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Le pagine che seguono sono il racconto dello studio e della ricerca della soluzione ecommerce ideale per Trading Library, casa editrice rivolta al mondo del Trading. L’elaborato è diviso in tre parti: • INTRODUZIONE:Analisiestudiodelpassato,delpresenteedelfuturo dell’ecommerce e studio del settore editoriale. • LE FASI: Analisi del progetto Trading Library, pianificazione dell’attivi- tà, descrizione delle fasi cognitiva, progettuale e divulgativa. • CONCLUSIONE: Considerazioni,previsioni per il futuro ed autocritica sul lavoro svolto. Nella presentazione di ogni capitolo si sono riassunte le argomentazioni trattate, mano a mano che si scende nelle sottosezioni le informazioni riguardo allo studio svolto diventano più tecniche e dettagliate.


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The measurement of both marketing culture and behaviour provides the opportunity to gain more insight into the overall market focus of organisations. This article seeks to determine the market orientation and marketing culture of all staff within organisations, to ascertain to what extent other members of an organisation support or create barriers to the successful implementation of the marketing concept. This paper will provide a brief overview of the existing literature in the field of market orientation and marketing culture. After detailing the research design and methodology, a summary developed from 11 focus group sessions - consisting of all staff in one public library service in Victoria, Australia - is presented. The findings indicate that while all areas within this organisation are committed to marketing, there are various interpretations of marketing and how it should be implemented. In addition, the research finds a number of factors that could be instrumental in the successful implementation of the marketing concept in public libraries.


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Content marketing refers to marketing format that involves the creation and sharing of media and publishing content in order to acquire customers. It is focused not on selling, but on communicating with customers and prospects. In today world´s, a trend has been seen in brands becoming publishers in order to keep up with their competition and more importantly to keep their base of fans and followers. Content Marketing is making companies to engage consumers by publishing engaging and value-filled content. This study aims to investigate if there is a link between brand engagement and Facebook Content Marketing practices in the e-commerce industry in Brazil. Based on the literature review, this study defines brand engagement on Facebook as the numbers of "likes" "comments" and "shares" that a company receives from its fans. These actions reflect the popularity of the brand post and leads to engagement. The author defines a scale where levels of Content Marketing practices are developed in order to analyze brand posts on Facebook of an ecommerce company in Brazil. The findings reveal that the most important criterion for the company is the one regarding the picture of the post, where it examines whether the photo content is appealing to the audience. Moreover, it was perceived that the higher the level of these criterion in a post, the greater the number of likes, comments and shares the post receives. The time when a post is published does not present a significant role in determining customer engagement and the most important factor within a publication is to reach the maximum level in the Content Marketing Scale.


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Data was collected to measure shopper’s attitudes toward the proposed Sunday and limited public holiday trading in Dalby. Survey questionnaires were conducted between 29th August to 31st August at Coles Dalby and Dalby Shoppingtown Plaza. In total, 150 respondents participated in the survey. Overall, the findings suggest that most respondents, especially males, couples with children, fulltime workers and those under the age of 49 years, embrace the proposed Sunday and limited holiday trading in Dalby. While there are concerns over increasing competition for smaller retailers who already trade on Sundays, a majority of respondents indicated it would suit their lifestyle, be convenient, provide more jobs, increase trade for smaller retailers within the area, reduce queues and congestion observed on Saturdays. The majority of those shoppers that indicated they currently did some shopping on a Sunday reported they would continue to support smaller retailers who currently trade on Sundays and some public holidays, if changes came about. Those opposed to changes to trading hours indicated a belief that existing trading hours were sufficient. Most people indicated the proposed extension of trading hours would not harm the community or have a negative, detrimental effect on themselves or their family. The main findings presented in the report are as follows: - 96.8% of respondents surveyed reported to be local, permanent residents of Dalby. - Residents of Dalby visited shopping centres and stores on average 2.8 times per week. This frequency is proportionately higher than the average Australian shopping behaviour at 2.5 times per week (Roy Morgan Supermarket Monitor). - It was determined that weekday evenings (after 5 pm) were the busiest times for shopping, with Saturday the next most popular day to shop. - 68% of respondents support the proposal of the extended trading hours at supermarkets, department stores and the shopping centre in Dalby, 26% oppose and 6% are unsure. - 90% of the respondents agreed that residents of Dalby should be allowed the same choice as other regional towns and cities in supporting/opposing changes to trading hours. The remaining 10% expressed a disagreement. - A larger percentage of males supported the proposal for Sunday and limited holiday trading. Of all the males surveyed, 80% were in support, 15% were opposed and 5% unsure. 60% of female respondents support the proposal, while 33% oppose it and 5% were unsure. - The highest percentage of support exists in fulltime workers with 90% of those respondents supporting the proposal. - In contrast, the lowest percentage of support was found in the non-working (retired/unemployed) respondents, where 67% opposed the application. - It was noted that 71% of respondents employed casually also indicated opposition against proposed changes. Further questioning identified an underlying concern from casually employed persons that Sunday trade would force them onto Sunday work rosters. - 92% of shared households expressed support for Sunday and limited public holiday trading, while 83% of both couples with children and single parent with children at home also supported the application. - 72% of the respondents often find it necessary to do some grocery shopping in Dalby on a Sunday. 76% of shoppers who indicated they already undertook some shopping on Sunday, indicated would continue to shop and support smaller retailers. - Of the respondents surveyed, 44% have travelled outside of Dalby on a Sunday to shop. This indicates that such residents find it necessary to undertake some shopping on a Sunday and in order to do so, drive an hour to Toowoomba in order to access a range of retailers. - The most cited reasons for supporting Sunday and limited public holiday trade were; ‘More choice about when I shop and that is convenient’ (69%), ‘Sunday trade will create job opportunities’ (71%), ‘Sunday trade will be helpful when preparing school lunches and getting ready for the working week’ (62%), and ‘Sunday trade will reduce shopping congestion during peak shopping periods’ (62%) - The most cited reasons for opposing the proposed changes are that ‘Sunday trade may increase competition for small retailers who already trade on Sunday’ (41%), ‘Shops are already open 6 days a week which is enough’ (31%), and ‘Sunday is a day of rest or a religious day and shopping should not be allowed’ (23%). - 97% of respondents indicated they would not change their sporting or social commitment if changes to trading hours were implemented.


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Data was collected to measure shopper’s attitudes toward the proposed Sunday and limited public holiday trading in Mt Isa. Survey questionnaires were conducted between 15th August to 17th August at Kmart Plaza, Woolworths, Miles St. and Mt Isa Plaza. In total, 300 respondents participated in the survey. Overall, the findings suggest that most respondents, especially males, couples with children and fulltime workers, embrace the proposed Sunday and limited holiday trading in Mt Isa. While there are concerns over increasing competition for smaller retailers who already trade on Sundays, a majority of respondents indicated it would suit their lifestyle, be convenient, provide more jobs, increase trade for smaller retailers within the area, reduce queues and congestion, and offer a less expensive grocery shopping. The majority of those shoppers that indicated they currently did some shopping on a Sunday reported they would continue to support smaller retailers who currently trade on Sundays and some public holidays, if changes came about. Those opposed to changes to trading hours also indicated a belief that existing trading hours were sufficient. Most people indicated the proposed extension of trading hours would not harm the community or have a negative, detrimental effect on themselves or their family. The main findings presented in the report are as follows: - 96% of respondents surveyed reported to be local, permanent residents of Mt Isa. - Residents of Mt Isa visited shopping centres and stores on average 2.4 times per week. This mirrors the average Australian shopping behaviour at 2.5 times per week (Roy Morgan Supermarket Monitor) - It was determined that Saturday was the busiest day for shopping with a majority of respondents indicating they visited stores on that day of the week. - 71% of respondents support the proposal of extended trading hours at shopping centres in Mt Isa, 25% oppose and 4% are unsure. - 87% of the respondents agreed that residents of Mt Isa should be allowed the same choice as other regional towns and cities in supporting/opposing changes to trading hours. The remaining 13% expressed a disagreement. - A larger percentage of males supported the proposal for Sunday and limited holiday trading. Of all the males surveyed, 81% were in support, 17% were opposed and 2% unsure. By contrast, 64% of female respondents support the proposal, while 31% oppose it and 5% are unsure. - The highest percentage of support exists in fulltime workers with 85% of those respondents supporting the proposal. In contrast, the lowest percentage of support was found in the non-working respondents, where 62% opposed the application. - 78% of couples living with children at home expressed support for Sunday and limited public holiday trading, while 60% of couples without children also supported the application. - Of the respondents surveyed, virtually none (less than 1%) have travelled outside of Mt Isa on a Sunday to shop. This indicates that due to the remote and isolated location of this town, residents do not have the option to travel reasonable distances in order to access a range of retailers. - 70% of the respondents often find it necessary to do some grocery shopping in Mt Isa on a Sunday. - Convenience is cited as the major reason for support (79%) followed by lifestyle (75%). - The most cited reasons for supporting ‘it would be convenient’ (81%), ‘It may create more jobs’ (77%), ‘It may reduce congestion during busy shopping periods’ (74%, and ‘It would make it easier for working families with kids’ (74%). - The most cited reasons for opposing the proposed changes are that ‘It will disadvantage smaller businesses’ (44%), ‘It is unnecessary’ (29%). - 72% of shoppers who indicated they already undertook some shopping on Sunday, indicated would continue to shop and support smaller retailers. - 98% of respondents indicated they would not change their sporting or social commitment if changes to trading hours were implemented.


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O presente estudo avalia as potencialidades do blogue como ferramenta de marketing nas bibliotecas escolares, nomeadamente para difundir o acervo documental existente, para desenvolver a comunicação entre a gestão da biblioteca escolar e os seus utilizadores ou potenciais utilizadores e adequar as tomadas de decisão da gestão da mesma às reais necessidades desses utilizadores. O estudo revela-se pertinente, uma vez que hoje em dia as tecnologias estão presentes nas escolas portuguesas em geral e nas bibliotecas escolares em particular. Para efetuar esta investigação, procedeu-se à elaboração de dois questionários que depois de testados, foram lançados a alunos e professores bibliotecários ou membros da equipa responsável de quinze blogues do distrito de Lisboa. Os questionários dirigidos a alunos de escolas que utilizam blogues nas suas bibliotecas, bem como os dirigidos aos respetivos coordenadores permitem concluir que os frequentadores dos blogues estudados mostram algum desinteresse nos mesmos e que dividem o seu tempo por outras redes socias e sítios da Internet. A atualização dos blogues parece ter uma influência direta positiva na frequência dos mesmos por parte dos alunos. Os professores inquiridos referem a falta de tempo como a maior dificuldade para a atualização do blogue. Face às conclusões a que se chegou neste estudo considera-se pertinente que venha a existir uma reflexão sobre as razões da não interação direta com os alunos e sobre a alteração de comportamentos nas práticas diárias dos docentes, por forma a mostrarem aos frequentadores da biblioteca e do blogue a importância das suas contribuições e comentários.


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As stated by Hoffmann and Coste-Manière (2012) “The web is a mass medium that contrast completely with the traditional codes of exclusivity associated with the luxury industry, and has long been simply rejected by the luxury industry for being an illegitimate distribution channel.” Meanwhile this market presents an incomparable pace of growth and is gradually changing the existing retailing business model and companies must be aware of this change and capable to adapt to it. The internet and cross-border sales already changed the competition throughout retailing and it will increase even more, so companies must be ready to face it. Internet has shown its great opportunity for all markets, although luxury/premium market is not yet taking the proper advantage of its potential, but the necessity to be an omnichannel business strategy is growing. This paper presents an exploratory research based on a case study of how premium fashion Brazilian brands are using Farfetch, e-commerce, as an entry market strategy and how this affects them. The research question of this study is: How is Farfetch helping on the internationalization of Brazilian premium fashion brands?, and in order to answer it was conducted an in-depth interview with the Brazilian head of business development of Farfetch, apart an extensive secondary data research. As expected the study found a list of trade-offs of using an e-commerce, luxury specialized, with a marketplace approach to the brands willing to internationalize. As stated by Altagamma and McKinsey (2015) study “[...] luxury brands have no choice but to embrace the digital era and become truly omnichannel. This will require them a radical rethinking of both their customer experience of their consumer engagement strategy.” Looking either from the Farfetch point of view, trying to understand why they offer this opportunity to the brands, or also from the brand side if this is a manageable approach. This study presents a contribution for both sides, trying to give tools to the brands on understanding the internationalization reasons and approach, as well as explaining Farfetch business model, and the advantages it can bring to them, at the same time of a general market trend analysis for Farfecth.


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Background. This culminating experience project was inspired by an independent study conducted at The University of Texas School of Public Health with Dr. Andrew Springer, DrPH, who works on the evaluation of the Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) program in Travis County, Texas. It was indicated that a social marketing plan could enhance current efforts for the CATCH program. The aims of the project were to (1) review and synthesize literature on social marketing, with a specific focus on diet, physical activity, and obesity prevention; and (2) apply the gained knowledge toward a practical solution – a social marketing plan for the CATCH program.^ Methods. The literature review aimed to answer the following questions: (1) What audiences (ethnic and age groups), settings, health behaviors, and behavioral science theories have been used in social marketing campaigns? (2) What features of social marketing were used (e.g. formative research, segmentation, and the marketing mix - including promotional strategies and communication channels)? (3) What were the outcomes of the social marketing campaigns? The search aimed to identify studies that met the following inclusion criteria: (a) The study explicitly stated that social marketing was used; (b) The intervention promoted physical activity and/or healthy eating; (c) The population was children, adolescents, young adults, and/or parents; (d) Results of the intervention were available in the published literature The literature review includes studies from the past five years (2004 to 2009). After reviewing the social marketing literature, the insight and knowledge gained was applied to develop a social marketing plan for the CATCH program. The plan was guided by Hands-on Social Marketing, A Step-by-Step Guide and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Social Marketing web course.^