V and VI. Through these laboratory test data the CalME I-R models parameters for Master Curve, fatigue damage and permanent shear strain were evaluated. Lastly, in Chapter VII, the results of the asphalt pavement structures simulations with different surface layers were reported. For each pavement structure, the total surface cracking, the total rutting, the fatigue damage and the rutting depth in each bound layer were analyzed.


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The ribosome is a highly conserved cellular complex and constitutes the center of protein biosynthesis. As the ribosome consists to about 2/3 of ribosomal RNA (rRNA), the rRNA is involved in most steps of translation. In order to investigate the role of some defined rRNA residues in different aspects of translation we use the atomic mutagenesis approach. This method allows the site-specific incorporation of unnatural nucleosides into the rRNA in the context of the complete 70S from Thermus aquaticus, and thereby exceeds the possibilities of conventional mutagenesis. We first studied ribosome-stimulated EF-G GTP hydrolysis. Here, we could show that the non-bridging phosphate oxygen of A2662, which is part of the Sarcin-Ricin-Loop, is required for EF-G GTPase activation by the ribosome. EF-G GTPase is a crucial step for tRNA translocation from the A- to the P-site, and from the P- to the E-site, respectively. We furthermore used the atomic mutagenesis approach to more precisely characterize the 23S rRNA functional groups involved in E-site tRNA binding. While the ribosomal A- and P-sites have been functionally well characterized in the past, the contribution of the E-site to protein biosynthesis is still poorly understood in molecular terms. Our data disclose the importance of the highly conserved E-site base pair G2421-C2395 for effective translation. Ribosomes with a disrupted G2421-C2395 base pair are defective in tRNA binding to the E-site. This results in an impaired translation of genuine mRNAs, while homo-polymeric templates are not affected. Cumulatively our data emphasize the importance of E-site tRNA occupancy and in particular the intactness of the 23S rRNA base pair G2421-C2395 for productive protein biosynthesis.


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The importance of mannitol has increased recently as an emerging diluent for orodispersible dosage forms. The study aims to prepare spray dried mannitol retaining high porosity and mechanical strength for the development of orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs). Aqueous feed of d-mannitol (10% w/v) comprising ammonium bicarbonate, NH4HCO3 (5% w/v) as pore former was spray dried at inlet temperature of 110-170°C. Compacts were prepared at 151MPa and characterized for porosity, hardness and disintegration time. Particle morphology and drying mechanisms were studied using thermal (HSM, DSC and TGA) and polymorphic (XRD) methods. Tablet porosity increased from 0.20±0.002 for pure mannitol to 0.53±0.03 using fabricated porous mannitol. Disintegration time dropped by 50-77% from 135±5.29s for pure mannitol to 75.33±2.52-31.67±1.53s for mannitol 110-170°C. Hardness increased by 150% at 110°C (258.67±28.89N) and 30% at 150°C (152.70±10.58N) compared to pure mannitol tablets (104.17±1.70N). Increasing inlet temperature resulted in reducing tablet hardness due to generation of 'micro-sponge'-like particles exhibiting significant elastic recovery. Impact of mannitol polymorphism on plasticity/elasticity cannot be ruled out as a mixture of α and β polymorphs formed upon spray drying.