987 resultados para Lowermost Miocene
A charophyte succession has been established in nineteen sections and eight isolated outcrops from the Ebro Basin, ranging from the Priabonian ro the Aquitanian. Most assemblages were recovered fmm continuous sections and their abundance and diversity allow to define a new zonal scheme for the Upper Eocene-Lower Miocene of Europe. The new zonation includes nine subdivisions, based on the distribution of thirty-two species and directly correlated with the mammal standard levels. Changes in diversity, occurring mainly in the Middle and Upper Oligocene, have been related to climatíc variations. A new species, Chara sp. A. is also described and figured.
Completion of studies on material collected during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199 at Site 1220 in the equatorial Pacific allows calibration of the ranges of >35 stratigraphically important diatoms to paleomagnetic stratigraphy for the Oligocene and earliest Miocene (~33.5-21.5 Ma). The taxonomy of these taxa is reviewed, and age estimates of their first and last occurrences are compiled. The diatom zonation for the Oligocene and earliest Miocene of the equatorial Pacific is revised and correlated with paleomagnetic stratigraphy. This biostratigraphy is likely to be applicable throughout the low-latitude regions of the world's oceans.
We present a revised calibration of Sr isotopes to the geomagnetic polarity timescale (GPTS) using closely spaced (~0.15 m.y. resolution) samples from the classic uppermost Eocene through lowermost Miocene section at Site 522, eastern South Atlantic. The Sr isotopic data are fit with two linear segments with a sharp change in slope at circa 27.5 Ma from 0.000038/m.y. (27.5 to 34.4 Ma) to 0.000051/m.y. (23.8 to 27.5 Ma). Regression analysis indicates that stratigraphic resolution ranges from ±1 m.y. (for one analysis) to ±0.6 m.y. (for three analyses) for the younger interval and ±1.2 m.y. (for one analysis) to ±0.7 m.y. (for three analyses) for the older interval, representing an increase in resolution from previous studies of ±1-2 m.y. The paleoceanographic significance of this change in slope is unclear. It occurs during an interval of intermittent Antarctic glaciation, between the Oi2a and Oi2b glaciations. The subsequent interval from circa 27 to 24 Ma appears to be an interval of minimal glaciation. Thus this observation does not support previous suggestions that increases in rates of Sr isotopic change are directly associated with the frequency of Antarctic glaciations. Rather, the increase in slope may be related to increased weathering associated with the "mid-Oligocene" glaciation.
The distribution of calcareous nannofossils is documented for the middle Eocene through lowermost Miocene cores from Ocean Drilling Program Holes 699A and 703A in the subantarctic South Atlantic. The detailed nannofossil biostratigraphies established, in combination with published magnetostratigraphic data, have provided a fairly detailed age model for each hole. This study suggests that the middle Eocene through lowermost Miocene section from Hole 699A is virtually complete. A major hiatus has been identified in Hole 703A in the earliest Oligocene, coincident with n abrupt cooling in the Southern Ocean. Comparison of the nannofossil datum ages calibrated with magnetostratigraphy in the two holes with those from mid and southern high latitudes demonstrates synchroneity or diachroneity for the following nannofossil datums: (1) The last occurrence (LO) of Reticulofenestra bisecta is a consistent and reliable biostratigraphic marker for the Oligocene/Miocene boundary from mid- to high latitudes but not in extreme high latitudes; (2) similarly, the LO of Chiasmolithus altus has a consistent age of about 26.8 Ma in the Southern Ocean except in the extreme high latitudes where the datum appears to be substantially younger; (3) the LO of Reticulofenestra umbilica is about 32.9 Ma in the Southern Ocean; (4) the LO of Isthmolithus recurvus is reliable and consistent from mid through high latitudes and correlates with the lower part of Subchron C12R (~34.4 Ma); (5) the LO of Reticulofenestra oamaruensis has a consistent age of 36.0 Ma at all four Southern Ocean sites that have yielded a lower Oligocene magnetostratigraphy; (6) the first occurrence (FO) of R. oamaruensis is at 38.4 Ma in the Southern Ocean; and (7) the FO of I. recurvus shows some age variations from mid to high latitudes and the age range is 38.5-39.0 Ma at the five Southern Ocean sites.
This is the first report on Dinoflagellata from lowermost Miocene beds in Portugal (Tagus basin, Lisbon region, exposure at Benfica). Some general data about Dinoflagellata are presented. Descriptions are provided for some forms: Gonyaulacysta tenuitabulata, Spiniferites ramosus, Achomosphaera sp., Hystrichokolpoma rigaudae, Homotriblium cf. pallidum, Cordosphaeridium sp, and Lingulodinium machaerophorum. Lithostratigraphical study of an important section along Circular highway at Benfica has shown that there is a hitherto unknown sedimentary cycle in Lisbon's lowermost Miocene (upper Oligocene?). Pollen and Ostracoda point out to an Lower Aquitanian or even Upper Chattian age for the first Neogene marine transgression in Portugal, previously considered as Upper Aquitanian or Lower Burdigalian.
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 114 recovered nannofossil-bearing sediments from seven sites in the high latitudes of the South Atlantic Ocean. Cretaceous sections were recovered from Sites 698 and 700, located on the Northeast Georgia Rise and its lower flanks, respectively. These contain distinctive high-latitude nannofossil floras similar to those from high-latitude areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Most of the biostratigraphic datums used to date the upper Campanian to Maestrichtian interval appear to lie at approximately the same level in both hemispheres. The FAD of Nephrolithus frequens is confirmed to be diachronous with an earlier occurrence in high latitudes. The LAD of Monomarginatus primus n. sp. also appears to be diachronous with a later LAD in the high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. Fossiliferous Paleocene to lowermost Miocene sediments were recovered at all seven sites, from the Northeast Georgia Rise in the west to the Meteor Rise in the east. These nannofossil floras, although restricted in diversity and only poorly preserved, are sufficiently distinctive to allow the recognition of 19 zones and three subzones, which are used to date and correlate the cores recovered. Only Site 704 on the Meteor Rise yielded a substantial section of Miocene to Quaternary nannofossil-rich sediments. The nannofossil floras of this section are of very low diversity, with usually fewer than eight species present. Some stratigraphic ranges of important biostratigraphic datum species are observed to be different in the high-latitude sections from those recorded from low-latitude areas. The LAD of Reticulofenestra bisecta, when calibrated by magnetostratigraphy, appears to occur earlier in Hole 699A (within Chron C6CR) than in Hole 703A and possibly Hole 704B and in other published accounts of lower latitude sites in the South Atlantic. The FAD of Nannotetrina fulgens/N. cristata appears to occur later in Hole 702B (Chron C20R) than it does in other published accounts of lower latitude sites in the South Atlantic. Diachroneity is also suspected in the stratigraphic ranges of Chiasmolithus solitus and Chiasmolithus oamaruensis, although poor magnetostratigraphic results through the critical interval prevent confirmation of this. Differences in the relative stratigraphic ranges of lsthmolithus recurvus and Cribrocentrum coenurumlC. reticulatum at Sites 699 and 703 are noted. These possibly suggest warmer surface waters on the eastern side (Site 703) of the middle to late Eocene South Atlantic than those on the western side (Site 699). The diversities of the nannofossil floras and the presence of the warm-water genera Discoaster, Sphenolithus, Helicosphaera, and Amaurolithus reflect the changing surface water temperatures throughout the Cenozoic. Warmer periods are inferred for the late Paleocene to early middle Eocene, late middle Eocene to late Eocene, latest Oligocene to earliest Miocene, and possibly the Pliocene. Colder periods are inferred for the middle Eocene, most of the Oligocene, and the Miocene. Dramatic changes in the nannofossil floras of the Pleistocene of Site 704 are thought to reflect a rapidly changing environment. Monomarginatus primus, a new species from the Upper Cretaceous strata of Hole 700B, is described.
Dinoflagellate cysts, pollen, and spores were studied from 78 samples of the Eocene to Miocene section of ODP Site 643 at the outer Wring Plateau. Dinoflagellate cysts ranging from less than 1,000 to rarely over 30,000 per gram of sediment in the Paleogene, and generally between 50,000 and 100,000 in the Miocene were present. The shift to conspicuously higher cyst frequencies takes place in the lowermost Miocene section and appears to reflect increased cyst recruitment rather than a change in sedimentation rate. Of the 179 dinoflagellate cyst forms whose ranges were recorded, 129 are known species. Fifteen assemblage zones have been recognized, although the upper Eocene is missing and no substantial lower Eocene was recorded at Site 643. Norwegian Sea and Rockall Plateau zonations were compared with this study. Detailed correlation with existing onshore section zonations was difficult because key zonal species are inadequately represented; however, the middle to upper Miocene zonation established for Denmark is applicable. Pollen and spores occur with relatively low frequencies, and palynodebris is generally absent, in contrast to the observations from DSDP Leg 38. Thirty-nine samples from Eocene to Miocene sediments at Site 642 were studied and correlated with Site 643. A lower Eocene cyst assemblage present in Hole 642D is older than the questionably lower Eocene assemblage from Site 643. Site 642 has a lower Eocene to lower Miocene hiatus.
Leg 101 of the Ocean Drilling Program recovered a large volume of Neogene sediments from sites in the Straits of Florida, Little Bahama Bank, and Exuma Sound. In varying amounts, shallow-water, platform-derived carbonate debris is nearly ubiquitous. Reworked planktonic foraminifers are common, especially in the Pliocene-Pleistocene. At Site 626 in the Straits of Florida, a sequence of Holocene to upper Oligocene sediments was recovered. The greatest Neogene hiatus at this site spans the latest Miocene through Pliocene. Below this, several minor hiatuses are present in a generally conformable sequence. From the Little Bahama Bank transect (Sites 627, 628, and 630), a nearly complete composite Neogene section was sampled. At Site 627, a major unconformity separates lowermost Miocene sediments from middle to upper Eocene sediments. A second major unconformity occurs at Site 628. Here, middle Miocene sediments lie above uppermost Oligocene deposits. Sites 632, 633, and 631 in Exuma Sound all bottomed in a thick, lower Pliocene section. The mid-Pliocene is very thin at Sites 633 and 631, while it is better represented at Site 632. Major unconformities at Sites 627 and 628 appear to correlate with periods of elevated sea level, which suggests that carbonate platform shedding may be greatest during this part of the sea-level cycles. One of the salient features of the Bahamas is the lack of any systematic temporal distribution of hiatuses. Only a brief hiatus in the late Pliocene may be regional. It appears that local platform-shedding events were of equal or greater importance in developing the stratigraphy of the Bahamas than regional or eustatic events.
As a continuation of the Japan Trench transect commenced by DSDP Leg 56, 10 holes were drilled and 273 cores were recovered while occupying Sites 438, 439, 440, and 441 during Leg 57. At Sites 438 and 439, near the top of the trench inner wall, a principal biostratigraphic objective was to establish a Neogene reference section overlying a pronounced acoustic basement thought to represent continental crust extending outward to this slope environment. At Sites 440 and 441, prime objectives were to distinguish, if present, admixtures of accreted oceanic and non-accreted slope materials, and to recognize repeated or missing sections resulting from the accretionary process. This report summarizes the nannofossil biostratigraphy of the upper lower Miocene to Pleistocene sequences of Leg 57 cores. Insufficient occurrences in the lowermost Miocene, presumed upper Oligocene, and upper Cretaceous sequences at Sites 438 and 439 precluded age determinations for these intervals based on nannoliths. All but a few samples from Site 441 were barren, and in general Leg 57 nannofossil assemblages were too modified by dissolution and diagenesis to permit meaningful paleoclimatologic or paleobiogeographic conclusions to be drawn.
A diatom biostratigraphy is presented for middle Miocene through Quaternary sediments recovered from the Chatham Rise east of New Zealand's South Island. The upper 590 m of the 639.5-m composite-section Site 594 represents approximately 16 m.y. and is characterized by moderately to very poorly preserved diatoms of antarctic to temperate affinity. Pliocene through Quaternary assemblages are poorly preserved and dominated by antarctic-subantarctic species which provide detailed biostratigraphic control. Recognized are 11 of 14 zones of the middle upper Miocene to Quaternary Neogene Southern Ocean diatom zonation (NSD 7-NSD 20) of Ciesielski (1983; this chapter). Four Neogene Southern Ocean diatom zones (NSD 3-NSD 6) are recognized in the lower middle Miocene to middle upper Miocene of Site 594. Assemblages of this interval have a mixed high-latitude and temperate affinity; however, poor preservation limits correlation to high- and temperate-latitude zonal schemes. Neogene North Pacific diatom zones and subzones of NNPD 3 through NNPD 5 (Barron, in press, b) are correlated to Neogene Southern Ocean diatom zones NSD 3 through NSD 7: the upper portions of the Actinocyclus ingens Zone (NNPD 3) is correlative to the upper Nitzschia maleinterpretaria Zone (NSD 3); the Denticulopsis lauta Zone (NNPD 4) and Subzones a and b are correlative to the lower Coscinodiscus lewisianus Zone (NSD 4); and the D. hustedtü-D. lauta Zone (NNPD 5) and its Subzones a through d encompass the upper C. lewisianus Zone (NSD 4), N. grossepunctata Zone (NSD 5), N. denticuloides Zone (NSD 6), and the lower D. hustedtii-D. lauta Zone (NSD 7). A major disconformity spans the late Gilbert to early Gauss Chron (3.9-2.8 Ma). A second disconformity brackets the Miocene/Pliocene boundary; the section missing covers late Chron 5 and the early Gilbert chron (5.5-4.6 Ma). The remainder of the siliceous-fossil-bearing Miocene sediments at Site 594 appear to be correlative to lower paleomagnetic Chronozone 5 through upper Chronozone 16. Uppermost lower Miocene or lowermost middle Miocene sediments in the basal 50 m of Hole 594A are barren of diatoms.
We present a detailed palaeoclimate analysis of the Middle Miocene (uppermost Badenian-lowermost Sarmatian) Schrotzburg locality in S Germany, based on the fossil macro- and micro-flora, using four different methods for the estimation of palaeoclimate parameters: the coexistence approach (CA), leaf margin analysis (LMA), the Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP), as well as a recently developed multivariate leaf physiognomic approach based on an European calibration dataset (ELPA). Considering results of all methods used, the following palaeoclimate estimates seem to be most likely: mean annual temperature ~15-16°C (MAT), coldest month mean temperature ~7°C (CMMT), warmest month mean temperature between 25 and 26°C, and mean annual precipiation ~1,300 mm, although CMMT values may have been colder as indicated by the disappearance of the crocodile Diplocynodon and the temperature thresholds derived from modern alligators. For most palaeoclimatic parameters, estimates derived by CLAMP significantly differ from those derived by most other methods. With respect to the consistency of the results obtained by CA, LMA and ELPA, it is suggested that for the Schrotzburg locality CLAMP is probably less reliable than most other methods. A possible explanation may be attributed to the correlation between leaf physiognomy and climate as represented by the CLAMP calibration data set which is largely based on extant floras from N America and E Asia and which may be not suitable for application to the European Neogene. All physiognomic methods used here were affected by taphonomic biasses. Especially the number of taxa had a great influence on the reliability of the palaeoclimate estimates. Both multivariate leaf physiognomic approaches are less influenced by such biasses than the univariate LMA. In combination with previously published results from the European and Asian Neogene, our data suggest that during the Neogene in Eurasia CLAMP may produce temperature estimates, which are systematically too cold as compared to other evidence. This pattern, however, has to be further investigated using additional palaeofloras.