828 resultados para Lumbar pain


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We present a case of a 5th Lumbar Vertebra (L5) spinous process osteochondroma as a rare cause of lumbar pain in an old patient. A 70-year-old male presented with progressive and disabling lower lumbar pain. Tenderness over the central and left paraspinal area of the lower lumbar region and a palpable mass were evident. CT scan showed a mass arising from the spinous process of L5. Marginal resection of the tumor was performed through a posterior approach. The histological study revealed an osteochondroma. After surgery, pain was completely relieved. After one year there was no evidence of local recurrence or symptoms. Osteochondromas rarely involve the spine, but when they do symptoms like pain, radiculopathy/myelopathy, or cosmetic deformity may occur. The imagiologic exam of election for diagnosis is CT scan. When symptomatic the treatment of choice is surgical resection. The most concerning complication of osteochondromas is malignant transformation, a rare event.


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Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia del dolor lumbar y su asociación con cinco variables de condición física en 346 trabajadores del área administrativa de una institución educativa en la ciudad de Bogotá, mediante la revisión y análisis de la base de datos de la empresa Ergosourcing Ltda. Métodos: La población de estudio estuvo conformada por los 346 trabajadores a quienes se les practicó evaluación de la condición física por parte de fisioterapeutas especialistas en prescripción de ejercicio, entre Julio y Septiembre de 2008. La variable dependiente fue el Dolor lumbar evaluando la morbilidad sentida, de acuerdo a una escala descriptiva simple de dolor. Las variables independientes fueron índice de masa corporal, adipometría, alineación postural, flexibilidad de Wells y potencia abdominal. Se practicó análisis bivariante y se ajustó un modelo de regresión logística incondicional para determinar la relación entre las variables. Resultados: La prevalencia de dolor lumbar en la población fue del 20,3%. Tras ajustar por todas las variables independientes, se observó asociación con la edad (p 0,007), el tiempo de servicio en el cargo (p 0,03) y el sobrepeso – obesidad, medidos a través de la adipometría (p 0,05). Se halló un riesgo 7 veces mayor entre las personas que tenían sobrepeso y obesidad comparados con los que presentaban peso normal y de 13,4 veces más en personas de 55 años o mayores al tomar como referencia el grupo de menores de 25 años. Conclusiones: se encontró que tienen más riesgo de dolor lumbar los trabajadores del grupo de mayor edad (> 55 años) y con más tiempo de exposición (> 20 años); al determinar sobrepeso y obesidad con la adipometría y no con el IMC, se encontró que si hay asociación significativa con dolor lumbar. Es necesario realizar un estudio en trabajadores con requerimientos físicos mayores y compararlos con los resultados de este estudio. Es de relevancia implementar la búsqueda de pruebas que permitan evaluar la condición física de los trabajadores, establecer su relación con el dolor lumbar y sean predictivas de su aparición.


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Non-specific Occupational Low Back Pain (NOLBP) is a health condition that generates a high absenteeism and disability. Due to multifactorial causes is difficult to determine accurate diagnosis and prognosis. The clinical prediction of NOLBP is identified as a series of models that integrate a multivariate analysis to determine early diagnosis, course, and occupational impact of this health condition. Objective: to identify predictor factors of NOLBP, and the type of material referred to in the scientific evidence and establish the scopes of the prediction. Materials and method: the title search was conducted in the databases PubMed, Science Direct, and Ebsco Springer, between1985 and 2012. The selected articles were classified through a bibliometric analysis allowing to define the most relevant ones. Results: 101 titles met the established criteria, but only 43 metthe purpose of the review. As for NOLBP prediction, the studies varied in relation to the factors for example: diagnosis, transition of lumbar pain from acute to chronic, absenteeism from work, disability and return to work. Conclusion: clinical prediction is considered as a strategic to determine course and prognostic of NOLBP, and to determine the characteristics that increase the risk of chronicity in workers with this health condition. Likewise, clinical prediction rules are tools that aim to facilitate decision making about the evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis and intervention for low back pain, which should incorporate risk factors of physical, psychological and social.


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Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, visando uma análise das condições de trabalho em unidades intensivas de um hospital universitário no município do Rio de Janeiro. Foi definido como objeto de estudo a percepção dos trabalhadores de enfermagem sobre os riscos ocupacionais e os problemas de saúde inerentes às condições de trabalho em unidades intensivas e como problema de pesquisa: quais os riscos ocupacionais e problemas de saúde relacionados às condições de trabalho, percebidos pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem, em unidades intensivas de um hospital universitário? O objetivo geral foi estudar nas unidades intensivas os riscos ocupacionais e problemas de saúde da equipe de enfermagem e sua relação com condições de trabalho, a partir da percepção dos mesmos. Os objetivos específicos traçados foram: identificar as características pessoais e profissionais dos trabalhadores de enfermagem de unidades intensivas; descrever os fatores de risco do ambiente de trabalho percebidos pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem; levantar os problemas de saúde percebidos pelos trabalhadores e sua relação com o trabalho; analisar a associação entre os problemas de saúde percebidos pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem e as condições do trabalho em unidades intensivas. Participaram da pesquisa 125 profissionais de enfermagem de quatro unidades intensivas do Hospital Universitário (HU) entre Maio e Julho de 2009. A predominância foi de profissionais do sexo feminino, com idade acima dos 40 anos, com mais de um vínculo empregatício e trabalhando no HU há mais de 10 anos. Os riscos ocupacionais mais percebidos pelos trabalhadores foram os ergonômicos, seguido dos biológicos, de acidentes, físicos e químicos. Os problemas de saúde mais frequentes foram varizes, problemas oculares, lombalgias, estresse e depressão, transtornos do sono, lesões de coluna vertebral, dores de cabeça, mudanças no humor, dores musculares crônicas e hipertensão arterial. Pela associação entre riscos ocupacionais e problemas de saúde, conclui-se que os trabalhadores expostos a fatores de riscos ergonômicos e físicos têm maior probabilidade de adquirir problemas de saúde osteoarticulares e circulatórios (varizes). Diante dos dados desta pesquisa faz-se necessário aprofundamento da investigação sobre os fatores de riscos encontrados e possíveis medidas para minimizá-los, mediante novos estudos. Como recomendações destacam-se a criação de um espaço de discussão entre os gerentes e trabalhadores para a elaboração de um programa que vise a promoção e proteção da saúde do trabalhador de enfermagem de unidades intensivas; implementação de medidas de controle específicas para cada tipo de risco evidenciado e a criação de um Comitê de Ergonomia para operacionalizar a implementação das melhorias no HU, a fim de consolidar as transformações esperadas.


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Introdução: A lombalgia crónica assume uma elevada prevalência e graves repercussões a nível socioeconómico, sendo inúmeras as abordagens terapêuticas para o seu tratamento e prevenção. Existindo forte evidência da eficácia dos exercícios terapêuticos no seu tratamento, importa saber quais os mais efetivos. Objectivos: Comparar a efetividade de dois programas de exercício terapêutico na endurance do tronco, no controlo lombo-pélvico, na perceção de dor lombar e fadiga, na funcionalidade e na qualidade de vida em mulheres com lombalgia crónica não especifica, cuidadoras de idosos. Métodos: 24 mulheres foram divididas aleatoriamente em três grupos de 8. Durante 6 semanas, um grupo serviu de controlo (GC) e os outros dois grupos realizaram um programa de exercícios: Pilates Clínico (GP) ou exercícios segundo McGill (GM), com os outcomes medidos em ternos de endurance de tronco pelos testes de McGill, controlo lombo-pélvico pelos testes Active Straight Leg Raise e teste de controlo lombo-pélvico segundo McGill, dor lombar pela Numerical Rating Scale, fadiga pela escala de Borg, funcionalidade através do Questionário de Incapacidade de Roland Morris e qualidade de vida através do Questionário de Estado de Saúde (SF36-V2). Resultados: Relativamente à endurance, verificaram-se diferenças entre grupos no rácio flexores/extensores (p=0,005), e no rácio lateroflexores à esquerda/extensores (p=0,027), sendo que o GP apresentou um rácio estatisticamente inferior ao GC em ambos. Não existiram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os 3 grupos no controlo lombo-pélvico, perceção de dor, fadiga e funcionalidade, apesar das melhorias observadas intra-grupos. Relativamente à qualidade de vida, a dimensão saúde em geral aumentou significativamente no GP (p=0,020) e a função social no GM (p=0,045). Conclusão: A implementação dos programas de exercício Pilates Clínico e Exercícios segundo McGill numa amostra de cuidadoras de idosos com lombalgia crónica não especifica, parece ter um efeito positivo quando comparados com os do grupo de controlo sobre a endurance do tronco, controlo lombo-pélvico, perceção de dor lombar e fadiga, funcionalidade e qualidade de vida.


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To investigate the prevalence and factors associated to painful symptomatology in professional ballet dancers. Methodos: An analytical transversal cut study was performed with 141 professional ballet dancers in the main capital cities of the Brazilian Northeast. McGill`s Pain Questionnaire and the Wisconsin Brief Pain Inventory, both validated for Portuguese, were used to assess painful symptomatology. Descriptive statistical analysis of the results was carried out, followed by Student`s t-test and Pearson s correlation with pvalue < 0.05. Results: High pain tolerance levels were observed in 70.2% of the subjects, where the intensity varied from moderate to severe. Pain in the lumbar region was present in 85.8% of the individuals. Positive correlations were verified between the degree of pain intensity and activities how to dance (60,3%), general activities (32,6%), sleep (28,4%), mood (27,7%), march (20,6%) and relations with others (16,3%). Conclusions: High pain prevalence was found in professional ballet dancers in the main capital cities of the northeast, and the most affected area was the lumbar followed by knees, neck, hip and feet, with substantial interference of pain symptoms in several activities of the personal and professional lives of these people


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Before epídural steroids were used in chronic lumbar pain, subarachnoid injection of these agents was the treatment of choice. Although still preconized by some authors, this technique may lead to severe complications with neurological sequelae. This report aimed at describing a case of accidental subarachnoid injection of steroid associated to local anesthetics during epidural puncture to treat lumbar pain. CASE REPORT: Male patient, 46 years old, followed byneuro-surgery for presenting right sciatic pain for 9 month, refractory to clinical treatment due to L 4-L 5 disk protrusion confirmed by CT scan, without neurological deficit. Epidural puncture for pain treatment was performed in L 4-L 5 with 17G needle and 10 mL solution were injected containing 4 mL of 0.25% bupivacaine, 80 mg methylprednisolone and 4 mL of 0.9% saline. Although there has not been CSF reflux, 5 minutes after injection there were sensory block in T 4 and motor block in T 6, associated to blood pressure and heart rate decrease. CONCLUSIONS: Accidental subarachnoid injections with the association of steroids for pain relief may cause adverse effects. There are several risks, varying from mild transient symptoms to nervous injuries, including spinal cord injuries. Our patient had no sequelae from the accidental subarachnoid injection, probably because it has been a single injection.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Psoas muscle abscess is a rare complication of epidural analgesia. The adequate approach to this complication is fundamental for a good resolution. The objective of this report was to discuss the diagnosis and treatment of psoas muscle abscess. CASE REPORT: A female patient, 65 years old, with neuropathic pain in the lower limbs, difficult to control with systemic drugs. The patient was treated with epidural opioid and local anesthetic as an alternate treatment. Twenty days after the continuous epidural administration, the patient complained of lumbar pain, headache, and fever. A CT scan of the pelvis showed an abscess of the psoas muscle, thus, closed drainage and antibiotics were indicated. CONCLUSIONS: An adequate, continuous supervision of the patient is necessary when an epidural catheter is placed, and it should continue after its removal. © Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2007.


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Relata-se um caso de um paciente com queixa principal de dor lombar à esquerda, portador de angiomiolipomas renais (AMLRs) bilaterais, com a lesão mais volumosa de 6,2 cm em seu maior diâmetro, submetido a tratamento endovascular por embolização arterial superseletiva com microesferas. Os AMLRs são tumores benignos raros. A maioria é esporádica, enquanto uma minoria está associada à Esclerose Tuberosa Complexa (ETC). Os AMLRs maiores do que 4 cm devem ser tratados devido ao maior risco de complicações, principalmente hemorrágicas. A embolização arterial seletiva (EAS) é um tratamento efetivo e seguro para os AMLRs.


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Fisioterapia


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia


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Objective To analyze the ability to discriminate between healthy individuals and individuals with chronic nonspecific low back pain (CNLBP) by measuring the relation between patient-reported outcomes and objective clinical outcome measures of the erector spinae (ES) muscles using an ultrasound during maximal isometric lumbar extension. Design Cross-sectional study with screening and diagnostic tests with no blinded comparison. Setting University laboratory. Participants Healthy individuals (n=33) and individuals with CNLBP (n=33). Interventions Each subject performed an isometric lumbar extension. With the variables measured, a discriminate analysis was performed using a value ≥6 in the Roland and Morris disability questionnaire (RMDQ) as the grouping variable. Then, a logistic regression with the functional and architectural variables was performed. A new index was obtained from each subject value input in the discriminate multivariate analysis. Main Outcome Measures Morphologic muscle variables of the ES muscle were measured through ultrasound images. The reliability of the measures was calculated through intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). The relation between patient-reported outcomes and objective clinical outcome measures was analyzed using a discriminate function from standardized values of the variables and an analysis of the reliability of the ultrasound measurement. Results The reliability tests show an ICC value >.95 for morphologic and functional variables. The independent variables included in the analysis explained 42% (P=.003) of the dependent variable variance. Conclusions The relation between objective variables (electromyography, thickness, pennation angle) and a subjective variable (RMDQ ≥6) and the capacity of this relation to identify CNLBP within a group of healthy subjects is moderate. These results should be considered by clinicians when treating this type of patient in clinical practice.


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BACKGROUND CONTEXT: The relationships between obesity and low back pain (LBP) and lumbar disc degeneration (LDD) remain unclear. It is possible that familial factors, including genetics and early environment, affect these relationships.PURPOSE: To investigate the relationship between obesity-related measures (eg, weight, body mass index [BMI]) and LBP and LDD using twin studies, where the effect of genetics and early environment can be controlled.STUDY DESIGN: A systematic review with meta-analysis.METHODS: MEDLINE, CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science, and EMBASE databases were searched from the earliest records to August 2014. All cross-sectional and longitudinal observational twin studies identified by the search strategy were considered for inclusion. Two investigators independently assessed the eligibility, conducted the quality assessment, and extracted the data. Metaanalyses (fixed or random effects, as appropriate) were used to pool studies'estimates of association.RESULTS: In total, 11 articles met the inclusion criteria. Five studies were included in the LBP analysis and seven in the LDD analysis. For the LBP analysis, pooling of the five studies showed that the risk of having LBP for individuals with the highest levels of BMI or weight was almost twice that of people with a lower BMI (odds ratio [OR] 1.8; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.6-2.0; I-2 = 0%). A dose-response relationship was also identified. When genetics and the effects of a shared early environment were adjusted for using a within-pair twin case-control analysis, pooling of three studies showed a reduced but statistically positive association between obesity and prevalence of LBP (OR 1.5; 95% CI 1.1-2.1; I-2 = 0%). However, the association was further diminished and not significant (OR 1.4; 95% CI 0.8-2.3; I-2 = 0%) when pooling included two studies on monozygotic twin pairs only. Seven studies met the inclusion criteria for LDD. When familial factors were not controlled for, body weight was positively associated with LDD in all five cross-sectional studies. Only two cross-sectional studies investigated the relationship between obesity-related measures and LDD accounting for familial factors, and the results were conflicting. One longitudinal study in LBP and three longitudinal studies in LDD found no increase in risk in obese individuals, whether or not familial factors were controlled for.CONCLUSIONS: Findings from this review suggest that genetics and early environment are possible mechanisms underlying the relationship between obesity and LBP; however, a direct causal link between these conditions appears to be weak. Further longitudinal studies using the twin design are needed to better understand the complex mechanisms underlying the associations between obesity, LBP, and LDD.


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In this exploratory study we evaluated sensitivity and target specificity of sinuvertebral nerve block (SVNB) for the diagnosis of lumbar diskogenic pain. Diskography has been the diagnostic gold standard. Fifteen patients with positive diskography underwent SVNB via interlaminar approach to the posterior aspect of the disk. Success was defined as > or = 80% pain reduction or excellent relief of physical restrictions after the block. The sensitivity was 73.3% (95% CI: 50.9%-95.7%). The target specificity was 40% (15.2%-64.8%). The results indicate that SVNB cannot yet replace diskography but encourage future studies to improve its target specificity.