105 resultados para MBI


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The Dentistry is considerably stressful profession in all career phases. The aim of this study was verify the presence and level of Burnout syndrome in students, to compare it in the beginning and in the end of graduation course and verify the correlation among subscales and group of social and demographic variables. Was performed study an exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional that with the sample by 174 students coursing different periods. It was used two instrument one with social and demographic questions and MBI-SS. Among 174 students participants of study, 112 (64.37%) were girls and 62 (35.63%) were boys. There was no significant difference between dimensions of Burnout and the gender (p<0.05), professional efficacy (p<0.01) and the period whose the students were coursing. The undergraduates that are in preclinical period showed average ehigher in the two first item of scale average lower in the third item in relation to those that exercise clinically the dentistry. The level of emotional exhausting had significance. There was correlation among three levels of Burnout and the preclinical period is a fact that should be observed.


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Older adults, especially those acutely ill, are vulnerable to developing malnutrition due to a range of risk factors. The high prevalence and extensive consequences of malnutrition in hospitalised older adults have been reported extensively. However, there are few well-designed longitudinal studies that report the independent relationship between malnutrition and clinical outcomes after adjustment for a wide range of covariates. Acutely ill older adults are exceptionally prone to nutritional decline during hospitalisation, but few reports have studied this change and impact on clinical outcomes. In the rapidly ageing Singapore population, all this evidence is lacking, and the characteristics associated with the risk of malnutrition are also not well-documented. Despite the evidence on malnutrition prevalence, it is often under-recognised and under-treated. It is therefore crucial that validated nutrition screening and assessment tools are used for early identification of malnutrition. Although many nutrition screening and assessment tools are available, there is no universally accepted method for defining malnutrition risk and nutritional status. Most existing tools have been validated amongst Caucasians using various approaches, but they are rarely reported in the Asian elderly and none has been validated in Singapore. Due to the multiethnicity, cultural, and language differences in Singapore older adults, the results from non-Asian validation studies may not be applicable. Therefore it is important to identify validated population and setting specific nutrition screening and assessment methods to accurately detect and diagnose malnutrition in Singapore. The aims of this study are therefore to: i) characterise hospitalised elderly in a Singapore acute hospital; ii) describe the extent and impact of admission malnutrition; iii) identify and evaluate suitable methods for nutritional screening and assessment; and iv) examine changes in nutritional status during admission and their impact on clinical outcomes. A total of 281 participants, with a mean (+SD) age of 81.3 (+7.6) years, were recruited from three geriatric wards in Tan Tock Seng Hospital over a period of eight months. They were predominantly Chinese (83%) and community-dwellers (97%). They were screened within 72 hours of admission by a single dietetic technician using four nutrition screening tools [Tan Tock Seng Hospital Nutrition Screening Tool (TTSH NST), Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS 2002), Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF), and Short Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (SNAQ©)] that were administered in no particular order. The total scores were not computed during the screening process so that the dietetic technician was blinded to the results of all the tools. Nutritional status was assessed by a single dietitian, who was blinded to the screening results, using four malnutrition assessment methods [Subjective Global Assessment (SGA), Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA), body mass index (BMI), and corrected arm muscle area (CAMA)]. The SGA rating was completed prior to computation of the total MNA score to minimise bias. Participants were reassessed for weight, arm anthropometry (mid-arm circumference, triceps skinfold thickness), and SGA rating at discharge from the ward. The nutritional assessment tools and indices were validated against clinical outcomes (length of stay (LOS) >11days, discharge to higher level care, 3-month readmission, 6-month mortality, and 6-month Modified Barthel Index) using multivariate logistic regression. The covariates included age, gender, race, dementia (defined using DSM IV criteria), depression (defined using a single question “Do you often feel sad or depressed?”), severity of illness (defined using a modified version of the Severity of Illness Index), comorbidities (defined using Charlson Comorbidity Index, number of prescribed drugs and admission functional status (measured using Modified Barthel Index; MBI). The nutrition screening tools were validated against the SGA, which was found to be the most appropriate nutritional assessment tool from this study (refer section 5.6) Prevalence of malnutrition on admission was 35% (defined by SGA), and it was significantly associated with characteristics such as swallowing impairment (malnourished vs well-nourished: 20% vs 5%), poor appetite (77% vs 24%), dementia (44% vs 28%), depression (34% vs 22%), and poor functional status (MBI 48.3+29.8 vs 65.1+25.4). The SGA had the highest completion rate (100%) and was predictive of the highest number of clinical outcomes: LOS >11days (OR 2.11, 95% CI [1.17- 3.83]), 3-month readmission (OR 1.90, 95% CI [1.05-3.42]) and 6-month mortality (OR 3.04, 95% CI [1.28-7.18]), independent of a comprehensive range of covariates including functional status, disease severity and cognitive function. SGA is therefore the most appropriate nutritional assessment tool for defining malnutrition. The TTSH NST was identified as the most suitable nutritional screening tool with the best diagnostic performance against the SGA (AUC 0.865, sensitivity 84%, specificity 79%). Overall, 44% of participants experienced weight loss during hospitalisation, and 27% had weight loss >1% per week over median LOS 9 days (range 2-50). Wellnourished (45%) and malnourished (43%) participants were equally prone to experiencing decline in nutritional status (defined by weight loss >1% per week). Those with reduced nutritional status were more likely to be discharged to higher level care (adjusted OR 2.46, 95% CI [1.27-4.70]). This study is the first to characterise malnourished hospitalised older adults in Singapore. It is also one of the very few studies to (a) evaluate the association of admission malnutrition with clinical outcomes in a multivariate model; (b) determine the change in their nutritional status during admission; and (c) evaluate the validity of nutritional screening and assessment tools amongst hospitalised older adults in an Asian population. Results clearly highlight that admission malnutrition and deterioration in nutritional status are prevalent and are associated with adverse clinical outcomes in hospitalised older adults. With older adults being vulnerable to risks and consequences of malnutrition, it is important that they are systematically screened so timely and appropriate intervention can be provided. The findings highlighted in this thesis provide an evidence base for, and confirm the validity of the current nutrition screening and assessment tools used among hospitalised older adults in Singapore. As the older adults may have developed malnutrition prior to hospital admission, or experienced clinically significant weight loss of >1% per week of hospitalisation, screening of the elderly should be initiated in the community and continuous nutritional monitoring should extend beyond hospitalisation.


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Background: Haemodialysis nurses form long term relationships with patients in a technologically complex work environment. Previous studies have highlighted that haemodialysis nurses face stressors related to the nature of their work and also their work environments leading to reported high levels of burnout. Using Kanters (1997) Structural Empowerment Theory as a guiding framework, the aim of this study was to explore the factors contributing to satisfaction with the work environment, job satisfaction, job stress and burnout in haemodialysis nurses. Methods: Using a sequential mixed-methods design, the first phase involved an on-line survey comprising demographic and work characteristics, Brisbane Practice Environment Measure (B-PEM), Index of Work Satisfaction(IWS), Nursing Stress Scale (NSS) and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). The second phase involved conducting eight semi-structured interviews with data thematically analyzed. Results: From the 417 nurses surveyed the majority were female (90.9 %), aged over 41 years of age (74.3 %), and 47.4 % had worked in haemodialysis for more than 10 years. Overall the work environment was perceived positively and there was a moderate level of job satisfaction. However levels of stress and emotional exhaustion (burnout) were high. Two themes, ability to care and feeling successful as a nurse, provided clarity to the level of job satisfaction found in phase 1. While two further themes, patients as quasi-family and intense working teams, explained why working as a haemodialysis nurse was both satisfying and stressful. Conclusions: Nurse managers can use these results to identify issues being experienced by haemodialysis nurses working in the unit they are supervising.


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Occupational burnout and heath Occupational burnout is assumed to be a negative consequence of chronic work stress. In this study, it was explored in the framework of occupational health psychology, which focusses on psychologically mediated processes between work and health. The objectives were to examine the overlap between burnout and ill health in relation to mental disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, and cardiovascular diseases, which are the three commonest disease groups causing work disability in Finland; to study whether burnout can be distinguished from ill health by its relation to work characteristics and work disability; and to determine the socio-demographic correlates of burnout at the population level. A nationally representative sample of the Finnish working population aged 30 to 64 years (n = 3151-3424) from the multidisciplinary epidemiological Health 2000 Study was used. Burnout was measured with the Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey. The diagnoses of common mental disorders were based on the standardized mental health interview (the Composite International Diagnostic Interview), and physical illnesses were determined in a comprehensive clinical health examination by a research physician. Medically certified sickness absences exceeding 9 work days during a 2-year period were extracted from a register of The Social Insurance Institution of Finland. Work stress was operationalized according to the job strain model. Gender, age, education, occupational status, and marital status were recorded as socio-demographic factors. Occupational burnout was related to an increased prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders and alcohol dependence among the men and women. Burnout was also related to musculoskeletal disorders among the women and cardiovascular diseases among the men independently of socio-demographic factors, physical strenuousness of work, health behaviour, and depressive symptoms. The odds of having at least one long, medically-certified sickness absence were higher for employees with burnout than for their colleagues without burnout. For severe burnout, this association was independent of co-occurring common mental disorders and physical illnesses for both genders, as was also the case for mild burnout among the women. In a subgroup of the men with absences, severe burnout was related to a greater number of absence days than among the women with absences. High job strain was associated with a higher occurrence of burnout and depressive disorders than low job strain was. Of these, the association between job strain and burnout was stronger, and it persisted after control for socio-demographic factors, health behaviour, physical illnesses, and various indicators of mental health. In contrast, job strain was not related to depressive disorders after burnout was accounted for. Among the working population over 30 years of age, burnout was positively associated with age. There was also a tendency towards higher levels of burnout among the women with low educational attainment and occupational status and among the unmarried men. In conclusion, a considerable overlap was found between burnout, mental disorders, and physical illnesses. Still, burnout did not seem to be totally redundant with respect to ill health. Burnout may be more strongly related to stressful work characteristics than depressive disorders are. In addition, burnout seems to be an independent risk factor for work disability, and it could possibly be used as a marker of health-impairing work stress. However, burnout may represent a different kind of risk factor for men and women, and this possibility needs to be taken into account in the promotion of occupational health.


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The major changes that have been witnessed in today's workplaces are challenging the mental well-being of employed people. Stress and burnout are considered to be modern epidemics, and their importance to physical health and work ability has been acknowledged world-wide. The aim of the thesis was to study the concept of burnout as a process proceeding from its antecedents, through the development of the syndrome, and to its outcomes. Several work-related factors considered antecedents of burnout were studied in different occupational groups. The syndrome of burnout is seen as consisting of three dimensions - exhaustion, cynicism and lack of professional efficacy - and different alternatives for the sequential development of these dimensions were tested. Furthermore, several indicators of the severely detrimental health and work ability outcomes of burnout were investigated in a longitudinal study design. The research questions were as follows. 1) Is burnout, as measured with the Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS), a three-dimensional construct and how invariant is the factorial structure across occupations (Finnish) and national samples (Finnish, Swedish and Dutch)? How persistent is exhaustion over time? 2) What is the sequential process of burnout? Is it similar across occupations? How do work stressors relate to the process? 3) How does burnout relate to severe health consequences as well as temporary and chronic work disability according to hospitalization periods, sick-leave episodes and receiving disability pensions? The data were collected between 1986 and 2005. The population of the study consisted of respondents to a company-wide questionnaire survey carried out in 1996-1997 (N=9705, response rate 63%). The participants comprised 6025 blue-collar workers and 3680 white-collar workers. The majority were men (N=7494) and the average age was 43.7 years. In addition, a sample from the population had responded to a questionnaire survey in 1988, which was combined with the 1996 data to form panel data on 713 respondents. The register-based data were collected between 1986 and 2005 from 1) the company's occupational health services' records for a sample of respondents from the 1996 questionnaire survey (sick-leave data), 2) hospitalization records from the Hospital discharge register, and 3) disability pension records from the Finnish Centre for Pensions. These data were combined person by person with the 1996 questionnaire survey data with the help of personal identification numbers which were saved with the study numbers by the researchers. The results showed that burnout consists of three separate but correlating symptoms: exhaustion, cynicism and lack of professional efficacy. As a syndrome, burnout was strongly related to job stressors at work, and seemed to develop from exhaustion through cynicism to lack of professional efficacy in a similar manner among white-collar and blue-collar employees. The results also showed that exhaustion persisted even after eight years of follow-up but did not predict cynicism or lack of professional efficacy after that amount of time. Nor were job stressors longitudinally related to burnout. Longitudinal results were obtained for the severe health-related consequences of burnout. The investigated outcomes represented different phases of health deterioration ranging from sick-leaves and hospitalization periods to receiving work disability pensions. The results showed that burnout syndrome, and its elements of exhaustion and cynicism, were related to future mental and cardiovascular disorders as indicated by hospitalization periods. Burnout was also related to future sick-leave periods due to mental, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal disorders. Of the separate elements, exhaustion was related to the same three categories of disorder, cynicism to mental, musculoskeletal and digestive disorders, and lack of professional efficacy to mental and musculoskeletal disorders. Burnout also predicted receiving disability pensions due to mental and musculoskeletal disorders among initially healthy subjects. Exhaustion was related to receiving disability pensions even when self-reported chronic illness was taken into account. The results suggest that burnout is a multidimensional, chronic, work-related syndrome, which may have serious consequences for health and work ability.


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An anthracene-containing poly(arylene-ethynylene)-alt-poly(arylene-vinylene) (PAE-PAV) of general constitutional unit (PhCCAnthrCCPhCHCHAnthrCHCH)(n) bearing two 2-ethylhexyloxy solubilizing side chains on each phenylene (Ph) unit has been synthesized and characterized. The basic electrochemical characterization was done, showing the existence of two non-reversible oxidation and one reversible reduction peaks. The optical properties, the real and imaginary part of the dielectric function, were probed using spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). The vibrational structure of the undoped/doped polymer was investigated using Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy. A strong change in the polaronic absorption was observed during the doping, which after modeling revealed the existence of two separated transitions. The optical changes upon doping were additionally recorded using the SE technique. Similar to the results from FT-IR spectroscopy, two new in-the-gap absorptions were found. Moreover, the electrical conductivity as well as the mobility of positive carriers were measured. In the undoped state, the conductivity of the polymer was found to be below the detection limit (


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Resumen: El trabajo docente no se reduce al dictado de clases, implica la ejecución de varias actividades como son el cuidado y mantenimiento de la escuela, la atención de los alumnos en su diversidad, la confección de materiales didácticos, la realización y presentación de trámites administrativos, la inserción en los programas de capacitación, y el contacto con los padres, con las autoridades y compañeros de trabajo; lo que implica un duro esfuerzo, una significativa carga psíquica en el trabajo. Cuando la motivación y la satisfacción por educar disminuyen, cuando el compromiso profesional y la vocación de enseñar no son suficientes para garantizar un desempeño satisfactorio y sobrellevar las diferentes situaciones de la labor cotidiana, aumenta la probabilidad de que el docente experimente malestar psicofísico y agotamiento. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar el estado de satisfacción laboral de los docentes y su impacto en las dimensiones del Síndrome de Burnout. Se trabajó con una muestra de 229 profesores de nivel primario, de las provincias de Entre Ríos y Buenos Aires. Los resultados indicaron un efecto significativo de la satisfacción laboral sobre las diversas manifestaciones del síndrome. Los maestros más satisfechos con su trabajo mostraron puntuaciones más bajas de cansancio emocional y valores más elevados en ladimensión realización personal del Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI).


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O presente estudo, epidemiológico e de caráter exploratório, tem como objeti-vo analisar, comparativamente, as relações entre mobbing (assédio moral) e as di-mensões da Síndrome de Burnout em servidores da justiça do trabalho. A escolha deste tópico de pesquisa é justificada pelo aumento dos números estatísticos e pela evidência empírica de que o burnout é o dano mais prevalente que acomete vítimas de mobbing. Os 552 participantes desta pesquisa constituem uma amostra repre-sentativa, extraída de uma população de 3239 servidores públicos. O respectivo plano amostral levou em consideração variáveis sócio-demográficas, entre as quais: gênero, cargo, escolaridade e outras de relevância para a pesquisa. Foram quatro os instrumentos de medida aplicados nos participantes: um questionário sócio-demográfico, a Escala de Percepção do Assédio Moral no Trabalho - EP-AMT (Mar-tins; Ferraz, 2008), a Escala de Impacto Afetivo do Assédio Moral no Trabalho - EIA-AMT (Martins; Ferraz, 2008) e o Maslach Burnout Inventory General Survey MBI-GS (Maslach; Schaufeli, 1993). Na análise estatística, foram utilizados os softwares SPSS V17, Minitab 16 e Excel Office 2010 e, para medir a significância entre as amostras, foi utilizada a estatística t de Student. Os resultados desta investigação permitem identificar a existência de interfaces entre os construtos mobbing e bur-nout. Além disso, os dados gerados pela pesquisa favorecem a construção de indi-cadores úteis ao planejamento de ações em políticas públicas de prevenção, anteci-pação, identificação, intervenção e enfrentamento de casos de assédio moral e bur-nout no ambiente laboral, com conseqüente preservação da saúde mental dos traba-lhadores desse segmento.


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The rational design, synthesis and characterization of five phosphorescent platinum complexes [(C boolean AND N) Pt(acac)] [Hacac = acetylacetone, HC boolean AND N = 1-methyl-2-(4-fluorophenyl)benzoimidazole (H-FMBI), 1-methyl-2-phenylbenzoimidazole (H-MBI), 1,2-diphenyl-benzoimidazole (H-PBI), 1-(4-(3,6-di-t-butylcarbazol-9-yl)) phenyl-2-phenylbenzoimidazole (t-BuCz-H-PBI), and 1-(4-(3,6-di-(3,6-di-t-butyl-carbazol-9-yl))carbazol-9-yl) phenyl-2-phenylbenzoimidazole (t-BuCzCz-H-PBI)] have been discussed. The crystal structure of (MBI) Pt(acac) shows a nearly ideal square planar geometry around Pt atom and the weak intermolecular interactions with pi-pi spacing of 3.55 angstrom. All of the complexes emit green phosphorescence from the metal-to-ligand charge-transfer (MLCT) excited state with high quantum efficiency (0.08-0.17) at room temperature.


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Studies on job burnout have drawn more and more attentions for clinical nurses, however, investigations on specific nurse sample, those working in the Tibet Plateau, are few. In this study, we evaluated the job burnout of the nurses working in the Tibet Plateau and investigated the influence of organization intervention on the job burnout of nurses. The questionnaires applied in this study included MBI-General Survey and Distributive,Procedural and interactive Justice . The results were as follows, First, certain degree of job burnout undoubtedly exists in the nurse sample working in the Tibet Plateau, although it was not serious in general. The factors, such as age, being soldier or not , weekly working hours and the professional titles, had significant influence on the levels of job burnout in the nurse sample of this study; Secondly, emotional exhaustion was at a higher level for the nurses working in the Tibet Plateau,a high altitude area than in those working in the low altitude area, while it was easier for nurses in the low altitude area to achieve personal accomplishment; Thirdly, a correlation was observed in the organizational justice and job burnout. Organization intervention can alleviate or prevent from the feelings of job burnout by improving the organization justice; Finally, taken together, we thus suggest that prevention is the most effective measure to prevent the onset of job burnout, and an improvement in the social organization and personal skills and attitudes simultaneously are much appreciated.


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The behaviour towards electron transfer of self-assembled monolayers of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (MBI) and 2-mercaptobenzimidazole-5-sulfonate (MBIS) on Au(1 1 1) was examined by cyclic voltammetry. The influence of the monolayers was drastically dependent on the charge of the redox probe used. When [Ru(NH3)6]3+ is used, a post-adsorption peak characteristic of the adsorption of the redox probe is detected only at the MBIS modified electrode. Taking advantage of this difference, ac voltammetry has been used to determine the surface composition when mixed monolayers are formed by immersion of the gold substrate in mixtures of different molar fractions of MBI and MBIS. Results clearly indicate that the ionic strength of the immersion solution plays a key role in the surface composition when a charged surfactant is mixed with non-charged surfactant. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The description of the monolayer formed at Au(1 1 1) by 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (MBI) under potential control has been based on electrochemical data (charge measurements) and spectroscopic information from the subtractively normalized interfacial Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy method (SNIFTIRS). From the quantitative analysis of the SNIFTIR spectra, a surface coverage Γ/Γmax was extracted for each sample potential. The evolution of the coverage with potential was in full agreement with the charge density curve. The shift of the pzc in the presence of MBI indicates that the adsorbed molecules have a nonzero component of the permanent dipole moment in the direction perpendicular to the electrode surface. Thanks to the high quality of the spectra, it was possible to determine the orientation of MBI molecules at the surface in the monolayer and submonolayer range. The angle between the C2-axis of the molecule and the direction normal to the surface is close to 64 ± 4° and its small change (<15°) with potential indicates that the orientation of the molecules is chiefly controlled by the chemical interaction between the sulphur atom and the gold surface. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The behaviour of a self-assembled monolayer of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (MBI) at the Au(111) electrode has been examined using cyclic voltammetry and in situ FTIR spectroscopy. The charge associated with the reductive desorption is pH independent while the oxidative partial redeposition charge increases when the pH is lowered. This is due to differences between the nature and the solubility of the MBI desorption product. In alkaline and neutral media MBI desorbs as the thiolate. In contrast, in acidic solutions the thiol is the desorbed product. Subtractively normalized interfacial reflection Fourier transform absorption spectroscopy (SNIFTIRS) has been applied to investigate the MBI monolayer in contact with aqueous solutions of different pH. The SNIFTIRS data are in agreement with the electrochemical results. Moreover, quantitative analysis of the IR data provided evidence that adsorbed MBI molecules assume a tilted orientation with an angle of 60±5° between the C2 axis of the molecule and the direction normal to the gold surface. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The vibrational properties of the 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (MBI) molecule in interaction with gold were examined by a combined approach of FTIR measurements and density functional theory (DFT). A complete assignment of the 42 normal modes of MBI has been performed on the basis of DFT calculations at the B3PW91 level in complement to the Raman and FTIR spectra. Calculations demonstrated that, on the deprotonated MBI molecule, the negative charge is localized on the sulfur atom, favoring the formation of a gold-sulfur bond upon reaction of MBI with gold. This was confirmed by the very good agreement between the calculated spectrum and the experimental spectra of different gold-MBI compounds, indicating that the vibrational properties of adsorbed MBI are chiefly determined by the coordination through the sulfur atom. © 2006 American Chemical Society.


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The introduction of non-indigenous marine plankton species can have a considerable ecological and economic effect on regional systems. Their presence, however, can go unnoticed until they reach nuisance status and as a consequence few case histories exist containing information on their initial appearance and their spatio-temporal patterns. Here we report on the occurrence of the non-indigenous diatom Coscinodiscus wailesii in 1977 in the English Channel, its subsequent geographical spread into European shelf seas, and its persistence as a significant member of the diatom community in the north-east Atlantic from 1977-1995.