62 resultados para Lupin
Seed coats, cotyledons and hypocotyls from six Peruvian (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) and two Brazilian (Lupinus albus and Lupinus angustifolius) lupin cultivars were assessed regarding their content of isoflavones and antioxidant capacity. Genistein and a genistein derivative were detected in seed coats and cotyledons from Peruvian cultivars. Total isoflavones ranged from 9.8 to 87, 16.1 to 30.8 and 1.3 to 6.1 mg/100 g of sample in fresh weight (expressed as genistein) in seed coat, cotyledon and hypocotyl fractions, respectively, from mutabilis species, whereas no isoflavones were detected in L. angustifolius and L. albus. A significant correlation (r = 0.99) was found between the total isoflavone levels and the antioxidant capacity measured by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical-scavenging method in all fractions of Peruvian samples. No condensed tannins were detected in any of the lupin cultivars. The H-6 Andean cultivar is promising for its high isoflavone content and antioxidant capacity. Insights from this study indicate that lupin cultivars of the mutabilis species have similar isoflavone profiles and that isoflavones are more concentrated in the cotyledon seed fraction than in the seed coat or hypocotyl fractions. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Este proyecto desarrolla estudios multidisciplinarios para contribuir con información avalada por métodos científicos, a propuestas de desarrollos regionales agronómicos y de tecnología de alimentos en la provincia de Córdoba. Se propone realizar evaluaciones de factibilidad de cultivo de variedades de lupinos y quínoas en parcelas experimentales y huertas, verificar las características químico-nutricionales de los granos y establecer mecanismos tecnológicos, para poder presentar productos alimenticios viables de comercialización. Estos granos, poco conocidos en los hábitos nutricionales actuales, fueron considerados desde la antigüedad por distintas civilizaciones, como importantes fuentes de alimento vegetal. En la actualidad la necesidad de contar con nuevas fuentes de alimentos provenientes de sistemas auto-sustentables y manufacturación artesanal, ha llevado investigar alternativas de nuevos cultivos y a revalorizar aquellos que han sucumbido a las tecnologías modernas. Tanto los granos de quínoa como la de los lupinos han cobrado interés a nivel internacional por su alto valor nutricional, farmacológico y por sus cualidades de plantas rústicas a los manejos de cultivo. Es por esas razones, que se propone desarrollar un proyecto de investigación con transferencia de tecnología, para contar con experiencias que permitan establecer los lineamientos agronómicos y de tecnología de alimentos necesarios para promover los granos de lupinos y quínoas dentro de los planes nutricionales de nuestra sociedad. La importancia de este proyecto se fundamenta en la necesidad de buscar nuevas alternativas de cultivos que se adapten a los recursos de clima y suelo en áreas rurales de las sierras de Córdoba y promover nuevos emprendimientos relacionados con los sectores agrícolas y de la alimentación. Para su mejor desarrollo el proyecto está diagramado en tres módulos que cubren las siguientes áreas: Módulo 1, ensayos de cultivo en parcelas experimentales y huertas comunales; Módulo 2, análisis químicos-nutricionales; Módulo 3, diseño y adaptación de equipamiento para la manufacturación de alimentos. La metodología de investigación está ampliamente respaldada por la experiencia que cuenta el equipo de trabajo en los módulos propuestos y que puede ser verificada en la producción científica plasmada en trabajos publicados en revistas con referato nacionales e internacionales, presentaciones a congresos y direcciones de tesis.
The influence, was investigated, of abiotic parameters on the isolation of protoplasts from in vitro seedling cotyledons of white lupin. The protoplasts were found to be competent in withstanding a wide range of osmotic potentials of the enzyme medium, however, -2.25 MPa (0.5 M mannitol), resulted in the highest yield of protoplasts. The pH of the isolation medium also had a profound effect on protoplast production. Vacuum infiltration of the enzyme solution into the cotyledon tissue resulted in a progressive drop in the yield of protoplasts. The speed and duration of orbital agitation of the cotyledon tissue played a significant role in the release of protoplasts and a two step (stationary-gyratory) regime was found to be better than the gyratory-only system.
Six nutrient formulations were studied for their efficacy in inducing mitosis in white lupin seedling cotyledon protoplasts of which the formulations of Schafer-Menuhr & Sturmer (AS) and Kao (K8p) were found to be superior over the other four when supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine and alpha-naphthaleneacetic acid (alpha-NAA). An unltrafiltration treatment of K8p increased mitotic frequency by 130% when compared with the untreated control. Medium enrichment with 0.2% bovine serum albumin (BSA) brought about a dramatic 1341% rise in protoplast division in comparison with BSA-free medium but only when the enrichment was carried out in Kao and Michayluk (KM8p) background containing 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, alpha-NAA and zeatin. A higher number of protocolonies (each proliferating from single protoplast following multiple divisions) were seen in 0.4% BSA. With this breakthrough in white lupin protoplast research, it is now possible to reproducibly obtain protocolonies that was hitherto not possible.
This study reports on the influence of critical isolation factors on the subsequent culture of protoplasts of Lupinus albus L. Protoplasts were isolated from in vitro seedling cotyledons of five early maturing accessions in which protoplast yields and division frequencies appeared to be correlated as a high protoplast yield corresponded with a high division frequency. The overall difference among the accessions for mitosis was non- significant, although the highest yield and division frequency were observed in accession LA132, with Alban giving a significantly lower level. Accession Lucrop produced the lowest number of protoplasts, all of which collapsed during culture. Of the enzyme types used for tissue maceration, Pectolyase Y23, was significantly inferior to Macerase in terms of giving way to mitosis. The extent of division in Macerase- isolated protoplast population was 266% higher than that in the Pectolyase Y23- isolated one. The physiological maturity level of the explant, expressed in terms of developmental age, was optimal when 14 - 18- day- old seedling cotyledons were used for protoplast production and culture, rather than more mature ones, despite higher protoplast yields in the latter. On K8p medium, the protoplast division frequency was 129% greater when 18- day- old seedling cotyledons were used, than that with any other treatment. This work on protoplast culture of the potentially important lupin species, which is a pulse rich in dietary protein, oil and fibre, allows a further understanding of the biology, with an aim to advance lupin biotechnology.
The influence, was investigated, of abiotic parameters on the isolation of protoplasts from in vitro seedling cotyledons of white lupin. The protoplasts were found to be competent in withstanding a wide range of osmotic potentials of the enzyme medium, however, −2.25 MPa (0.5 M mannitol), resulted in the highest yield of protoplasts. The pH of the isolation medium also had a profound effect on protoplast production. Vacuum infiltration of the enzyme solution into the cotyledon tissue resulted in a progressive drop in the yield of protoplasts. The speed and duration of orbital agitation of the cotyledon tissue played a significant role in the release of protoplasts and a two step (stationary-gyratory) regime was found to be better than the gyratory-only system.
Background We investigated interacting effects of matric potential and soil strength on root elongation of maize and lupin, and relations between root elongation rates and the length of bare (hairless) root apex. Methods Root elongation rates and the length of bare root apexwere determined formaize and lupin seedlings in sandy loam soil of various matric potentials (−0.01 to −1.6 MPa) and bulk densities (0.9 to 1.5 Mg m−3). Results Root elongation rates slowed with both decreasing matric potential and increasing penetrometer resistance. Root elongation of maize slowed to 10 % of the unimpeded rate when penetrometer resistance increased to 2 MPa, whereas lupin elongated at about 40 % of the unimpeded rate. Maize root elongation rate was more sensitive to changes in matric potential in loosely packed soil (penetrometer resistances <1 MPa) than lupin. Despite these differing responses, root elongation rate of both species was linearly correlated with length of the bare root apex (r2 0.69 to 0.97). Conclusion Maize root elongation was more sensitive to changes in matric potential and mechanical impedance than lupin. Robust linear relationships between elongation rate and length of bare apex suggest good potential for estimating root elongation rates for excavated roots.
We investigated the effects of treatments with the enzymes pepsin and trypsin on the in vitro immunological reactivity of the major globulins found in the seeds of sweet lupin, chickpea, and lentil. Polyclonal major globulin-specific antiserum was obtained by immunization of rabbits with a solution of the 11 S globulin of each legume. The globulins were hydrolyzed with pepsin and trypsin for 1, 5, 15, and 30 min. The native globulins and their hydrolysates were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting to identify the polypeptide bands with antigenic activity, and the hypoantigenicity of the hydrolysates was analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Our results show that enzymatic treatment of the major storage protein (11 S globulin) of sweet lupin, chickpea, and lentil with pepsin or trypsin lead to the formation of large amounts of short peptides and free amino acids that do not allow antibody binding, resulting in a weakened immunoreactivity.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study used TG, DSC, and SDS-PAGE techniques to study protein isolates (PIs) in the powder form obtained from lupin seeds flour Lupinus albus. Different methods of preparing PIs were tested, resulting in final products that were different only in relation to the yield and protein content. The results of the protein analysis by SDS-PAGE showed that the same protein fractions were present in the lupin seeds and in the obtained PIs. This result shows that the process of extraction was not damaging to the composition of the original protein. On the other hand, the results of the thermal analysis (DSC and TG-DTG curves) obtained for the different PIs, led to the detection of changes in the protein conformation through the Delta H values, which in general decreased with increasing values of pH and ionic strength in the experimental conditions of extraction.
This study describes the hypocholesterolaemic effect of whole lupin and its protein in hamsters. The diets were: casein (control group HC), lupin protein isolate (group HPI) and whole lupin seed (group HWS). Diets from HPI and HWS promoted a significant reduction of total cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol in the hamsters' plasma as compared with HC. The true digestibility of HPI and HC groups were similar and differed significantly from the HWS one, which in turn showed a significant difference in total sterol excretion as compared to the former groups. Histological analysis of the liver revealed that animals fed on HPI and HWS diets presented a low level of steatosis (level 1) as compared to the ones fed on HC diet (level 4). Our findings demonstrate that protein isolate from Lupinus albus from Brazil has a metabolic effect on endogenous cholesterol metabolism and a protector effect on development of hepatic steatosis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.