571 resultados para Lutzomyia brisolai


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Les auteurs décrivent le mâle et la femelle d'une nouvelle espèce de phlébotome Lutzomyia brisolai n.sp., anthropophile, rencontrée dans plusieurs stations du piémont andin. Cette espèce, difficile à classer, présente des caractères l'apparentant à L. oliveirai et L. minasensis mais aussi aux espèces du sous-genre Nyssomyia.


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American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) is an emerging disease in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Its geographical expansion and the increase in the number of human cases has been linked to dispersion of Lutzomyia longipalpis into urban areas. To produce more accurate risk maps we investigated the geographic distribution and routes of expansion of the disease as well as chemotype populations of the vector. A database, containing the annual records of municipalities which had notified human and canine AVL cases as well as the presence of the vector, was compiled. The chemotypes of L. longipalpis populations from municipalities in different regions of São Paulo State were determined by Coupled Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry. From 1997 to June 2014, L. longipalpis has been reported in 166 municipalities, 148 of them in the Western region. A total of 106 municipalities were identified with transmission and 99 were located in the Western region, where all 2,204 autochthonous human cases occurred. Both the vector and the occurrence of human cases have expanded in a South-easterly direction, from the Western to central region, and from there, a further expansion to the North and the South. The (S)-9-methylgermacrene-B population of L. longipalpis is widely distributed in the Western region and the cembrene-1 population is restricted to the Eastern region. The maps in the present study show that there are two distinct epidemiological patterns of AVL in São Paulo State and that the expansion of human and canine AVL cases through the Western region has followed the same dispersion route of only one of the two species of the L. longipalpis complex, (S)-9-methylgermacrene-B. Entomological vigilance based on the routes of dispersion and identification of the chemotype population could be used to identify at-risk areas and consequently define the priorities for control measures.


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A group of 18 research workers involved in different aspects of the biology of Lutzomyia longipalpis discussed whether or not it is important to give taxonomically valid names to populations that have been defined by biological, biochemical and molecular methods to be reproductively isolated. The type material of this medically important species has been lost and because of this it was recommended that a colony should be established from insects captured in the region of the type area and that their description should serve as the basis for future descriptions. It was pointed out that there is a lack of uniformity in the naming of closely related American sand flies and that some of the differences between populations of Lu. longipalpis are greater than those between accepted species. The majority of the participants agreed that the populations that have been defined in the literature as sibling species should be named.


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A incidência das leishmanioses tegumentar e visceral americanas, em especial esta última (LVA), em hospedeiros caninos e humanos, encontra-se em crescente processo de expansão no Estado de São Paulo. Para a vigilância epidemiológica dessas endemias, torna-se fundamental o conhecimento da distribuição e da ecologia das diferentes espécies da fauna flebotomínea vetoras. Assim, a divulgação de novos encontros de seus vetores, sobretudo da Lutzomyia longipalpis, o principal vetor da LVA, é fundamental para apontar novas áreas de risco para a transmissão dessas doenças. Neste estudo, capturas de flebotomíneos foram realizadas em ambiente domiciliar, peridomiciliar e de mata, em diferentes localidades rurais dos municípios de Ipeúna e Itirapina, entre outubro de 2001 e fevereiro de 2004. Foram utilizadas armadilhas luminosas automáticas do tipo CDC, das 18h às 8h, em 14 noites, resultando 420 horas de exposição. Foram capturados 177 flebotomíneos pertencentes a doze espécies. A espécie mais abundante, Nyssomyia neivai, apontada como a principal vetora de LTA no Estado, contribuiu com 85,4% dos espécimes capturados em Ipeúna. O encontro de Lutzomyia longipalpis em uma caverna em Itirapina, aponta para o risco de estabelecimento da LVA na área e a necessidade de mais estudos locais sobre sua ecologia, sobretudo em relação à ocupação de ambientes antrópicos.


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To identify natural infections by Leishmania spp. in insect vectors of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis, we performed field studies in natural and anthropic environments in the Guaicurus Settlement (Bodoquena Range) of the Bonito municipality, Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. From October 2002 to October 2003, a total of 1395 sandfly females were captured with Shannon and light traps and dissected in search of flagellates. The sample is composed of a total of 13 species, with Lutzomyia almerioi (59.9%) and Lutzomyia longipalpis (31.4%) predominant. Infections by flagellates were directly observed in three of the dissected of Lu. almerioi females (0.36%). To increase the sensitivity of detection, DNA extracted from pools of the 1220 dissected females (Lu. almerioi 808, Lu. longipalpis 399 and Nyssomyia whitmani 13) was subjected to small subunit rRNA-based polymerase chain reactions (SSU-PCR). DNA from Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi was detected in at least 0.37% of Lu. almerioi females and in 0.25% of Lu. longipalpis females. The DNA of the Leishmania (Viannia) sp. was detected in 0.12% of Lu. almerioi and in 0.70% of Lu. longipalpis. Leishmania (L.) amazonensis was found in 1.25% of Lu. longipalpis. Mixed infections of L. (Leishmania) sp. and L. (Viannia) sp. were found in 0.50% of Lu. longipalpis. When considering that each positive pool contained at least a single infected specimen, we found a 1.23% rate of Leishmania spp. infection among the total population of dissected female sand flies as determined by PCR. This is the first report of natural infection by L. (L.) infantum chagasi and L. (Viannia) sp. in Lu. almerioi. It is also the first report of infection by L. (Viannia) sp. in Lu. longipalpis. The observation that Lu. longipalpis and Lu. almerioi are naturally infected by agents of both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniases suggests that these two species play a role in the transmission (continua) (continuação) of these diseases within the study area. Furthermore, the finding that Lu. longipalpis has been naturally infected by L. (L.) amazonensis and L. (Viannia) sp., and Lu. almerioi by L. (L.) infantum chagasi and L. (Viannia), suggests their participation as permissive vectors


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We investigated the effects of Lutzomyia longipalpis salivary glands homogenate of wild-caught and laboratory-reared vectors on the lesion evolution and immunomodulation of the infection caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. To compare the effect of both salivary glands homogenate (SGH), C57BL/6 mice were inoculated Subcutaneously into the hind footpads or into the ear dermis with 10(6) promastigotes in the presence or not of SGH from wild-caught and laboratory-colonized sand flies. Comparing SGH groups, the lesion size was lower in mice co-inoculated with wild-caught SGH, as the parasitism and the infiltration of macrophages at the inoculation site. Wild-caught SGH also determined lower production of IL-4 and IL-10 but higher IL-12 levels compared with laboratory-reared SGH. Our findings address a probable bias by using SGH from laboratory-colonized sand flies instead of wild-caught vector SGH in studies concerning saliva effects. A possible mild influence of sand fly saliva in natural infections caused by Leishmania is also speculated, as infection is transmitted by wild and not by laboratory-reared vectors.


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In order to compare the saliva effect from wild-caught and lab-reared L. longipalpis on the development of experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis, C57BL/6 mice were inoculated subcutaneously into the hind footpads with promastigotes of L (L.) amazonensis Plus salivary gland lysate from wild-caught (SGL-W) and lab-colonized (SGL-C) vectors. Lesion sizes were significantly larger in the mice infected with both saliva compared to mice infected with parasites alone; moreover, the lesions caused by parasite+SGL-C were significantly larger than the lesions caused by parasite+SGL-W. Histopathological morphometric studies regarding the acute phase of infections showed lower numbers of polymorphonuclear cells, greater numbers of mononuclear cells and parasites in SGL-C infected mice compared to SGL-W infected mice. In the chronic phase of infection, the number of mononuclear cells was lower and the number of parasites was greater in SGL-C infected mice than SGL-W infected mice. In vitro studies showed increased infection index of macrophages infected with parasites plus saliva compared to infection with parasites alone, with no difference between the saliva infection indices. SDS-PAGE gel for SGL-C and SGL-W showed differences in the composition and quantity of protein bands, determined by densitometry. These results call attention to the experimental saliva model, which shows exacerbation of infection caused by sandfly saliva. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Relata-se o encontro de Lutzomyia longipalpis na localidade denominada Bairro do Arado, município de Salto de Pirapora, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Trata-se do primeiro registro concreto da presença dessa espécie em território paulista. Sugere-se a necessidade de investigar o significado epidemiológico dêsse achado.


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Relata-se o encontro de várias espécies de Phleboteminae, no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, até agora raramente ou mesmo não assinaladas nessa região. São registrados novos achados de Lutzomyia longipalpis e fornecidos alguns dados sobre as circunstâncias desses encontros.


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A Lutzomyia intermedia há muito vem sendo encontrada em áreas de colonização antiga. Analisando dados de capturas deste flebotomíneo, com diferentes iscas e em diferentes locais, acredita-se que esta espécie está pré-adaptada a ambientes abertos e a se alimentar em mamíferos, entre eles o homem.


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Batches of sylvatic females of Lutzomyia youngi (Phlebotominae) captured in a Shannon trap on twelve occasions over one year in a locality where subcutaneous leishmaniasis is endemic, near the city of Trujillo, Venezuela, were used to study: 1) the percentages of parous females according to previously established criteria and 2) the average number of eggs laid spontaneously by isolated females during 7 days after feeding on hamsters. The data on the batches of females captured on nights previous to the rainy period (prepluvial) were compared with those on females captured after the rains (postpluvial) . Significant differences were detected by variation analysis for two variables and different number of N, as also were consistent groupings by Duncan's Test for pre-and postpluvial lots of females. The females captured on nights prior to the rainy periods (January-March and August-September) presented higher rates of nulliparity (86-72%) and contained or laid a greater number of eggs (71-67) than those captured after the rains (March-June and November-December) which presented lower rates of nulliparity (60-24%) and a smaller number of eggs (50-30). The rainfall peaks occurred in April and September-October, respectively. It is considered that these differences can be used by epidemiological studies as a means of estimating the physiological age of female populations of L. youngy.


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Homogeneizados de biopsias de lesiones cutáneas de 50 casos de leishmaniasis tegumentaria de Trujillo, Venezuela, han sido inoculados en hámsteres machos. Se ha comparado la infectvidad de Leishamania braziliensis, de homogeneizados simples, con la de los mezclados con lisado de glándula salival de Lutzomyia youngi, registrandose un 58,5% de infecciones para una media de 12 semanas de prepatencia con los homogeneizados simples, contra 92% de infecciones con una media de 3 semanas de prepatencia, cuando cada uno de los inóculos de homogeneizado se mezcló con lisado equivalente al de una glándula salival de flebótomo.


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Description of Lutzomyia robusta, n. sp. (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) from interandean areas of Peru and Equador. Lutzomyia robusta, n. sp., probable vector of human bartonellosis and cutaneous leishmaniasis, is described and illustrated. This species presents strong affinity with L. serrana (Damasceno & Arouck, 1949) but they can be distinguished by variance analysis of four male characteristics and only one female characteristic. In the variance analysis, populations of L. serrana, of Amazonian areas of Brazil, Peru and Bolivia, the coast of Equador and other areas of Brazil were studied. The synonymy of Lutzomyia guayasi (Rodriguez) and L. serrana was corroborated.


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Se describe el desarrollo poblacional promastigótico de Leishmania pifanoi en Lutzomyia youngi experimentalmente infectada y mantenida con sacarosa al 50% bajo condiciones constantes de temperatura y humedad. Se reconocen dos etapas para la diferenciación y el crecimiento de los parásitos entre las dos y ciento veinte horas postprandiales. Hasta 48 horas tiene lugar la diferenciación pleomórfica de amastigotos en promastigotos cortos, que se multiplican por división binaria hasta las 60 horas, cuando ocurre la ruptura de la membrana peritrófica. La segunda etapa tiene lugar entre las 72 y 96 horas cuando algunos parásitos migran hacia la válvula esofágica y los demás parásitos libres son excretados en gotitas fecales como promastigotos grandes y activos. Las primeras gotitas excretadas dan reacción positiva a glucosa o contienen cristales de urato. El exceso de promastigotos de la segunda fase de desarrollo es eliminado en las últimas excretas que dan reacción positiva con las pruebas Hemoscreen y Biuret para proteínas totales y también para glucosa, y constituyen el 82% del total de gotas excretadas. La excreción de parásitos por Lu. youngi es fase normal del desarrollo de L. pifanoi en un vector.