994 resultados para Low hardness


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This thesis is dedicated to the production and analysis of thin hydrogenated amorphous carbon films. A cascaded arc plasma source was used to produce a high density plasma of hydrocarbon radicals that deposited on a substrate at ultra low energies. The work was intended to create a better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the film formation, by an extensive analysis on the properties of the films in correlation with the conditions used in the plasma cell. Two different precursors were used: methane and acetylene. They revealed a very different picture for the mechanism of film formation and properties. Methane was less successful, and the films formed were soft, with poor adhesion to the substrate and decomposing with time. Acetylene was the better option, and the films formed in this case were harder, with better adhesion to the substrate and stable over time. The plasma parameters could be varied to change the character of films, from polymer-like to diamond-like carbon. Films deposited from methane were grown at low deposition rates, which increased with the increase in process pressure and source power and decreased with the increase in substrate temperature and in hydrogen fraction in the carrier gas. The films had similar hydrogen content, sp3 fractions, average roughness (Ra) and low hardness. Above a deposition temperature of 350°C graphitization occurred - an increase in the sp2 fraction. A deposition mechanism was proposed, based upon the reaction product of the dissociative recombination of CH4+. There were small differences between the chemistries in the plasma at low and high precursor flow rates and low and high substrate temperatures; all experimental conditions led to formation of films that were either polymer-like, soft amorphous hydrogenated carbon or graphitic-like in structure. Films deposited from acetylene were grown at much higher deposition rates on different substrates (silicon, glass and plastics). The film quality increased noticeably with the increase of relative acetylene to argon flow rate, up to a certain value, where saturation occurred. With the increase in substrate temperature and the lowering of the acetylene injection ring position further improvements in film quality were achieved. The deposition process was scaled up to large area (5 x 5 cm) substrates in the later stages of the project. A deposition mechanism was proposed, based upon the reaction products of the dissociative recombination of C2H2 +. There were large differences between the chemistry in the plasma at low and medium/high precursor flow rates. This corresponded to large differences in film properties from low to medium flow rates, when films changed their character from polymer-like to diamond-like, whereas the differences between films deposited at medium and high precursor flow rates were small. Modelling of the film growth on silicon substrates was initiated and it explained the formation of sp2 and sp3 bonds at these very low energies. However, further improvements to the model are needed.


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Y2SiO5 has potential applications as functional-structural ceramic and environmental/thermal barrier coating material. As an important grain-boundary phase in the sintered Si3N4, it also influences the mechanical and dielectric performances of the host material. In this paper, we present the mechanical properties of Y2SiO5 including elastic moduli, hardness, strength and fracture toughness, and try to understand the mechanical features from the viewpoint of crystal structure. Y2SiO5 has low shear modulus, low hardness, as well as high capacity for dispersing mechanical damage energy and for resisting crack penetration. Particularly, it can be machined by cemented carbides tools. The crystal structure characteristics of Y2SiO5 suggest the low-energy weakly bonded atomic planes crossed only by the easily breaking Y-O bonds as well as the rotatable rigid SiO4 tetrahedra are the origins of low shear deformation, good damage tolerance and good machinability of this material. TEM observations also demonstrate that the mechanical damage energy was dispersed in the form of the micro-cleavages, stacking faults and twins along these weakly bonded atomic planes, which allows the "microscale-plasticity" for Y2SiO5.


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A novel design of a moving-coil transducer coupled with a low-hardness elastomer called “the gel surround” is presented in this thesis. This device is termed a “gel-type audio transducer”. The gel-type audio transducer has been developed to overcome the problems that conventional loudspeakers have suffered - that is, the problem with size of the audio device against the quality of sound at low frequency range. Therefore the research work presented herein aims to develop the “gel-type audio transducer” as a next-generation audio transducer for miniaturized woofers. The gel-type audio transducer consists of the magnetic and coil-drive plate assembly, and these parts are coupled by the gel surround. The transducer is driven by the electromagnetic conversion mechanism (a moving-coil transducer) and its output driving force can be greatly enhanced by applying the novel mechanism of the gel surround especially at low frequency range, resulting in the enhanced acoustic efficiency. The transducer can be attached to a stiff and light panel with both the optimized impedance matching and minimised wave collisions. The performance of the gel-type audio transducer is greatly influenced by the mass of the magnetic assembly and compliance of the “gel surround”. But as the size of the magnet and its weight have to be kept minimal for a miniaturisation of the device, the focus of the research is on the effect of the of the gel surround. As a result, the effect of the gel surround, made of the RTV (room-temperature vulcanising) silicone elastomer, TPE (thermoplastic elastomer), and the silicone foam, on generation of the output driving force, the energy transfer from the transducer to a panel to which the transducer is attached, and sound radiation from the vibrating panel, was investigated. This effect was studied by COMSOL multiphysics (FE analysis) and thereby, the simulated results were verified by experiments such as the laser scanning measurement, DMA (dynamic mechanical analyzer), and the acoustic test. Successful development of prototypes of the gel-type audio transducers, with an enhanced acoustic efficiency at reduced size and weight, was achieved. Implementation of the transducers into consumer applications was also demonstrated with their commercial values.


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Todos os sistemas aquáticos estão potencialmente expostos a alterações nos parâmetros da água em consequência de fenómenos ambientais tais como deposição ácida, lixiviação de iões dos solos e alterações climáticas. Dado que os parâmetros químicos da água estão geralmente correlacionados, é pertinente estudar os seus efeitos combinados para o biota aquático. Assim, o principal objetivo desta tese é avaliar a importância ecológica da variação simultânea dos principais parâmetros fisico-químicos da água nos parâmetros de história de vida dos crustáceos tanto na ausência como na presença de metais. Foram estudados os seguintes parâmetros: dureza (0.5 - 3.5 mM), alcalinidade (0.3 - 2.3 mM), pH (5.7 - 9.0) e temperatura (13 - 30ºC). A Daphnia magna foi usada como espécie modelo representando os crustáceos aquáticos. A variação simultânea da dureza e alcalinidade afetou significativamente o crescimento, reprodução e crescimento populacional de Daphnia; no entanto, os efeitos da dureza excederam os efeitos da alcalinidade. Pareceu haver interação entre a dureza e alcalinidade na reprodução dos dafnídeos, o que sugere que os efeitos da variação da dureza para Daphnia e provavelmente outros crustáceos poderão depender do nível de alcalinidade. O pH e dureza da água exerceram efeitos combinados para Daphnia, sendo os efeitos do pH mais pronunciados do que os efeitos da dureza. A diminuição do pH reduziu a sobrevivência, crescimento, reprodução, taxa de ingestão e crescimento populacional dos dafnídeos. No entanto, os efeitos do pH baixo foram mais adversos a baixa dureza, o que sugere uma interação entre estes parâmetros. Assim, a diminuição do pH em lagos de água mole pode ser um estressor determinante para os crustáceos sensíveis à acidez, ameaçando a sua sobrevivência e, consequentemente, afetando a estrutura das cadeias alimentares aquáticas. A temperatura e a química da água (dureza e alcalinidade) interagiram entre si nos parâmetros de história de vida de Daphnia; no entanto, os efeitos da temperatura excederam os efeitos da química da água. De um modo geral, temperaturas extremas reduziram o crescimento, reprodução e, consequentemente, o crescimento populacional de Daphnia. Os efeitos do aumento da temperatura foram mais adversos a baixa dureza e alcalinidade, aumentando a preocupação com os efeitos ecológicos do aquecimento global em águas moles. A dureza e alcalinidade da água também desempenharam um papel importante na toxicidade aguda e subletal (inibição da ingestão) dos metais para Daphnia. A diminuição da dureza aumentou a toxicidade aguda do zinco. Por outro lado, a diminuição da alcalinidade aumentou a toxicidade aguda e subletal do cobre, mas reduziu a toxicidade subletal do zinco, tornando evidente o importante papel da alcalinidade na toxicidade subletal dos metais para Daphnia. Globalmente, os parâmetros fisico-químicos da água parecem interagir entre si, afetando os parâmetros de história de vida e o crescimento populacional de Daphnia e também afetam a toxicidade dos metais. Em particular, a baixa dureza agrava os efeitos adversos da diminuição do pH, aumento da temperatura e toxicidade dos metais, o que aumenta a preocupação com os efeitos ecológicos da sua variação simultânea sobre os crustáceos e, portanto, sobre as cadeias alimentares aquáticas.


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Sponge cakes have traditionally been manufactured using multistage mixing methods to enhance potential foam formation by the eggs. Today, use of all-in (single-stage) mixing methods is superseding multistage methods for large-scale batter preparation to reduce costs and production time. In this study, multistage and all-in mixing procedures and three final high-speed mixing times (3, 5, and 15 min) for sponge cake production were tested to optimize a mixing method for pilot-scale research. Mixing for 3 min produced batters with higher relative density values than did longer mixing times. These batters generated well-aerated cakes with high volume and low hardness. In contrast, after 5 and 15 min of high-speed mixing, batters with lower relative density and higher viscosity values were produced. Although higher bubble incorporation and retention were observed, longer mixing times produced better developed gluten networks, which stiffened the batters and inhibited bubble expansion during mixing. As a result, these batters did not expand properly and produced cakes with low volume, dense crumb, and high hardness values. Results for all-in mixing were similar to those for the multistage mixing procedure in terms of the physical properties of batters and cakes (i.e., relative density, elastic moduli, volume, total cell area, hardness, etc.). These results suggest the all-in mixing procedure with a final high-speed mixing time of 3 min is an appropriate mixing method for pilot-scale sponge cake production. The advantages of this method are reduced energy costs and production time.


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Neste trabalho estuda-se a formação de novas fases de carbono amorfo através da irradiação iônica de filmes de fulereno, a-C e a-C:H polimérico. Os efeitos da irradiação iônica na modificação das propriedades ópticas e mecânicas dos filmes de carbono irradiados são analisados de forma correlacionada com as alterações estruturais a nivel atômico. O estudo envolve tanto a análise dos danos induzidos no fulereno pela irradiação iônica a baixas fluências, correspondendo a baixas densidades de energia depositada, quanto a investigação das propriedades físico-químicas das fases amorfas obtidas após irradiações dos filmes de fulereno, a-C e a-C:H com altas densidades de energia depositada. As propriedades ópticas, mecânicas e estruturais das amostras são analisadas através de técnicas de espectroscopia Raman e infravermelho, espectrofotometria UV-VIS-NIR, microscopias ópticas e de força atômica, nanoindentação e técnicas de análise por feixe de íons, tais como retroespalhamento Rutherford e análises por reação nuclear. As irradiações produzem profundas modificações nas amostras de fulereno, a-C e a-C:H, e por conseqüência significativas alterações em suas propriedades ópticas e mecânicas. Após máximas fluências de irradiação fases amorfas rígidas (com dureza de 14 e 17 GPa) e com baixos gaps ópticos (0,2 e 0,5 eV) são formadas. Estas estruturas não usuais correspondem a arranjos atômicos com 90 a 100% de estados sp2. Em geral fases sp2 são planares e apresentam baixa dureza, como predito pelo modelo de “cluster”. Entretanto, os resultados experimentais mostram que as propriedades elásticas das novas fases formadas são alcançadas através da criação de uma estrutura sp2 tridimensional. A indução de altas distorções angulares, através da irradiação iônica, possibilita a formação de anéis de carbono não hexagonais, tais como pentágonos e heptágonos, permitindo assim a curvatura da estrutura. Utilizando um modelo de contagem de vínculos é feita uma análise comparativa entre a topologia (estrutura geométrica) de ligações C-sp2 e as propriedades nanomecânicas. São comparados os efeitos de estruturas sp2 planares e tridimensionais (aleatórias) no processo de contagem de vínculos e, conseqüentemente, nas propriedades elásticas de cada sistema. Os resultados mostram que as boas propriedades mecânicas das novas fases de carbono formadas seguem as predições do modelo de vínculos para uma rede atômica sp2 tridimensional. A formação de uma fase amorfa dura e 100% sp2 representa uma importante conquista na procura de novas estruturas rígidas de carbono. A síntese da estrutura desordenada sp2 tridimensional e vinculada aqui apresentada é bastante incomum na literatura. O presente trabalho mostra que o processo de não-equilíbrio de deposição de energia durante a irradiação iônica permite a formação de distorções angulares nas ligações sp2-C, possibilitando a criação de estruturas grafíticas tridimensionais.


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The present work shows a contribution to the studies of development and solid sinterization of a metallic matrix composite MMC that has as starter materials 316L stainless steel atomized with water, and two different Tantalum Carbide TaC powders, with averages crystallite sizes of 13.78 nm and 40.66 nm. Aiming the metallic matrix s density and hardness increase was added different nanometric sizes of TaC by dispersion. The 316L stainless steel is an alloy largely used because it s high resistance to corrosion property. Although, its application is limited by the low wear resistance, consequence of its low hardness. Besides this, it shows low sinterability and it cannot be hardened by thermal treatments traditional methods because of the austenitic structure, face centered cubic, stabilized mainly in nickel presence. Steel samples added with TaC 3% wt (each sample with different type of carbide), following a mechanical milling route using conventional mill for 24 hours. Each one of the resulted samples, as well as the pure steel sample, were compacted at 700 MPa, room temperature, without any addictive, uniaxial tension, using a 5 mm diameter cylindrical mold, and quantity calculated to obtain compacted final average height of 5 mm. Subsequently, were sintered in vacuum atmosphere, temperature of 1290ºC, heating rate of 20ºC/min, using different soaking times of 30 and 60 min and cooled at room temperature. The sintered samples were submitted to density and micro-hardness analysis. The TaC reforced samples showed higher density values and an expressive hardness increase. The complementary analysis in optical microscope, scanning electronic microscope and X ray diffractometer, showed that the TaC, processed form, contributed with the hardness increase, by densification, itself hardness and grains growth control at the metallic matrix, segregating itself to the grain boarders


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Metal powder sintering appears to be promising option to achieve new physical and mechanical properties combining raw material with new processing improvements. It interest over many years and continue to gain wide industrial application. Stainless steel is a widely accepted material because high corrosion resistance. However stainless steels have poor sinterability and poor wear resistance due to their low hardness. Metal matrix composite (MMC) combining soft metallic matrix reinforced with carbides or oxides has attracted considerable attention for researchers to improve density and hardness in the bulk material. This thesis focuses on processing 316L stainless steel by addition of 3% wt niobium carbide to control grain growth and improve densification and hardness. The starting powder were water atomized stainless steel manufactured for Höganäs (D 50 = 95.0 μm) and NbC produced in the UFRN and supplied by Aesar Alpha Johnson Matthey Company with medium crystallite size 16.39 nm and 80.35 nm respectively. Samples with addition up to 3% of each NbC were mixed and mechanically milled by 3 routes. The route1 (R1) milled in planetary by 2 hours. The routes 2 (R2) and 3 (R3) milled in a conventional mill by 24 and 48 hours. Each milled samples and pure sample were cold compacted uniaxially in a cylindrical steel die (Ø 5 .0 mm) at 700 MPa, carried out in a vacuum furnace, heated at 1290°C, heating rate 20°C stand by 30 and 60 minutes. The samples containing NbC present higher densities and hardness than those without reinforcement. The results show that nanosized NbC particles precipitate on grain boundary. Thus, promote densification eliminating pores, control grain growth and increase the hardness values


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This masther dissertation presents a contribution to the study of 316L stainless steel sintering aiming to study their behavior in the milling process and the effect of isotherm temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties. The 316L stainless steel is a widely used alloy for their high corrosion resistance property. However its application is limited by the low wear resistance consequence of its low hardness. In previous work we analyzed the effect of sintering additives as NbC and TaC. This study aims at deepening the understanding of sintering, analyzing the effect of grinding on particle size and microstructure and the effect of heating rate and soaking time on the sintered microstructure and on their microhardness. Were milled 316L powders with NbC at 1, 5 and 24 hours respectively. Particulates were characterized by SEM and . Cylindrical samples height and diameter of 5.0 mm were compacted at 700 MPa. The sintering conditions were: heating rate 5, 10 and 15◦C/min, temperature 1000, 1100, 1200, 1290 and 1300◦C, and soaking times of 30 and 60min. The cooling rate was maintained at 25◦C/min. All samples were sintered in a vacuum furnace. The sintered microstructure were characterized by optical and electron microscopy as well as density and microhardness. It was observed that the milling process has an influence on sintering, as well as temperature. The major effect was caused by firing temperature, followed by the grinding and heating rate. In this case, the highest rates correspond to higher sintering.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of operational conditions of the extrusion process (temperature, moisture and protein content) in production of cassava snacks added of casein, aiming to provide information to the cassava processing industry. The cassava flour and casein were characterized as their chemical components and color. The experimental design followed the central composite rotational design with three factors. The obtained products were characterized as for rate of expansion, specific volume, color and hardness. Data analyses showed that the lower moisture, protein and temperature conditions provided desired expanded products with light color attributes, high expansion and low hardness.


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The wear rate of the dual-phase steel ABNT-1020 tempered at 450°C sliding against cemented steel ABNT-1020 in function of load value is investigated in wide load range. The alteration in behavior of this function at intermediate load level, like in the case of low hardness steel sliding against high hardness steel, is observed. The analysis by scanning electronic microscope before and after this alteration showed a change of wear mechanism from plastic displacement to embrittlement.


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High chromium content is responsible for the formation of a protective passive surface layer on austenitic stainless steels (ASS). Due to their larger amounts of chromium, superaustenitic stainless steels (SASS) can be chosen for applications with higher corrosion resistance requirements. However, both of them present low hardness and wear resistance that has limited their use for mechanical parts fabrication. Plasma nitriding is a very effective surface treatment for producing harder and wear resistant surface layers on these steel grades, without harming their corrosion resistance if low processing temperatures are employed. In this work UNS S31600 and UNS S31254 SASS samples were plasma nitrided in temperatures from 400 °C to 500 °C for 5 h with 80% H 2-20% N2 atmosphere at 600Pa. Nitrided layers were analyzed by optical (OM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), and Vickers microhardness testing. Observations made by optical microscopy showed that N-rich layers were uniform but their thicknesses increased with higher nitriding temperatures. XRD analyses showed that lower temperature layers are mainly composed by expanded austenite, a metastable nitrogen supersaturated phase with excellent corrosion and tribological properties. Samples nitrided at 400 °C produced a 5 μm thick expanded austenite layer. The nitrided layer reached 25 lm in specimens treated at 500 °C. There are indications that other phases are formed during higher temperature nitriding but XRD analysis was not able to determine that phases are iron and/or chromium nitrides, which are responsible for increasing hardness from 850 up to 1100 HV. In fact, observations made by TEM have indicated that formation of fine nitrides, virtually not identified by XRD technique, can begin at lower temperatures and their growth is affected by both thermodynamical and kinetics reasons. Copyright © 2012 by ASTM International.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)