832 resultados para Méta-composite
Les traitements acoustiques actuels pour parois d’avion sont performants en hautes fréquences mais nécessitent des améliorations en basses fréquences. En effet dans le cas des matériaux classiques cela nécessite une épaisseur élevée et donc les traitements ont une masse très importante. Des solutions sortant de ce cadre doivent donc être développées. Ce projet de maîtrise a pour but de créer un traitement acoustique à base de résonateurs de Helmholtz intégrés dans un matériau poreux, afin de réfléchir les ondes acoustiques basses fréquences tout en absorbant sur une large bande de fréquences en hautes fréquences. Le principe est basé sur la conception d’un méta-composite, optimisé numériquement et validé expérimentalement en tube d’impédance et chambres de transmission. La performance du concept sera également étudiée sur une maquette de la coiffe du lanceur Ariane 5 avec un modèle d’analyse énergétique statistique (SEA). Pour cela, on s’appuie sur les travaux précédents sur les résonateurs d’Helmholtz, les méta-matériaux, les méta-composites et la modélisation par matrices de transfert. L’optimisation se fait via un modèle basé sur les matrices de transfert placé dans une boucle d’optimisation.
Objectives: To compare the response of human dental pulp capped with a mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Ca(OH)(2) powder. Methods and Material: Pulp exposures were performed on the occlusal floor of 40 permanent premolars. The pulp was then capped with either Ca(OH)(2) powder (CH) or MTA and restored with resin composite. After 30 days (groups CH30 and MTA30) and 60 days (groups CH60 and MTA60), the teeth were extracted and processed for HE and categorized in a histological score system. The data were subjected to Kruskal-Wallis and Conover tests (alpha=0.05). Results: In regard to dentin bridge formation, CH30 showed a tendency towards superior performance compared to MTA30 (p>0.05), although the products showed comparable results at day 60. In the item ""Inflammation"" and ""General State of the Pulp"" (p>0.05), CH showed a tendency towards presenting a higher inflammatory response. In the item ""Other Pulpal Findings,"" MTA and Ca(OH)(2) showed equal and excellent performance after 30 and 60 days (p>0.05). Conclusion: After 30 days, Ca(OH)(2) powder covered with calcium hydroxide cement showed faster hard tissue bridge formation compared to MTA. After 60 days, Ca(OH)(2) powder or NITA materials showed a similar and excellent histological response with the formation of a hard tissue bridge in almost all cases with low inflammatory infiltrate.
Objectives: To compare the response of human dental pulp capped with a mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Ca(OH) 2 powder. Methods and Material: Pulp exposures were performed on the occlusal floor of 40 permanent premolars. The pulp was then capped with either Ca(OH) 2 powder (CH) or MTA and restored with resin composite. After 30 days (groups CH30 and MTA30) and 60 days (groups CH60 and MTA60), the teeth were extracted and processed for HE and categorized in a histological score system. The data were subjected to Kruskal-Wallis and Conover tests (α=0.05). Results: In regard to dentin bridge formation, CH30 showed a tendency towards superior performance compared to MTA30 (p>0.05), although the products showed comparable results at day 60. In the item Inflammation and General State of the Pulp (p>0.05), CH showed a tendency towards presenting a higher inflammatory response. In the item Other Pulpal Findings, MTA and Ca(OH) 2 showed equal and excellent performance after 30 and 60 days (p>0.05). Conclusion: After 30 days, Ca(OH) 2 powder covered with calcium hydroxide cement showed faster hard tissue bridge formation compared to MTA. After 60 days, Ca(OH) 2 powder or MTA materials showed a similar and excellent histological response with the formation of a hard tissue bridge in almost all cases with low inflammatory infiltrate. © Operative Dentistry, 2008.
O tratamento endodôntico é uma etapa importante do protocolo de atendimento do reimplante dentário e tem uma relação direta com o aparecimento das reabsorções radiculares, maior causa de perda dos dentes reimplantados. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar o processo de reparo no reimplante tardio de dente de macaco, utilizando o hidróxido de cálcio (Ca(OH)2) e o MTA como materiais obturadores de canal. Cinco macacos Cebus apella adultos tiveram seus incisivos laterais superiores e inferiores, direito e esquerdo, extraídos e deixados em meio ambiente por 60 minutos. Decorrido esse período, foi realizado o preparo biomecânico dos canais e os dentes foram divididos em dois grupos experimentais: grupo I - canal preenchido com pasta de Ca(OH)2 e grupo II - canal preenchido com MTA (Angelus®). Após o selamento da abertura coronária com ionômero de vidro, o ligamento periodontal foi removido e os dentes imersos em solução de fluoreto de sódio 2%, pH 5,5, por 10 minutos. Em seguida, os alvéolos foram irrigados com soro fisiológico e os dentes reimplantados e contidos por 30 dias com fio de aço e resina composta. A eutanásia dos animais foi realizada 60 dias após o reimplante. Os espécimes de ambos os grupos apresentaram reabsorção por substituição e pontos de anquilose ao longo dos três terços radiculares e ausência de reabsorção inflamatória. Não houve diferença significante entre os dois grupos com relação à reabsorção por substituição, porém a quantidade de anquilose foi significativamente maior no grupo do Ca(OH)2. Baseado nesses resultados conclui-se que o MTA pode ser uma opção clínica viável para a obturação de dentes tardiamente reimplantados que necessitam de um longo período de curativo com hidróxido de cálcio.
INTRODUCTION: The aim of apical surgery is to hermetically seal the root canal system after root-end resection, thereby enabling periradicular healing. The objective of this nonrandomized prospective clinical study was to report results of 2 different root-end preparation and filling methods, ie, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and an adhesive resin composite (Retroplast). METHODS: The study included 353 consecutive cases with endodontic lesions limited to the periapical area. Root-end cavities were prepared with sonic microtips and filled with MTA (n = 178), or alternatively, a shallow concavity was prepared in the cut root face, with subsequent placement of an adhesive resin composite (Retroplast) (n = 175). Patients were recalled after 1 year. Cases were defined as healed when no clinical signs or symptoms were present and radiographs demonstrated complete or incomplete (scar tissue) healing of previous radiolucencies. RESULTS: The overall rate of healed cases was 85.5%. MTA-treated teeth demonstrated a significantly (P = .003) higher rate of healed cases (91.3%) compared with Retroplast-treated teeth (79.5%). Within the MTA group, 89.5%-100% of cases were classified as healed, depending on the type of treated tooth. In contrast, more variable rates ranging from 66.7%-100% were found in the Retroplast group. In particular, mandibular premolars and molars demonstrated considerably lower rates of healed cases when treated with Retroplast. CONCLUSIONS: MTA can be recommended for root-end filling in apical surgery, irrespective of the type of treated tooth. Retroplast should be used with caution for root-end sealing in apical surgery of mandibular premolars and molars.
INTRODUCTION Recent meta-analyses of the outcome of apical surgery using modern techniques including microsurgical principles and high-power magnification have yielded higher rates of healing. However, the information is mainly based on 1- to 2-year follow-up data. The present prospective study was designed to re-examine a large sample of teeth treated with apical surgery after 5 years. METHODS Patients were recalled 5 years after apical surgery, and treated teeth were classified as healed or not healed based on clinical and radiographic examination. (The latter was performed independently by 3 observers). Two different methods of root-end preparation and filling (primary study parameters) were to be compared (mineral trioxide aggregate [MTA] vs adhesive resin composite [COMP]) without randomization. RESULTS A total of 271 patients and teeth from a 1-year follow-up sample of 339 could be re-examined after 5 years (dropout rate = 20.1%). The overall rate of healed cases was 84.5% with a significant difference (P = .0003) when comparing MTA (92.5%) and COMP (76.6%). The evaluation of secondary study parameters yielded no significant difference for healing outcome when comparing subcategories (ie, sex, age, type of tooth treated, post/screw, type of surgery). CONCLUSIONS The results from this prospective nonrandomized clinical study with a 5-year follow-up of 271 teeth indicate that MTA exhibited a higher healing rate than COMP in the longitudinal prognosis of root-end sealing.
This study investigated the effect of the incorporation of an iodonium salt in experimental composites, on the bond strength of metallic brackets bonded to bovine teeth. Two hundred and seventy bovine teeth were embedded in self-curing acrylic resin and divided into 18 groups (n=15), according to the experimental composite with an iodonium salt at molar concentrations 0 (control), 0.5, or 1%; the light-activation times (8, 20 and 40 s); and the storage times (10 min or 24 h). Metallic brackets were fixed on the tooth surface using experimental composites. Photoactivation was performed with a quartz-tungsten-halogen light-curing unit curing unit for 8, 20 and 40 s. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 °C for 10 min or 24 h and submitted to bond strength test at 0.5 mm/min. The data were subjected to three-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). The Adhesive Remnant Index (ARI) was used to classify the failure modes. The shear bond strengths (MPa) at 10 min for light-activation times of 8, 20 and 40 s were: G1 - 4.6, 6.9 and 7.1; G2 - 8.1, 9.2 and 9.9; G3 - 9.1, 10.4 and 10.7; and at 24 h were: G1 - 10.9, 11.1 and 11.7; G2 - 11.8, 12.7 and 14.2; G3 - 12.1, 14.4 and 15.8. There was a predominance of ARI score 3 for groups with 10 min storage time, and ARI score 2 for groups with 24 h storage time. In conclusion, the addition of iodonium salt (C05 and C1) to the experimental composite may increase the bond strength of brackets to bovine enamel using reduced light exposure times.
To evaluate the influence of light-activation of second, third and fourth increments on degree of conversion (DC) and microhardness (KHN) of the top (T) and bottom (B) surface of the first increment. Forty samples (n = 5) were prepared. In groups 1-4, after each increment light-activation (multiple irradiation), T and B of the first increment were measured in DC and KHN. In groups 5-8, only the first increment was made (single irradiation) and measurements of DC and KHN were taken at 15 min intervals. The light-activation modes were (XL) 500 mW/cm(2) × 38 s (G1/G5); (S) 1000 mW/cm(2) × 19 s (G2/G6), (HP) 1400 mW/cm(2) × 14 s (G3/G7); (PE) 3200 mW/cm(2) × 6 s (G4/G8). Data for DC and KHN were analyzed separately by using PROC MIXED for repeated measures and Tukey-Kramer test (α = 0.05). For KHN, B showed lower values than T. PE resulted in lower values of KHN in B surface. For single and multiple irradiations, T and B of first measurement showed the lowest KHN and the fourth measurement showed the highest, with significant difference between them. For single irradiation, first and second increments presented similar KHN, different from the third and fourth increment, which did not differ between them. For multiple irradiations, the second light-activation resulted in KHN similar to first, third and fourth increments. For DC, except QTH, T presented higher DC than B. The light-activation of successive increments was not able to influence the KHN and DC of the first increment.
This study evaluated the fracture resistance of weakened roots restored with glass fiber posts, composite resin cores and complete metal crowns. Thirty maxillary canines were randomly divided into 3 groups of 10 teeth each: teeth without weakened roots (control); teeth with partially weakened roots (PWR) and teeth with and largely weakened roots (LWR). The control group was restored with glass fiber posts and a composite resin core. Teeth in the PWR and LWR groups were flared internally to standardized dimensions in order to simulate root weakness. Thereafter, the roots were partially filled with composite resin and restored in the same way as in the control group. The specimens were exposed to 250,000 cycles in a controlled chewing simulator. All intact specimens were subjected to a static load (N) in a universal testing machine at 45 degrees to the long axis of the tooth until failure. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett's test for multiple comparisons (p=0.05). There were statistically significant difference differences (p<0.01) among the groups (control group = 566.73 N; PWR = 409.64 N; and LWR = 410.91 N), with significantly higher fracture strength for the control group. There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between the weakened groups. The results of this study showed that thicker root dentin walls significantly increase the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth.
This in vitro study evaluated the cytotoxicity of an experimental restorative composite resin subjected to different light-curing regimens. METHODS: Forty round-shaped specimens were prepared and randomly assigned to four experimental groups (n=10), as follows: in Group 1, no light-curing; in Groups 2, 3 and 4, the composite resin specimens were light-cured for 20, 40 or 60 s, respectively. In Group 5, filter paper discs soaked in 5 µL PBS were used as negative controls. The resin specimens and paper discs were placed in wells of 24-well plates in which the odontoblast-like cells MDPC-23 (30,000 cells/cm²) were plated and incubated in a humidified incubator with 5% CO2 and 95% air at 37ºC for 72 h. The cytotoxicity was evaluated by the cell metabolism (MTT assay) and cell morphology (SEM). The data were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (p<0.05). RESULTS: In G1, cell metabolism decreased by 86.2%, indicating a severe cytotoxicity of the non-light-cured composite resin. On the other hand, cell metabolism decreased by only 13.3% and 13.5% in G2 and G3, respectively. No cytotoxic effects were observed in G4 and G5. In G1, only a few round-shaped cells with short processes on their cytoplasmic membrane were observed. In the other experimental groups as well as in control group, a number of spindle-shaped cells with long cytoplasmic processes were found. CONCLUSION: Regardless of the photoactivation time used in the present investigation, the experimental composite resin presented mild to no toxic effects to the odontoblast-like MDPC-23 cells. However, intense cytotoxic effects occurred when no light-curing was performed.
Dentin adhesion procedure presents limitations, especially regarding to lifetime stability of formed hybrid layer. Alternative procedures have been studied in order to improve adhesion to dentin. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the influence of deproteinization or dentin tubular occlusion, as well as the combination of both techniques, on microtensile bond strength (µTBS) and marginal microleakage of composite resin restorations. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Extracted erupted human third molars were randomly divided into 4 groups. Dentin surfaces were treated with one of the following procedures: (A) 35% phosphoric acid gel (PA) + adhesive system (AS); (B) PA + 10% NaOCl + AS; (C) PA + oxalate + AS and (D) PA + oxalate + 10% NaOCl + AS. Bond strength data were analyzed statistically by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test. The microleakage scores were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney non-parametric tests. Significance level was set at 0.05 for all analyses. RESULTS: µTBS data presented statistically lower values for groups D and B, ranking data as A>C>B>D. The use of oxalic acid resulted in microleakage reduction along the tooth/restoration interface, being significant when used alone. On the other hand, the use of 10% NaOCl alone or in combination with oxalic acid, resulted in increased microleakage. CONCLUSIONS: Dentin deproteinization with 10% NaOCl or in combination with oxalate significantly compromised both the adhesive bond strength and the microleakage at interface. Tubular occlusion prior to adhesive system application seems to be a useful technique to reduce marginal microleakage.
One of the most important properties of artificial teeth is the abrasion wear resistance, which is determinant in the maintenance of the rehabilitation's occlusal pattern. OBJECTIVES: This in vitro study aims to evaluate the abrasion wear resistance of 7 brands of artificial teeth opposed to two types of antagonists. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seven groups were prepared with 12 specimens each (BIOLUX & BL, TRILUX & TR, BLUE DENT & BD, BIOCLER & BC, POSTARIS & PO, ORTHOSIT & OR, GNATHOSTAR & GN), opposed to metallic (M & nickel-chromium alloy), and to composite antagonists (C & Solidex indirect composite). A mechanical loading device was used (240 cycles/min, 4 Hz speed, 10 mm antagonist course). Initial and final contours of each specimen were registered with aid of a profile projector (20x magnification). The linear difference between the two profiles was measured and the registered values were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey's test. RESULTS: Regarding the antagonists, only OR (M = 10.45 ± 1.42 µm and C = 2.77 ± 0.69 µm) and BC (M = 6.70 ± 1.37 µm and C = 4.48 ± 0.80 µm) presented statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). Best results were obtained with PO (C = 2.33 ± 0.91 µm and M = 1.78 ± 0.42 µm), followed by BL (C = 3.70 ± 1.32 µm and M = 3.70 ± 0.61 µm), statistically similar for both antagonists (p>0.05). Greater result variance was obtained with OR, which presented the worse results opposed to Ni-Cr (10.45 ± 1.42 µm), and results similar to the best ones against composite (2.77 ± 0.69 µm). CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that the antagonist material is a factor of major importance to be considered in the choice of the artificial teeth to be used in the prosthesis.
The aim of this study was to analyze the shear bond strength between commercially pure titanium, with and without laser welding, after airbone-particle abrasion (Al2O3) and 2 indirect composites. Sixty-four specimens were cast and divided into 2 groups with and without laser welding. Each group was divided in 4 subgroups, related to Al2O3 grain size: A - 250 µm; B - 180 µm; C- 110 µm; and D - 50 µm. Composite rings were formed around the rods and light polymerized using UniXS unit. Specimens were invested and their shear bond strength at failure was measured with a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 2.0 mm/min. Statistical analysis was carried out with ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). The highest bond strength means were recorded in 250 µm group without laser welding. The lowest shear bond strength means were recorded in 50 µm group with laser welding. Statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were found between all groups. In conclusion, airborne particle abrasion yielded significantly lower bond strength as the Al2O3 particle size decreased. Shear bond strength decreased in the laser welded specimens.
This study evaluated the effect of chemical and mechanical surface treatments for cast metal alloys on the bond strength of an indirect composite resin (Artglass) to commercially pure titanium (cpTi). Thirty cylindrical metal rods (3 mm diameter x 60 mm long) were cast in grade-1 cpTi and randomly assigned to 6 groups (n=5) according to the received surface treatment: sandblasting; chemical treatment; mechanical treatment - 0.4 mm beads; mechanical treatment - 0.6 mm beads; chemical/mechanical treatment - 0.4 mm; and chemical/mechanical treatment - 0.6 mm beads. Artglass rings (6.0 mm diameter x 2.0 mm thick) were light cured around the cpTi rods, according manufacturer's specifications. The specimens were invested in hard gypsum and their bond strength (in MPa) to the rods was measured at fracture with a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 2.0 mm/min and 500 kgf load cell. Data were analyzed statistically by one-way ANOVA and Tukey test (a=5%). The surface treatments differed significantly from each other (p<0.05) regarding the recorded bond strengths. Chemical retention and sandblasting showed statistically similar results to each other (p=0.139) and both had significantly lower bond strengths (p<0.05) than the other treatments. In conclusion, mechanical retention, either associated or not to chemical treatment, provided higher bond strength of the indirect composite resin to cpTi.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the hydrogenionic potential and electrical conductivity of Portland cements and MTA, as well as the amount of arsenic and calcium released from these materials. In Teflon molds, samples of each material were agitated and added to plastic flasks containing distilled water for 3, 24, 72 and 168 h. The results were analyzed with a Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test for global comparisons and a Dunn-Tukey test for pairwise comparisons. The results revealed no significant differences in the pH of the materials (p > 0.05). The electrical conductivity of the cements were not statistically different (p > 0.05). White non-structural cement and MTA BIO released the largest amount of calcium ions into solution (p < 0.05), while arsenic release was insignificant in all of the materials (p > 0.05). The results indicated that the physico-chemical properties of Portland cements and MTA were similar. Furthermore, all materials produced an alkaline environment and can be considered safe for clinical use because arsenic was not released. The electrical conductivity and the amount of calcium ions released into solution increased over time.