996 resultados para Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) intermedia


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Relatam-se os resultados de coletas de flebotomíneos em área com elevado grau de antropia, no Município de São Jorge do Ivaí, Estado do Paraná, Brasil. A espécie predominante foi Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) intermedia (Lutz & Neiva, 1912). Verificou-se que o número de flebotomíneos diminuiu sensivelmente em duas residências com o deslocamento de uma pocilga, à distância de 100 metros das residências, e a desobstrução do porão de uma das residências.


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Introduction The blood meal source of sandflies provides valuable information about the vector/host interaction and allows for an understanding of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) transmission mechanisms. The aim of this study was to identify the blood meal sources of Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) intermedia in an endemic area of leishmaniasis in Brazil's State of Paraná using a precipitin test. Methods Sandflies were collected in the rural locality of Epitácio Pessoa within the City of Adrianópolis, State of Paraná, in southern Brazil. A total of 864 female sandflies were captured, and 862 (99.8%) were identified as L. intermedia species. However, two unidentified specimens were considered to be part of the genus Lutzomyia. Results Among the females examined, 396 specimens presented reactions to a certain type of tested antiserum, and most (67.9%) reacted to the simple type. These sandflies fed mainly on the blood of birds, opossums, and rodents, but specimens that fed on the blood of humans, dogs, horses, cattle, and cats were also found. Among the cross-reactions found (32.1%), bird/rodent, bird/opossum, bird/dog, bird/human, and horse/dog cross-reactions were the most common. Conclusions These results demonstrate a tendency in the eclectic feeding behavior of L. intermedia and support its potential role as a vector for ACL in the study area.


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Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) intermedia (Lutz & Neiva) is redescribed, a neotype is designated, and a very similar species, L. (N.) neivai (Pinto, 1926), is resurrected; the male and the female are redescribed. The two species can be differentiated by differences in the spermathecae, common ducts and number of cibarial horizontal teeth of the females and in the size and proportions of several structures of both sexes. The known geographical distribution of both species is given.


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Captures with black and white Shannon traps were undertaken to identify aspects of the behavior of the two cryptic and sympatric species implicated as vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis, Nyssomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) and Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto, 1926). The traps were installed side by side, monthly, from July 2001 to June 2002, from 18 to 07 hours, in a peridomicile of Iporanga municipality, state of São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 2,142 specimens were captured, Ny. intermedia (47.4%) and Ny. neivai (50.5%). The white trap was more attractive to both sexes of both species. Males of Ny. neivai predominated (70%) over those of Ny. intermedia on the two traps; on the black trap, the females of Ny. intermedia predominated (63.3%) over those of Ny. neivai (36.7%). Seventy percent of the specimens of both species were captured between 18 and 24 h. Females of Ny. intermedia presented the highest peak at 19-20 h, and those of Ny. neivai at 20-21 h. The highest hourly average for females of Ny. intermedia on the black trap occurred in the winter and that for males in the summer. For Ny. neivai, both sexes predominated in the summer. The two species probably transmit the cutaneous leishmaniasis in the area due to their great predominance.


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Nyssomyia intermedia s. lat. tem sido citada por vários autores no Paraná. No entanto, alguns estudos apontam que esse táxon corresponde a Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto). Em coletas realizadas em galinheiro e em ambiente de mata, com armadilhas, entre novembro de 2005 e outubro de 2006, em Adrianópolis, Morretes e Pontal do Paraná, localizados na região de Mata Atlântica na Serra do Mar e no litoral do Paraná, sete fêmeas de Nyssomyia intermedia s. str. (Lutz & Neiva) foram encontradas juntamente com outras 14 espécies de flo ebotomíneos, confirmando a ocorrência de N.intermedia em área de costa e de mata Atlântica do Paraná.


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The dispersal and survival of the phlebotomines Nyssomyia intermedia and Nyssomyia neivai (both implicated as vectors of the cutaneous leishmaniasis agent) in an endemic area was investigated using a capture-mark-release technique in five experiments from August-December 2003 in municipality of Iporanga, state of São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 1,749 males and 1,262 females of Ny. intermedia and 915 males and 411 females of Ny. neivai were marked and released during the five experiments. Recapture attempts were made using automatic light traps, aspiration in natural resting places and domestic animal shelters and Shannon traps. A total of 153 specimens (3.48%) were recaptured: 2.59% (78/3,011) for Ny. intermedia and 5.35% (71/1,326) for Ny. neivai. Both species were recaptured up to 144 h post-release, with the larger part of them recaptured within 48 h. The median dispersion distances for Ny. intermedia and Ny. neivai, respectively, were 109 m and 100 m. The greatest dispersal range of Ny. intermedia was 180 m, while for Ny. neivai one female was recaptured in a pasture at 250 m and another in a pigsty at 520 m, showing a tendency to disperse to more open areas. The daily survival rates calculated based on regressions of the numbers of marked insects recaptured on the six successive days after release were 0.746 for males and 0.575 for females of Ny. intermedia and 0.649 for both sexes of Ny. neivai. The size of the populations in the five months ranged from 8,332-725,085 for Ny. intermedia males, 2,193-104,490 for Ny. intermedia females, 1,687-350,122 for Ny. neivai males and 254-49,705 for Ny. neivai females.


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OBJETIVOS: Estudar a fauna, a freqüência horária e a sazonalidade de flebotomíneos em abrigos de animais silvestres, perímetro urbano.. MÉTODOS: No Parque do Ingá, perímetro urbano do município de Maringá, PR, foram coletados flebotomíneos com armadilha de Shannon (AS) e com armadilhas de Falcão (AF). As coletas com AS foram feitas na margem do córrego Moscados, das 18h às 6h. As coletas com AF foram realizadas em abrigos de aves, mamíferos e répteis silvestres, das 20h às 24h. Com ambos os métodos as coletas foram feitas duas noites ao mês, de outubro de 1998 a setembro de 2000. RESULTADOS: Nas As coletaram-se 13.656 flebotomíneos, com predomínio de Lutzomyia whitmani (98,7%). Coletaram-se 4.040 flebotomíneos, prevalecendo novamente L. whitmani (96,3%). Nas AS L. whitmani foi mais freqüente entre 0h e 2h. Nas AS, esta espécie foi mais freqüente no mês de agosto (55,1%), e nas AF em março (19,2%) e novembro (15,9%) de 1999, e em agosto (20,6%) de 2000. Coletaram-se mais flebotomíneos nas AF instaladas nos abrigos de mamíferos (84,0%). CONCLUSÕES: Foi nítido o predomínio de L. whitmani no Parque do Ingá; o pico maior de freqüência de L. whitmani em AS é no mês de agosto e nas AF, em março e novembro; o pico de atividade de L. whitmani ocorre entre 0h e 2h.


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No Estado de Mato Grosso, 100% dos municípios apresentam registros de casos autóctones de leishmaniose tegumentar americana. O presente trabalho objetivou verificar a distribuição geográfica de Lutzomyia whitmani no estado. Mato Grosso possui três ecossistemas distintos, o cerrado, o pantanal e área de domínio amazônico. Os dados sobre a ocorrência de Lutzomyia whitmani foram obtidos a partir de relatórios de pesquisa entomológica realizados pelo Núcleo de Entomologia da Fundação Nacional de Saúde no período de 1996 a 2000 e de 2001 a 2006 pelo Laboratório de Entomologia da Secretaria Estadual de Saúde de Mato Grosso. Foram realizadas pesquisas entomológicas em 83 (59,7%) dos 139 municípios de Mato Grosso. Lutzomyia whitmani foi capturado em 70 (84,3%) municípios, com ampla distribuição em todos os tipos de vegetação.


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Introduction The aim of this study was to identify the blood feeding sources of Nyssomyia intermedia (Ny. intermedia) and Nyssomyia neivai (Ny. neivai), which are Leishmania vectors and the predominant sandfly species in the Ribeira Valley, State of São Paulo, Brazil, an endemic area for cutaneous leishmaniasis. Methods Specimens were captured monthly between February 2001 and December 2003 on a smallholding and a small farm situated in the Serra district in the Iporanga municipality. The blood meals of 988 engorged females were tested using the avidin-biotin immunoenzymatic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Seven blood meal sources were investigated: human, dog, chicken, bovine, pig, horse and rat. Results The results showed that among the females that fed on one or more blood sources, the respective percentages for Ny. intermedia and Ny. neivai, respectively, were as follows: human (23% and 36.8%), pig (47.4% and 26.4%), chicken (25.7% and 36.8%) and dog (3.9% and 0%), and the differences in the blood sources between the two species were statistically significant (p = 0.043). Conclusions Both species had predominant reactivity for one or two blood sources, and few showed reactivity indicating three or four sources. Many different combinations were observed among the females that showed reactivity for more than one source, which indicated their opportunistic habits and eclecticism regarding anthropic environmental conditions.


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Phylogenetic analysis of morphometric and biological characters indicated that there are two distinct forms of Lutzomyia whitmani in Brazil: one is present both north and south of the River Amazonas in the State of Pará while the other occurs in northeast Brazil, in the State of Ceará, and further south, including the type locality in State of Bahia. The Amazonian form is reportedly neither strongly anthropophilic nor synanthropic, and it is the vector of Leishmania shawi; whereas the southern form is often collected peridomestically, while biting man, and has been found infected with Le.(V.) braziliensis. The ratio of the length of the genital filaments to that the genital pump was found to be consistently smaller in males of the Amazonian populations. A middle repetitive DNA element was isolated by differentially screening a genomic library made using Amazonian material, and the sequence was diagnostic for this form of Lu. whitmani (being absent or occurring in low copy number in the southern form). The total evidence suggests there are at least two, geographically-isolated forms of Lu. whitmani, which may represent different cryptic species.


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Lutzomyia umbratilis, a known vector of Leishmania guyanensis in the north of Amazon basin, has been exclusively found in the Amazonian region. Here we report for the first time the occurrence of this species in northeastern Brazil. The epidemiological importance of the occurrence of this species in the Atlantic Forest is commented.


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The phlebotomine sand flies Nyssomyia intermedia and Nyssomyia neivai are the probable vectors of American tegumentary leishmaniasis in the Southern and Southeastern regions of Brazil. These species form a complex, being difficult to separate between either females or males of the two members based on recognized morphological characteristics. Both N. intermedia and N. neivai are redescribed here in the search for characters that facilitate their correct identification. It was possible to differentiate females by means of spermathecal characteristics. Males could be separated with confidence by the tips of the genital filaments, which have the form of a deep spoon, the angle of the concavity being well accentuated in N. intermedia and much shallower in N. neivai.


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The phlebotomine sand flies Nyssomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) and Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto, 1926) are very close and may be involved in the transmission of Leishmania spp. Ross, 1903 in Brazil. The biology of the first laboratory-reared generations of these species, descended from insects captured in Além Paraíba (N. intermedia) and Corinto (N. neivai) in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, is described here. The captured females were fed on hamsters and maintained individually in rearing pots. Laboratory temperature and relative humidity were maintained at 25-26ºC and 80% respectively. The productivity of the first generation of N. intermedia was greater than that of N. neivai, and its development time clearly shorter, particularly for the second and third larval instars.