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Shearless transport barriers appear in confined plasmas due to non-monotonic radial profiles and cause localized reduction of transport even after they have been broken. In this paper we summarize our recent theoretical and experimental research on shearless transport barriers in plasmas confined in toroidal devices. In particular, we discuss shearless barriers in Lagrangian magnetic field line transport caused by non-monotonic safety factor profiles. We also discuss evidence of particle transport barriers found in the TCABR Tokamak (University of Sao Paulo) and the Texas Helimak (University of Texas at Austin) in biased discharges with non-monotonic plasma flows.


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For magnetically confined plasmas in tokamaks, we have numerically investigated how Lagrangian chaos at the plasma edge affects the plasma confinement. Initially, we have considered the chaotic motion of particles in an equilibrium electric field with a monotonic radial profile perturbed by drift waves. We have showed that an effective transport barrier may be created at the plasma edge by modifying the electric field radial profile. In the second place, we have obtained escape patterns and magnetic footprints of chaotic magnetic field lines in the region near a tokamak wall with resonant modes due to the action of an ergodic magnetic limiter. For monotonic plasma current density profiles we have obtained distributions of field line connections to the wall and line escape channels with the same spatial pattern as the magnetic footprints on the tokamak walls. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electron-impact scattering data for argon and its ions continue to be of interest in studies of magnetically confined plasmas. In an earlier paper, Griffin et al (1997 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 30 3543) employed the results of 28-term and 40-term R-matrix calculations of electron-impact excitation in Ar+ to carry out a collisional-radiative modelling study of the impurity influx of argon in tokamaks. We have now completed a 452-term R-matrix with pseudo-states (RMPS) calculation of electron-impact excitation for Ar+ in order to provide more accurate excitation data; using these improved data, we have repeated the modelling studies presented in the earlier paper. We compare our excitation data, as well as the results of the collisional radiative calculations, with those arising from the 40-term R-matrix calculation and find significant differences.


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Inelastic electron scattering from light atomic species is of fundamental importance and has significant applications in fusion-plasma modeling. Therefore, it is of interest to apply advanced nonperturbative, close-coupling methods to the determination of electron-impact excitation for these atoms. Here we present the results of R matrix with pseudostate (RMPS) calculations of electron-impact excitation cross sections through the n=4 terms in Be, Be+, Be2+, and Be3+. In order to determine the effects of coupling of the bound states to the target continuum in these species, we compare the RMPS results with those from standard R-matrix calculations. In addition, we have performed time-dependent close-coupling calculations for excitation from the ground and the metastable terms of Be+ and the metastable term of Be3+. In general, these results are found to agree with those from our RMPS calculations. The full set of data resulting from this work is now available on the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Controlled Fusion Atomic Data Center web site, and will be employed for collisional-radiative modeling of Be in magnetically confined plasmas.


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We review symplectic nontwist maps that we have introduced to describe Lagrangian transport properties in magnetically confined plasmas in tokamaks. These nontwist maps are suitable to describe the formation and destruction of transport barriers in the shearless region (i.e., near the curve where the twist condition does not hold). The maps can be used to investigate two kinds of problems in plasmas with non-monotonic field profiles: the first is the chaotic magnetic field line transport in plasmas with external resonant perturbations. The second problem is the chaotic particle drift motion caused by electrostatic drift waves. The presented analytical maps, derived from plasma models with equilibrium field profiles and control parameters that are commonly measured in plasma discharges, can be used to investigate long-term transport properties. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We analyze long-range time correlations and self-similar characteristics of the electrostatic turbulence at the plasma edge and scrape-off layer in the Tokamak Chauffage Alfven Bresillien (TCABR), with low and high Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) activity. We find evidence of self-organized criticality (SOC), mainly in the region near the tokamak limiter. Comparative analyses of data before and during the MHD activity reveals that during the high mHD activity the Hurst parameter decreases. Finally, we present a cellular automaton whose parameters are adjusted to simulate the analyzed turbulence SOC change with the MHD activity variation. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The series expansion of the plasma fields and currents in vector spherical harmonics has been demonstrated to be an efficient technique for solution of nonlinear problems in spherically bounded plasmas. Using this technique, it is possible to describe the nonlinear plasma response to the rotating high-frequency magnetic field applied to the magnetically confined plasma sphere. The effect of the external magnetic field on the current drive and field configuration is studied. The results obtained are important for continuous current drive experiments in compact toruses. © 2000 American Institute of Physics.


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Electromagnetic processing of liquid metals involves dynamic change of the fluid volume interfacing with a melting solid material, gas or vacuum, and possibly a different liquid. Electromagnetic field and the associated force field are strongly coupled to the free surface dynamics and the heat-mass transfer. We present practical modelling examples of the flow and heat transfer using an accurate pseudo-spectral code and the k-omega turbulence model suitable for complex and transitional flows with free surfaces. The 'cold crucible' melting is modelled dynamically including the melting front gradual propagation and the magnetically confined free surrounding interface. Intermittent contact with the water-cooled segmented wall and the radiation heat losses are parts of the complex problem.


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The time dependent numerical model of cold crucible melting is based on the coupled electromagnetic, temperature and turbulent velocity field calculation accounting for the magnetically confined liquid metal shape continuous change. The model is applied to investigate the process energy efficiency dependence on the critical choice of AC power supply frequency and an optional addition of a DC magnetic field. Test cases of the metal load up to 50 kg are considered. The behaviour of the numerical model at high AC frequencies is instructively validated by the use of the electromagnetic analytical solution for a sphere and temperature measurements in a commercial size cold crucible furnace


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Hydrogen ions (H+, H-2(+) and H-3(+)) are produced in a magnetically confined inductively coupled radio frequency plasma. Ions are accelerated in the plasma boundary sheath potential, of several hundred volts, in front of a biased metal electrode immersed in the plasma. Backscattered hyperthermal hydrogen atoms are investigated by optical emission spectroscopy and an energy-resolved mass spectrometer. Ionisation of fast neutrals through electron stripping of atoms in the plasma allows energy analysis of the resulting ions. Thereby, the energy distribution function of the hyperthermal atoms can be deduced. The energy spectra can be explained as a superposition of individual spectra of the various ion species. The measured spectra also shows contributions of negative ions created at the electrode surface. In addition to experimental measurements, simulations of the neutral flux of backscattered atoms are carried out.


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Over the last decade an Auburn-Rollins-Strathclyde consortium has developed several suites of parallel R-matrix codes [1, 2, 3] that can meet the fundamental data needs required for the interpretation of astrophysical observation and/or plasma experiments. Traditionally our collisional work on light fusion-related atoms has been focused towards spectroscopy and impurity transport for magnetically confined fusion devices. Our approach has been to provide a comprehensive data set for the excitation/ionization for every ion stage of a particular element. As we progress towards a burning fusion plasma, there is a demand for the collisional processes involving tungsten, which has required a revitalization of the relativistic R-matrix approach. The implementation of these codes on massively parallel supercomputers has facilitated the progression to models involving thousands of levels in the close-coupling expansion required by the open d and f sub-shell systems of mid Z tungsten. This work also complements the electron-impact excitation of Fe-Peak elements required by astrophysics, in particular the near neutral species, which offer similar atomic structure challenges. Although electron-impact excitation work is our primary focus in terms of fusion application, the single photon photoionisation codes are also being developed in tandem, and benefit greatly from this ongoing work.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Abstract?We consider a mathematical model related to the stationary regime of a plasma of fusion nuclear, magnetically confined in a Stellarator device. Using the geometric properties of the fusion device, a suitable system of coordinates and averaging methods, the mathematical problem may be reduced to a two dimensional free boundary problem of nonlocal type, where the corresponding differential equation is of the Grad?Shafranov type. The current balance within each flux magnetic gives us the possibility to define the third covariant magnetic field component with respect to the averaged poloidal flux function. We present here some numerical experiences and we give some numerical approach for the averaged poloidal flux and for the third covariant magnetic field component.


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We consider a mathematical model related to the stationary regime of a plasma magnetically confined in a Stellarator device in the nuclear fusion. The mathematical problem may be reduced to an nonlinear elliptic inverse nonlocal two dimensional free{boundary problem. The nonlinear terms involving the unknown functions of the problem and its rearrangement. Our main goal is to determinate the existence and the estimate on the location and size of region where the solution is nonnegative almost everywhere (corresponding to the plasma region in the physical model)