924 resultados para Lycopersicon hirsutum var. glabratum
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We have investigated the origin of the Pto disease resistance (R) gene that was previously identified in the wild tomato species Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium and isolated by map-based cloning. Pto encodes a serine-threonine protein kinase that specifically recognizes strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) that express the avirulence gene avrPto. We examined an accession of the distantly related wild species Lycopersicon hirsutum var. glabratum that exhibits avrPto-specific resistance to Pst. The Pst resistance of L. hirsutum was introgressed into a susceptible Lycopersicon esculentum background to create the near-isogenic line 96T133-3. Resistance to Pst(avrPto) in 96T133-3 was inherited as a single dominant locus and cosegregated with a restriction fragment length polymorphism detected by the Pto gene. This observation suggested that a member of the Pto gene family confers Pst(avrPto) resistance in this L. hirsutum line. Here we report the cloning and characterization of four members of the Pto family from 96T133-3. One gene (LhirPto) is 97% identical to Pto and encodes a catalytically active protein kinase that elicits a hypersensitive response when coexpressed with avrPto in leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana. In common with the Pto kinase, the LhirPto protein physically interacts with AvrPto and downstream members of the Pto signaling pathway. Our studies indicate that R genes of the protein kinase class may not evolve rapidly in response to pathogen pressure and rather that their ability to recognize specific Avr proteins can be highly conserved.
Avaliou-se a resistência de genótipos de tomateiro selvagens [Lycopersicon pennellii (LA 716), L. hirsutum var. glabratum (PI 126449, PI 134417), L. hirsutum (PI 127826, PI 127827), L. peruvianum (CGO 6707), L. peruvianum var. dentatum (WYR 2020, LA 111), L. peruvianum var. glandulosum (LA 1113-1, LA 1113-2)] e comerciais [(L. esculentum) Gem Pride, Santa Clara, e híbridos Bruna VFN, Carmem, Fortaleza, Débora Plus VFN] ao ácaro rajado (Tetranychus urticae). O número médio de ovos, fases imaturas (larvas, protoninfas e deutoninfas) e adultos por folíolo foi contado; o índice de preferência para oviposição (IPO) foi calculado. O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso, com 6 repetições. Os genótipos LA 716, PI 126449, PI 134417, PI 127827, PI 127826 e Gem Pride apresentaram não-preferência para oviposição do ácaro rajado, sendo deterrentes quanto à classificação do IPO, enquanto os genótipos LA 111, WYR 2020, LA 1113-2 e LA1113-1 foram os mais preferidos para a oviposição e foram considerados como estimulantes pelo IPO.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objetivando analisar os eventos iniciais das interações A. solani - L. hirsutum var. glabratum e A. solani - L. esculentum ev. Miller, será realizado um trabalho utilizando processamento para microscopia eletrônica de varredura.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Duas espécies de tomateiro, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (Linhagem TOM 556- padrão com baixo teor da metil cetona 2-tridecanona (2-TD) e Lycopersicon hirsutum Dunal var. glabratum Mill. (Linhagem PI 134417- padrão com elevado teor de 2-TD), foram analisadas em conjunto para identificação e quantificação de tricomas foliares. A parte experimental constou da identificação dos tricomas, baseado na presença ou ausência da cabeça secretora na extremidade apical dos tricomas, arranjo e número de células da cabeça, comprimento dos tricomas, e da quantificação do número de tricomas glandulares e não glandulares nos folíolos. O delineamento utilizado para o número de tricomas foi inteiramente casualizado e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey, a 5%. A identificação e quantificação para as espécies foram: a) TOM 556: Tricomas não glandulares do tipo II + III + V (2590 cm-2 de área foliolar); glandular do tipo VI (16 cm-2); glandular do tipo VII (138 cm-2); b) PI 134417: não glandulares do tipo II + III + V (140 cm-2 de área foliolar); glandular do tipo I + IV (843 cm-2); glandular do tipo VI (83 cm-2); glandular do tipo VII (11 cm-2). As maiores concentrações da 2-TD nos folíolos, estão associadas às maiores densidades de tricomas glandulares presentes em ambas espécies.
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum var. Latifolium) was grown in nutrient media, at two K levels: 58.5 mg/K and 11.7 mg/K. Potassium deficiency (11.7 mg K/g of K) was imposed upon cotton plants at different stages of plant development. A sequence of increasing sensitivity to K deficiency among cotton plant parts was observed: leaves < bolls < roots < stems. When K deficiency symptoms are clearly visible in the leaves, all the other plant parts are already affected. Bolls are a very important component in K partitioning within the cotton plant, but K is required most by the bur itself and is not translocated to seeds or fibers. Cotton could overcome a 30 day deficiency late in the season without significant losses in lint and seed cotton yields.
Toxic levels of Al and low availability of Ca have been shown to decrease root growth, which can also be affected by P availability. In the current experiment, initial plant growth and nutrition of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum var. Latifolia) were studied as related to its root growth in response to phosphorus and lime application. The experiment was conducted in Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil, in pots containing a Dark Red Latosol (Acrortox, 20% clay, 72% sand). Lime was applied at 0.56, 1.12 and 1.68 g kg -1 and phosphorus was applied at 50, 100 and 150 mg kg -1. Two cotton (cv. IAC 22) plants were grown per pot for up to 42 days after plant emergence. There was no effect of liming on shoot dry weight, root dry matter yield, root surface and length, but root diameter was decreased with the increase in soil Ca. Shoot dry weight, as well as root length, surface and dry weight were increased with soil P levels up to 83 mg kg -1. Phosphorus concentration in the shoots was increased from 1.6 to 3.0 g kg -1 when soil P was increased from 14 to 34 mg kg -1. No further increases in P concentration were observed with higher P rates. The shoot/root ratio was also increased with P application as well as the amount of nutrients absorbed per unit of root surface. In low soil P soils the transport of the nutrient to the cotton root surface limits P uptake. In this case an increase in root growth rate due to P fertilisation does not compensate for the low P diffusion in the soil.
The aim of the study was to evaluate production and determine the level of total soluble solids for cherry tomatoes, under protected cultivation carried out with different types of spacing and pruning. The experiment was performed according to a randomized block design in a 2×2 factorial scheme, with two types of spacing between plants and two types of pruning, and with five repetitions. The cultivar 'Sindy' (De Ruiter) was utilized. Each experimental parcel contained seven plants, and fruits were collected from the five central plants. The seedlings were produced in Styrofoam trays of 128 cells and transplanted at 33 days after planting using two types of spacing between plants (0.3 and 0.5 m) and 1 m spacing between rows. The plants were grown as single-or double-stem form and staked individually. The parameters evaluated were the number of fruit per plant, fresh weight of fruit and the level of total soluble solids expressed in °Brix. There was no evidence of significant interaction between the treatments. For fresh weight of fruit per plant, there was a significant effect when the plants were grown with a spacing of 1 × 0.5 m, with 4.12 kg per plant, compared to a production of 3.00 kg per plant with a spacing of 1 × 0.3 m. With regard to the number of fruit per plant, a significant difference was seen between the two types of spacing, where a spacing of 1 × 0.3 m yielded a lower number of fruit per plant (188.8), compared to that observed with a spacing of 1 × 0.5 m (238.1). With regard to the two types of pruning, there was a significant effect for only the number of fruit per plant, where the mean number of fruit was 188.4 with one stem and 238.4 with two stems. No significant difference was observed between the treatments for the level of total soluble solids. It is concluded that for the cultivar 'Sindy', under protected cultivation, production is better with a spacing of 0.5 m between plants and the use of two stems per plant.
Durante el ciclo agrícola 1988 -1989 en el centro experimental del Algodón Ubicado en la localidad de Posooltega, Chinandega se realizó un estudio con el propósito de determinar la influencia de diferentes cultivos antecedentes y métodos de control de malezas a la dinámica de las malezas y al crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento del cultivo del algodonero; utilizando la variedad CEA H 373.. se utilizo el diseño de parcelas divididas en bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones y nueve tratamientos los cuales corresponden a las combinaciones de tres antecesores con tres métodos de control de malezas: se usaron los cultivos antecesores Soya sin inoculación (al), Soya inoculada (a2), Ajonjolì (a3) y los métodos de control Fluometuron 1425 cc de i.a./ha mas una limpia (b1), 2, limpia (b2) y limpias repetidas(b3). No se encontraron diferentes significativas en la influencia de los cultivos antecesores Soya sin inoculación (a1), se exibe una menor abundancia total de malezas, menor cobertura y menor biomasa permitiendo al cultivo un mejor comportamiento en su crecimiento y desarrollo. Contrario a esto el cultivo antecesor Soya sin inoculada (a2) manifestó el menor rendimiento, mayor cobertura y una abundancia total y biomasa de malezas superadas tan solo ligeramente por la originada en la influencia del cultivo antecesor Ajonjolí (a3). No hubo diferencias sustanciales en la diversidad de malezas por efecto de los diferentes cultivos procedentes como de los métodos de control de malezas. Se logró de terminar que hubo diferencias significativas en el rendimiento del algodonero en los métodos de control de malezas resultando los métodos de control químico (b1) y limpias periódicas (b3) los de mejor comportamiento. Con las limpias periódicas (b3) se produce la menor abundancia total de malezas menor a cobertura y menor biomasa. Opuesto a estos resultados, el método de una sola limpia (b2) origino la mayor abundancia total, y mayor cobertura de malezas. Al mismo tiempo este mismo método (b2) presento los menores valores para las variables de rendimientos de algodonero. Finalmente el rendimiento del algodonero se vio influenciado negativamente en 31.19 y 21.17 por la biomasa y abundancia de las malezas respectivamente.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A mancha-de-estenfílio, causada por Stemphylium solani e/ou S. lycopersici, é uma conhecida doença do tomateiro que voltou a ser importante, principalmente porque os atuais híbridos plantados no país não apresentam resistência. O controle da mancha-de-estenfílio se baseia no uso de cultivares resistentes ou outras medidas de manejo como o controle químico e a rotação de cultura. Este trabalho teve como objetivo selecionar novas fontes de resistência à doença in Lycopersicon. Entre os acessos de Lycopersicon avaliados para resistência 18 (54,5%) comportaram-se como suscetíveis, três (9,1%) comportaram-se como intermediários e 12 (36,4%) foram resistentes para as duas espécies fúngicas. Todos os acessos resistentes a S. solani também foram resistentes a S. lycopersici. Foram identificados acessos resistentes e intermediários nas espécies L. esculentum (muito provavelmente portando o gene Sm), L. peruvianum e L. hirsutum.