965 resultados para Luís da Câmara Cascudo


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A city is made not only to streets, sidewalks, buildings, bridges and viaducts. The city is also built by layers of sediment from the past that blend with layers of sediments present. The city's it's art, it's sociability is written. The aim of this study is to analyze how Mossoró historiographically the narrative is built by Luís da Câmara Cascudo. With this objective, we divide the work into three chapters. At first, we investigate the investment that the prefecture of the Mossoró city at the beginning of the forties, under the administration of Dix-sept Rosado, held for the construction of what would be the city's culture. A culture that was linked to the creation of a library, a museum, a university, the completion of several lectures on the themes of the city, and writing the history of Mossoró. The second chapter discusses the historical conditions of possibility that made Luís da Câmara Cascudo of the town historian. In the last chapter, we show how Mossoró was built by Cascudo from the specific analysis of the book Notas e Documentos para a história de Mossoró (1955). We discuss the conditions for its emergence, examining the interplay of interests that enabled its production


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In 1956, Luís da Câmara Cascudo published his book Geografia do Brasil Holandês. In this book, he studied and described a space - the Dutch Brazil - from a geographical and historical perspective. To do this, he articulated both perspectives from the point of view of his own reading of the History of Nordeste , establishing a dialogue with the historiographical tradition of the study of the Dutch Brazil in Pernambuco. When portraying the Dutch presence in Nordeste, Cascudo articulated a drama in which the Dutch would have their history described as a typically tragic plot, portrayed as if they were already condemned to failure in advance. To this tragedy he opposed a predominantly comic Portuguese plot, as if the Portuguese victory over the Dutch was as desirable as inevitable for the space of Nordeste . When narrating the clash between the Dutch and the Portuguese for the space of Nordeste , however, Cascudo ended up delineating his own place of speech, as a spokesperson for the identity of the potiguar space in opposition to the pernabucano space described by Freyre and Gonsalves de Mello. In this way, the space of Rio Grande do Norte would have its own identity, constructed from de Dutch absence and constituted from the Portuguese legacy contrarily to the space of Pernambuco, narrated from an articulation and a conciliation of the Flemish and Lusitan legacy, even though highlighting the latter. While the Dutch would had been a constant presence in the history of Pernambuco for Freyre and Gonsalves de Mello, they wouldn t have gone beyond legend in the space of Rio Grande do Norte, removed from its geography and erased from its history. When describing de geography of the potiguar space, therefore, Cascudo articulates the inexistence of the History of a time dominated by the Fleming with the search of a Portuguese space, trough the narration of its origins and constitution, as well as the registry of the characteristics of its legacy


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Presenting a reading of prefaces written by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, related to literary and non-literary books from the early 20TH century (1921-1984), is the goal of this thesis. Considering the word in its meaning: "Latin praefatio, the action of speaking in the commencement. Synonym for 'prologue ', in the sense of text that precedes or introduces a work" (MOISÉS, 1999, p.416). In this research, a preface is understood as the text written and published with the intent to provide information to facilitate reading and/or understanding of the work to which it refers, regardless it is set at initial pages, when it is named as „prolog‟, „letter to the reader‟, „proem‟, „prelude‟, „preamble, forewords, summary, etc., or when only appears in the last pages of the book and turns to be named as „afterword‟. It is a qualitative research, with a bibliographic and interpretive feature, considering that part of the analysis of texts employs the inductive method, focuses on the depth of understanding that the researcher has on the researched object. For the study of this genre we recourse to Sales (2003), Teles (1986; 1989; 2010), Clemente (1986) and Candido (2005); as for the notion of tradition, we resort to Eliot (1997) and Candido (1997; 1980). The set of prefaces is a wide material for research that will allow scholars of Brazilian culture to continue work started by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, still in 1921, when he started his career as a prefacer.


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Presenting a reading of prefaces written by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, related to literary and non-literary books from the early 20TH century (1921-1984), is the goal of this thesis. Considering the word in its meaning: "Latin praefatio, the action of speaking in the commencement. Synonym for 'prologue ', in the sense of text that precedes or introduces a work" (MOISÉS, 1999, p.416). In this research, a preface is understood as the text written and published with the intent to provide information to facilitate reading and/or understanding of the work to which it refers, regardless it is set at initial pages, when it is named as „prolog‟, „letter to the reader‟, „proem‟, „prelude‟, „preamble, forewords, summary, etc., or when only appears in the last pages of the book and turns to be named as „afterword‟. It is a qualitative research, with a bibliographic and interpretive feature, considering that part of the analysis of texts employs the inductive method, focuses on the depth of understanding that the researcher has on the researched object. For the study of this genre we recourse to Sales (2003), Teles (1986; 1989; 2010), Clemente (1986) and Candido (2005); as for the notion of tradition, we resort to Eliot (1997) and Candido (1997; 1980). The set of prefaces is a wide material for research that will allow scholars of Brazilian culture to continue work started by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, still in 1921, when he started his career as a prefacer.


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The objective of this work is to problematize a strong identification of Luís da Câmara Cascudo (1898-1986), a norte-riograndense author, to the city of Natal, analyzing the constitution of a spaciality that takes this author as this city s intellectual exponent and cultural monument, which I name as Natal cascudiana. In this sense, I investigate the process of Câmara Cascudo s monumentalization by the city of Natal, questioning the way his life has been articulated to the site of his production. Bearing this in mind, I have structured the work in three parts: on the first one, I examine the emerging of this identity relationship considering the intellectual formation of young Cascudinho and the beginnings of his literary activities, verifying the reasons that led him to remain in Natal; on the second part I investigate his appointment as Natal s historian in 1948, discussing the ways through which this intellectual function institutionalized the works of Cascudo and conferred the city with a historical knowledge of itself; and finally, I analyze the constitution of a city memory regarding Cascudo, that has transformed him into spatial marks and urban toponym: names of streets, museum, library, bookstores etc. On these terms, I deal with the biographic gender to achieve a history of the city s spaces, problematizing the monumentalization of Cascudo in Natal, interrogating the emerging of this Natal cascudiana


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The present work makes some comments on the scattered productions of Gilberto Freyre and Luís da Câmara Cascudo, in the period which includes the early years of their intellectual performance, the second decade of the twentieth century. The corpus of the research is delimited on the texts published by Gilberto Freyre, from 1918 to 1926, which were gathered in the book Tempo de aprendiz (1979), and from the ones published by Câmara Cascudo in Natal local newpapers, such as A Imprensa and A República, in 1924, 1927, 1928 and 1929. Concerning Câmara Cascudo s texts, the delimitations of these years is due to they had a relevant importance for the literary and cultural history of Rio Grande do Norte. The included discussions in these writers texts mainly happen around the modernist and regionalist ideas that happened restrictively in the Northeast region of Brazil, and are based on the relationships between literature and culture. Thus, the set of collaborations of both writers is useful as a sample of the intellectual thinking of the mentioned region. Besides, it is representative in the way the cultural debate got along in the country, which in turn, demanded the inclusion of the local realities in order to follow the renewing process of the worldwide thinking, and as matter of fact, arrange a new process in the Brazilian literary tradition. In this way, the study goals to set the positions taken by the two writers faced to the new challenges that the Brazilian reality of that moment was imposed on. The theoretical basis of this work is focused on the accumulated studies about the Brazilians modernism, regionalism and literature, pointing out the Candido s texts, (2006, 2004, 2002, 1995, 1993 and 1989), Schwarz s (1999, 1997a and 1997b), Perrone- Moysés s (2007), Pallares-Burque s (2005), Azevedo s(1996), D Andrea s (1992), Araújo s (2006, 1998, 1997 and 1995), among other authors. Therefore, It is relevant the participation of both writers in that moment which highlights the renewing of the national thinking and the formation of the Brazilian cultural modernity, even the positions taken by them reveal, at times, different views concerning literature and tradition without being disagreeing, however


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Assuming that the subject is a draft work in permanent invention, the biographical texts, memories written by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, between 1967 and 1969 were read as part of a discursive strategy created by the potiguar memorialist regarding the construction of a self-image profoundly connected to the space of his house, which decisively collaborated so that the province teacher and researcher after announcing his official retirement in 1968 was revered in the city where he had been born, grown up and lived throughout his whole life and considered as the prophet of his own country (or rather, as the literary patron of Natal). Our work begins with some reading about the manner as the potiguar memorialist selected, ordered and spatialized his childhood memories. In the following chapter, we problematized the meanings assigned by Câmara Cascudo to his house in Tirol - where the young prince Cascudinho (little Cascudo) used to live - transformed into the neighborhood principality. It finishes with memories from the retired old man with the purpose of making us think about the sacredness process master Cascudo s house has gone through. The space where he had lived for almost forty years of his life and produced a great part of his works, was elected as a monument in his memory, as his own incarnation, as guarantee of his eternity and perenniality, as a sanctuary and place of worship and have been kept by the actions that, still nowadays, institutionalize it as his sacred space


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This dissertation addresses the work of the memoirs of the potiguar writer Luís da Câmara Cascudo (1898 - 1986) from an integrated reading of four works that comprise: O Tempo e Eu (1968), Pequeno Manual do Doente Aprendiz (1969), Na Ronda do Tempo (1971) and Ontem (1972). Produced under the contingency of the modern movement and urban reform, memories Cascudo evoke the old landscapes of old, populated by those who belonged to the old romantic and provincial Natal that no longer exists, but which still survives in the idealized memory author and that is (re)constructed by him from a written permeated with touches of imagination and a sense of nostalgia. Seeking to analyze how is the process of building memoirist of Cascudo, as well as reflect on the role that memory plays in the (re)construction of a time and a lost space, we used the studies of Maurice Halbwachs (2006) and Ecléa Bosi (1994). Within this theoretical framework, we seek, above all, to understand not only how the lived experiences of Cascudo will work in this matter of his memory, but also as this will guide a writing that touches on the history and social frameworks of the past


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A importância de Luís da Câmara Cascudo é reconhecida pela sua contribuição nas várias áreas do conhecimento, bem como pelas diversas instituições homenageadas com o seu nome, incluindo a biblioteca pública Câmara Cascudo de Natal/RN, a maior biblioteca pública do Estado e que, atualmente, encontra-se fechada em um longo processo de reforma, deixando toda uma comunidade órfã das práticas de inclusão social e exercício da cidadania. Busca-se demonstrar com a presente revisão literária a relevância sociocultural dessa biblioteca para a cidade, observando os problemas decorrentes de seu fechamento, visto que a biblioteca pública é a única instituição social de acesso livre ao conhecimento com a intenção de diminuir as desigualdades existentes na comunidade, oferecendo serviços condizentes com a realidade local. Diante desse panorama, objetiva-se, por fim, que o Plano Municipal do Livro, da Leitura, da Literatura e das Bibliotecas de Natal, criado com o intuito de desenvolver ações referentes à mobilização social e hábitos de leituras, destine recursos para sua reabertura, fazendo com que a biblioteca pública Câmara Cascudo, volte a ser referência no Estado como disseminadora de informação e agente transformador da sociedade.


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This piece of research aims to address the issue on the construction and reconstruction of Câmara Cascudo´s discursive representations in Mário de Andrade´s discourse. In order to describe, analyze and interpret these representations, we recur to some semantic categories from the Discourse Textual Analysis (DTA) by articulating them with other categories, notably, Grize´s Logic (1996,1997), Text Linguistics and Semantics. Therefore, the purpose is to analyze how these representations are constructed discursively, in written letters, by means of semantic categories such as referentiation, predication, modification, connection and spatial and temporal locations. In the theoretical foundation, proposals of Textual Analysis of Discourses, conceived by the linguist Jean-Michel Adam (1990, 2008a, 2011a), Text Linguistics, Semantics and Logic, focusing, especially, on the phenomenon of discursive representations, are articulated. The research approach is of qualitative nature supported by some quantitative data (OLIVEIRA, 2012); option which makes the analysis richer and comprehensive. As a hypothesis, it is presented the fact that these categories used by Mário de Andrade, in his discourse, do not only enable the (re)construction of the interlocutor´s images, discursively constructed, but they also provide a multiplicity of information and viewpoints about the RN writer´s personality. The study corpus is constituted of 20 texts written by Mário de Andrade and sent to Câmara Cascudo between 1924 and 1944, of which 35 fragments were selected and analyzed. However, it can be verified that, in the analyzed corpus, a set of discursive representations is constructed for Câmara Cascudo, from semantic categories proposed for analysis and used in Mário de Andrade´s discourse. These categories enable to construct and reconstruct the representations that emerge in the texts. Therefore, the analysis points out the construction of a set of different representations, highlighting the representation of the writer, the intellectual and the friend.


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This work was developed from the research field in the Museu Câmara Cascudo (MCC) and the theoretical research in Museum Studies, enlarging the idea of museum while ambience of culture. We believe that the MCC, located in the city of Natal RN, is a relevant sociocultural institution because it is a university museum, because it was created two years after the foundation of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, and because it develops researches and studies about man on his physical and cultural aspects. Thus, this work is made up by a reflection on the transient and mobile aspect of culture living culture to understand the role of the museum in contemporary society. The MCC analysis, including its history, its functioning, its main activities, and its expositions, illustrates one part of our investigation. The other part is composed by theoretical consideration made from the reading of authors such as Bauman, Lévi-Strauss, Morin, Kristeva, Foucault, Le Goff, among others


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Specific educational material production for a group of level IV – 8th and 9th years of Youth and Adults Education, having as starting point the reading of a series of letter of correspondence between Câmara Cascudo and Mário de Andrade in the 1920s, and the verification of the way the dialog between the two authors reveals elements that transpire themselves in the tale entitled “Piá não sofre? Sofre”, from the book Os contos de Belazarte, de Mário de Andrade. The educational material production was preceded by the analysis of the selected tale, which will be studied along with some of the letters, in an analysis of the textual, discursive and semantic features of the text in representation of these both genres: letter and tale. The selected tale was written between 1923 and 1926, dates close to the years when the author came by Rio Grande do Norte state, in the years from 1927 to 1929, accompanied by Câmara Cascudo, being also this period that there are records of letters in the set of correspondence between them. To the reading of the selected material, it was used theoretical references from literature and literary historiography, especially the history of Brazilian modernist movement. To the production of the educational material, it was chosen as theoretical reference the accumulated knowledge in the area of literature teaching, literacy and the recommendations of the Brazilian National Curriculum Parameters. The methodology in this study was constructed from the theoretical references and had as basic support the study of didactic sequences from which a specific thematic unit got its shape from, required by the analyzed material and tested in a classroom.


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Specific educational material production for a group of level IV – 8th and 9th years of Youth and Adults Education, having as starting point the reading of a series of letter of correspondence between Câmara Cascudo and Mário de Andrade in the 1920s, and the verification of the way the dialog between the two authors reveals elements that transpire themselves in the tale entitled “Piá não sofre? Sofre”, from the book Os contos de Belazarte, de Mário de Andrade. The educational material production was preceded by the analysis of the selected tale, which will be studied along with some of the letters, in an analysis of the textual, discursive and semantic features of the text in representation of these both genres: letter and tale. The selected tale was written between 1923 and 1926, dates close to the years when the author came by Rio Grande do Norte state, in the years from 1927 to 1929, accompanied by Câmara Cascudo, being also this period that there are records of letters in the set of correspondence between them. To the reading of the selected material, it was used theoretical references from literature and literary historiography, especially the history of Brazilian modernist movement. To the production of the educational material, it was chosen as theoretical reference the accumulated knowledge in the area of literature teaching, literacy and the recommendations of the Brazilian National Curriculum Parameters. The methodology in this study was constructed from the theoretical references and had as basic support the study of didactic sequences from which a specific thematic unit got its shape from, required by the analyzed material and tested in a classroom.