989 resultados para Lung-volumes


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BACKGROUND: Head-of-bed elevation (HOBE) has been shown to assist in reducing respiratory complications associated with mechanical ventilation; however, there is minimal research describing changes in end-expiratory lung volume. This study aims to investigate changes in end-expiratory lung volume in a supine position and 2 levels of HOBE. METHODS: Twenty postoperative cardiac surgery subjects were examined using electrical impedance tomography. End-expiratory lung impedance (EELI) was recorded as a surrogate measurement of end-expiratory lung volume in a supine position and at 20° and then 30°. RESULTS: Significant increases in end-expiratory lung volume were seen at both 20° and 30° HOBE in all lung regions, except the anterior, with the largest changes from baseline (supine) seen at 30°. From baseline to 30° HOBE, global EELI increased by 1,327 impedance units (95% CI 1,080–1,573, P < .001). EELI increased by 1,007 units (95% CI 880–1,134, P < .001) in the left lung region and by 320 impedance units (95% CI 188–451, P < .001) in the right lung. Posterior increases of 1,544 impedance units (95% CI 1,405–1,682, P < .001) were also seen. EELI decreased anteriorly, with the largest decreases occurring at 30° (−335 impedance units, 95% CI −486 to −183, P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: HOBE significantly increases global and regional end-expiratory lung volume; therefore, unless contraindicated, all mechanically ventilated patients should be positioned with HOBE.


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Background. Intravenous injection of contrast material is routinely performed in order to differentiate nonaerated lung parenchyma from pleural effusion in critically ill patients undergoing thoracic computed tomography (CT). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of contrast material on CT measurement of lung volumes in 14 patients with acute lung injury. Method. A spiral thoracic CT scan, consisting of contiguous axial sections of 10 mm thickness, was performed from the apex to the diaphragm at end-expiration both before and 30 s (group 1; n=7) or 15 min (group 2; n=7) after injection of 80 ml contrast material. Volumes of gas and tissue, and volumic distribution of CT attenuations were measured before and after injection using specially designed software (Lungview®; Institut National des Télécommunications, Evry, France). The maximal artifactual increase in lung tissue resulting from a hypothetical leakage within the lung of the 80 ml contrast material was calculated. Results. Injection of contrast material significantly increased the apparent volume of lung tissue by 83 ± 57 ml in group 1 and 102 ± 80 ml in group 2, whereas the corresponding maximal artifactual increases in lung tissue were 42 ± 52 ml and 31 ± 18 ml. Conclusion. Because systematic injection of contrast material increases the amount of extravascular lung water in patients with acute lung injury, it seems prudent to avoid this procedure in critically ill patients undergoing a thoracic CT scan and to reserve its use for specific indications.


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BACKGROUND: Cyclic recruitment during mechanical ventilation contributes to ventilator associated lung injury. Two different pathomechanisms in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) are currently discussed: alveolar collapse vs persistent flooding of small airways and alveoli. We compare two different ARDS animal models by computed tomography (CT) to describe different recruitment and derecruitment mechanisms at different airway pressures: (i) lavage-ARDS, favouring alveolar collapse by surfactant depletion; and (ii) oleic acid ARDS, favouring alveolar flooding by capillary leakage. METHODS: In 12 pigs [25 (1) kg], ARDS was randomly induced, either by saline lung lavage or oleic acid (OA) injection, and 3 animals served as controls. A respiratory breathhold manoeuvre without spontaneous breathing at different continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) was applied in random order (CPAP levels of 5, 10, 15, 30, 35 and 50 cm H(2)O) and spiral-CT scans of the total lung were acquired at each CPAP level (slice thickness=1 mm). In each spiral-CT the volume of total lung parenchyma, tissue, gas, non-aerated, well-aerated, poorly aerated, and over-aerated lung was calculated. RESULTS: In both ARDS models non-aerated lung volume decreased significantly from CPAP 5 to CPAP 50 [oleic acid lung injury (OAI): 346.9 (80.1) to 96.4 (48.8) ml, P<0.001; lavage-ARDS: 245 17.6) to 42.7 (4.8) ml, P<0.001]. In lavage-ARDS poorly aerated lung volume decreased at higher CPAP levels [232 (45.2) at CPAP 10 to 84 (19.4) ml at CPAP 50, P<0.001] whereas in OAI poorly aerated lung volume did not vary at different airway pressures. CONCLUSIONS: In both ARDS models well-aerated and non-aerated lung volume respond to different CPAP levels in a comparable fashion: Thus, a cyclical alveolar collapse seems to be part of the derecruitment process also in the OA-ARDS. In OA-ARDS, the increase in poorly aerated lung volume reflects the specific initial lesion, that is capillary leakage with interstitial and alveolar oedema.


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We investigated the consequences of early malnutrition on milk production by dams and on body weight and structural lung growth of young rats using two models of protein restriction. Dams of the early restriction group were fed an 8% casein diet starting at parturition. Those of the delayed restriction group received a 12% casein diet from lactation d 8-14 and thereafter the 8% diet. After weaning, early restriction and delayed restriction group rats were maintained on low protein until d 49, then refed the control diet (18% casein) up to d 126. Milk was analyzed on d 12. Animals were killed at d 21, 49, and 126 for lung fixation in situ. In this report, we show that protein restriction lowered milk yield to 38% of normal. Milk lipid per gram of dry weight tended to be increased, whereas lactose and protein were significantly decreased. Pups from protein-restricted dams grew less and had lower lung volumes, effects being more serious at d 49. However, specific lung volumes (in milliliters per 100 g body weight) were constantly increased. This means that lung was either less affected than body mass or overdistended due to less connective tissue. After refeeding, both groups showed a remarkable catch-up in growth with restoration of the normal allometric relationship between lung volume and body weight. Thus, even after an early onset of protein restriction to total body, the lung is still capable to substantially recover from growth retardation.


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BACKGROUND Previous studies found larger lung volumes at school-age in formerly breastfed children, with some studies suggesting an effect modification by maternal asthma. We wanted to explore this further in children who had undergone extensive lung function testing. The current study aimed to assess whether breastfeeding was associated with larger lung volumes and, if so, whether all compartments were affected. We also assessed association of breastfeeding with apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), which measures freedom of gas diffusion in alveolar-acinar compartments and is a surrogate of alveolar dimensions. Additionally, we assessed whether these effects were modified by maternal asthma. METHODS We analysed data from 111 children and young adults aged 11-21 years, who had participated in detailed lung function testing, including spirometry, plethysmography and measurement of ADC of (3)Helium ((3)He) by MR. Information on breastfeeding came from questionnaires applied in early childhood (age 1-4 years). We determined the association between breastfeeding and these measurements using linear regression, controlling for potential confounders. RESULTS We did not find significant evidence for an association between duration of breastfeeding and lung volumes or alveolar dimensions in the entire sample. In breastfed children of mothers with asthma, we observed larger lung volumes and larger average alveolar size than in non-breastfed children, but the differences did not reach significance levels. CONCLUSIONS Confirmation of effects of breastfeeding on lung volumes would have important implications for public health. Further investigations with larger sample sizes are warranted.


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Purpose Endotracheal suctioning causes significant lung derecruitment. Closed suction (CS) minimizes lung volume loss during suction, and therefore, volumes are presumed to recover more quickly postsuctioning. Conflicting evidence exists regarding this. We examined the effects of open suction (OS) and CS on lung volume loss during suctioning, and recovery of end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) up to 30 minutes postsuction. Material and Methods Randomized crossover study examining 20 patients postcardiac surgery. CS and OS were performed in random order, 30 minutes apart. Lung impedance was measured during suction, and end-expiratory lung impedance was measured at baseline and postsuctioning using electrical impedance tomography. Oximetry, partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio and compliance were collected. Results Reductions in lung impedance during suctioning were less for CS than for OS (mean difference, − 905 impedance units; 95% confidence interval [CI], − 1234 to –587; P < .001). However, at all points postsuctioning, EELV recovered more slowly after CS than after OS. There were no statistically significant differences in the other respiratory parameters. Conclusions Closed suctioning minimized lung volume loss during suctioning but, counterintuitively, resulted in slower recovery of EELV postsuction compared with OS. Therefore, the use of CS cannot be assumed to be protective of lung volumes postsuctioning. Consideration should be given to restoring EELV after either suction method via a recruitment maneuver.


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A difficulty in lung image registration is accounting for changes in the size of the lungs due to inspiration. We propose two methods for computing a uniform scale parameter for use in lung image registration that account for size change. A scaled rigid-body transformation allows analysis of corresponding lung CT scans taken at different times and can serve as a good low-order transformation to initialize non-rigid registration approaches. Two different features are used to compute the scale parameter. The first method uses lung surfaces. The second uses lung volumes. Both approaches are computationally inexpensive and improve the alignment of lung images over rigid registration. The two methods produce different scale parameters and may highlight different functional information about the lungs.


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Objectives-The purpose of this study was to predict perinatal outcomes using fetal total lung volumes assessed by 3-dimensional ultrasonography (3DUS) in primary pleural effusion.Methods-Between July 2005 and July 2010, total lung volumes were prospectively estimated in fetuses with primary pleural effusion by 3DUS using virtual organ computer-aided analysis software. The first and last US examinations were considered in the analysis. The observed/expected total lung volumes were calculated. Main outcomes were perinatal death (up to 28 days of life) and respiratory morbidity (orotracheal intubation with mechanical respiratory support >48 hours).Results-Twelve of 19 fetuses (63.2%) survived. Among the survivors, 7 (58.3%) had severe respiratory morbidity. The observed/expected total lung volume at the last US examination before birth was significantly associated with perinatal death (P < .01) and respiratory morbidity (P < .01) as well as fetal hydrops (P < .01) and bilateral effusion (P = .01).Conclusions-Fetal total lung volumes may be useful for the prediction of perinatal outcomes in primary pleural effusion.


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The aim of this study was to assess positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)-induced lung overdistension and alveolar recruitment in six patients with acute lung injury (ALI) using a computed tomographic (CT) scan method. Lung overdistension was first determined in six healthy volunteers in whom CT sections were obtained at FRC and at TLC with a positive airway pressure of 30 cm H2O. In patients, lung volumes were quantified by the analysis of the frequency distribution of CT numbers on the entire lung at zero end-expiratory pressure (ZEEP) and PEEP. In healthy volunteers at FRC, the distribution of the density histograms was monophasic with a peak at -791 ± 12 Hounsfield units (HU). The lowest CT number observed was -912 HU. At TLC, lung volume increased by 79 ± 35% and the peak CT number decreased to -886 ± 26 HU. More than 70% of the increase in lung volume was located below -900 HU, suggesting that this value can be considered as the threshold separating normal aeration from overdistension. In patients with ALI, at ZEEP the distribution of density histograms was either monophasic (n = 3) or biphasic (n = 3). The mean CT number was -319 ± 34 HU. At PEEP 13 ± 3 cm H2O, lung volume increased by 47 ± 19% whereas mean CT number decreased to -538 ± 171 HU. PEEP induced a mean alveolar recruitment of 320 ± 160 ml and a mean lung overdistension of 238 ± 320 ml. In conclusion, overdistended lung parenchyma of healthy volunteers is characterized by a CT number below -900 HU. This threshold can be used in patients with ALI for differentiating PEEP-induced alveolar recruitment from lung overdistension.


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Objectives-The purpose of this study was to predict perinatal outcomes using fetal total lung volumes assessed by 3-dimensional ultrasonography (3DUS) in primary pleural effusion. Methods-Between July 2005 and July 2010, total lung volumes were prospectively estimated in fetuses with primary pleural effusion by 3DUS using virtual organ computer-aided analysis software. The first and last US examinations were considered in the analysis. The observed/expected total lung volumes were calculated. Main outcomes were perinatal death (up to 28 days of life) and respiratory morbidity (orotracheal intubation with mechanical respiratory support >48 hours). Results-Twelve of 19 fetuses (63.2%) survived. Among the survivors, 7 (58.3%) had severe respiratory morbidity. The observed/expected total lung volume at the last US examination before birth was significantly associated with perinatal death (P < .01) and respiratory morbidity (P < .01) as well as fetal hydrops (P < .01) and bilateral effusion (P = .01). Conclusions-Fetal total lung volumes may be useful for the prediction of perinatal outcomes in primary pleural effusion.


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BACKGROUND: Morphological changes in preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) have functional consequences on lung volume, ventilation inhomogeneity and respiratory mechanics. Although some studies have shown lower lung volumes and increased ventilation inhomogeneity in BPD infants, conflicting results exist possibly due to differences in sedation and measurement techniques. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We studied 127 infants with BPD, 58 preterm infants without BPD and 239 healthy term-born infants, at a matched post-conceptional age of 44 weeks during quiet natural sleep according to ATS/ERS standards. Lung function parameters measured were functional residual capacity (FRC) and ventilation inhomogeneity by multiple breath washout as well as tidal breathing parameters. Preterm infants with BPD had only marginally lower FRC (21.4 mL/kg) than preterm infants without BPD (23.4 mL/kg) and term-born infants (22.6 mL/kg), though there was no trend with disease severity. They also showed higher respiratory rates and lower ratios of time to peak expiratory flow and expiratory time (t(PTEF)/t(E)) than healthy preterm and term controls. These changes were related to disease severity. No differences were found for ventilation inhomogeneity. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that preterm infants with BPD have a high capacity to maintain functional lung volume during natural sleep. The alterations in breathing pattern with disease severity may reflect presence of adaptive mechanisms to cope with the disease process.


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BACKGROUND The issue of phrenic nerve preservation during pneumonectomy is still an unanswered question. So far, its direct effect on immediate postoperative pulmonary lung function has never been evaluated in a prospective trial. METHODS We conducted a prospective crossover study including 10 patients undergoing pneumonectomy for lung cancer between July 2011 and July 2012. After written informed consent, all consecutive patients who agreed to take part in the study and in whom preservation of the phrenic nerve during operation was possible, were included in the study. Upon completion of lung resection, a catheter was placed in the proximal paraphrenic tissue on the pericardial surface. After an initial phase of recovery of 5 days all patients underwent ultrasonographic assessment of diaphragmatic motion followed by lung function testing with and without induced phrenic nerve palsy. The controlled, temporary paralysis of the ipsilateral hemidiaphragm was achieved by local administration of lidocaine 1% at a rate of 3 mL/h (30 mg/h) via the above-mentioned catheter. RESULTS Temporary phrenic nerve palsy was accomplished in all but 1 patient with suspected catheter dislocation. Spirometry showed a significant decrease in dynamic lung volumes (forced expiratory volume in 1 second and forced vital capacity; p < 0.05) with the paralyzed hemidiaphragm. Blood oxygen saturation levels did not change significantly. CONCLUSIONS Our results show that phrenic nerve palsy causes a significant impairment of dynamic lung volumes during the early postoperative period after pneumonectomy. Therefore, in these already compromised patients, intraoperative phrenic nerve injury should be avoided whenever possible.


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Effects of protein deficiency during the whole period of postnatal development and intensive growth were studied in the rat lung parenchyma. Dams received a low protein diet as follows: early restriction, 8% casein diet from parturition, and delayed restriction, 12% then 8% casein diet from lactation d 8. After weaning (d 21), early restriction and delayed restriction group rats were maintained on the 8% casein diet until d 49, wherefore they were returned to normal food (18% casein) for 11 wk. Lungs were processed for light and electron microscopic morphometry on d 21, 49, and 126. The diffusion capacity of the lung for O2 (DLO2) was also determined from the morphologic parameters. Volume and surface densities of the parenchymal components of malnourished rats did not consistently differ from controls. Because of lower lung volumes, absolute values, including DLO2, were all significantly decreased. Further, although lung volume growth was less impaired than body growth and thus deviated from the normal allometric relationship, most morphometric parameters paralleled body weight changes. Visually, we detected minor morphologic alterations at d 21 and 49, not necessarily reflected by morphometric data. But, importantly, lung parenchyma appeared mature at weaning despite the growth retardation. Normal refeeding resulted in a striking regrowth of the lung parenchyma. Although early restriction rats did not fully catch up in lung volume, most parenchymal parameters and DLO2 were largely restored in both refed groups.


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OBJECTIVES The importance of phrenic nerve preservation during pneumonectomy remains controversial. We previously demonstrated that preservation of the phrenic nerve in the immediate postoperative period preserved lung function by 3-5% but little is known about its long-term effects. We, therefore, decided to investigate the effect of temporary ipsilateral cervical phrenic nerve block on dynamic lung volumes in mid- to long-term pneumonectomy patients. METHODS We investigated 14 patients after a median of 9 years post pneumonectomy (range: 1-15 years). Lung function testing (spirometry) and fluoroscopic and/or sonographic assessment of diaphragmatic motion on the pneumonectomy side were performed before and after ultrasonographic-guided ipsilateral cervical phrenic nerve block by infiltration with lidocaine. RESULTS Ipsilateral phrenic nerve block was successfully achieved in 12 patients (86%). In the remaining 2 patients, diaphragmatic motion was already paradoxical before the nerve block. We found no significant difference on dynamic lung function values (FEV1 'before' 1.39 ± 0.44 vs FEV1 'after' 1.38 ± 0.40; P = 0.81). CONCLUSIONS Induction of a temporary diaphragmatic palsy did not significantly influence dynamic lung volumes in mid- to long-term pneumonectomy patients, suggesting that preservation of the phrenic nerve is of greater importance in the immediate postoperative period after pneumonectomy.


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Apesar da utilização da ventilação mecânica protetora como estratégia para o tratamento da síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo, ao menos um quarto dos pacientes com essa síndrome ainda apresentam redução na função pulmonar após 6 meses de seguimento. Não se sabe se esta redução está relacionada com a gravidade da síndrome ou associada com a forma de ventilar o paciente. Nosso objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar a associação entre alterações funcionais e estruturais do pulmão com parâmetros de gravidade clínica e de ventilação mecânica. Foi realizada uma análise secundária dos dados obtidos em estudo randomizado e controlado que incluiu pacientes com síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo moderada/grave, internados em seis unidades de terapia intensiva em um hospital terciário da cidade de São Paulo. Foram analisados dados de pacientes que tinham ao menos um teste de função pulmonar no seguimento. O teste funcional incluiu a medida da capacidade vital forçada, volumes pulmonares e a capacidade de difusão do monóxido de carbono após 1, 2 e 6 meses de seguimento. Foram considerados variáveis independentes o volume corrente, a pressão de distensão e a pressão positiva ao final da expiração (todos medidos após 24 horas da randomização) e um sistema de classificação de prognóstico (APACHE II), a relação PaO2/FIO2 e a complacência respiratória estática (todos medidos antes da randomização). Também foi realizada tomografia de alta resolução do tórax juntamente com os testes de função pulmonar, e posterior análise quantitativa das imagens. Na avaliação de 6 meses também foi realizado teste de caminhada de 6 minutos e um questionário de qualidade de vida (SF-36). Um total de 21 pacientes realizaram o teste de função pulmonar após 1 mês e 15 pacientes realizaram após 2 e 6 meses de seguimento. A capacidade vital forçada foi relacionada inversamente com a pressão de distensão na avaliação de 1, 2 e 6 meses (p < 0,01). A capacidade de difusão do monóxido de carbono relacionou-se inversamente com a pressão de distensão e com o APACHE II (ambos p < 0,01) na avaliação de 1 e 2 meses. Após 6 meses de seguimento, houve correlação inversa entre a pressão de distensão e a capacidade vital forçada independente do volume corrente, da pressão de platô e da complacência estática respiratória após ajustes (R2 = 0,51, p = 0,02). A pressão de distensão também se relacionou com o volume pulmonar total, a densidade pulmonar media e a porcentagem de volume pulmonar não aerado ou pobremente aerado medidos através da análise quantitativa da tomografia computadorizada de tórax realizada na avaliação de 6 meses. Também foi observada relação entre a qualidade de vida após 6 meses de seguimento e a pressão de distensão considerando o domínio estado geral de saúde. Nós concluímos que mesmo em pacientes ventilados com reduzido volume corrente e pressão de platô limitada, maiores valores de pressão de distensão relacionaram-se com menores valores de função pulmonar no seguimento de longo prazo