985 resultados para Low impedance


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"Prepared for the Air Force Ballistic Missile Division, Headquarters Air Research and Development Command, under Contract AF 04(647)-309, Thermonuclear Propulsion Research."


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Over the past 50 years, economic and technological developments have dramatically increased the human contribution to ambient noise in the ocean. The dominant frequencies of most human-made noise in the ocean is in the low-frequency range (defined as sound energy below 1000Hz), and low-frequency sound (LFS) may travel great distances in the ocean due to the unique propagation characteristics of the deep ocean (Munk et al. 1989). For example, in the Northern Hemisphere oceans low-frequency ambient noise levels have increased by as much as 10 dB during the period from 1950 to 1975 (Urick 1986; review by NRC 1994). Shipping is the overwhelmingly dominant source of low-frequency manmade noise in the ocean, but other sources of manmade LFS including sounds from oil and gas industrial development and production activities (seismic exploration, construction work, drilling, production platforms), and scientific research (e.g., acoustic tomography and thermography, underwater communication). The SURTASS LFA system is an additional source of human-produced LFS in the ocean, contributing sound energy in the 100-500 Hz band. When considering a document that addresses the potential effects of a low-frequency sound source on the marine environment, it is important to focus upon those species that are the most likely to be affected. Important criteria are: 1) the physics of sound as it relates to biological organisms; 2) the nature of the exposure (i.e. duration, frequency, and intensity); and 3) the geographic region in which the sound source will be operated (which, when considered with the distribution of the organisms will determine which species will be exposed). The goal in this section of the LFA/EIS is to examine the status, distribution, abundance, reproduction, foraging behavior, vocal behavior, and known impacts of human activity of those species may be impacted by LFA operations. To focus our efforts, we have examined species that may be physically affected and are found in the region where the LFA source will be operated. The large-scale geographic location of species in relation to the sound source can be determined from the distribution of each species. However, the physical ability for the organism to be impacted depends upon the nature of the sound source (i.e. explosive, impulsive, or non-impulsive); and the acoustic properties of the medium (i.e. seawater) and the organism. Non-impulsive sound is comprised of the movement of particles in a medium. Motion is imparted by a vibrating object (diaphragm of a speaker, vocal chords, etc.). Due to the proximity of the particles in the medium, this motion is transmitted from particle to particle in waves away from the sound source. Because the particle motion is along the same axis as the propagating wave, the waves are longitudinal. Particles move away from then back towards the vibrating source, creating areas of compression (high pressure) and areas of rarefaction (low pressure). As the motion is transferred from one particle to the next, the sound propagates away from the sound source. Wavelength is the distance from one pressure peak to the next. Frequency is the number of waves passing per unit time (Hz). Sound velocity (not to be confused with particle velocity) is the impedance is loosely equivalent to the resistance of a medium to the passage of sound waves (technically it is the ratio of acoustic pressure to particle velocity). A high impedance means that acoustic particle velocity is small for a given pressure (low impedance the opposite). When a sound strikes a boundary between media of different impedances, both reflection and refraction, and a transfer of energy can occur. The intensity of the reflection is a function of the intensity of the sound wave and the impedances of the two media. Two key factors in determining the potential for damage due to a sound source are the intensity of the sound wave and the impedance difference between the two media (impedance mis-match). The bodies of the vast majority of organisms in the ocean (particularly phytoplankton and zooplankton) have similar sound impedence values to that of seawater. As a result, the potential for sound damage is low; organisms are effectively transparent to the sound – it passes through them without transferring damage-causing energy. Due to the considerations above, we have undertaken a detailed analysis of species which met the following criteria: 1) Is the species capable of being physically affected by LFS? Are acoustic impedence mis-matches large enough to enable LFS to have a physical affect or allow the species to sense LFS? 2) Does the proposed SURTASS LFA geographical sphere of acoustic influence overlap the distribution of the species? Species that did not meet the above criteria were excluded from consideration. For example, phytoplankton and zooplankton species lack acoustic impedance mis-matches at low frequencies to expect them to be physically affected SURTASS LFA. Vertebrates are the organisms that fit these criteria and we have accordingly focused our analysis of the affected environment on these vertebrate groups in the world’s oceans: fishes, reptiles, seabirds, pinnipeds, cetaceans, pinnipeds, mustelids, sirenians (Table 1).


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Scandia and ceria doped zirconia samples, with 10 mol% SC2O3 and different content of CeO2, were synthesized and characterized. The XRD results depict that the sintered samples have a cubic phase structure. However, Raman spectra show that besides the main cubic phase, a secondary phase is also present in the sintered samples. The addition of CeO2 can raise the content of the cubic phase, but the minor metastable tetragonal phase (t'-phase) exists even at the CeO2 content as high as 10 mol%. The near-UV Raman spectra indicate that the deformed tetragonal structure predominates at the grain boundary. The addition of CeO2 can reduce the impurity at grain boundary, and no impurity can be found by near-UV Raman spectroscopy at the grain boundary of the samples with high CeO2 content. The impedance measurements show that with the increase of CeO2 content, the impedance of grain boundary decreases and the bulk impedance increases. The low impedance of grain boundary can be attributed to the formation of a clean grain boundary upon CeO2 doping, and the increase of the bulk impedance is due to the blocking effect of the large Ce(IV) ions. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Una amarra electrodinámica (electrodynamic tether) opera sobre principios electromagnéticos intercambiando momento con la magnetosfera planetaria e interactuando con su ionosfera. Es un subsistema pasivo fiable para desorbitar etapas de cohetes agotadas y satélites al final de su misión, mitigando el crecimiento de la basura espacial. Una amarra sin aislamiento captura electrones del plasma ambiente a lo largo de su segmento polarizado positivamente, el cual puede alcanzar varios kilómetros de longitud, mientras que emite electrones de vuelta al plasma mediante un contactor de plasma activo de baja impedancia en su extremo catódico, tal como un cátodo hueco (hollow cathode). En ausencia de un contactor catódico activo, la corriente que circula por una amarra desnuda en órbita es nula en ambos extremos de la amarra y se dice que ésta está flotando eléctricamente. Para emisión termoiónica despreciable y captura de corriente en condiciones limitadas por movimiento orbital (orbital-motion-limited, OML), el cociente entre las longitudes de los segmentos anódico y catódico es muy pequeño debido a la disparidad de masas entre iones y electrones. Tal modo de operación resulta en una corriente media y fuerza de Lorentz bajas en la amarra, la cual es poco eficiente como dispositivo para desorbitar. El electride C12A7 : e−, que podría presentar una función de trabajo (work function) tan baja como W = 0.6 eV y un comportamiento estable a temperaturas relativamente altas, ha sido propuesto como recubrimiento para amarras desnudas. La emisión termoiónica a lo largo de un segmento así recubierto y bajo el calentamiento de la operación espacial, puede ser más eficiente que la captura iónica. En el modo más simple de fuerza de frenado, podría eliminar la necesidad de un contactor catódico activo y su correspondientes requisitos de alimentación de gas y subsistema de potencia, lo que resultaría en un sistema real de amarra “sin combustible”. Con este recubrimiento de bajo W, cada segmento elemental del segmento catódico de una amarra desnuda de kilómetros de longitud emitiría corriente como si fuese parte de una sonda cilíndrica, caliente y uniformemente polarizada al potencial local de la amarra. La operación es similar a la de una sonda de Langmuir 2D tanto en los segmentos catódico como anódico. Sin embargo, en presencia de emisión, los electrones emitidos resultan en carga espacial (space charge) negativa, la cual reduce el campo eléctrico que los acelera hacia fuera, o incluso puede desacelerarlos y hacerlos volver a la sonda. Se forma una doble vainas (double sheath) estable con electrones emitidos desde la sonda e iones provenientes del plasma ambiente. La densidad de corriente termoiónica, variando a lo largo del segmento catódico, podría seguir dos leyes distintas bajo diferentes condiciones: (i) la ley de corriente limitada por la carga espacial (space-charge-limited, SCL) o (ii) la ley de Richardson-Dushman (RDS). Se presenta un estudio preliminar sobre la corriente SCL frente a una sonda emisora usando la teoría de vainas (sheath) formada por la captura iónica en condiciones OML, y la corriente electrónica SCL entre los electrodos cilíndricos según Langmuir. El modelo, que incluye efectos óhmicos y el efecto de transición de emisión SCL a emisión RDS, proporciona los perfiles de corriente y potencial a lo largo de la longitud completa de la amarra. El análisis muestra que en el modo más simple de fuerza de frenado, bajo condiciones orbitales y de amarras típicas, la emisión termoiónica proporciona un contacto catódico eficiente y resulta en una sección catódica pequeña. En el análisis anterior, tanto la transición de emisión SCL a RD como la propia ley de emisión SCL consiste en un modelo muy simplificado. Por ello, a continuación se ha estudiado con detalle la solución de vaina estacionaria de una sonda con emisión termoiónica polarizada negativamente respecto a un plasma isotrópico, no colisional y sin campo magnético. La existencia de posibles partículas atrapadas ha sido ignorada y el estudio incluye tanto un estudio semi-analítico mediante técnica asintóticas como soluciones numéricas completas del problema. Bajo las tres condiciones (i) alto potencial, (ii) R = Rmax para la validez de la captura iónica OML, y (iii) potencial monotónico, se desarrolla un análisis asintótico auto-consistente para la estructura de plasma compleja que contiene las tres especies de cargas (electrones e iones del plasma, electrones emitidos), y cuatro regiones espaciales distintas, utilizando teorías de movimiento orbital y modelos cinéticos de las especies. Aunque los electrones emitidos presentan carga espacial despreciable muy lejos de la sonda, su efecto no se puede despreciar en el análisis global de la estructura de la vaina y de dos capas finas entre la vaina y la región cuasi-neutra. El análisis proporciona las condiciones paramétricas para que la corriente sea SCL. También muestra que la emisión termoiónica aumenta el radio máximo de la sonda para operar dentro del régimen OML y que la emisión de electrones es mucho más eficiente que la captura iónica para el segmento catódico de la amarra. En el código numérico, los movimientos orbitales de las tres especies son modelados para potenciales tanto monotónico como no-monotónico, y sonda de radio R arbitrario (dentro o más allá del régimen de OML para la captura iónica). Aprovechando la existencia de dos invariante, el sistema de ecuaciones Poisson-Vlasov se escribe como una ecuación integro-diferencial, la cual se discretiza mediante un método de diferencias finitas. El sistema de ecuaciones algebraicas no lineal resultante se ha resuelto de con un método Newton-Raphson paralelizado. Los resultados, comparados satisfactoriamente con el análisis analítico, proporcionan la emisión de corriente y la estructura del plasma y del potencial electrostático. ABSTRACT An electrodynamic tether operates on electromagnetic principles and exchanges momentum through the planetary magnetosphere, by continuously interacting with the ionosphere. It is a reliable passive subsystem to deorbit spent rocket stages and satellites at its end of mission, mitigating the growth of orbital debris. A tether left bare of insulation collects electrons by its own uninsulated and positively biased segment with kilometer range, while electrons are emitted by a low-impedance active device at the cathodic end, such as a hollow cathode, to emit the full electron current. In the absence of an active cathodic device, the current flowing along an orbiting bare tether vanishes at both ends and the tether is said to be electrically floating. For negligible thermionic emission and orbital-motion-limited (OML) collection throughout the entire tether (electron/ion collection at anodic/cathodic segment, respectively), the anodic-to-cathodic length ratio is very small due to ions being much heavier, which results in low average current and Lorentz drag. The electride C12A7 : e−, which might present a possible work function as low as W = 0.6 eV and moderately high temperature stability, has been proposed as coating for floating bare tethers. Thermionic emission along a thus coated cathodic segment, under heating in space operation, can be more efficient than ion collection and, in the simplest drag mode, may eliminate the need for an active cathodic device and its corresponding gas-feed requirements and power subsystem, which would result in a truly “propellant-less” tether system. With this low-W coating, each elemental segment on the cathodic segment of a kilometers-long floating bare-tether would emit current as if it were part of a hot cylindrical probe uniformly polarized at the local tether bias, under 2D probe conditions that are also applied to the anodic-segment analysis. In the presence of emission, emitted electrons result in negative space charge, which decreases the electric field that accelerates them outwards, or even reverses it, decelerating electrons near the emitting probe. A double sheath would be established with electrons being emitted from the probe and ions coming from the ambient plasma. The thermionic current density, varying along the cathodic segment, might follow two distinct laws under different con ditions: i) space-charge-limited (SCL) emission or ii) full Richardson-Dushman (RDS) emission. A preliminary study on the SCL current in front of an emissive probe is presented using the orbital-motion-limited (OML) ion-collection sheath and Langmuir’s SCL electron current between cylindrical electrodes. A detailed calculation of current and bias profiles along the entire tether length is carried out with ohmic effects considered and the transition from SCL to full RDS emission is included. Analysis shows that in the simplest drag mode, under typical orbital and tether conditions, thermionic emission provides efficient cathodic contact and leads to a short cathodic section. In the previous analysis, both the transition between SCL and RDS emission and the current law for SCL condition have used a very simple model. To continue, considering an isotropic, unmagnetized, colissionless plasma and a stationary sheath, the probe-plasma contact is studied in detail for a negatively biased probe with thermionic emission. The possible trapped particles are ignored and this study includes both semianalytical solutions using asymptotic analysis and complete numerical solutions. Under conditions of i) high bias, ii) R = Rmax for ion OML collection validity, and iii) monotonic potential, a self-consistent asymptotic analysis is carried out for the complex plasma structure involving all three charge species (plasma electrons and ions, and emitted electrons) and four distinct spatial regions using orbital motion theories and kinetic modeling of the species. Although emitted electrons present negligible space charge far away from the probe, their effect cannot be neglected in the global analysis for the sheath structure and two thin layers in between the sheath and the quasineutral region. The parametric conditions for the current to be space-chargelimited are obtained. It is found that thermionic emission increases the range of probe radius for OML validity and is greatly more effective than ion collection for cathodic contact of tethers. In the numerical code, the orbital motions of all three species are modeled for both monotonic and non-monotonic potential, and for any probe radius R (within or beyond OML regime for ion collection). Taking advantage of two constants of motion (energy and angular momentum), the Poisson-Vlasov equation is described by an integro differential equation, which is discretized using finite difference method. The non-linear algebraic equations are solved using a parallel implementation of the Newton-Raphson method. The results, which show good agreement with the analytical results, provide the results for thermionic current, the sheath structure, and the electrostatic potential.


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Advances in solid-state switches and power electronics techniques have led to the development of compact, efficient and more reliable pulsed power systems. This paper proposes an efficient scheme that utilizes modular switch-capacitor units in obtaining high voltage levels with fast rise time (dv/dt) using low voltage solid-state switches. The proposed pulsed power supply has flexibility in terms of controlling energy and generating broad range of voltage levels. The energy flow can be controlled as the stored energy can be adjusted by a current source utilized at the first stage of the system. Desirable voltage level can be obtained by connecting adequate number of switch-capacitor units. Moreover, the proposed topology is load independent. Therefore it can easily supply wide range of applications especially the low impedance ones. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is verified by simulations


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The self-triggering action of the TVG under DC conditions using the same power source as the main circuit is described. Because of the low impedance of the power source compared with the thyratron pulse generator, the TVG can be triggered with voltages as low as 85 V. It is found that circuit conditions influence the minimum stable arc currents that can be sustained.


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Pulse Forming Line (PFL) based high voltage pulsed power systems are well suited for low impedance High Power Microwave (HPM) sources such as a virtual cathode oscillator (VIRCATOR) operating in nanosecond regimes. The system under development consists of a primary voltage source that charges the capacitor bank of a Marx pulser over a long time duration. The Marx pulser output is then conditioned by a PFL to match the requirement of the HPM diode load. This article describes the design and construction of an oil insulated pulse forming line for a REB (Relativistic Electron Beam) diode used in a VIRCATOR for the generation of high power microwaves. Design of a 250 kV/10 kA/60 ns PFL, including the PSPICE simulation for various load conditions are described.


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We demonstrate the efficacy of amorphous macroporous carbon substrates as electrodes to support neuronal cell proliferation and differentiation in electric field mediated culture conditions. The electric field was applied perpendicular to carbon substrate electrode, while growing mouse neuroblastoma (N2a) cells in vitro. The placement of the second electrode outside of the cell culture medium allows the investigation of cell response to electric field without the concurrent complexities of submerged electrodes such as potentially toxic electrode reactions, electro-kinetic flows and charge transfer (electrical current) in the cell medium. The macroporous carbon electrodes are uniquely characterized by a higher specific charge storage capacity (0.2 mC/cm(2)) and low impedance (3.3 k Omega at 1 kHz). The optimal window of electric field stimulation for better cell viability and neurite outgrowth is established. When a uniform or a gradient electric field was applied perpendicular to the amorphous carbon substrate, it was found that the N2a cell viability and neurite length were higher at low electric field strengths (<= 2.5 V/cm) compared to that measured without an applied field (0 V/cm). While the cell viability was assessed by two complementary biochemical assays (MTT and LDH), the differentiation was studied by indirect immunostaining. Overall, the results of the present study unambiguously establish the uniform/gradient vertical electric field based culture protocol to either enhance or to restrict neurite outgrowth respectively at lower or higher field strengths, when neuroblastoma cells are cultured on porous glassy carbon electrodes having a desired combination of electrochemical properties. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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[ES]El objetivo principal de TFG es analizar y comparar el funcionamiento de las protecciones diferenciales de baja impedancia de generador y de transformador de potencia. Para ello, se describirán sus características principales de forma teórica y se realizarán simulaciones mediante el módulo SimPowersSystems contenido en Matlab.


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Due to technological limitations robot actuators are often designed for specific tasks with narrow performance goals, whereas a wide range of output and behaviours is necessary for robots to operate autonomously in uncertain complex environments. We present a design framework that employs dynamic couplings in the form of brakes and clutches to increase the performance and diversity of linear actuators. The couplings are used to switch between a diverse range of discrete modes of operation within a single actuator. We also provide a design solution for miniaturized couplings that use dry friction to produce rapid switching and high braking forces. The couplings are designed so that once engaged or disengaged no extra energy is consumed. We apply the design framework and coupling design to a linear series elastic actuator (SEA) and show that this relatively simple implementation increases the performance and adds new behaviours to the standard design. Through a number of performance tests we are able to show rapid switching between a high and a low impedance output mode; that the actuator's spring can be charged to produce short bursts of high output power; and that the actuator has additional passive and rigid modes that consume no power once activated. Robots using actuators from this design framework would see a vast increase in their behavioural diversity and improvements in their performance not yet possible with conventional actuator design. © 2012 IEEE.


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We designed and fabricated GaAs OMIST (Optical-controlled Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Thyristor) device. Using oxidation of A1As layer that is grown by MBE form the Ultra-Thin semi-Insulating layer (UTI) of the GAAS OMIST. The accurate control and formation of high quality semi-insulating layer (AlxOy) are the key processes for fabricating GaAs OMIST. The device exhibits a current-controlled negative resistance region in its I-V characteristics. When illuminated, the major effect of optical excitation is the reduction of the switching voltage. If the GaAs OMIST device is biased at a voltage below its dark switching voltage V-s, sufficient incident light can switch OMIST from high impedance low current"off"state to low impedance high current "on"state. The absorbing material of OMIST is GaAs, so if the wavelength of incident light within 600 similar to 850nm can be detected effectively. It is suitable to be used as photodetector for digital optical data process. The other attractive features of GaAs OMIST device include suitable conducted current, switching voltage and power levels for OEIC, high switch speed and high sensitivity to light or current injection.


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It is well understood that for haptic interaction: free motion performance and closed-loop constrained motion performance have conflicting requirements. The difficulties for both conditions are compounded when increased workspace is required as most solutions result in a reduction of achievable impedance and bandwidth. A method of chaining devices together to increase workspace without adverse effect on performance is described and analysed. The method is then applied to a prototype, colloquially known as 'The Flying Phantom', and shown to provide high-bandwidth, low impedance interaction over the full range of horizontal movement across the front of a human user.


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Current force feedback, haptic interface devices are generally limited to the display of low frequency, high amplitude spatial data. A typical device consists of a low impedance framework of one or more degrees-of-freedom (dof), allowing a user to explore a pre-defined workspace via an end effector such as a handle, thimble, probe or stylus. The movement of the device is then constrained using high gain positional feedback, thus reducing the apparent dof of the device and conveying the illusion of hard contact to the user. Such devices are, however, limited to a narrow bandwidth of frequencies, typically below 30Hz, and are not well suited to the display of surface properties, such as object texture. This paper details a device to augment an existing force feedback haptic display with a vibrotactile display, thus providing a means of conveying low amplitude, high frequency spatial information of object surface properties. 1. Haptics and Haptic Interfaces Haptics is the study of human touch and interaction with the external environment via touch. Information from the human sense of touch can be classified in to two categories, cutaneous and kinesthetic. Cutaneous information is provided via the mechanoreceptive nerve endings in the glabrous skin of the human hand. It is primarily a means of relaying information regarding small-scale details in the form of skin stretch, compression and vibration.


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We have fabricated a compliant neural interface to record afferent nerve activity. Stretchable gold electrodes were evaporated on a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate and were encapsulated using photo-patternable PDMS. The built-in microstructure of the gold film on PDMS allows the electrodes to twist and flex repeatedly, without loss of electrical conductivity. PDMS microchannels (5mm long, 100μm wide, 100μm deep) were then plasma bonded irreversibly on top of the electrode array to define five parallel-conduit implants. The soft gold microelectrodes have a low impedance of ~200kΩ at the 1kHz frequency range. Teased nerves from the L6 dorsal root of an anaesthetized Sprague Dawley rat were threaded through the microchannels. Acute tripolar recordings of cutaneous activity are demonstrated, from multiple nerve rootlets simultaneously. Confinement of the axons within narrow microchannels allows for reliable recordings of low amplitude afferents. This electrode technology promises exciting applications in neuroprosthetic devices including bladder fullness monitors and peripheral nervous system implants.


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In this work we analyze the skin bioimpedance statistical distribution. We focus on the study of two distinct samples: the statistics of impedance of several points in the skin of a single individual and the statistics over a population (many individuals) but in a single skin point. The impedance data was obtained from the literature (Pearson, 2007). Using the Shapiro-Wilk test and the assymmetry test we conclude that the impedance of a population is better described by an assymetric and non-normal distribution. On the other side, the data concerning the individual impedance seems to follow a normal distribution. We have performed a goodnes of fitting test and the better distribution to fit the data of a population is the log-normal distribution. It is interesting to note that our result for skin impedance is in simtony with body impedance from the literature of electrical engeneering. Our results have an impact over the statistical planning and modelling of skin impedance experiments. Special attention we should drive to the treatment of outliers in this kind of dataset. The results of this work are important in the general discussion of low impedance of points of acupuncture and also in the problem of skin biopotentials used in equipments like the Electrodermal Screen Tests.