970 resultados para Lusitano horses


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Introduction: Cartilage degradation biomarkers are a potential tool for early diagnosis of degenerative joint disease (DJD). In young horses, Coll2-1 and Coll2-1NO2 have been studied in serum and reported to be useful in the assessment of joint disease. Fib3-2 has been described to be higher in serum of humans with osteoarthritis but was never assessed in horses. The aim of the current study was to evaluate biomarkers’ changes with age, sex and exercise and correlate them with DJD. Material and Methods: Blood collection and radiographic examination were performed in 51 Lusitanian horses. Moreover, inertial sensor-based detection of lameness was used to assess pain together with subjective examination. Results: Females presented significantly higher concentrations of Coll2-1 (p = 0.015) and Coll2-1NO2 (p = 0.014) compared to males. We have found significant influence of high level of work in lower concentration of Coll2-1 (p = 0.001) and significant influence of sex in concentration of Coll2-1NO2 (p = 0.030). There was no influence of sex, age and work on Fib3-2. All biomarkers were increased in the DJD group (n= 35) compared to healthy controls (n = 16). This difference was significant for Coll2-1 (p = 0.015). When sorted by sex and age groups, significant difference in Coll2-1 between disease and healthy controls disappeared in old horses and females. Discussion/ Conclusion: Coll2-1 is a good marker of cartilage degradation in horses with DJD, being more specific in young horses and males. Fib3-2 may be further explored to help identify disease in particular cases.


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This study aimed to identify the parameters related to the expression of the reactivity in horses during handling and based on that proposed and validated a scale of composite measure reactivity score to characterize horse's reactivity. To this end, the first stage (S1) proposed the scale and the second (S2) validated it. In S1, 364 Lusitano horses were evaluated, 188 were adult breeding mares (4–12 years old), and 176 were foals (males/females, aged from 2 months to 2 years). During hooves trimming, vermifuge application, palpation scores were assigned to behaviors of movement, ears and eyes position, breathing, vocalization, and urination. A response parameter called reactivity was attributed to each animal, ranging from score 1 (nonreactive/calm) to score 4 (very reactive/aggressive). The verification of the possible parameters (age, behavior), which explains the response parameter (reactivity), was taken using ordinal proportional odds model. Movement, breathing, ears and eyes position, vocalization, and age appear to explain the reactivity of horses during handling (P < .01). Therefore, based on these parameters, it was possible to propose two scales of composite measure reactivity score: one to characterize the mares and another the foals. On S2, the proposed scale was validated by the simultaneous application of Forced Human Approach Test, another commonly used test to evaluate the reactivity in horses, with a correlation of 0.97 (P < .05). The assessment of the reactivity of horses during handling by a composite measure reactivity score scale is valid, and easy to apply, without disrupting daily routine and override the impact of individual differences.


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In order to evaluate the sera concentrations of iron, copper, zinc and manganese trace minerals in thirty Pure-bred Lusitano athlete horses before and after exercise certified by clinical and laboratory assessments were studied. Blood samples were taken before and after 20 minutes of a dairy trot and gallop slight training, perfomed in a sandy floor ring, to measure the mineral concentrations, by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. It was observed that after exercising, the serum activity of iron did not change (P=0.2365), whereas copper values have significantly risen after training (P<0.001). On the other hand, zinc and manganese trace minerals decreased after exercise (P<0.001). In conclusion, it is possible to consider that the short time exercise may trigger sweating and consequently to change the seru.


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This study aimed to detect, by radiographic examination, the evolution of osteochondral lesions in the tarsocrural and femoropatellar joints of Lusitano foals. Within 1 month of age, 76.08% of foals had radiographic signs of osreochondrosis, but only 16.20% had lesions at 18 months. The radiographic signs resolved by 5 mo of age in most foals, but some cases that involved either joint, were not resolved until 12 mo of age. It is thought that the "age of no return" is 5 mo for the tarsocrural and 8 mo for the femoropatellar joint but this study demonstrated regression of osteochondral lesions in both joints of Lusitano foals up to 12 months of age.


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O género Equus teve origem na América do Norte e alguns exemplares migraram para a Eurásia pelo Estreito de Bering, durante a última glaciação. No fim da glaciação, todos os cavalos do continente americano extinguiram-se, mas sobreviveram nas estepes da Eurásia, na Peninsula lbérica e nas florestas da Europa Ocidental e Central. O cavalo Lusitano teve a sua origem em cavalos selvagens e domesticados da Peninsula lbérica, ocorrendo uma mistura com outros animais trazidos por eventos migratórios ocorridos no passado. Os cavalos deste gene pool contribuiram para o desenvolvimento de outras raças modernas na Europa e foram mais tarde introduzidos e dispersos pelo continente Americano, tornando-se fundadores de numerosas raças do novo mundo. A raça Lusitana é uma raça equina autóctone portuguesa, com especial relevancia económica no panorama nacional e internacional. Apesar de não ser uma raça ameaçada, alguns autores defendem que a informação genealógica disponivel (pedigrees) indica que uma utilização excessiva de um reduzido número de reprodutores machos esta a diminuir a diversidade genética da raça, tendo como consequência o aumento da consanguinidade e a diminuição do tamanho efetivo da população para cerca de metade dos valores recomendados pela FAO. No entanto, a anàlise da diversidade genética com base em 16 microssatélites (Marcadores de DNA) a um grupo de 2699 machos da raça Lusitana, nascidos entre 1985 e 2010 e inscritos como reprodutores no Livro Genealógico da raça, revelou um elevado nível de diversidade, idêntico ao encontrado na maioria das raças equinas. Dada a crescente relevância da Crioconservação, omo estratégia complementar para a conservação da diversidade genética in situ, e tendo em conta que não existe criopreservação de oocitos, embriões ou sémen, do cavalo de raça Lusitana em Banco de Genes, selecionaram-se 62 machos reprodutores (garanhões) com interesse genético para a criopreservação de sémen, quer no sentido de preservar a diversidade da raça quer no da salvaguardar em caso de calamidade; ABSTRACT: The genus Equus originated in North America and some exemplary migrated to Eurasia through the Bering Strait during the last glaciation. By the end of the last glaciation, all horses on the American continent became extinct but the genus survived in the steppes of Eurasia, in the Iberian Peninsula and on the Central and West Europe forests. The Lusitano horse breed has its origins in wild and domesticated horses of the Iberian Peninsula, where a mixture with other animals brought by migratory events in the past occurred. The horses of this gene pool contributed to the development of other modern breeds in Europe and were later introduced and spread throughout the American continent, becoming founders of numerous breeds of the New World. The Lusitano horse breed, is a Portuguese native equine breed, with special economic relevance in the national and international scene. Although not being an endangered breed, some authors argue that the available genealogical information (pedigrees) indicates that an excessive use of a limited number of stallions is decreasing the genetic diversity of the breed, resulting in the increase of inbreeding and on the decrease of the effective population size to about half of the values recommended by FAO. However, the analysis of genetic diversity based on 16 microsatellites (DNA markers) in a group of 2699 males of the Lusitano horse breed, born between 1985 and 2010 and registered as Stallions in the Studbook, revealed a high level of diversity similar to that found in the majority of equine breeds. Given the growing relevance of Cryopreservation as a complementary strategy for the conservation of genetic diversity in situ and, taking into consideration the inexistence of criopreservation for oocytes, embryos and semen, in a Gene Bank, for the Lusitano horse breed, 62 breeding males (stallions) with genetic interest for semen cryopreservation were selected in order either to preserve the diversity of the breed or as safeguard in case of calamity.


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We describe the population pharmacokinetics of an acepromazine (ACP) metabolite (2-(1-hydroxyethyl)promazine) (HEPS) in horses for the estimation of likely detection times in plasma and urine. Acepromazine (30 mg) was administered to 12 horses, and blood and urine samples were taken at frequent intervals for chemical analysis. A Bayesian hierarchical model was fitted to describe concentration-time data and cumulative urine amounts for HEPS. The metabolite HEPS was modelled separately from the parent ACP as the half-life of the parent was considerably less than that of the metabolite. The clearance ($Cl/F_{PM}$) and volume of distribution ($V/F_{PM}$), scaled by the fraction of parent converted to metabolite, were estimated as 769 L/h and 6874 L, respectively. For a typical horse in the study, after receiving 30 mg of ACP, the upper limit of the detection time was 35 hours in plasma and 100 hours in urine, assuming an arbitrary limit of detection of 1 $\mu$g/L, and a small ($\approx 0.01$) probability of detection. The model derived allowed the probability of detection to be estimated at the population level. This analysis was conducted on data collected from only 12 horses, but we assume that this is representative of the wider population.


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Persistent digital hyperthermia, presumably due to vasodilation, occurs during the developmental and acute stages of insulin-induced laminitis. The objectives of this study were to determine if persistent digital hyperthermia is the principal pathogenic mechanism responsible for the development of laminitis. The potent vasodilator, ATP-MgCl 2 was infused continuously into the distal phalanx of the left forefoot of six Standardbred racehorses for 48h via intra-osseous infusion to promote persistent digital hyperthermia. The right forefoot was infused with saline solution and acted as an internal control. Clinical signs of lameness at the walk were not detected at 0h, 24h or 48h post-infusion. Mean±SE hoof wall temperatures of the left forefoot (29.4±0.25°C) were higher (P<0.05) than those on the right (27.5±0.38°C). Serum insulin (15.0±2.89μIU/mL) and blood glucose (5.4±0.22mM) concentrations remained unchanged during the experiment. Histopathological evidence of laminitis was not detected in any horse. The results demonstrated that digital vasodilation up to 30 °C for a period of 48. h does not trigger laminitis in the absence of hyperinsulinaemia. Thus, although digital hyperthermia may play a role in the pathogenesis of laminitis, it is not the sole mechanism involved.


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Endocrinopathic laminitis is frequently associated with hyperinsulinaemia but the role of glucose in the pathogenesis of the disease has not been fully investigated. This study aimed to determine the endogenous insulin response to a quantity of glucose equivalent to that administered during a laminitis-inducing, euglycaemic, hyperinsulinaemic clamp, over 48. h in insulin-sensitive Standardbred racehorses. In addition, the study investigated whether glucose infusion, in the absence of exogenous insulin administration, would result in the development of clinical and histopathological evidence of laminitis. Glucose (50% dextrose) was infused intravenously at a rate of 0.68 mL/kg/h for 48. h in treated horses (n = 4) and control horses (n = 3) received a balanced electrolyte solution (0.68 mL/kg/h). Lamellar histology was examined at the conclusion of the experiment. Horses in the treatment group were insulin sensitive (M value 0.039 ± 0.0012. mmol/kg/min and M-to-I ratio (100×) 0.014 ± 0.002) as determined by an approximated hyperglycaemic clamp. Treated horses developed glycosuria, hyperglycaemia (10.7 ± 0.78. mmol/L) and hyperinsulinaemia (208 ± 26.1. μIU/mL), whereas control horses did not. None of the horses became lame as a consequence of the experiment but all of the treated horses developed histopathological evidence of laminitis in at least one foot. Combined with earlier studies, the results showed that laminitis may be induced by either insulin alone or a combination of insulin and glucose, but that it is unlikely to be due to a glucose overload mechanism. Based on the histopathological data, the potential threshold for insulin toxicity (i.e. laminitis) in horses may be at or below a serum concentration of ∼200. μIU/mL.


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Advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of cancer, inflammatory conditions and diabetic complications. An interaction of AGEs with their receptor (RAGE) results in increased release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species (ROS), causing damage to susceptible tissues. Laminitis, a debilitating foot condition of horses, occurs in association with endocrine dysfunction and the potential involvement of AGE and RAGE in the pathogenesis of the disease has not been previously investigated. Glucose transport in lamellar tissue is thought to be largely insulin-independent (GLUT-1), which may make the lamellae susceptible to protein glycosylation and oxidative stress during periods of increased glucose metabolism. Archived lamellar tissue from horses with insulin-induced laminitis (n=4), normal control horses (n=4) and horses in the developmental stages (6 h, 12 h and 24 h) of the disease (n=12) was assessed for AGE accumulation and the presence of oxidative protein damage and cellular lipid peroxidation. The equine-specific RAGE gene was identified in lamellar tissue, sequenced and is now available on GenBank. Lamellar glucose transporter (GLUT-1 and GLUT-4) gene expression was assessed quantitatively with qRT-PCR in laminitic and control horses and horses in the mid-developmental time-point (24 h) of the disease. Significant AGE accumulation had occurred by the onset of insulin-induced laminitis (48 h) but not at earlier time-points, or in control horses. Evidence of oxidative stress was not found in any group. The equine-specific RAGE gene was not expressed differently in treated and control animals, nor was the insulin-dependent glucose transporter GLUT-4. However, the glucose transporter GLUT-1 was increased in lamellar tissue in the developmental stages of insulin-induced laminitis compared to control horses and the insulin-independent nature of the lamellae may facilitate AGE formation. However, due to the lack of AGE accumulation during disease development and a failure to detect an increase in ROS or upregulation of RAGE, it appears unlikely that oxidative stress and protein glycosylation play a central role in the pathogenesis of acute, insulin-induced laminitis.


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Lamellar pathology in experimentally-induced equine laminitis associated with euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemia is substantial by the acute, clinical phase (∼48 h post-induction). However, lamellar pathology of the developmental, pre-clinical phase requires evaluation. The aim of this study was to analyse lamellar lesions both qualitatively and quantitatively, 6, 12 and 24 h after the commencement of hyperinsulinaemia. Histological and histomorphometrical analyses of lamellar pathology at each time-point included assessment of lamellar length and width, epidermal cell proliferation and death, basement membrane (BM) pathology and leucocyte infiltration. Archived lamellar tissue from control horses and those with acute, insulin-induced laminitis (48 h) was also assessed for cellular proliferative activity by counting the number of cells showing positive nuclear immuno labelling for TPX2. Decreased secondary epidermal lamellar (SEL) width and increased histomorphological evidence of SEL epidermal basal (and supra-basal) cell death occurred early in disease progression (6 h). Increased cellular proliferation in SELs, infiltration of the dermis with small numbers of leucocytes and BM damage occurred later (24 and 48 h). Some lesions, such as narrowing of the SELs, were progressive over this time period (6–48 h). Cellular pathology preceded leucocyte infiltration and BM pathology, indicating that the latter changes may be secondary or downstream events in hyperinsulinaemic laminitis.


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Background It has been proposed that the feral horse foot is a benchmark model for foot health in horses. However, the foot health of feral horses has not been formally investigated. Objectives To investigate the foot health of Australian feral horses and determine if foot health is affected by environmental factors, such as substrate properties and distance travelled. Methods Twenty adult feral horses from five populations (n = 100) were investigated. Populations were selected on the basis of substrate hardness and the amount of travel typical for the population. Feet were radiographed and photographed, and digital images were surveyed by two experienced assessors blinded to each other's assessment and to the population origin. Lamellar samples from 15 feet from three populations were investigated histologically for evidence of laminitis. Results There was a total of 377 gross foot abnormalities identified in 100 left forefeet. There were no abnormalities detected in three of the feet surveyed. Each population had a comparable prevalence of foot abnormalities, although the type and severity of abnormality varied among populations. Of the three populations surveyed by histopathology, the prevalence of chronic laminitis ranged between 40% and 93%. Conclusions Foot health appeared to be affected by the environment inhabited by the horses. The observed chronic laminitis may be attributable to either nutritional or traumatic causes. Given the overwhelming evidence of suboptimal foot health, it may not be appropriate for the feral horse foot to be the benchmark model for equine foot health.


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Reasons for performing study: Many domestic horses and ponies are sedentary and obese due to confinement to small paddocks and stables and a diet of infrequent, high-energy rations. Severe health consequences can be associated with this altered lifestyle. Objectives: The aims of this study were to investigate the ability of horses to learn to use a dynamic feeder system and determine the movement and behavioural responses of horses to the novel system. Methods: A dynamic feed station was developed to encourage horses to exercise in order to access ad libitum hay. Five pairs of horses (n = 10) were studied using a randomised crossover design with each pair studied in a control paddock containing a standard hay feeder and an experimental paddock containing the novel hay feeder. Horse movement was monitored by a global positioning system (GPS) and horses observed and their ability to learn to use the system and the behavioural responses to its use assessed. Results: With initial human intervention all horses used the novel feeder within 1 h. Some aggressive behaviour was observed between horses not well matched in dominance behaviour. The median distance walked by the horses was less (P = 0.002) during a 4 h period (117 [57–185] m) in the control paddock than in the experimental paddock (630 [509–719] m). Conclusions: The use of an automated feeding system promotes increased activity levels in horses housed in small paddocks, compared with a stationary feeder.