966 resultados para Lysine content analyses


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There exists an important tradition of content analyses of aggression in sexually explicit material. The majority of these analyses use a definition of aggression that excludes consent. This article identifies three problems with this approach. First, it does not distinguish between aggression and some positive acts. Second, it excludes a key element of healthy sexuality. Third, it can lead to heteronormative definitions of healthy sexuality. It would be better to use a definition of aggression such as Baron and Richardson's (1994) in our content analyses, that includes a consideration of consent. A number of difficulties have been identified with attending to consent but this article offers solutions to each of these.


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A model for analyzing point defects in compound crystals was improved. Based on this modified model, a method for measuring Mn content in GaMnAs was established. A technique for eliminating the zero-drift-error was also established in the experiments of X-ray diffraction. With these methods, the Mn content in GaMnAs single crystals fabricated by the ion-beam epitaxy system was analyzed.


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The potential adverse effects on health of diet-derived advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) is of current interest, due to their proposed involvement in the disease progression of diabetic and uraemic conditions. However, accurate information about levels of AGEs in foods is lacking. The objective of this investigation was to determine the level of one particular AGE, N-epsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML), a marker of AGE formation, in a wide range of foods commonly consumed in a Western style diet. Individual foods (n = 257) were mixed, lyophilised, ground, reduced, fat-extracted, hydrolysed, and underwent solid-phase extraction. Extracts were analysed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). Cereal (2.6 mg/100 g food) and fruit and vegetable (0.13 mg/100 g food) categories had the highest and lowest mean level of CML, respectively, when expressed in mg/100 g food. These data can be used for estimating potential consumer intakes, and provide information that can be used to educated consumers on how to reduce their CML intake. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Growth response of broiler chickens to inclusion of hydrolyzed porcine mucosa (Palbio) in diets varying in total lysine content


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Lysine is the most limiting essential amino acid in cereals, and for many years plant breeders have attempted to increase its concentration to improve the nutritional quality of these grains. The opaque2 mutation in maize doubles the lysine content in the endosperm, but the mechanism by which this occurs is unknown. We show that elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) is overexpressed in opaque2 endosperm compared with its normal counterpart and that there is a highly significant correlation between EF-1 alpha concentration and the total lysine content of the endosperm. This relationship is also true for two other cereals, sorghum and barley. It appears that genetic selection for genotypes with a high concentration of EF-1 alpha can significantly improve the nutritional quality of maize and other cereals.


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Carbon capture and storage (CCS) can contribute significantly to addressing the global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions problem. Despite widespread political support, CCS remains unknown to the general public. Public perception researchers have found that, when asked, the public is relatively unfamiliar with CCS yet many individuals voice specific safety concerns regarding the technology. We believe this leads many stakeholders conflate CCS with the better-known and more visible technology hydraulic fracturing (fracking). We support this with content analysis of media coverage, web analytics, and public lobbying records. Furthermore, we present results from a survey of United States residents. This first-of-its-kind survey assessed participants’ knowledge, opinions and support of CCS and fracking technologies. The survey showed that participants had more knowledge of fracking than CCS, and that knowledge of fracking made participants less willing to support CCS projects. Additionally, it showed that participants viewed the two technologies as having similar risks and similar risk intensities. In the CCS stakeholder literature, judgment and decision-making (JDM) frameworks are noticeably absent, and public perception is not discussed using any cognitive biases as a way of understanding or explaining irrational decisions, yet these survey results show evidence of both anchoring bias and the ambiguity effect. Public acceptance of CCS is essential for a national low-carbon future plan. In conclusion, we propose changes in communications and incentives as programs to increase support of CCS.


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水稻、玉米、小麦和大麦等许多主要禾本科作物的第一限制性氨基酸是赖氨酸。本文将一个来源于四棱豆的高赖氨酸蛋白基因导入水稻,以研究通过转基因改善蛋白质的可能,获得有经济价值和社会意义的转基因作物。 构建了含有高赖氨酸蛋白基因(Lys)、gus基因及植物选择标记潮霉素磷酸转移酶基因(hpt)的植物表达载体pBRLys;在pBRLys中,该高赖氨酸蛋白基因由目前已知最强的单子叶植物启动子玉米Ubiquitin 1启动子调控。用基因枪轰击法将pBRLys导入水稻幼胚或幼胚诱导的愈伤组织。共得到36株潮霉素抗性再生植株,经分子检测有22株为转基因植株。 实验中对影响水稻转化、再生和移栽一些条件进行了研究。从潮霉素筛选浓度、愈伤组织干燥处理、光照对分化的影响、多效唑的影响和移栽环境等做了一些简化和改善。 PCR检测、PCR-Southern杂交和Southern杂交表明潮霉素基因和Lys基因已经整合到转基因水稻的基因组中,外源基因在转基因水稻基因组中以1个拷贝以上的形式存在。同时,GUS组织化学染色表明转基因水稻植株的叶、茎和根中都有gus基因的表达。 初步对5株转基因植株进行赖氨酸含量测定,结果表明:与非转化对照相比,有两棵植株赖氨酸含量提高,分别增加6.0%和12.4%。对更多抗性转化植株的分子检测、GUS分析和赖氨酸含量测定正在进行之中。


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The long-term competitiveness of the both the Vietnamese feed and pig production industries are constrained and under pressure whilst the industry is dependent on the use of imported feed ingredients in diets for animal production. These cost pressures are a result of import taxes, transport costs, currency fluctuations and feed supply limitations. By undertaking studies on available resources which are currently under-utilised and with potential as local feeds, we can prove their suitability for use as feedstuffs in pig diets and as replacements for imported feed ingredients. In undertaking this process we can lower feeding costs for pig production in Vietnam by the use of local feeds which are cheaper, generate new industries in Vietnam harvesting or processing these feeds and increase the incomes of Vietnamese workers who are involved in producing these by-products. Our project has shown that rubber seed, when processed correctly to lower the hydrogen cyanide content, is a safe and suitable protein meal feedstuff for use in pig diets with the potential to replace significant quantities of imported soybean and fishmeal in Vietnamese pig diets as long as diets are balanced for any amino acid shortfalls. Our peanut studies have shown that use of binders can help alleviate pig production problems with aflatoxin content in peanut meals. Further work is needed to characterise the fate of the bound aflatoxin to see if there is any meat residue risk. Cassava residue is a resultant by-product from starch extraction in both large and small cassava processing factories. Sub-samples from these two mill types were collected and evaluated for residue HCN. Analyses has shown that the processing and sun drying results in a product with relatively consistent low HCN content. Chemical analyses also reveal that significant residual starch also remains in this by-product. Digestibility studies and pig performance feeding studies have shown that cassava residue can be included in diets at 30% with no adverse effect, although the higher fibre content of this product means that strategically, cassava residue is more suitably used in finisher and sow diets. Research has examined the digestible energy content of a number of sunflower meal types available in Australia and identified major differences in their energy value based on processing, additionally, amino acid analysis has shown a significantly lower lysine content than previous reported. We also examined the digestible energy content of a number of Australian stylo forage legume harvest batches and identified the differences in their energy value based on age/harvest time of the forage legume. Analysis results of various stylo cuts showed that the early cut stylo has a higher starch content and lower fibre fraction content than observed in late and recut stylo which were allowed to grow longer. As a result the faecal digestible energy content was higher for the early cut stylo than for the subsequent cut stylo material which had been allowed to become woody. The results have shown that feeding of stylo meal does provide some nutritive value to the pig with increased energy and nitrogen supply, with a portion of the nitrogen presented which the pig is able to retain. Based on nutrient and fibre content stylo could have a useful role in sow feeding and satiety under non-stall housing situations. With increasing Vietnamese investment in rubber production seen with larger areas under plantations the amounts of rubber seed available for animal feeding will grow significantly over the next 15 years and the importance of the by-product ie rubber seed meal as a protein source in diets for Vietnamese pigs.


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Pingualuk Lake fills a deep crater in the Parc National des Pingualuit on the Ungava Peninsula (Nunavik, Canada) and is isolated from nearby surface waters. The main objectives of this study were to determine and compare the concentrations of two atmospherically derived contaminants, mercury and perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), in the lake water column and fish of Pingualuk Lake and to assess the physical and biological factors influencing contaminant concentrations. Mercury concentrations in arctic char muscle tissue were comparable to those of char in other Arctic lakes, while the total amount of PFCs was below reported levels for remote lakes in the Arctic and elsewhere. Stable isotope and stomach content analyses were made to investigate the feeding ecology of the Pingualuk Lake arctic char population and indicated the possibility of multiple feeding groups. Genetics characteristics (MH and mtDNA) of fish from Pingualuk Lake revealed that this population is likely distinct from that of nearby Laflamme Lake. However, both arctic char populations exhibit differential variation of their allele families. Physical characteristics determined for Lake Pingualuk revealed that the water column was inversely stratified beneath the ice and extremely transparent to visible and ultraviolet radiation. The highest mercury concentrations (3- 6 pg/mL THg) occurred just beneath the ice surface in each lake. Pingualuk Lake, given its near pristine state and exceptional limnological features, may serve as a most valuable reference ecosystem for monitoring environmental stressors, such as contaminants, in the Arctic.


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Dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHPS; EC catalyzes the first step in biosynthesis of lysine in plants and bacteria. DHPS in plants is highly sensitive to end-product inhibition by lysine and, therefore, has an important role in regulating metabolite flux into lysine. To better understand the feedback inhibition properties of the plant enzyme, we transformed a maize cDNA for lysine-sensitive DHPS into an Escherichia coli strain lacking DHPS activity. Cells were mutagenized with ethylmethanesulfonate, and potential DHPS mutants were selected by growth on minimal medium containing the inhibitory lysine analogue S-2-aminoethyl-L-cysteine. DHPS assays identified surviving colonies expressing lysine-insensitive DHPS activity. Ten single-base-pair mutations were identified in the maize DHPS cDNA sequence; these mutations were specific to one of three amino acid residues (amino acids 157, 162, and 166) localized within a short region of the polypeptide. No other mutations were present in the remaining DHPS cDNA sequence, indicating that altering only one of the three residues suffices to eliminate lysine inhibition of maize DHPS. Identification of these specific mutations that change the highly sensitive maize DHPS to a lysine-insensitive isoform will help resolve the lysine-binding mechanism and the resultant conformational changes involved in inhibition of DHPS activity. The plant-derived mutant DHPS genes may also be used to improve nutritional quality of maize or other cereal grains that have inadequate lysine content when fed to animals such as poultry, swine, or humans.


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The maize floury 2 (fl2) mutation enhances the lysine content of the grain, but the soft texture of the endosperm makes it unsuitable for commercial production. The mutant phenotype is linked with the appearance of a 24-kDa alpha-zein protein and increased synthesis of binding protein, both of which are associated with irregularly shaped protein bodies. We have cloned the gene encoding the 24-kDa protein and show that it is expressed as a 22-kDa alpha-zein with an uncleaved signal peptide. Comparison of the deduced N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 24-kDa alpha-zein protein with other alpha-zeins revealed an alanine to valine substitution at the C-terminal position of the signal peptide, a histidine insertion within the seventh alpha-helical repeat, and an alanine to threonine substitution with the same alpha-helical repeat of the protein. Structural defects associated with this alpha-zein explain many of the phenotypic effects of the fl2 mutation.


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The gut contents and fatty acid composition of 49 fish belonging to five Antarctic demersal families (Nototheniidae, Macrouridae, Channichtyidae, Bathydraconidae and Artedidraconidae) sampled at two stations at the Southern Ocean shelf and deep sea (600 and 2150 m) were analysed in order to identify their main food resource by linking trophic biomarkers with the dietary items found in the fish guts. Main food items of most fish analysed were amphipod crustaceans (e.g. in 63% of Trematomus bernachii guts) and polychaetes (e.g. in 80% of Bathydraco sp. guts), but other food items including fish, other crustaceans and gastropods were also ingested. The most prominent fatty acids found were 20:5(n-3), 16:0, 22:6(n-3) and 18:1(n-9). The results of gut content and fatty acid analyses indicate that all fish except the Channichthyidae share similar food resources irrespective of their depth distribution, i.e. benthic amphipods and polychaetes. A difference of the dietary spectrum can be observed with ontogenetic phases rather than between species, as high values of typical calanoid copepod marker fatty acids as 22:1(n-11) indicate that younger (smaller) specimens include more zooplankton in their diet.


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An undeniable shift in focus from traditional production companies to Knowledge-Intensive Firms (KIFs) poses challenges for academics and practioners alike. In particular, effective management of an organization's human resources has become a critical issue for ensuring sustained innovation capacity. The relationship between Human Resource Management (HRM) in KIFs is however still a largely unexplored arena. The objective of this paper is to explore this relationship in an effort to identify HRM practices that support innovation. To this end, the paper includes reviews of the literature relevant to HRM and innovation in KIFs and four case studies from companies in Denmark and Australia that have been recognized for excellence in innovation. On the basis of content analyses conducted on the case data, some preliminary conclusions are posited regarding the role of HRM in KIFs. More specifically, the findings from this study suggest that while there are commonalities between HRM practices in traditional manufacturing companies and KIFs, there are also important differences, especially in terms of staffing practices. The paper contributes by offering recommendations for management of HRM in innovative KIFs and potential avenues for research to further develop our understanding of how HRM can support innovation in KIFs.