963 resultados para MATRIX INFRARED-SPECTRA


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The molecular structures of NbOBr3, NbSCl3, and NbSBr3 have been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction (GED) at nozzle-tip temperatures of 250 degreesC, taking into account the possible presence of NbOCl3 as a contaminant in the NbSCl3 sample and NbOBr3 in the NbSBr3 sample. The experimental data are consistent with trigonal-pyramidal molecules having C-3v symmetry. Infrared spectra of molecules trapped in argon or nitrogen matrices were recorded and exhibit the characteristic fundamental stretching modes for C-3v species. Well resolved isotopic fine structure (Cl-35 and Cl-37) was observed for NbSCl3, and for NbOCl3 which occurred as an impurity in the NbSCl3 spectra. Quantum mechanical calculations of the structures and vibrational frequencies of the four YNbX3 molecules (Y = O, S; X = Cl, Br) were carried out at several levels of theory, most importantly B3LYP DFT with either the Stuttgart RSC ECP or Hay-Wadt (n + 1) ECP VDZ basis set for Nb and the 6-311 G* basis set for the nonmetal atoms. Theoretical values for the bond lengths are 0.01-0.04 Angstrom longer than the experimental ones of type r(a), in accord with general experience, but the bond angles with theoretical minus experimental differences of only 1.0-1.5degrees are notably accurate. Symmetrized force fields were also calculated. The experimental bond lengths (r(g)/Angstrom) and angles (angle(alpha)/deg) with estimated 2sigma uncertainties from GED are as follows. NbOBr3: r(Nb=O) = 1.694(7), r(Nb-Br) = 2.429(2), angle(O=Nb-Br) = 107.3(5), angle(Br-Nb-Br) = 111.5(5). NbSBr3: r(Nb=S) = 2.134(10), r(Nb-Br) = 2.408(4), angle(S=Nb-Br) = 106.6(7), angle(Br-Nb-Br) = 112.2(6). NbSCl3: Nb=S) = 2.120(10), r(Nb-Cl) = 2.271(6), angle(S=Nb-Cl) = 107.8(12), angle(Cl-Nb-Cl) = 111.1(11).


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In spectra of jet-cooled C2H2 recorded with an FTIR spectrometer, the ν5, ν4 + ν5, ν3 and ν2 + ν4 + ν5 bands all exhibit an intensity distribution corresponding to ∼6 K for rotation, with no evidence of nuclear spin conversion. Spectra of C2H2 isolated in solid p-H2 show no evidence of rotation of C2H2. The strong interaction between ν3 and ν2 + ν4 + ν5 in the gas phase is diminished in solid p-H2. Lines associated with dimer, trimer and tetramer of C2H2 are identified. Spectral features characteristic of solid state acetylene are observed under jet-cooled conditions. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The infrared spectrum of the matrix-isolated species of thioacetamide has been simulated using the extended molecular mechanics method. The equilibrium structure, vibrational frequencies, dipole moment and infrared absorption intensities of thioacetamide have been calculated in good agreement with the experiment. The vibrational frequencies and infrared absorption intensities for the isotopic molecules (CH2CSNH2)-C-13, (CH3CSNH2)-N-15 and (CH2CSND2)-C-13 have also been calculated consistent with the experiment. The infrared spectra of the matrix isolated species of N- and C- deuterated isotopomers of thioacetamide, CH3CSND2 and CD3CSNH2 have also been simulated in satisfactory agreement with the experimental spectra.


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The infrared spectra of the matrix isolated species of N-methylformamide (NMF) and N-methylacetamide (NMA) and their N-deuterated molecules have been simulated by the extended molecular mechanics method using an empirical force field which includes charges and charge fluxes as coulombic potential parameters. The structural parameters and dipole. moments of NMF and NMA have. also been computed in satisfactory agreement with the experiment. Good agreement between experimental and calculated vibrational frequencies and infrared absorption band intensities for NMF and NMA and their deuterated molecules has been obtained. The vibrational assignments of NMF and NMA are-discussed taking also into account the infrared absorption intensities.


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Infrared spectra of atmospherically and astronomically important dimethylphenanthrenes (DMPs), namely 1,9-DMP, 2,4-DMP, and 3,9-DMP, were recorded in the gas phase from 400 to 4000 cm(-1) with a resolution of 0.5 cm(-1) at 110 degrees C using a 7.2 m gas cell. DFT calculations at the B3LYP/6-311G** level were carried out to get the harmonic and anharmonic frequencies and their corresponding intensities for the assignment of the observed bands. However, spectral assignments could not be made unambiguously using anharmonic or selectively scaled harmonic frequencies. Therefore, the scaled quantum mechanical (SQM) force field analysis method was adopted to achieve more accurate assignments. In this method force fields instead of frequencies were scaled. The Cartesian force field matrix obtained from the Gaussian calculations was converted to a nonredundant local coordinate force field matrix and then the force fields were scaled to match experimental frequencies in a consistent manner using a modified version of the UMAT program of the QCPE package. Potential energy distributions (PEDs) of the normal modes in terms of nonredundant local coordinates obtained from these calculations helped us derive the nature of the vibration at each frequency. The intensity of observed bands in the experimental spectra was calculated using estimated vapor pressures of the DMPs. An error analysis of the mean deviation between experimental and calculated intensities reveal that the observed methyl C-H stretching intensity deviates more compared to the aromatic C-H and non C-H stretching bands.


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Gas phase vibrational spectra of BrHI- and BrDI- have been measured from 6 to 17 mum (590-1666 cm-1) using tunable infrared radiation from the free electron laser for infrared experiments in order to characterize the strong hydrogen bond in these species. BrHI-.Ar and BrDI-.Ar complexes were produced and mass selected, and the depletion of their signal due to vibrational predissociation was monitored as a function of photon energy. Additionally, BrHI- and BrDI- were dissociated into HBr (DBr) and I- via resonant infrared multiphoton dissociation. The spectra show numerous transitions, which had not been observed by previous matrix studies. New ab initio calculations of the potential-energy surface and the dipole moment are presented and are used in variational ro-vibrational calculations to assign the spectral features. These calculations highlight the importance of basis set in the simulation of heavy atoms such as iodine. Further, they demonstrate extensive mode mixing between the bend and the H-atom stretch modes in BrHI- and BrDI- due to Fermi resonances. These interactions result in major deviations from simple harmonic estimates of the vibrational energies. As a result of this new analysis, previous matrix-isolation spectra assignments are reevaluated. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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An important component of current models for interstellar and circumstellar evolution is the infrared (IR)spectral data collected from stellar outflows around oxygen-rich stars and from the general interstellar medium [1]. IR spectra from these celestial bodies are usually interpreted as showing the general properties of sub-micron sized silicate grains [2]. Two major features at 10 and 20 microns are reasonably attributed to amorphous olivine or pyroxene (e.g. Mg2Si04 or MgSi03) on the basis of comparisons with natural standards and vapor condensed silicates [3-6]. In an attempt to define crystallisation rates for spectrally amorphous condensates, Nuth and Donn [5] annealed experimentally produced amorphous magnesium silicate smokes at 1000K. On analysing these smokes at various annealing times, Nuth and Donn [5] showed that changes in crystallinity measured by bulk X-ray diffraction occured at longer annealing times (days) than changes measured by IR spectra (a few hours). To better define the onset of crystallinity in these magnesium silicates, we have examined each annealed product using a JEOL 1OOCX analytical electron microscope (AEM). In addition, the development of chemical diversity with annealing has been monitored using energy dispersive spectroscopy of individual grains from areas <20nm in diameter. Furthermore, the crystallisation kinetics of these smokes under ambient, room temperature conditions have been examined using bulk and fourier transform infrared (FTIR)spectra.


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Infrared spectra of N-acetylthiourea (ATU) and its N,N,N′-trideuterated compound have been examined in the range 4000–50 cm−1. A complete vibrational assignment with a normal coordinate treatment based on a Urey-Bradley type intramolecular potential function supplemented with valence force function for the out of plane and torsional modes is proposed and the feature of the thioureido vibrations explained. A molecular orbital study by the CNDO/2 method of ATU and its oxygen analog is undertaken and the results are analyzed for a comparative study of the molecular electronic structure and conformation.


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Infrared spectra are recorded for S-methyl dithiocarbazate and its N-deuterated compound in two molecular conformations in the solid state and in solution between 4000 and 30 cm−1. The assignments have been supported from a complete normal coordinate analysis; the conformation sensitive bands of the –CSNHNH2 grouping are discussed. The assignments are compared with those of related molecules to check the internal consistency and to obtain the pattern of the characteristic bands of thiocarbazoyl (–CSNHNH2) group. The magnitudes of the C–N and S–CH3 torsional barriers are estimated from the force constants.


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Polarized i.r. spectra of oriented polycrystals and the i.r. and Raman spectra of polycrystalline samples of pyridine-2-thione have been obtained. The Raman spectra of a solution of pyridine-2-thione has also been measured and the polarization of many lines determined. The i.r. spectra of S-methyl and N-deuterated compounds have also been investigated. A complete assignment of all the observed peaks has been possible. The results are correlated with the assignments available for related systems.


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Infrared spectra of 1,3-dithiole-2-thione (DTT) and its four selenium analogues have been studied in the region 4000 to 20 cm�1. Assignment of all the fundamental frequencies was made by noting the band shifts on progressive selenation. Normal coordinate analysis procedures have been applied for both in-plane and out-of-plane vibrations to help the assignments. The Urey�Bradley force function supplemented with valence force constants for the out-of-plane vibrations was employed for coordinate calculations. A correlation of the infrared assignments of DTT with its different selenium analogues is accomplished. Further, the infrared assignments are compared with those of trithiocarbonate ion and its selenium analogues and other structurally related heterocyclic molecules.


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The i.r. spectra of some Ln2BO4 and LnSrBO4 compounds (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm or Gd;B = Fe, Al, Co or Cu) with K2NiF4 or related structures have been studied in the range 800-300 cm−1. The BO6 octahedra in compounds with K2NiF4 structure are elongated. The assignment of the bands in terms of internal modes of sheets of bridged BO6 octahedra or square-planar BO4 sheets has been considered. The observed spectra are correlated with those of solid solutions of these oxides and of LnBO3 perovskites. Unusually high stretching frequencies found in some of the oxides are discussed in terms of the short B---O bonds in the basal plane and the Ln---O bonds along the c axis.


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The i.r. spectra of some Ln2BO4 and LnSrBO4 compounds (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm or Gd;B = Fe, Al, Co or Cu) with K2NiF4 or related structures have been studied in the range 800-300 cm−1. The BO6 octahedra in compounds with K2NiF4 structure are elongated. The assignment of the bands in terms of internal modes of sheets of bridged BO6 octahedra or square-planar BO4 sheets has been considered. The observed spectra are correlated with those of solid solutions of these oxides and of LnBO3 perovskites. Unusually high stretching frequencies found in some of the oxides are discussed in terms of the short B---O bonds in the basal plane and the Ln---O bonds along the c axis.