889 resultados para Love in literature -- TFC
Aquest treball proposa un estudi del recull de contes de Jordi Puntí, Animals tristos, des d'una directriu bàsica: el plantejament teòric sobre la fragilitat dels vincles humans de la postmodernitat postulat pel sociòleg Zygmunt Bauman en la seva obra Amor líquido. Acerca de la fragilidad de los vínculos humanos. Així, l'objectiu de l'estudi és demostrar que els personatges d'Animals tristos són un reflex de la societat urbana actual i de la naturalesa canviant en les relacions de parella de principis del s. XXI que descriu Bauman. D'aquesta forma, l'anàlisi de l'obra de Puntí, especialment dels seus personatges, és realitzada a través d'un marc teòric de naturalesa sociològica.
One of the main features of nineteenth-century fiction is the quasi-total disappearance of the epistolary novel that had had its heydays in the previous century. For this reason, some scholars have declared the “death” of the letter in literature after the transitional romantic period. However, Victorian novels overflow with letters that are embedded, quoted in part or described and commented on by narrators or characters. Even when its content is not revealed to the reader, the letter becomes a signifier loaded with meanings, also and particularly so, when it is burnt, torn, hidden, found or buried. The Postal Reform of 1839-40 caused the number of letters sent every year in Britain to grow from 75 to 410 million in only 14 years, and the mediatic campaign that supported it drew the attention of the population to the material aspects concerning this means of communication. Newspapers became more affordable too and they promoted a taste for sensationalism that often involved the “spectacularization” of private correspondence. Starting from an excursus on the history of the letter aimed at identifying the key aspects of the genre, this work deals with some real love correspondences from people belonging to different classes in the period from 1840 to the 1870s, to then analyse their fictional and pictorial counterparts. The general picture that emerges from this analysis is that of a Victorian society where letters were able to break down the boundaries between high and low forms of cultural expressions and where, more than ever, letters were present in people’s everyday lives as well as in the art and literature they enjoyed.
The aim of this article is to show how, although the evident idealization of Greece and Platonic love throughout the Victorian-Edwardian England, both also show their limits. In order to make it clear the author refers constantly to the implicit Greek texts such as Plato's Symposium and Phaedrus and perhaps even to Plutarch¿s Eroticus in search of a Classical Tradition which is highly significant in order to understand that England at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Partly reprinted from various periodicals.
Amb ocasió del simposi internacional dedicat a l'amor a Plutarc, aquest treball fou presentat per mostrar fins a quin punt Plutarc, sobre tot al seu Eròtic i des de paràmetres estrictament platònics, amb l'ajut d'una lògica elemental i alhora rigorosa, es limita a corregir platònicament Plató per tal que éros i philía puguin ser atribuïts també al amor conjugal.
Incluye los trabajos presentados en una conferencia que lleva el mismo nombre del libro, y que pretende servir de recurso para profesores, bibliotecarios, educadores y otras personas interesadas en la literatura como un hecho cultural. El término 'multicultural' se utiliza para referirse a las personas de color, incluidos los afroamericanos, los indios americanos, los asiáticos americanos y los hispanos.
This essay studies how dialectal speech is reflected in written literature and how this phenomenon functions in translation. With this purpose in mind, Styron's Sophie's Choice and Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are analysed using samples of non-standard orthography which have been applied in order to reflect the dialect, or accent, of certain characters. In the same way, Lundgren's Swedish translation of Sophie's Choice and Ferres and Rolfe's Spanish version of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are analysed. The method consists of linguistically analysing a few text samples from each novel, establishing how dialect is represented through non-standard orthography, and thereafter, comparing the same samples with their translation into another language in order to establish whether dialectal features are visible also in the translated novels. It is concluded that non-standard orthography is applied in the novels in order to represent each possible linguistic level, including pronunciation, morphosyntax, and vocabulary. Furthermore, it is concluded that while Lundgren's translation intends to orthographically represent dialectal speech on most occasions where the original does so, Ferres and Rolfe's translation pays no attention to dialectology. The discussion following the data analysis establishes some possible reasons for the exclusion of dialectal features in the Spanish translation considered here. Finally, the reason for which this study contributes to the study of dialectology is declared.