978 resultados para MARGINAL CHLOROSIS
In February 2007, sweet orange trees with characteristic symptoms of huanglongbing (HLB) were encountered in a region of Sao Paulo state (SPs) hitherto free of HLB. These trees tested negative for the three liberibacter species associated with HLB. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product from symptomatic fruit columella DNA amplifications with universal primers fDI/rPI was cloned and sequenced. The corresponding agent was found to have highest 16S rDNA sequence identity (99%) with the Pigeon pea witches`-broom phytoplasma of group 16Sr IX. Sequences of PCR products obtained with phytoplasma 16S rDNA primer pairs fU5/rU3, fU5/P7 confirm these result.,;. With two primers D7f2/D7r2 designed based oil the 16S rDNA Sequence of the cloned DNA fragment, positive amplifications were obtained from more than one hundred samples including symptomatic fruits and blotchy mottle leaves. Samples positive for phytoplasmas were negative for liberibacters, except for four samples, which were positive for both the phytoplasma and `Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus`. The phytoplasma was detected by electron microscopy in the sieve tubes of midribs from symptomatic leaves. These results Show that a phytoplasma of group IX is associated with citrus HLB symptoms ill northern, central, and Southern SPs. This phytoplasma has very probably been transmitted to citrus from an external Source of inoculum, but the Putative insect vector is not yet known.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Dentin adhesion procedure presents limitations, especially regarding to lifetime stability of formed hybrid layer. Alternative procedures have been studied in order to improve adhesion to dentin. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the influence of deproteinization or dentin tubular occlusion, as well as the combination of both techniques, on microtensile bond strength (µTBS) and marginal microleakage of composite resin restorations. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Extracted erupted human third molars were randomly divided into 4 groups. Dentin surfaces were treated with one of the following procedures: (A) 35% phosphoric acid gel (PA) + adhesive system (AS); (B) PA + 10% NaOCl + AS; (C) PA + oxalate + AS and (D) PA + oxalate + 10% NaOCl + AS. Bond strength data were analyzed statistically by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test. The microleakage scores were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney non-parametric tests. Significance level was set at 0.05 for all analyses. RESULTS: µTBS data presented statistically lower values for groups D and B, ranking data as A>C>B>D. The use of oxalic acid resulted in microleakage reduction along the tooth/restoration interface, being significant when used alone. On the other hand, the use of 10% NaOCl alone or in combination with oxalic acid, resulted in increased microleakage. CONCLUSIONS: Dentin deproteinization with 10% NaOCl or in combination with oxalate significantly compromised both the adhesive bond strength and the microleakage at interface. Tubular occlusion prior to adhesive system application seems to be a useful technique to reduce marginal microleakage.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of different photopolymerization (halogen, halogen soft-start and LED) systems on shear bond strength (SBS) and marginal microleakage of composite resin restorations. Forty Class V cavities (enamel and dentin margins) were prepared for microleakage assessment, and 160 enamel and dentin fragments were prepared for the SBS test, and divided into 4 groups. Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon tests showed statistically significant difference in microleakage between the margins (p < 0.01) with incisal margins presenting the lowest values. Among the groups, it was observed that, only at the cervical margin, halogen soft-start photo polymerization presented statistically significant higher microleakage values. For SBS test, ANOVA showed no statistical difference (p > 0.05) neither between substrates nor among groups. It was concluded that Soft-Start technique with high intensity end-light influenced negatively the cervical marginal sealing, but the light-curing systems did not influence adhesion.
Rotifera density, biomass, and secondary production on two marginal lakes of Paranapanema River were compared after the recovery of hydrologic connectivity with the river (Sao Paulo State, Brazil). Daily samplings were performed in limnetic zone of both lakes during the rainy season immediately after lateral inflow of water and, in the dry period, six months after hydrologic connectivity recovery. In order to identify the factors that affect rotifer population dynamics, lake water level, volume, depth, temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen, pH, alkalinity, conductivity, suspended solids, nutrients, and chlorophyll-a were determined. Variations of water physical and chemical factors that affect rotifer population were related to the lake-river degree of connection and to water level rising after drought. The water lateral inflow from the river resulted in an increase in lake water volume, depth, and transparency and a decrease in water pH, alkalinity, and suspended solids. The lake with the wider river connection, more frequent biota exchange, and larger amount of particulate and dissolved materials was richer and more diverse, while rotifer density, biomass, and productivity were lower in both periods studied. Density, biomass, and secondary production were higher in the lake with the smaller river connection and the higher physical and chemical stability. Our results show that the connectivity affects the limnological stability, associated to seasonality. Stable conditions, caused by low connectivity in dry periods, were related with high density, biomass and secondary production. Conversely, instability conditions in rainy periods were associated to elevated richness and diversity values, caused by exchange biota due to higher connectivity. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The production and commercialization of citrus seedlings inspected and produced in protected screen-houses has become mandatory in Sao Paulo State, Brazil since January 2003. This law was intended to avoid the dispersion of Citrus Variegated Chlorosis (CVC), disease caused by Xylella fastidiosa. Our objective was to compare the yield over 8 years of `Natal` sweet orange trees grafted onto Rangpur lime obtained from healthy nursery plants and from plants artificially inoculated with X. fastidiosa. Yield was evaluated in an orchard planted in February 1999 with two treatments: (i) trees from healthy nursery plant, and (ii) trees from plants artificially inoculated with X. fastidiosa. The mean yield was 21% higher in trees from healthy nursery plants, as compared to trees from inoculated nursery plants. This difference represents a gain of approximately 203 boxes of 40.8 kg each, considering a planting density of 550 plants per hectare. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Methylobacterium mesophilicum, originally isolated as an endophytic bacterium from citrus plants, was genetically transformed to express green fluorescent protein (GFP). The GFP-labeled strain of M. mesophilicum was inoculated into Catharanthus roseus (model plant) seedlings and further observed colonizing its xylem vessels. The transmission of this endophyte by Bucephalogonia xanthophis, one of the insect vectors that transmit Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca, was verified by insects feeding from fluids containing the GFP bacterium followed by transmission to plants and isolating the endophyte from C. roseus plants. Forty-five days after inoculation, the plants exhibited endophytic colonization by M. mesophilicum, confirming this bacterium as a nonpathogenic, xylem-associated endophyte. Our data demonstrate that M. mesophilicum not only occupy the same niche of X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca inside plants but also may be transmitted by B. xanthophis. The transmission, colonization, and genetic manipulation of M. mesophilicum is a prerequisite to examining the potential use of symbiotic control to interrupt the transmission of X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca, the bacterial pathogen causing Citrus variegated chlorosis by insect vectors.
We extended the standard neoclassical model of investment for the case of an open economy. Our model shows that risk premium not only creates a wedge between the marginal product of capital across countries but also reduces an economy`s savings rate. A riskier market thus presents a lower income per capita, ceteris paribus. Our empirical analysis, from 1950 to 2003, lends support to the conclusion that both risk and the correction for output price to investment ratio help to explain the differentials.
Objectives. This study evaluated the effect of composite pre-polymerization temperature and energy density on the marginal adaptation (MA), degree of conversion (DC), flexural strength (FS), and polymer cross-linking (PCL) of a resin composite (Filtek Z350, 3M/ESPE). Methods. For MA, class V cavities (4mmx2mmx2mm) were prepared in 40 bovine incisors. The adhesive system Adper Single Bond 2 (3M/ESPE) was applied. Before being placed in the cavities, the resin composite was either kept at room-temperature (25 degrees C) or previously pre-heated to 68 degrees C in the Calset (TM) device (AdDent Inc., Danbury, CT, USA). The composite was then light polymerized for 20 or 40s at 600mW/cm(2) (12 or 24 J/cm(2), respectively). The percentage of gaps was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, after sectioning the restorations and preparing epoxy resin replicas. DC (n = 3) was obtained by FT-Raman spectroscopy on irradiated and non-irradiated composite surfaces. FS (n = 10) was measured by the three-point-bending test. KHN (n = 6) was measured after 24h dry storage and again after immersion in 100% ethanol solution for 24 h, to calculate PCL density. Data were analyzed by appropriate statistical analyses. Results. The pre-heated composite showed better MA than the room-temperature groups. A higher number of gaps were observed in the room-temperature groups, irrespective of the energy density, mainly in the axial wall (p < 0.05). Composite pre-heating and energy density did not affect the DC, FS and PCL (p > 0.05). Significance. Pre-heating the composite prior to light polymerization similar in a clinical situation did not alter the mechanical properties and monomer conversion of the composite, but provided enhanced composite adaptation to cavity walls. (C) 2010 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The dentary, a component of the transient marginal dentition found in the mandible of juveniles of the living Australian lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri, is a tooth plate exactly comparable to the tooth plates with radiating ridges that make up the marginal dentitions of Devonian dipnoans like Andreyevichthys, Orlovichthys and Ichnomylax. In N. forsteri, the dentary consists of two ridges, set almost in line with each other, and growing by the addition of cusps, of increasing sizes, to the extremity of each ridge. It is therefore equivalent to two ridges of a more normal tooth plate with radiating ridges. Despite its appearance, as a long row of sharp cusps ankylosed to a slender bone, and its position, embedded in soft tissue above the anterolabial margin of Meckel's cartilage, it is a tooth plate and is not comparable to the marginal dentitions of other vertebrates. Structure and development of the transient marginal dentition of this lungfish is another indication that dipnoans may not be the sister group of tetrapods.
The taxi industry provides a strategic site to explore workplace deviance in low supervision, low status, occupational settings. Despite this theoretical opportunity and the objective importance of the taxi industry worldwide, very little is known about deviance among taxi drivers. Making use of interview data, this exploratory study maps out forms of workplace deviance and the explanations given for them by a sample of male taxi drivers. Major illegal activities reported included speeding, driving unsafe vehicles, taking drugs, and fraud. Theories pertaining to worker alienation, stress management, victim precipitation, and social control were relevant to the rationalizations some of the drivers provided to account for their illegal behaviors. We conclude that the occupational culture of taxi drivers and the structure of the taxi industry facilitate the forms of deviance reported here.
A ressecção do ramo ascendente da mandíbula ocasiona um déficit funcional e estético considerável. OBJETIVO: Comparar a mandibulectomia marginal e segmentar de tumores avançados de loja amigdalina e região retromolar sem envolvimento ósseo mandibular detectado no período pré-operatório, em relação à sobrevida e recidiva loco-regional. Forma de Estudo: Estudo de coorte contemporânea com corte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Compararam-se 20 pacientes tratados com mandibulectomia marginal e 22 tratados com mandibulectomia segmentar de outubro de 1994 a dezembro de 2001 em serviço de referência em Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço. RESULTADOS: Dos 20 pacientes tratados com mandibulectomia marginal, 35% morreram com doença, 15% por recidiva local, 15% por recidiva regional e 5% por recidiva loco-regional. Dos 22 pacientes tratados com mandibulectomia segmentar 45,4% morreram pela doença, sendo 31,8% por recidiva local e 13,6% por recidiva à distância. Na análise pelo método de Kaplan-Meier o grupo tratado com mandibulectomia marginal apresentou uma taxa de 55%, e o grupo tratado com ressecção segmentar 45% com p= 0,8329. CONCLUSÕES: A análise dos dois grupos evidenciou que a conservação do ramo ascendente da mandíbula, mesmo em lesões avançadas, sem envolvimento mandibular, não aumenta o índice de recidiva.
Durante os anos de 1984/1985 obtiveram-se amostras sazonais para determinação de parâmetros físicos, químicos e biológicos de um lago marginal ao rio Embu-mirim, em Itapecerica da Serra, na bacia do reservatório de Guarapiranga (São Paulo, Brasil). Além de discutir os resultados obtidos quanto à flora de macrófitas aquáticas e suas relações com os outros parâmetros ambientais, são também analisados os efeitos da variação sazonal. As espécies encontradas estão presentes em diversos corpos d'água marginais, bem como ao longo do rio Embu-mirim, permitindo avaliar seu comportamento em corpos d'água semelhantes, da mesma bacia. A macrófita predominante foi Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms. Os resultados obtidos demostram a tendência de uma eutrofização acelerada e o risco de macrófitas potencialmente problemáticas, como E. crassipes e Salvinia auriculata, formarem camalotes de altas densidades, que podem chegar ao reservatório de Guarapiranga, através do rio Embu-mirim, causando problemas aos diversos usos da água.
Power systems have been suffering huge changes mainly due to the substantial increase of distributed generation and to the operation in competitive environments. Virtual power players can aggregate a diversity of players, namely generators and consumers, and a diversity of energy resources, including electricity generation based on several technologies, storage and demand response. Resource management gains an increasing relevance in this competitive context, while demand side active role provides managers with increased demand elasticity. This makes demand response use more interesting and flexible, giving rise to a wide range of new opportunities.This paper proposes a methodology for managing demand response programs in the scope of virtual power players. The proposed method is based on the calculation of locational marginal prices (LMP). The evaluation of the impact of using demand response specific programs on the LMP value supports the manager decision concerning demand response use. The proposed method has been computationally implemented and its application is illustrated in this paper using a 32 bus network with intensive use of distributed generation.