105 resultados para Lutzomyia


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Tesis ( Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas con Especialidad en Entomología Médica) UANL


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El flebótomo Lutzomyia spinicrassa es vector de Leishmania braziliensis y tiene amplia distribución en plantaciones de café en Colombia y Venezuela. Metodología: Se estableció una colonia en condiciones de laboratorio a partir de 600 hembras de L. spinicrassa capturadas en el campo y mantenidas a temperatura de 23º C y humedad relativa de 70%. El tiempo de desarrollo desde huevo hasta adulto osciló entre 58 y 78 días, en promedio 11 semanas. Se compararon parámetros poblacionales de la especie obtenidos a partir de cinco generaciones sucesivas mantenidas en grupos, con una generación criada individualmente. Resultados: Se obtuvieron los siguientes parámetros en cada condición experimental: tasa neta de reproducción (6,92 y 7 hembras por hembra por generación), tasa intrínseca de incremento poblacional (0,17 y 0,18 hembras por hembra por semana) y tasa finita de incremento poblacional (1,06 y 1,19 individuos por hembra por semana). Conclusión: Estos datos sugieren que la colonia de L. spinicrassa tuvo un incremento constante durante las seis generaciones analizadas.


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Sand flies were captured weekly with CDC light traps from December 2003 to November 2005 in three areas of Campo Grande, in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul. These areas incorporated two patches of remnant forest and five houses. The blood meals of engorged female sand flies were identified using the avidin-biotin system of immunoenzymatic ELISA capture. Most (327/355) of the females analysed were Lutzomyia longipalpis, of which 66.4% reacted with human blood, 64.8% with that of birds and 8.9% with that of dogs. Females that had taken human blood predominated in the residential areas and two forest patches. The following combinations of blood were also detected for L. longipalpis in some of the samples analysed: bird + human (43.4%), bird + human + dog (6.1%). The combination bird + human + dog + pig was also found for Nyssomyia whitmani. Dogs and pigs appear to have little attractiveness for L. longipalpis. The results obtained demonstrate the eclecticism and high anthropophily of L. longipalpis and raise new questions with regard to the importance of dogs in VL epidemiology and the possible role of man as a source of infection for sand flies. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The seasonal distribution of Lutzomyia longipalpis was studied in two forested and five domiciliary areas of the urban area of Campo Grande; MS, from December 2003 to November 2005. Weekly captures were carried out with CDC light traps positioned on ground and in the canopy inside a residual forest and on the edge (ground) of a woodland and in at least one of the following ecotopes in peridomiciles-a cultivated area, a chicken coop, a pigsty, a kennel, a goat and sheep shelter and an intradomicile. A total of 9519 sand flies were collected, 2666 during the first year and 6853 during the second. L. longipalpis was found throughout the 2-year period, presenting smaller peaks at intervals of 2-3 months and two greater peaks, the first in February and the second in April 2005, soon after periods of heavy rain. Only In one of the woodlands was a significant negative correlation (p < 0.05) between the number of insects and temperature during the first year and the climatic factors (temperature, RHA and rain) was observed. In the domiciliary areas in four domiciles some positive correlations (p < 0.05) occurred in relation to one or more climatic factors; however, the species shows a clear tendency to greater frequency (72%) in the rainy season than in the dry (28%). Thus, we recommend an intensification of the VL control measures applied in Campo Grande, MS, during the rainy season with a view to reducing the risk of the transmission of the disease. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.


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Sand fly populations of different ecological niches in the Amaraji endemic American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL) focus of the Pernambuco Atlantic Forest region of northeastern Brazil were monitored spatiotemporally. Lutzomyia whitmani was dominant in all niches but occurred in smaller numbers in forested locations. L. whitmani was significantly less seasonal than the other species, being present throughout the year while other species were more abundant between February and April. These results suggest that L. whitmani may potentially be the principal vector of ACL in the region, even though the sand fly fauna was diverse: 88% were L.whitmani and 12% belonged to 11 other species. Two other species, L. complexa (1.3%) and L. migonei (0.8%), considered to be ACL vectors in other regions, were also present. This detailed picture of the sand fly population`s abundance and spatiotemporal distribution provides a basis for future modeling studies of forecasting sand fly activity patterns and ACL occurence.


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XIMENES, Maria de Fátima Freire de Melo; MACIEL, Janaína Cunha; JERONIMO, Selma Maria Bezerra. Characteristics of the Biological Cycle of Lutzomyia evandroi Costa Lima & Antunes, 1936 (diptera: psychodidae) under experimental conditions. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, v.96, n.6, p.883-886, ago. 2001. Disponivel em: Acesso em: 4 out. 2010.


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Leishmaniasis are endemic diseases wild spread in the New and Old World, caused by the flagelated protozoan Leishmania. In the New World, the distribution of different forms of leishmaniasis is mostly in tropical regions. In the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast Brazil, 85% of the captured sand flies fauna is Lutzomyia longipalpis. The distribution of the sand fly vector in the state overlaps with the disease distribution, where the presence of sand flies is associated with presence of animals shelters. The aim of this study was to analyse the blood meal preference of sand flies vector from the genus Lutzomyia spp. in laboratory conditions, to verify the vector life cicle at different temperatures sets and to identify the main blood meal source in endemic areas for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) at peri-urban regions of Natal. Sand flies samples were collected from the municipalities of São Gonçalo do Amarante and Nísia Floresta where female sand flies were grouped for the colony maintenance in the laboratory and for the analysis of the preferred source of sand fly blood meal in natural environment. The prevalence of blood meal preference and oviposition for the females sand flies was 97% for Cavia porcellus with oviposition of 19 eggs/female; 97% for Eqqus caballus with 19 eggs/female; 98% for human blood with 14 eggs/female; 71.3% for Didelphis albiventris with 8.4 eggs/female; 73% for Gallus gallus with 14 eggs/female; 86% for Canis familiaris with 10.3 eggs/female; 81.4% for Galea spixii with 26 eggs/female; 36% for Callithrix jachus with 15 eggs/female; 42.8% for Monodelphis domestica with 0% of oviposition. Female sand flies did not take a blood meal from Felis catus. Sand flies life cycle ranged from 32-40 days, with 21-50 oviposition rates approximately. This study also showed that at 32°C the life cycle had 31 days, at 28° C it had 50 days and at 22°C it increased to 79 days. Adjusting the temperature to 35°C the eggs did not hatch, thus blocking the life cycle. A total of 1540 sand flies were captured, among them, 1.310 were male and 230 were female. Whereas 86% of the sand flies captured were Lu. longipalpis as compared to 10.5% for Lu. evandroi and, 3.2% for L. lenti and 0.3% for Lu whitmani. The ratio between female and male sandfly was approximately 6 males to 1 female. In Nísia Floresta, 50.7% of the collected females took their blood meal from armadillo, 12.8% from human. Among the female sand flies captured in São Gonçalo do Amarante, 80 of them were tested for the Leishmania KDNA infectivity where 5% of them were infected with Leishmania chagasi. Female Lutzomyia spp. showed to have an opportunistic blood meal characteristic. The behavioral parameters seem to have a higher influence in the oviposition when compared to the level of total proteins detected in the host s bloodstream. A higher Lu. longipalpis life cycle viability was observed at 28°C. The increase of temperature dropped the life cycle time, which means that the life cycle is modified by temperature range, source of blood meal and humidity. Lu longipalpis was the most specie found in the inner and peridomiciliar environment. In Nísia Floresta, armadillos were the main source of blood meal for Lutzomyia spp. At São Gonçalo do Amarante, humans were the main source of blood meal due to CDC nets placed inside their houses


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The sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae) is currently appointed as the main vector of visceral leishmaniasis in the Americas. The growth of cities in areas originally endemics to American Visceral Leishmaniasis (AVL) resulted in the spread of the disease at the same time that observed the adaptation of this species to the urban environment.Changes in behavior of L.longipalpis that enabled the adapt to increasing losings of biodiversity, as well as the frequent exposure of the vector to insecticides evident in urban areas, could justify the increasing population of the species and consequently the spread of disease for these environments .Thus, we selected sixty houses spread among three areas with increasing stages of occupation of an area endemic for AVL in Teresina-PI. We evaluated the correlation between the density of L.longipalpis captured and different aspects, such as population density of animals, vegetation cover and socio-economic aspects in each house. In addition to the correlations, the feeding preference of the vector between the predominant plant species in the neighborhoods, as well as the presence of metabolic mechanisms of resistance among the captured insects were tested. The results showed that over the growing occupations, represented by three areas, L.longipalpis demonstrate its adaptive nature through an apparent opportunistic behavior in relation to sources of carbohydrates and blood. On the evolutionary point of view, this behavior may have favored its vector competence in urban areas among the limited presence of food sources, as well as in various environments encountered.


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During April and May 2006, experiments were carried out in Brejo do Mutambal, Varzelandia Town, Minas Gerais State, to evaluate the attractiveness of phlebotomine sandflies to CDC light traps, baited with kairomones. of the 19 species of Lutzomyia already registered for the region, L. lutziana (Costa Lima), L. longipennis (Barreto), L. goiana (Martins, Falcao & Silva) and L. brasiliensis (Costa Lima) were recorded for the first time, thus increasing the diversity of phlebotomine sandflies fauna in this area to 23 species. The new registered species and distribution are shown and discussed herein.


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The delimitation of cryptic species within the main vector of the American visceral leishmaniasis, Lutzomyia longipalpis, remains a topic of controversy. An analysis of generic variability based on 8 enzymatic loci revealed fixed differences in 2 diagnostic loci, adenylate kinase (Ak) and hexokinase (Hk), between sympatric and allopatric populations at 4 localities in Venezuela. The absence of heterozygotes for these 2 loci within 1 locality indicates, for the first time, the presence of 2 sympatric reproductively isolated populations or cryptic species within L. longipalpis. Significant differences were also detected between these cryptic species in the allele frequencies of glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (Gpi) and malate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating (Me). One species showed mean heterozygosities that ranged between 6.6% and 6.7%, with 1.6-1.9 alleles detected per locus, while the other had mean heterozygosities that ranged from 4.3% to 6.3%, with 1.3-1.6 alleles per locus. Comparisons of isozyme profiles with published data suggests that 1 species is similar to the L. longipalpis described in Colombian and Brazilian populations, whereas the other has not been previously reported.


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A incidência das leishmanioses tegumentar (LTA) e visceral (LVA) americanas, especialmente essa última, em hospedeiros caninos e humanos, encontra-se em expansão no Estado de São Paulo. Na vigilância epidemiológica dessas endemias, torna-se fundamental o conhecimento da distribuição e ecologia das diferentes espécies de flebotomíneos. Assim, a divulgação de novos registros de seus vetores é fundamental para apontar novas áreas de risco para a transmissão dessas doenças. Neste estudo, realizaram-se capturas de flebotomíneos em ambiente de mata, em diferentes localidades dos municípios de Ipeúna, Itirapina e Analândia, entre agosto e setembro de 2007. Foram capturados 248 flebotomíneos de nove espécies diferentes, em Ipeúna, seis e sete espécimes de duas espécies distintas coletados respectivamente em Itirapina e Analândia. A espécie mais abundante em Ipeúna foi Pintomyia pessoai (37,5%), seguida de P. fischeri (33,06%) e Migonemyia migonei (16,53%). Essas três espécies são consideradas importantes vetores de LTA no território paulista. O registro de Lutzomyia longipalpis pela primeira vez em Ipeúna e Analândia e a confirmação de sua presença em Itirapina indicam risco de essabelecimento da LVA na área e a necessidade de mais estudos locais sobre sua ecologia, sobretudo em relação à ocupação de ambientes antrópicos.


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A incidência das leishmanioses tegumentar e visceral americanas, em especial esta última (LVA), em hospedeiros caninos e humanos, encontra-se em crescente processo de expansão no Estado de São Paulo. Para a vigilância epidemiológica dessas endemias, torna-se fundamental o conhecimento da distribuição e da ecologia das diferentes espécies da fauna flebotomínea vetoras. Assim, a divulgação de novos encontros de seus vetores, sobretudo da Lutzomyia longipalpis, o principal vetor da LVA, é fundamental para apontar novas áreas de risco para a transmissão dessas doenças. Neste estudo, capturas de flebotomíneos foram realizadas em ambiente domiciliar, peridomiciliar e de mata, em diferentes localidades rurais dos municípios de Ipeúna e Itirapina, entre outubro de 2001 e fevereiro de 2004. Foram utilizadas armadilhas luminosas automáticas do tipo CDC, das 18h às 8h, em 14 noites, resultando 420 horas de exposição. Foram capturados 177 flebotomíneos pertencentes a doze espécies. A espécie mais abundante, Nyssomyia neivai, apontada como a principal vetora de LTA no Estado, contribuiu com 85,4% dos espécimes capturados em Ipeúna. O encontro de Lutzomyia longipalpis em uma caverna em Itirapina, aponta para o risco de estabelecimento da LVA na área e a necessidade de mais estudos locais sobre sua ecologia, sobretudo em relação à ocupação de ambientes antrópicos.


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Saliva plays important roles in facilitation of a bloodmeal, lubrication of mouthparts, and parasite transmission for some vector insects. Salivary composition changes during the lifetime of an insect, and differences in the salivary profile may influence its functions. In this report, the amount and profile of salivary gland protein of the American visceral leishmaniasis vector Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) were analyzed at different times of insect development and diet. Protein content from unfed female sand flies increased significantly with age, and a significant difference was observed in sugar-fed females during the first 10 d of adult life. Salivary protein content sharply decreased 1 d after blood feeding, with gradual increase in concentration the following days. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis revealed that most polypeptides present in the saliva of sugar-fed also were present in the saliva of blood-fed females. Understanding changes in sand fly's saliva contents at distinct days after emergence and the influence of a bloodmeal in this aspect may reveal the role played by saliva during leishmaniasis transmission. © 2008 Entomological Society of America.