760 resultados para MECHANICAL VALVES
Background: Aortic valve replacement with a cryopreserved aortic homograft (CH) is an attractive alternative to bioprosthesis implantation. The aim of the study was to compare the hemodynamic performance of CH implanted with aortic root inclusion compared to prototype stentless (SS) bioprosthesis, standard stented (SD) bioprosthesis, and a native aortic valve. Methods: Hemodynamics and Doppler echocardiographic measurements such as left ventricular ejection fraction, aortic valve orifice area index (AVOAI), mean and maximal transvalvular gradients, were obtained at rest and immediately after exercise in 28 patients after aortic valve replacement with CH (n = 10), SS (n = 9), or SD (n = 9), and in a control group (CG) of 15 normal volunteers. Results: Rest and peak exercise heart rate and workload achieved were not different among the groups. Baseline AVOAI was larger for CH and CG compared to SS and SD groups (P < 0.05). Maximal and mean transvalvular pressure gradients at rest were lower for CH compared to SS and SD groups (P < 0.05), but higher than CG (P < 0,05). Conclusion: Implanted aortic CH had better hemodynamic performance than SS and SD bioprosthesis and similar to native normal aortic valves, both at rest and immediately after exercise. (ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, Volume 26, November 2009).
IMPORTANCE: Owing to a considerable shift toward bioprosthesis implantation rather than mechanical valves, it is expected that patients will increasingly present with degenerated bioprostheses in the next few years. Transcatheter aortic valve-in-valve implantation is a less invasive approach for patients with structural valve deterioration; however, a comprehensive evaluation of survival after the procedure has not yet been performed. OBJECTIVE: To determine the survival of patients after transcatheter valve-in-valve implantation inside failed surgical bioprosthetic valves. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Correlates for survival were evaluated using a multinational valve-in-valve registry that included 459 patients with degenerated bioprosthetic valves undergoing valve-in-valve implantation between 2007 and May 2013 in 55 centers (mean age, 77.6 [SD, 9.8] years; 56% men; median Society of Thoracic Surgeons mortality prediction score, 9.8% [interquartile range, 7.7%-16%]). Surgical valves were classified as small (≤21 mm; 29.7%), intermediate (>21 and <25 mm; 39.3%), and large (≥25 mm; 31%). Implanted devices included both balloon- and self-expandable valves. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Survival, stroke, and New York Heart Association functional class. RESULTS: Modes of bioprosthesis failure were stenosis (n = 181 [39.4%]), regurgitation (n = 139 [30.3%]), and combined (n = 139 [30.3%]). The stenosis group had a higher percentage of small valves (37% vs 20.9% and 26.6% in the regurgitation and combined groups, respectively; P = .005). Within 1 month following valve-in-valve implantation, 35 (7.6%) patients died, 8 (1.7%) had major stroke, and 313 (92.6%) of surviving patients had good functional status (New York Heart Association class I/II). The overall 1-year Kaplan-Meier survival rate was 83.2% (95% CI, 80.8%-84.7%; 62 death events; 228 survivors). Patients in the stenosis group had worse 1-year survival (76.6%; 95% CI, 68.9%-83.1%; 34 deaths; 86 survivors) in comparison with the regurgitation group (91.2%; 95% CI, 85.7%-96.7%; 10 deaths; 76 survivors) and the combined group (83.9%; 95% CI, 76.8%-91%; 18 deaths; 66 survivors) (P = .01). Similarly, patients with small valves had worse 1-year survival (74.8% [95% CI, 66.2%-83.4%]; 27 deaths; 57 survivors) vs with intermediate-sized valves (81.8%; 95% CI, 75.3%-88.3%; 26 deaths; 92 survivors) and with large valves (93.3%; 95% CI, 85.7%-96.7%; 7 deaths; 73 survivors) (P = .001). Factors associated with mortality within 1 year included having small surgical bioprosthesis (≤21 mm; hazard ratio, 2.04; 95% CI, 1.14-3.67; P = .02) and baseline stenosis (vs regurgitation; hazard ratio, 3.07; 95% CI, 1.33-7.08; P = .008). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this registry of patients who underwent transcatheter valve-in-valve implantation for degenerated bioprosthetic aortic valves, overall 1-year survival was 83.2%. Survival was lower among patients with small bioprostheses and those with predominant surgical valve stenosis.
IMPORTANCE Owing to a considerable shift toward bioprosthesis implantation rather than mechanical valves, it is expected that patients will increasingly present with degenerated bioprostheses in the next few years. Transcatheter aortic valve-in-valve implantation is a less invasive approach for patients with structural valve deterioration; however, a comprehensive evaluation of survival after the procedure has not yet been performed. OBJECTIVE To determine the survival of patients after transcatheter valve-in-valve implantation inside failed surgical bioprosthetic valves. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Correlates for survival were evaluated using a multinational valve-in-valve registry that included 459 patients with degenerated bioprosthetic valves undergoing valve-in-valve implantation between 2007 and May 2013 in 55 centers (mean age, 77.6 [SD, 9.8] years; 56% men; median Society of Thoracic Surgeons mortality prediction score, 9.8% [interquartile range, 7.7%-16%]). Surgical valves were classified as small (≤21 mm; 29.7%), intermediate (>21 and <25 mm; 39.3%), and large (≥25 mm; 31%). Implanted devices included both balloon- and self-expandable valves. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Survival, stroke, and New York Heart Association functional class. RESULTS Modes of bioprosthesis failure were stenosis (n = 181 [39.4%]), regurgitation (n = 139 [30.3%]), and combined (n = 139 [30.3%]). The stenosis group had a higher percentage of small valves (37% vs 20.9% and 26.6% in the regurgitation and combined groups, respectively; P = .005). Within 1 month following valve-in-valve implantation, 35 (7.6%) patients died, 8 (1.7%) had major stroke, and 313 (92.6%) of surviving patients had good functional status (New York Heart Association class I/II). The overall 1-year Kaplan-Meier survival rate was 83.2% (95% CI, 80.8%-84.7%; 62 death events; 228 survivors). Patients in the stenosis group had worse 1-year survival (76.6%; 95% CI, 68.9%-83.1%; 34 deaths; 86 survivors) in comparison with the regurgitation group (91.2%; 95% CI, 85.7%-96.7%; 10 deaths; 76 survivors) and the combined group (83.9%; 95% CI, 76.8%-91%; 18 deaths; 66 survivors) (P = .01). Similarly, patients with small valves had worse 1-year survival (74.8% [95% CI, 66.2%-83.4%]; 27 deaths; 57 survivors) vs with intermediate-sized valves (81.8%; 95% CI, 75.3%-88.3%; 26 deaths; 92 survivors) and with large valves (93.3%; 95% CI, 85.7%-96.7%; 7 deaths; 73 survivors) (P = .001). Factors associated with mortality within 1 year included having small surgical bioprosthesis (≤21 mm; hazard ratio, 2.04; 95% CI, 1.14-3.67; P = .02) and baseline stenosis (vs regurgitation; hazard ratio, 3.07; 95% CI, 1.33-7.08; P = .008). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this registry of patients who underwent transcatheter valve-in-valve implantation for degenerated bioprosthetic aortic valves, overall 1-year survival was 83.2%. Survival was lower among patients with small bioprostheses and those with predominant surgical valve stenosis.
Les substituts valvulaires disponibles actuellement comportent encore plusieurs lacunes. La disponibilité restreinte des allogreffes, les risques de coagulation associés aux valves mécaniques et la durabilité limitée des bioprothèses en tissu animal sont toutes des problématiques que le génie tissulaire a le potentiel de surmonter. Avec la méthode d’auto-assemblage, le seul support des cellules consiste en leur propre matrice extracellulaire, permettant la fabrication d’un tissu entièrement libre de matériau exogène. Ce projet a été précédé par ceux des doctorantes Catherine Tremblay et Véronique Laterreur, ayant respectivement développé une méthode de fabrication de valves moulées par auto-assemblage et une nouvelle version de bioréacteur. Au cours de cette maîtrise, le nouveau bioréacteur a été adapté à une utilisation stérile avec des tissus vivants et la méthode de fabrication de valves moulées a été modifiée puis éprouvée avec la production de 4 prototypes. Ces derniers n’ont pas permis d’obtenir des performances satisfaisantes en bioréacteur, motivant la conception d’une nouvelle méthode. Plutôt que de tenter de répliquer la forme native des valves cardiaques, des études récentes ont suggéré une géométrie tubulaire. Cela permettrait une fabrication simplifiée, une implantation rapide, et un encombrement minimal en vue d’opérations percutanées. Cette approche minimaliste s’accorde bien avec la méthode d’auto-assemblage, qui a déjà été utilisée pour la production de vaisseaux de petits diamètres. Un total de 11 tubes ont été produits par l’enroulement de feuillets fibroblastiques auto-assemblés, puis ont été transférés sur des mandrins de diamètre inférieur, leur permettant de se contracter librement. La caractérisation de deux tubes contrôles a démontré que cette phase de précontraction était bénéfique pour les propriétés du tissu en plus de prévenir la contraction en bioréacteur. Les prototypes finaux pouvaient supporter un écoulement physiologique pulmonaire. Cette nouvelle méthode montre que le procédé d’auto-assemblage a le potentiel d’être utilisé pour fabriquer des valves cardiaques tubulaires.
Objectives and Methods: Reoperations are an integral part of a cardiac surgeon's practice. We share our experience of 546 reoperations over the last 21 years to January 2000, with the focus directed towards the timing of reoperation, reducing the mortality and morbidity of reoperation and rereplacement aortic valve surgery, and understanding the important risk factors. In addition, the precise technical steps that facilitate careful successful explantation of various devices (allograft, stented and stentless xenografts, and mechanical valves) are detailed. Results: Optimal planned reoperation before deterioration to New York Heart Association Class III/IV levels and before unfavorable cardiac and comorbidity general system failure occurs has produced low mortality and morbidity as compared with first operation results. However, unfavorable delays and late rereferral result in mortality rates of up to 22% for emergency redo AVR for degenerated bioprostheses. Conclusion: Cardiac surgical units have the opportunity to establish a closer patient-surgeon relationship, which favors, when necessary, the optimal timing of reoperation. Knowledge of the more important risk factors and adherence to specific technical steps at explantation of various devices enhances satisfactory reoperation outcomes.
The present review will briefly summarize the interplay between coagulation and inflammation, highlighting possible effects of direct inhibition of factor Xa and thrombin beyond anticoagulation. Additionally, the rationale for the use of the new direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) for indications such as cancer-associated venous thromboembolism (CAT), mechanical heart valves, thrombotic anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS), and heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) will be explored. Published data on patients with cancer or mechanical heart valves treated with DOAC will be discussed, as well as planned studies in APS and HIT. Although at the present time published evidence is insufficient for recommending DOAC in the above-mentioned indications, there are good arguments in favor of clinical trials investigating their efficacy in these contexts. Direct inhibition of factor Xa or thrombin may reveal interesting effects beyond anticoagulation as well.
Aortic valve replacement using a tissue valve is controversial for patients younger than 60 years old. The long-term survival in this age group, the expected event rates during long-term follow-up, and valve-related complications are not clearly determined.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW There is controversy regarding the optimal choice of prosthetic valves in patients less than 65 years of age requiring mitral valve replacement (MVR). Recently, trends for valve replacement are moving towards biological prosthesis also in younger patients, which is justified by the fact that a later valve-in-valve procedure is feasible in the case of degeneration of the tissue valve. This strategy is increasingly recommended in aortic valve surgery but is questionable for MVR. The purpose of this review is to evaluate current guidelines and analyse evidence for biological MVR in patients under 65 years. RECENT FINDINGS There are differences between guidelines of the American Heart Association and those of the European Society of Cardiology concerning the choice of prostheses in patients undergoing MVR. Although the European Society of Cardiology recommends a mechanical mitral valve in patients under 65 years of age, the American Heart Association does not provide detailed advice for these patients. Mitral valve replacement with biological valves in patients under 65 years is associated with higher rates of reoperation due to structural valve deterioration. In addition, several studies showed a decreased survival after biological MVR. SUMMARY Evidence for biological MVR in patients less than 65 years without comorbidities or contraindication for oral anticoagulation does not exist. Recommendations for patients less than 65 years of age should not be blurred by current 'en-vogue' methods for promising but not yet proven valve-in-valve strategies.
Purpose: Biomaterials have been widely used in the field of regenerative medicine. Bovine pericardium tissue has been successfully used as a bioprosthetic material in manufacturing heart valves, but studies concerning the tissue are ongoing in order to improve its storage, preservation and transportation. This article provides an overview of the characteristics of bovine pericardium tissue chemically treated after the freeze-drying process. These characteristics are essential to evaluate the changes or damage to the tissue during the process. Methods: The mechanical properties of the tissue were analyzed by three different methods due to its anisotropic characteristics. The physical properties were analyzed by a colorimetric method, while the morphological properties were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: The freeze-dried bovine pericardium showed no significant change in its mechanical properties. There was no significant change in the elasticity of the tissue (p > 0.05) and no color change. In addition, SEM analysis showed that the freeze-dried samples did not suffer structural collapse. Conclusions: It was concluded that glutaraldehyde-treated bovine pericardium tissue showed no significant change in its properties after the freeze-drying process.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether patients with heart valve prostheses and similar International Normalized Ratios (INR) have the same level of protection against thromboembolic events, that is, whether the anticoagulation intensity is related to the intensity of hypercoagulability supression. METHODS: INR and plasma levels of prothrombin fragment 1+2 (F1+2) were assessed in blood samples of 27 patients (7 with mechanical heart valves and 20 with biological heart valves) and 27 blood samples from healthy donors that were not taking any medication. RESULTS: Increased levels of F1+2 were observed in blood samples of 5 patients with heart valve prostheses taking warfarin. These findings reinforce the idea that even though patients may have INRs, within the therapeutic spectrum, they are not free from new thromboembolic events. CONCLUSION: Determination of the hypercoagulability marker F1+2 might result in greater efficacy and safety for the use of oral anticoagulants, resulting in improved quality of life for patients.
Phenolic resins when heat treated in inert atmosphere up to 1000 degreesC become glassy polymeric carbon (GPC), a chemically inert and biocompatible material useful for medical applications, such as in the manufacture of heart valves and prosthetic devices. In earlier work we have shown that ion bombardment can modify the surface of GPC, increasing its roughness. The enhanced roughness, which depends on the species, energy and fluence of the ion beam, can improve the biocompatibility of GPC prosthetic artifacts. In this work, ion bombardment was used to make a layer of implanted ions under the surface to avoid the propagation of microcracks in regions where cardiac valves should have pins for fixation of the leaflets. GPC samples prepared at 700 and 1500 degreesC were bombarded with ions of silicon. carbon, oxygen and gold at energies of 5, 6, 8 and 10 MeV, respectively, and fluences between 1.0 x 10(13) and 1.0 x 10(16) ions/cm(2). Nanoindentation hardness characterization was used to compare bombarded with non-bombarded samples prepared at temperatures up to 2500 degreesC. The results with samples not bombarded showed that the hardness of GPC increases strongly with the heat treatment temperature. Comparison with ion bombarded samples shows that the hardness changes according to the ion used, the energy and fluence. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Stainless steels are used to intake and exhaust valves production applied as internal combustion engines. In general valves are requested to support cyclic stresses applied due to opening and closing processes during the operation. The objective of this research is to study the influence on the axial fatigue strength of the resulting microstructure after heat treatment at the martensitic X45CrSi93 steel, combined with different surface treatments as hard chrome-plating, nitride and grinding. It was verified a significant increase on the fatigue strength of the martensitic steel after nitriding, compared with results from the chrome-plating specimens. A slight increase in the tensile strength was also noticed on nitrided parts as a consequence of a resistance increase due to nitrogen and carbon solid solution. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of ICM11
The main goal of the present work is to verify the applicability of the Immersed Boundary Method together with the Virtual Physical Model to solve the flow through automatic valves of hermetic compressors. The valve was simplified to a two-dimensional radial diffuser, with diameter ratio of D/d = 1.5, and simulated for a one cycle of opening and closing process with a imposed velocity of 3.0 cm/s for the reed, dimensionless gap between disks in the range of 0.07 < s/d < 0.10, and inlet Reynolds number equal to 1500. The good results obtained showed that the methodology has great potential as project tool for this type of valve systems. © The Authors, 2011.