21 resultados para MALOCLUSIÓN
Tesis (Maestría en Salud Pública con Especialidad en Odontología Social) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Salud Pública) UANL, 2013.
Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Morfología) UANL
Objective: To evaluate the occlusal condition of children with 5 years of age examined by the Brazil Oral Health 2003 Project in Cáceres city, Brazil. Material and Methods: The sample consisted of 170 preschool children raffled from 20 schools participant of the project. For the analysis of the occlusal it was used the 1987' World Health Organization index, modified by the Public Health School of São Paulo University, Brazil, in 1996, which establish criteria according to severity of malocclusion. Results: It was observed that 65.3 % of children presented normal occlusion, 31.18 % presented light occlusal problems and 2.35 % showed moderate/severe. Conclusion: Due to the large presence of malocclusion, it is necessary this kind of survey, so that the city can plan and perform preventive orthodontic treatments, besides other preventive proceeding, to obtain a proper oral environment for the normal evolution of occlusion. © 2008 1995, Editorial Ciencias médicas.
Malocclusion class II-1, is represented by a high prevalence in Brazil, being something common in orthodontic practice. One of the main characteristics of this malocclusion is jaw retrusion, by what many devices of jaw advance are presented in the literature. Being one of them Herbst's device, which is a functional and fixed device created by Emil Herbst (1905) and updated by Hans Pancherz in the decade of 80s.This device is characterized by keeping the jaw advance in a continuous way, while presenting a less active treatment, leading to an immediate aesthetic impact, and the patient cooperation is not required. To improve the anchoring and prevent the collapse of the apparatus was set up last amended version of it by Dr Raveli quoted as Herbst splint. Recent research indicates the use of this device after the peak pubertal growth, creating an appropriate response condylar. The aim of this work is to show the orthodontist a choice of how to use the splint Herbst in Class malocclusions II-1.
1. Estimar la prevalencia de caries, enfermedad periodontal y maloclusión; 2. Aportar datos básicos para una posterior evaluación de programas de salud oral; 3. Aportar datos que ayuden a determinar prioridades respecto al tipo de intervención. De un universo de niños de 6, 12 y 14 años de 17742, 19172 y 18779 respectivamente, se obtuvieron muestras de 1500, 1300 y 1200 alumnos para cada grupo de edad (error muestral del 2,37; 2,27 y 2,19 por ciento). Creación de un grupo de trabajo multidisciplinar (pediatras, estomatólogos, epidemiólogos, etc.). Realización de una encuesta sobre prevalencia de enfermedades bucodentales, paralelamente se llevaron a cabo actuaciones en materia de educación para la salud. Análisis de los resultados. El modelo de encuesta utilizado fue el de la OMS (Who Oral Health Assesment Form, 1986) que estima el estado de salud oral y necesidades de tratamiento, con algunas modificaciones dirigidas a la población escolar objeto del estudio. Paquete estadístico BMDP. Errores Standard, Chi cuadrado, análisis de resíduos, test de Fisher, T de Student, test de Beherens-Fisher, análisis de varianza, comparaciones múltiples con el test de Tukey. 1. Mayor afectación por caries dental en el sexo femenino, en el área de salud de Cartagena, en colegios públicos y menor en zonas urbanas; 2. El primer molar es la pieza más atacada; 3. Bajo índice de restauraciones en dentición temporal y permanente; 4. Alta necesidad de tratamiento e importante la de mantenedores de espacio; 5. Menor enfermedad periodontal en niñas, en alumnos de escuelas privadas y mayor en el área de salud de Lorca; 6. Baja prevalencia de maloclusiones moderadas y severas. Los resultados obtenidos no fueron excesivamente pesimistas en cuanto al nivel de escolares afectos de caries, si se tienen en cuenta los objetivos de la OMS para el año 2000. La situación de la Región es, además, comparable (mejorada) a la de países de nuestro entorno (Francia, Italia, Holanda, Suecia, etc.).
Fixed mandibular propulsion appliances are an alternative for the treatment of Class II malocclusion in individuals with mandibular deficiency. Since they are fixed appliances, said devices keep the mandible in an anterior-forced position during rest and during all mandibular functions. When a propulsive appliance is used, the lower jaw is displaced forward and downward. This movement leads to a new position of the condyle, which can, ultimately affect the normal functioning of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The aim of this paper was to review effects of fixed mandibular propulsive appliance on TMJ. Inclusion criteria considered studies on animals or humans using TMJ radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. Studies confirm a favorable relation between condyle and glenoid fossa following treatment with fixed mandibular propulsion appliances.
The malocclusions are one focus of discussions in public health, due to which it is necessary to incorporate correction procedures that are inexpensive, easy to perform and which can be made in health services. Planas Direct Tracks meet such characteristics which make them advantageous for the crossbite correction. The aim of this study was to present a case in which correction of unilateral crossbite was performed with the resources available in a public clinic. This is a 6 year-old patient who presented functional unilateral crossbite in canines and posterior teeth. A cross decreased maxillary arch leading to a condition of unilateral posterior crossbite was detected. Occlusal adjustments were performed in canine and posterior teeth; however it was not enough to restore the occlusal balance. It was decided to prepare Planas Direct Tracks in canines, allowing functional balance, which prevented masticatory movement alteration during the growth phase and malocclusion correction. Controls were performed every six months to evaluate the patient's progress and whether or not new occlusal adjustments were necessary. Monitoring and treatment were conducted for 5 years, until stabilization of the permanent dentition ensuring treatment. It is concluded that Planas Direct Tracks were effective for the correction of unilateral posterior crossbite. So, it is essential to note that this procedure can be performed in public services.
Class III malocclusion is less common occlusal relationship, covering less than 5% of the population. There are various forms of treatment in Class III malocclusion. Depending on how the form is expressed Class III and age of the patient, the therapy may be orthopedic and orthodontic surgical orthodontics. The objective was to review the literature of the last 10 years about ways to compensatory treatment of Class III malocclusion. Several articles were published between 04/2003 and 04/2013 in the Pubmed database from the keyword "Class III malocclusion". However, only 19 articles that addressed the compensatory treatment of Class III were selected. Based on the selected items it was concluded that the treatment of Class III malocclusions in children before the peak of pubertal growth has better prognosis with greater effects orthopedic and orthodontic minor effects. The ideal treatment option for this condition is the Rapid maxillary expansion associated with maxillary protraction of the same. The treatment of Class III malocclusion in young people after the peak of pubertal growth is doubtful prognosis. You can opt to treat rapid maxillary expansion and maxillary protraction of the same or fixed appliance, however, orthopedic effects can be the same or smaller than the orthodontic effects, depending on the age of the patient. Depending on the degree of Class III malocclusion in adults, the treatment will consist of dental compensations or orthognathic surgery.
Early treatment of functional unilateral posterior crossbite during the mixed dentition is extremely important for contemporary Orthodontics, provides the correct positioning of osseous bases, teeth and temporomadibular joint when the stomatognathic system is in growth and development. These results generally develop into an adequate craniofacial relationship, reducing the necessity for more complex treatments at permanent dentition. The subject of this paper was to report patient 8 years old, diagnosed with functional unilateral posterior crossbite, and was treated by an expander appliance type Quad-helix emphasizing the long-term stability. The malocclusion was corrected in 3 months of active use of the appliance, 3 months for retention purposes and followed up during 7 years post-treatment. The stability in long term of functional unilateral posterior crossbite treated is closely related with early diagnostic, the elimination of the etiological factor associated with a correct appliance and the mechanic of treatment.
Facial asymmetry is a common human characteristic and can occur on many levels, originate of genetic factors, and can be caused by traumas or due to cross bite and/or muscular disability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relation between posterior crossbite, median line deviation and facial asymmetry. For this study 70 children aged between 3 and 10 years-old were examined and photographed. Using Microsoft Office Power Point 2007, horizontal lines and one vertical line on median line were drawn, to subjectively analyze facial discrepancies. In relation to overjet, the majority of children (78.6%) showed normal relation, followed by high overjet (17.1%), anterior crossbite (4.3%). In relation to overbite, the majority of children (60%) showed normal relation, 27.1% anterior opened bite (negative overbite), and 12.9% showed high overbite. Posterior crossbite was present in 27.1% of children. Among them, 68.4% showed unilateral crossbite on right side, 21.1% bilateral crossbite and 10.5% unilateral crossbite on left side. The relation between posterior crossbite and facial asymmetry, according to Fisher´s Exact Test (p=0.0970), there was no statistically significant association. In relation to median line, the association was statistically significant with posterior crossbite (p=0.0109) and with facial asymmetry (p=0.0310). There was association between posterior crossbite and median line deviation. There was no association between posterior crossbite and facial asymmetry.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the occlusal condition of 12 year-old children examined by the Oral Health Brazil 2003 Project in Cáceres city. The sample consisted of 170 children, boys and girls, selected at random among 20 schools that took part in this project. It was used for the analysis of the occlusal condition the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI), as manual of basic epidemic rising in Oral Health extolled by the World Health Organization which describes the occlusal conditions in relation to dentition, space and occlusion of the permanent dentition. It was observed that the prevalence of the normal occlusion and of the malocclusion were, respectively, 21.18% and 78.82%. This last one was present due to the tooth crowding (74.93%), spacing in the incisor segment (23.88%), diastema (17.17%), anterior maxillary misalignment (58.95%) and anterior mandibular (61.19%), excessive overjet (11.94%), negative overjet (4.47%), open bite (1.5%) and molar relationship Class II or III (26.87%). It was concluded that the studied sample presents a high index of factors to compose the malocclusion.
Dos elementos permiten reflexionar sobre el futuro de los seres humanos: La buena noticia es que a través de la ciencia los seres humanos pueden vivir más de 80 años. La noticia negativa es que de acuerdo con las estadísticas, entre los 60 y 80 años de edad las personas van a sufrir algún tipo de discapacidad. Esta situación hace que muchos países trabajen hoy para hacer una contribución, por pequeña que parezca, que ayude a mantener los aspectos sanitarios susceptibles a la enfermedad. Estas contribuciones están directamente vinculadas a las acciones de atención primaria, educación en salud oral en las instituciones educativas que reúnen a los niños con discapacidad, sus familias y profesores, y teniendo en cuenta que los bebés y los niños con discapacidad se encuentran en vulnerabilidad desde la salud oral. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: compartir experiencias de educación para la salud oral en instituciones educativas especiales en Perú y Argentina y proporcionar recursos didácticos a través de herramientas educativas que permitan ayudar a los niños, maestros, padres y comunidad en el aprendizaje del cuidado de la salud oral en especial las instituciones educativas de ambos países. Desde la población en estudio se seleccionó una muestra aleatoria entre 2.010 escuelas especiales en la región de Lima, Perú y Mendoza, Argentina. Se acordaron temas básicos de promoción de la salud bucal como: higiene bucal, salud bucal, enfermedades prevalentes, caries, enfermedad periodontal, maloclusión, medidas de prevención, nutrición, etc. y se realizó una encuesta entre los padres para evaluar los conocimientos en los tópicos mencionados y el grado de compromiso de los maestros para aplicar estrategias de higiene en el ámbito escolar. Conclusión: La creación de espacios comunitarios para insertar la salud oral es un desafío. Ambos países desarrollan metodologías similares, resultando muy rica la experiencia de compartir las actividades que realizan cada uno de ellos. La premisa “Lo normal es ser diferente" es compartida por nosotros desde la idea de personalizar e individualizar las acciones con un fin común. En Promoción de la Salud Bucal para niños especiales Perú y Argentina se encuentran en la misma dirección.
Mendoza es, por sus condiciones climáticas, una zona de muchos alérgenos. Esto determina que de los niños y adolescentes que llegan a nuestro consultorio con distintas maloclusiones, un gran porcentaje de ellos sea portador del Síndrome de Respiración Bucal (SRB). Nuestro objetivo fue caracterizar al paciente portador de ese síndrome en nuestra provincia. El estudio realizado fue del tipo descriptivo correlacional, estudiando a 150 pacientes portadores del SRB entre los 7 y 17 años. Se llevó a cabo la anamnesis, un exhaustivo examen clínico facial, bucal y funcional y se estudiaron los trazados cefalométricos. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados para obtener una caracterización completa. Se determinaron los rasgos clínicos que más caracterizan a estos pacientes. Se considera beneficiario al grupo de profesionales del área salud y a la población en general, ya que el SRB es una de las disfunciones más frecuentes en nuestro medio.