971 resultados para MATHEMATICAL MODELING


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The presence of entrapped air in pressurized hydraulic systems is considered a critical condition for the infrastructure security, due to the transient pressure enhancement related with its dynamic behaviour, similar to non-linear spring action. A mathematical model for the assessment of hydraulic transients resulting from rapid pressurizations, under referred condition is presented. Water movement was modeled through the elastic column theory considering a moving liquid boundary and the entrapped air pocket as lumped gas mass, where the acoustic effects are negligible. The method of characteristics was used to obtain the numerical solution of the liquid flow. The resulting model is applied to an experimental set-up having entrapped air in the top of a vertical pipe section and the numerical results are analyzed.


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Pultrusion is an industrial process used to produce glass fibers reinforced polymers profiles. These materials are worldwide used when performing characteristics, such as great electrical and magnetic insulation, high strength to weight ratio, corrosion and weather resistance, long service life and minimal maintenance are required. In this study, we present the results of the modelling and simulation of heat flow through a pultrusion die by means of Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The numerical simulation was calibrated based on temperature profiles computed from thermographic measurements carried out during pultrusion manufacturing process. Obtained results have shown a maximum deviation of 7%, which is considered to be acceptable for this type of analysis, and is below to the 10% value, previously specified as maximum deviation. © 2011, Advanced Engineering Solutions.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2013


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Despite their limited proliferation capacity, regulatory T cells (T(regs)) constitute a population maintained over the entire lifetime of a human organism. The means by which T(regs) sustain a stable pool in vivo are controversial. Using a mathematical model, we address this issue by evaluating several biological scenarios of the origins and the proliferation capacity of two subsets of T(regs): precursor CD4(+)CD25(+)CD45RO(-) and mature CD4(+)CD25(+)CD45RO(+) cells. The lifelong dynamics of T(regs) are described by a set of ordinary differential equations, driven by a stochastic process representing the major immune reactions involving these cells. The model dynamics are validated using data from human donors of different ages. Analysis of the data led to the identification of two properties of the dynamics: (1) the equilibrium in the CD4(+)CD25(+)FoxP3(+)T(regs) population is maintained over both precursor and mature T(regs) pools together, and (2) the ratio between precursor and mature T(regs) is inverted in the early years of adulthood. Then, using the model, we identified three biologically relevant scenarios that have the above properties: (1) the unique source of mature T(regs) is the antigen-driven differentiation of precursors that acquire the mature profile in the periphery and the proliferation of T(regs) is essential for the development and the maintenance of the pool; there exist other sources of mature T(regs), such as (2) a homeostatic density-dependent regulation or (3) thymus- or effector-derived T(regs), and in both cases, antigen-induced proliferation is not necessary for the development of a stable pool of T(regs). This is the first time that a mathematical model built to describe the in vivo dynamics of regulatory T cells is validated using human data. The application of this model provides an invaluable tool in estimating the amount of regulatory T cells as a function of time in the blood of patients that received a solid organ transplant or are suffering from an autoimmune disease.


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Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document de l'arxiu adjunt


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This study aimed to apply mathematical models to the growth of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reared in net cages in the lower São Francisco basin and choose the model(s) that best represents the conditions of rearing for the region. Nonlinear models of Brody, Bertalanffy, Logistic, Gompertz, and Richards were tested. The models were adjusted to the series of weight for age according to the methods of Gauss, Newton, Gradiente and Marquardt. It was used the procedure "NLIN" of the System SAS® (2003) to obtain estimates of the parameters from the available data. The best adjustment of the data were performed by the Bertalanffy, Gompertz and Logistic models which are equivalent to explain the growth of the animals up to 270 days of rearing. From the commercial point of view, it is recommended that commercialization of tilapia from at least 600 g, which is estimated in the Bertalanffy, Gompertz and Logistic models for creating over 183, 181 and 184 days, and up to 1 Kg of mass , it is suggested the suspension of the rearing up to 244, 244 and 243 days, respectively.


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Detta arbete fokuserar på modellering av katalytiska gas-vätskereaktioner som genomförs i kontinuerliga packade bäddar. Katalyserade gas-vätskereaktioner hör till de mest typiska reaktionerna i kemisk industri; därför behandlas här packade bäddreaktorer som ett av de populäraste alternativen, då kontinuerlig drift eftersträvas. Tack vare en stor katalysatormängd per volym har de en kompakt struktur, separering av katalysatorn behövs inte och genom en professionell design kan den mest fördelaktiga strömningsbilden upprätthållas i reaktorn. Packade bäddreaktorer är attraktiva p.g.a. lägre investerings- och driftskostnader. Även om packade bäddar används intensivt i industri, är det mycket utmanande att modellera. Detta beror på att tre faser samexisterar och systemets geometri är komplicerad. Existensen av flera reaktioner gör den matematiska modelleringen även mera krävande. Många förenklingar blir därmed nödvändiga. Modellerna involverar typiskt flera parametrar som skall justeras på basis av experimentella data. I detta arbete studerades fem olika reaktionssystem. Systemen hade studerats experimentellt i vårt laboratorium med målet att nå en hög produktivitet och selektivitet genom ett optimalt val av katalysatorer och driftsbetingelser. Hydrering av citral, dekarboxylering av fettsyror, direkt syntes av väteperoxid samt hydrering av sockermonomererna glukos och arabinos användes som exempelsystem. Även om dessa system hade mycket gemensamt, hade de också unika egenskaper och krävde därför en skräddarsydd matematisk behandling. Citralhydrering var ett system med en dominerande huvudreaktion som producerar citronellal och citronellol som huvudprodukter. Produkterna används som en citrondoftande komponent i parfymer, tvålar och tvättmedel samt som plattform-kemikalier. Dekarboxylering av stearinsyra var ett specialfall, för vilket en reaktionsväg för produktion av långkedjade kolväten utgående från fettsyror söktes. En synnerligen hög produktselektivitet var karakteristisk för detta system. Även processuppskalning modellerades för dekarboxylerings-reaktionen. Direkt syntes av väteperoxid hade som målsättning att framta en förenklad process att producera väteperoxid genom att låta upplöst väte och syre reagera direkt i ett lämpligt lösningsmedel på en aktiv fast katalysator. I detta system förekommer tre bireaktioner, vilka ger vatten som oönskad produkt. Alla dessa tre reaktioner modellerades matematiskt med hjälp av dynamiska massbalanser. Målet med hydrering av glukos och arabinos är att framställa produkter med en hög förädlingsgrad, nämligen sockeralkoholer, genom katalytisk hydrering. För dessa två system löstes ämnesmängd- och energibalanserna simultant för att evaluera effekter inne i porösa katalysatorpartiklar. Impulsbalanser som bestämmer strömningsbetingelser inne i en kemisk reaktor, ersattes i alla modelleringsstudier med semi-empiriska korrelationsuttryck för vätskans volymandel och tryckförlust och med axiell dispersionsmodell för beskrivning av omblandningseffekter. Genom att justera modellens parametrar kunde reaktorns beteende beskrivas väl. Alla experiment var genomförda i laboratorieskala. En stor mängd av kopplade effekter samexisterade: reaktionskinetik inklusive adsorption, katalysatordeaktivering, mass- och värmeöverföring samt strömningsrelaterade effekter. En del av dessa effekter kunde studeras separat (t.ex. dispersionseffekter och bireaktioner). Inverkan av vissa fenomen kunde ibland minimeras genom en noggrann planering av experimenten. På detta sätt kunde förenklingar i modellerna bättre motiveras. Alla system som studerades var industriellt relevanta. Utveckling av nya, förenklade produktionsteknologier för existerande kemiska komponenter eller nya komponenter är ett gigantiskt uppdrag. Studierna som presenterades här fokuserade på en av den teknisk-vetenskapliga utfärdens första etapper.


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Problem of modeling of anaesthesia depth level is studied in this Master Thesis. It applies analysis of EEG signals with nonlinear dynamics theory and further classification of obtained values. The main stages of this study are the following: data preprocessing; calculation of optimal embedding parameters for phase space reconstruction; obtaining reconstructed phase portraits of each EEG signal; formation of the feature set to characterise obtained phase portraits; classification of four different anaesthesia levels basing on previously estimated features. Classification was performed with: Linear and quadratic Discriminant Analysis, k Nearest Neighbours method and online clustering. In addition, this work provides overview of existing approaches to anaesthesia depth monitoring, description of basic concepts of nonlinear dynamics theory used in this Master Thesis and comparative analysis of several different classification methods.


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Malaria continues to infect millions and kill hundreds of thousands of people worldwide each year, despite over a century of research and attempts to control and eliminate this infectious disease. Challenges such as the development and spread of drug resistant malaria parasites, insecticide resistance to mosquitoes, climate change, the presence of individuals with subpatent malaria infections which normally are asymptomatic and behavioral plasticity in the mosquito hinder the prospects of malaria control and elimination. In this thesis, mathematical models of malaria transmission and control that address the role of drug resistance, immunity, iron supplementation and anemia, immigration and visitation, and the presence of asymptomatic carriers in malaria transmission are developed. A within-host mathematical model of severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria is also developed. First, a deterministic mathematical model for transmission of antimalarial drug resistance parasites with superinfection is developed and analyzed. The possibility of increase in the risk of superinfection due to iron supplementation and fortification in malaria endemic areas is discussed. The model results calls upon stakeholders to weigh the pros and cons of iron supplementation to individuals living in malaria endemic regions. Second, a deterministic model of transmission of drug resistant malaria parasites, including the inflow of infective immigrants, is presented and analyzed. The optimal control theory is applied to this model to study the impact of various malaria and vector control strategies, such as screening of immigrants, treatment of drug-sensitive infections, treatment of drug-resistant infections, and the use of insecticide-treated bed nets and indoor spraying of mosquitoes. The results of the model emphasize the importance of using a combination of all four controls tools for effective malaria intervention. Next, a two-age-class mathematical model for malaria transmission with asymptomatic carriers is developed and analyzed. In development of this model, four possible control measures are analyzed: the use of long-lasting treated mosquito nets, indoor residual spraying, screening and treatment of symptomatic, and screening and treatment of asymptomatic individuals. The numerical results show that a disease-free equilibrium can be attained if all four control measures are used. A common pitfall for most epidemiological models is the absence of real data; model-based conclusions have to be drawn based on uncertain parameter values. In this thesis, an approach to study the robustness of optimal control solutions under such parameter uncertainty is presented. Numerical analysis of the optimal control problem in the presence of parameter uncertainty demonstrate the robustness of the optimal control approach that: when a comprehensive control strategy is used the main conclusions of the optimal control remain unchanged, even if inevitable variability remains in the control profiles. The results provide a promising framework for the design of cost-effective strategies for disease control with multiple interventions, even under considerable uncertainty of model parameters. Finally, a separate work modeling the within-host Plasmodium falciparum infection in humans is presented. The developed model allows re-infection of already-infected red blood cells. The model hypothesizes that in severe malaria due to parasite quest for survival and rapid multiplication, the Plasmodium falciparum can be absorbed in the already-infected red blood cells which accelerates the rupture rate and consequently cause anemia. Analysis of the model and parameter identifiability using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods is presented.


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Electro-rotation can be used to determine the dielectric properties of cells, as well as to observe dynamic changes in both dielectric and morphological properties. Suspended biological cells and particles respond to alternating-field polarization by moving, deforming or rotating. While in linearly polarized alternating fields the particles are oriented along their axis of highest polarizability, in circularly polarized fields the axis of lowest polarizability aligns perpendicular to the plane of field rotation. Ellipsoidal models for cells are frequently applied, which include, beside sphere-shaped cells, also the limiting cases of rods and disks. Human erythrocyte cells, due to their particular shape, hardly resemble an ellipsoid. The additional effect of rouleaux formation with different numbers of aggregations suggests a model of circular cylinders of variable length. In the present study, the induced dipole moment of short cylinders was calculated and applied to rouleaux of human erythrocytes, which move freely in a suspending conductive medium under the effect of a rotating external field. Electro-rotation torque spectra are calculated for such aggregations of different length. Both the maximum rotation speeds and the peak frequencies of the torque are found to depend clearly on the size of the rouleaux. While the rotation speed grows with rouleaux length, the field frequency nup is lowest for the largest cell aggregations where the torque shows a maximum.


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The partial replacement of NaCl by KCl is a promising alternative to produce a cheese with lower sodium content since KCl does not change the final quality of the cheese product. In order to assure proper salt proportions, mathematical models are employed to control the product process and simulate the multicomponent diffusion during the reduced salt cheese ripening period. The generalized Fick's Second Law is widely accepted as the primary mass transfer model within solid foods. The Finite Element Method (FEM) was used to solve the system of differential equations formed. Therefore, a NaCl and KCl multicomponent diffusion was simulated using a 20% (w/w) static brine with 70% NaCl and 30% KCl during Prato cheese (a Brazilian semi-hard cheese) salting and ripening. The theoretical results were compared with experimental data, and indicated that the deviation was 4.43% for NaCl and 4.72% for KCl validating the proposed model for the production of good quality, reduced-sodium cheeses.


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The objective of this work was to determine and model the infrared dehydration curves of apple slices - Fuji and Gala varieties. The slices were dehydrated until constant mass, in a prototype dryer with infrared heating source. The applied temperatures ranged from 50 to 100 °C. Due to the physical characteristics of the product, the dehydration curve was divided in two periods, constant and falling, separated by the critical moisture content. A linear model was used to describe the constant dehydration period. Empirical models traditionally used to model the drying behavior of agricultural products were fitted to the experimental data of the falling dehydration period. Critical moisture contents of 2.811 and 3.103 kgw kgs-1 were observed for the Fuji and Gala varieties, respectively. Based on the results, it was concluded that the constant dehydration rates presented a direct relationship with the temperature; thus, it was possible to fit a model that describes the moisture content variation in function of time and temperature. Among the tested models, which describe the falling dehydration period, the model proposed by Midilli presented the best fit for all studied conditions.


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A mathematical model to predict microbial growth in milk was developed and analyzed. The model consists of a system of two differential equations of first order. The equations are based on physical hypotheses of population growth. The model was applied to five different sets of data of microbial growth in dairy products selected from Combase, which is the most important database in the area with thousands of datasets from around the world, and the results showed a good fit. In addition, the model provides equations for the evaluation of the maximum specific growth rate and the duration of the lag phase which may provide useful information about microbial growth.