980 resultados para Määttä, Kaarina: Seniorirakkaus
Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies,6,IET, pp.53-73
Tässä artikkelissa raportoidaan vuoden 2011 Saamelaispedagogiikan päivien antia.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
We conducted a cross-sectional, hospital-based study between January 2006-March 2008 to estimate the resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to first-line drugs in patients with tuberculosis at a Brazilian hospital. We evaluated the performance of the [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide] (MTT) microplate assay compared with the Bactec-MGIT 960 system for mycobacteria testing. The prevalence of resistance in M. tuberculosis was 6.7%. Multidrug-resistance [resistance to rifampicin (RMP) and isoniazid (INH)], INH-resistance and streptomycin (SM)-resistance accounted for 1%, 3.8% and 3.8% of all resistance, respectively, and all isolates were susceptible to ethambutol (EM). The resistance was primary in four cases and acquired in three cases and previous treatment was associated with resistance (p = 0.0129). Among the 119 M. tuberculosis isolates, complete concordance of the results for INH and EM was observed between the MTT microplate and Bactec-MGIT 960TM methods. The observed agreement for RMP was 99% (sensitivity: 90%) and 95.8% for SM (sensitivity 90.9%), lower than those for other drugs. The MTT colourimetric method is an accurate, simple and low-cost alternative in settings with limited resources.
Kirje 12.4.1957
Kirje 2.3.1960
Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.
1 kartasto (86 karttalehteä) :, kaksivär. ;, kotelo 48 x 56 cm
This degree project aim to evaluate if variations of the STFI thickness can be used to assess bumpiness on cardboard. During the project cardboard samples were measured using Bendtsen, PPS, a L&W formation tester, OptiTopo, Ambertec formation, the STFI thickness tester and a visual comparison. The different methods were then compared to see if there is any correlations between them. The results showed that the visual comparison and OptiTopo correlates. The STFI thickness tester shows however no correlation with the OptiTopo and visual comparison, thus aren't suitable measuring bumpiness.