962 resultados para MADS-box
The myocyte enhancer factor (MEF)-2 family of transcription factors has been implicated in the regulation of muscle transcription in vertebrates, but the precise position of these regulators within the genetic hierarchy leading to myogenesis is unclear. The MEF2 proteins bind to a conserved A/T-rich DNA sequence present in numerous muscle-specific genes, and they are expressed in the cells of the developing somites and in the embryonic heart at the onset of muscle formation in mammals. The MEF2 genes belong to the MADS box family of transcription factors, which control specific programs of gene expression in species ranging from yeast to humans. Each MEF2 family member contains two highly conserved protein motifs, the MADS domain and the MEF2-specific domain, which together provide the MEF2 factors with their unique DNA binding and dimerization properties. In an effort to further define the function of the MEF2 proteins, and to evaluate the degree of conservation shared among these factors and the phylogenetic pathways that they regulate, we sought to identify MEF2 family members in other species. In Drosophila, a homolog of the vertebrate MEF2 genes was identified and termed D-mef2. The D-MEF2 protein binds to the consensus MEF2 element and can activate transcription through tandem copies of that site. During Drosophila embryogenesis, D-MEF2 is specific to the mesoderm germ layer of the developing embryo and becomes expressed in all muscle cell types within the embryo. The role of D-mef2 in Drosophila embryogenesis was examined by generating a loss-of-function mutation in the D-mef2 gene. In embryos homozygous for this mutant allele, somatic, cardiac, and visceral muscles fail to differentiate, but precursors of these myogenic lineages are normally specified and positioned. These results demonstrate that different muscle cell types share a common myogenic differentiation program controlled by MEF2 and suggest that this program has been conserved from Drosophila to mammals. ^
Changes in genes encoding transcriptional regulators can alter development and are important components of the molecular mechanisms of morphological evolution. MADS-box genes encode transcriptional regulators of diverse and important biological functions. In plants, MADS-box genes regulate flower, fruit, leaf, and root development. Recent sequencing efforts in Arabidopsis have allowed a nearly complete sampling of the MADS-box gene family from a single plant, something that was lacking in previous phylogenetic studies. To test the long-suspected parallel between the evolution of the MADS-box gene family and the evolution of plant form, a polarized gene phylogeny is necessary. Here we suggest that a gene duplication ancestral to the divergence of plants and animals gave rise to two main lineages of MADS-box genes: TypeI and TypeII. We locate the root of the eukaryotic MADS-box gene family between these two lineages. A novel monophyletic group of plant MADS domains (AGL34 like) seems to be more closely related to previously identified animal SRF-like MADS domains to form TypeI lineage. Most other plant sequences form a clear monophyletic group with animal MEF2-like domains to form TypeII lineage. Only plant TypeII members have a K domain that is downstream of the MADS domain in most plant members previously identified. This suggests that the K domain evolved after the duplication that gave rise to the two lineages. Finally, a group of intermediate plant sequences could be the result of recombination events. These analyses may guide the search for MADS-box sequences in basal eukaryotes and the phylogenetic placement of new genes from other plant species.
Three MADS-box genes were identified from a cDNA library derived from young flowers of Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden. The three egm genes are single-copy genes and are expressed almost exclusively in flowers. The egm1 and egm3 genes shared strongest homology with other plant MADS-box genes, which mediate between the floral meristem and the organ-identity genes. The egm3 gene was also expressed strongly in the receptacle or floral tube, which surrounds the carpels in the eucalypt flower and bears the sepals, petals, and numerous stamens. There appeared to be a group of genes in eucalypts with strong homology with the 3′ region of the egm1 gene. The egm2 gene was expressed in eucalypt petals and stamens and was most homologous to MADS-box genes, which belong to the globosa group of genes, which regulate organogenesis of the second and third floral whorls. The possible role of these three genes in eucalypt floral development is discussed.
Family of MADS-Box Genes Expressed Early in Male and Female Reproductive Structures of Monterey Pine
Three MADS-box genes isolated from Monterey pine (Pinus radiata), PrMADS1, PrMADS2, and PrMADS3, are orthologs to members of the AGL2 and AGL6 gene subfamilies in Arabidopsis. These genes were expressed during early stages of pine shoot development in differentiating seed- and pollen-cone buds. Their transcripts were found within a group of cells that formed ovuliferous scale and microsporophyll primordia. Expression of PrMADS3 was also detected in a group of cells giving rise to needle primordia within differentiated vegetative buds, and in needle primordia.
Flower and fruit development in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were severely affected when plants were grown at low temperatures, displaying homeotic and meristic transformations and alterations in the fusion pattern of the organs. Most of these homeotic transformations modified the identity of stamens and carpels, giving rise to intermediate organs. Complete homeotic transformations were rarely found and always affected organs of the reproductive whorls. Meristic transformations were also commonly observed in the reproductive whorls, which developed with an excessive number of organs. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that meristic transformations take place very early in the development of the flower and are related to a significant increase in the floral meristem size. However, homeotic transformations should occur later during the development of the organ primordia. Steady-state levels of transcripts corresponding to tomato MADS-box genes TM4, TM5, TM6, and TAG1 were greatly increased by low temperatures and could be related to these flower abnormalities. Moreover, in situ hybridization analyses showed that low temperatures also altered the stage-specific expression of TM4.
Members of the MyoD family of muscle-specific basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) proteins function within a genetic pathway to control skeletal muscle development. Mutational analyses of these factors suggested that their DNA binding domains mediated interaction with a coregulator required for activation of muscle-specific transcription. Members of the myocyte enhancer binding factor 2 (MEF2) family of MADS-box proteins are expressed at high levels in muscle and neural cells and at lower levels in several other cell types. MEF2 factors are unable to activate muscle gene expression alone, but they potentiate the transcriptional activity of myogenic bHLH proteins. This potentiation appears to be mediated by direct interactions between the DNA binding domains of these different types of transcription factors. Biochemical and genetic evidence suggests that MEF2 factors are the coregulators for myogenic bHLH proteins. The presence of MEF2 and cell-specific bHLH proteins in other cell types raises the possibility that these proteins may also cooperate to regulate other programs of cell-specific gene expression. We present a model to account for such cooperative interactions.
In response to infection by Rhizobium, highly differentiated organs called nodules form on legume roots. Within these organs, the symbiotic association between the host plant and bacteria is established. A putative plant transcription factor, NMH7, has been identified in alfalfa root nodules. nmh7 contains a MADS-box DNA-binding region and shows homology to flower homeotic genes. This gene is a member of a multigene family in alfalfa and was identified on the basis of nucleic acid homology to plant regulatory protein genes (MADS-box-containing genes) from Antirrhinum and Arabidopsis. RNA analysis and in situ hybridization showed that expression of this class of regulatory genes is limited to the infected cells of alfalfa root nodules and is likely to be involved in the signal transduction pathway initiated by the bacterial symbiont, Rhizobium meliloti. The expression of nmh7 in a root-derived organ is unusual for this class of regulatory genes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
MEF2 is a $\underline{\rm m}$yocyte-specific $\underline{\rm e}$nhancer-binding $\underline{\rm f}$actor that binds a conserved DNA sequence, CTA(A/T)$\sb4$TAG. A MEF2 binding site in the XMyoDa promoter overlaps with the TATA box and is required for muscle specific expression. To examine the potential role of MEF2 in the regulation of MyoD transcription during early development, the appearance of MEF2 binding activity in developing Xenopus embryos was analyzed with the electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Two genes were isolated from a X. Laevis stage 24 cDNA library that encode factors that bind the XMyoDa TFIID/MEF2 site. Both genes are highly homologous to each other, belong to the MADS ($\underline{\rm M}$CM1-$\underline{\rm A}$rg80-agamous-$\underline{\rm d}$eficiens-$\underline{\rm S}$RF) protein family, and most highly related to the mammalian MEF2A gene, hence they are designated as XMEF2A1 and XMEF2A2. Proteins encoded by both cDNAs form specific complexes with the MEF2 binding site and show the same binding specificity as the endogenous MEF2 binding activity. XMEF2A transcripts accumulate preferentially in developing somites after the appearance of XMyoD transcripts. XMEF2 protein begins to accumulate in somites at tailbud stages. Transcriptional activation of XMyoD promoter by XMEF2A required only the MADS box and MEF2-specific domain when XMEF2A is bound at the TATA box. However, a different downstream transactivation domain was required when XMEF2A activates transcription through binding to multiple upstream sites. These results suggest that different activation mechanisms are involved, depending on where the factor is bound. Mutations in several basic amino acid clusters in the MADS box inhibit DNA binding suggesting these amino acids are essential for DNA binding. Mutation of Thr-20 and Ser-36 to the negatively charged amino acid residue, aspartic acid, abolish DNA binding. XMEF2A activity may be regulated by phosphorylation of these amino acids. A dominant negative mutant was made by mutating one of the basic amino acid clusters and deleting the downstream transactivation domain. In vivo roles of MEF2 in the regulation of MyoD transcription were investigated by overexpression of wild type MEF2 and dominant negative mutant of XMEF2A in animal caps and assaying for the effects on the level of expression of MyoD genes. Overexpression of MEF2 activates the transcription of endogenous MyoD gene family while expression of a dominant negative mutant reduces the level of transcription of XMRF4 and myogenin genes. These results suggest that MEF2 is downstream of MyoD and Myf5 and that MEF2 is involved in maintaining and amplifying expression of MyoD and Myf5. MEF2 is upstream of MRF4 and myogenin and plays a role in activating their expression. ^
The MADS domain homeotic proteins APETALA1 (AP1), APETALA3 (AP3), PISTILLATA (PI), and AGAMOUS (AG) act in a combinatorial manner to specify the identity of Arabidopsis floral organs. The molecular basis for this combinatorial mode of action was investigated. Immunoprecipitation experiments indicate that all four proteins are capable of interacting with each other. However, these proteins exhibit "partner-specificity" for the formation of DNA-binding dimers; only AP1 homodimers, AG homodimers, and AP3/PI heterodimers are capable of binding to CArG-box sequences. Both the AP3/PI heterodimer and the AP1 or AG homodimers are formed when the three corresponding proteins are present together. The use of chimeric proteins formed by domain swapping indicates that the L region (which follows the MADS box) constitutes a key molecular determinant for the selective formation of DNA-binding dimers. The implications of these results for the ABC genetic model of flower development are discussed.
The Arabidopsis MADS domain proteins AP1, AP3, PI, and AG specify floral organ identity. All of these proteins contain a MADS domain required for DNA binding and dimerization; a region termed L (linker between MADS domain and K domain), which plays an important role in dimerization specificity; the K domain, named for its similarity to the coiled-coil domain of keratin; and a C-terminal region of unknown function. To determine which regions of these proteins are responsible for their abilities to specify different organs, we have made a number of chimeric MADS box genes. The in vivo function of these chimeric genes was investigated by ectopic expression in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. The four proteins fall into two classes on the basis of regions responsible for their functional specificities. The L region and K domain define the functional specificities of AP3 and PI, while the MADS domain and L region define the functional specificities of AP1 and AG.
Skeletal muscle differentiation and the activation of muscle-specific gene expression are dependent on the concerted action of the MyoD family and the MADS protein, MEF2, which function in a cooperative manner. The steroid receptor coactivator SRC-2/GRIP-1/TIF-2, is necessary for skeletal muscle differentiation, and functions as a cofactor for the transcription factor, MEF2. SRC-P belongs to the SRC family of transcriptional coactivators/cofactors that also includes SRC-1 and SRC-3/RAC-3/ACTR/ AIB-1. In this study we demonstrate that SRC-P is essentially localized in the nucleus of proliferating myoblasts; however, weak (but notable) expression is observed in the cytoplasm. Differentiation induces a predominant localization of SRC-P to the nucleus; furthermore, the nuclear staining is progressively more localized to dot-like structures or nuclear bodies. MEF2 is primarily expressed in the nucleus, although we observed a mosaic or variegated expression pattern in myoblasts; however, in myotubes all nuclei express MEF2. GRIP-1 and MEF2 are coexpressed in the nucleus during skeletal muscle differentiation, consistent with the direct interaction of these proteins. Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) cells derived from malignant skeletal muscle tumors have been proposed to be deficient in cofactors. Alveolar RMS cells very weakly express the steroid receptor coactivator, SRC-P, in a diffuse nucleocytoplasmic staining pattern. MEF2 and the cofactors, SRC-1 and SRC-3 are abundantly expressed in alveolar and embryonal RMS cells; however, the staining is not localized to the nucleus. Furthermore, the subcellular localization and transcriptional activity of MEF2C and a MEF2-dependent reporter are compromised in alveolar RMS cells. In contrast, embryonal RMS cells express SRC-2 in the nucleus, and MEF2 shuttles from the cytoplasm to the nucleus after serum withdrawal. In conclusion, this study suggests that the steroid receptor coactivator SRC-P and MEF2 are localized to the nucleus during the differentiation process. In contrast, RMS cells display aberrant transcription factor SRC localization and expression, which may underlie certain features of the RMS phenotype.
The overlapping expression profile of MEF2 and the class-II histone deacetylase, HDAC7, led us to investigate the functional interaction and relationship between these regulatory proteins. HDAC7 expression inhibits the activity of MEF2 (-A, -C, and -D), and in contrast MyoD and Myogenin activities are not affected. Glutathione S-transferase pulldown and immunoprecipitation demonstrate that the repression mechanism involves direct interactions between MEF2 proteins and HDAC7 and is associated with the ability of MEF2 to interact with the N-terminal 121 amino acids of HDAC7 that encode repression domain 1. The MADS domain of MEF2 mediates the direct interaction of MEF2 with HDAC7, MEF2 inhibition by HDAC7 is dependent on the N-terminal repression domain and surprisingly does not involve the C-terminal deacetylase domain. HDAC7 interacts with CtBP and other class-I and -II HDACs suggesting that silencing of MEF2 activity involves corepressor recruitment. Furthermore, we show that induction of muscle differentiation by serum withdrawal leads to the translocation of HDAC7 from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. This work demonstrates that HDAC7 regulates the function of MEF2 proteins and suggests that this class-II HDAC regulates this important transcriptional (and pathophysiological) target in heart and muscle tissue. The nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of HDAC7 and other class-II HDACs during myogenesis provides an ideal mechanism for the regulation of HDAC targets during mammalian development and differentiation.
Recently, we demonstrated that mutations in the Sry-related HMG box gene Sox18 underlie vascular and hair follicle defects in the mouse allelic mutants ragged (Ra) and RaJ. Ra mice display numerous anomalies in the homozygote including, oedema, peritoneal secretions, and are almost completely naked. Sox18 and the MADS box transcription factor, Mef2C, are expressed in developing endothelial cells. Null mutants in Sox18 and Mef2c display overlapping phenotypic abnormalities, hence, we investigated the relationship between these two DNA binding proteins. We report here the direct interaction between MEF2C and SOX18 proteins, and establish that these proteins are coexpressed in vivo in endothelial cell nuclei. MEF2C expression potentiates SOX18-mediated transcription in vivo and regulates the function of the SOX18 activation domain. Interestingly, MEF2C fails to interact or co-activate transcription with the Ra or RaJ mutant SOX18 proteins. These results suggest that MEF2C and SOX18 may be important partners directing the transcriptional regulation of vascular development. (C) 2001 Academic Press.