960 resultados para M. Lowenstein and Sons Company


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This collection consists of a special edition of The Evening Herald (Rock Hill, SC newspaper) which included a section devoted to the history of the company.


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Envelope postmarked Indo-Ceylon, special flight X’mas 1936, Bombay, Jan. 1937 and Thomas Cook and Son, Jan. 2, 1937. The letter is addressed to Mr. Welland D. Woodruff at Thomas Cook and Son, Columbo, India. This is crossed out and sent on to Royal Trust Co. 3 St. James St., London, England. This is crossed out and finally sent to the Mayfair Hotel, London, England, 1936-1937.


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The article looks at three antifascist films from the 1980s by the East German film company DEFA: Jürgen Brauer's Pugowitza (1981), Egon Schlegel's Die Schüsse der Arche Noah (1983), and Helmut Dziuba's Jan auf der Zille (1986), which during this final decade of the East German state re-examine an ideologically seminal constellation of the GDR's official antifascism – the relationship between antifascist father and son. Linking generational and political succession, the father-son relationship helped to legitimise the GDR as a state in which the young continued the antifascist fight of the old communists against the Nazi dictatorship. From the 1950s on, DEFA films contributed to the visualisation of this relationship, codifying it not only as heroic but also as ‘natural’: the assumed innocence of the communist son was meant to naturalise the father's antifascist/communist cause. The 1980s saw this naturalised political succession questioned. By re-telling the canonised father-son story, the three films visualise the generational antifascist contract as flawed. Re-deploying the son's assumed innocence in a critique of the father, they explore new endings to the antifascist story and revive the discussion of categories like ‘victi€™ and ‘perpetrator’.// Der Aufsatz untersucht drei antifaschistische Filme der ostdeutschen Filmgesellschaft DEFA aus den 1980er Jahren: Jürgen Brauers Pugowitza (1981), Egon Schlegels Die Schüsse der Arche Noah (1983) und Helmut Dziubas Jan auf der Zille (1986). Alle drei Filme wurden im letzten Jahrzehnt der DDR gedreht und greifen eine ideologisch tragende Konstellation des offiziellen DDR-Antifaschismus auf – die Beziehung zwischen antifaschistischem Vater und Sohn. In der Vater-Sohn-Beziehung verband sich Generationenabfolge mit politischer Nachkommenschaft, eine Verbindung, die half, die DDR als einen Staat zu legitimieren, in dem die Jungen den antifaschistischen Kampf der alten Kommunisten gegen die Nazi-Diktatur weiterführten. Seit den 1950er Jahren beteiligte sich die DEFA an der Visuali-sierung dieser Beziehung und kodifizierte sie nicht nur als heldenhaft, sondern auch als ‘natürlich’: die behauptete Unschuld der kommunistschen Söhne diente dazu, den antifaschistisch-kommunistischen Kampf der Väter zu naturalisieren. Die solcher Art politisch interpretierte Generationenabfolge verlor ihre Natürlichkeit, als sie in den 1980er Jahren kritisch befragt wurde. Im nochmaligen Erzählen der kanonisierten Vater-Sohn-Geschichte wird die Brüchigkeit des antifaschistischen Gesellschaftsvertrags in allen drei Filmen sichtbar. Die vermeintliche Unschuld der Söhne wird nun zu einer Kritik der Väter genutzt, wobei die Filme ein neues Ende für die antifaschistische Geschichte erkunden und die Debatte über Kategorien wie ‘Opfer’ und ‘Täter’ wieder aufnehmen.


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This report deals with collaborations of engineering consultants and clients in the automobile industry.

In these relationships three main challenges have been identified which have to be addressed by the consultancies. Therefore, the research takes the viewpoint of the consulting side. The challenges are

(i) the appropriate project goal definition;

(ii) achieving client satisfaction; and

(iii) dealing with international clients.

An investigation of such a relationship carried out on a case study shows that improvements can be achieved through communication support. The ways to do that are proposed.


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A shares certificate for Gladstone Mines and Reduction Company in the amount of 200 shares. The certificate is dated 13 March 1925 and is signed by the secretary F.J. Carr and the president Charles Stoddart. The price is one dollar per share and it is made out to W.H. Cowan.


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Certificate for 1 share of capital stock in Nicola Valley Coal and Coke Company to Welland D. Woodruff, May 13, 1905.


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Certificate for 21 shares of capital stock in Nicola Valley Coal and Coke Company to Welland D. Woodruff, Oct. 16, 1905.


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Clipping of notices from the Woodstock and Lake Erie Railway and Harbour Company and the Buffalo, Brantford and Goderich Railway, 1853.


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Receipt from E. Riddle and Sons, Contractors of Masonry, St. Catharines for work done, Mar. 13, 1887.


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Flyer (2 double sided pages, printed) about the Dominion Power and Transmission Company bonds from R.W. Harris and Co. Bankers, New York, n.d.


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Letter to T. H. Wiley from J.J. Nichols and Sons, Mason Contractors and Plasterers, St. Catharines regarding tenders for the proposed lily pond, May 12, 1916.


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Receipt from Alex Cruickshank and Sons, Manufacturers of Hosiery, Edinburgh, Scotland for socks and gloves, July 1847.


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Esta tesis tiene como propósito demostrar las relaciones inequitativas entre las empresas transnacionales y las empresas nacionales de petróleo. Aborda inicialmente desde el contexto de las relaciones internacionales que se dan en torno al petróleo y a los hidrocarburos en general, para luego examinarlas desde una visión desde las transacciones globales y sus tendencias. Posteriormente enfatiza el análisis jurídico-político en el estudio del caso Occidental – Petroecuador, con una revisión previa en el marco institucional y económico en el que se desarrolla este caso. El análisis se establece especialmente en un marco temporal contemporáneo, refiriéndose, cuando es necesario para contextualizar el complejo manejo de los hidrocarburos, a fechas claves que permiten entender determinados fenómenos actuales.