988 resultados para Loss prevention


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On average approximately 13% of the water that is withdrawn by Canadian municipal water suppliers is lost before it reaches final users. This is an important topic for several reasons: water losses cost money, losses force water agencies to draw more water from lakes and streams thereby putting more stress on aquatic ecosystems, leaks reduce system reliability, leaks may contribute to future pipe failures, and leaks may allow contaminants to enter water systems thereby reducing water quality and threatening the health of water users. Some benefits of leak detection fall outside water agencies’ accounting purview (e.g. reduced health risks to households connected to public water supply systems) and, as a result, may not be considered adequately in water agency decision-making. Because of the regulatory environment in which Canadian water agencies operate, some of these benefits-especially those external to the agency or those that may accrue to the agency in future time periods- may not be fully counted when agencies decide on leak detection efforts. Our analysis suggests potential reforms to promote increased efforts for leak detection: adoption of a Canada-wide goal of universal water metering; development of full-cost accounting and, pricing for water supplies; and co-operation amongst the provinces to promulgate standards for leak detection efforts and provide incentives to promote improved efficiency and rational investment decision-making.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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A multiagent diagnostic system implemented in a Protege-JADE-JESS environment interfaced with a dynamic simulator and database services is described in this paper. The proposed system architecture enables the use of a combination of diagnostic methods from heterogeneous knowledge sources. The process ontology and the process agents are designed based on the structure of the process system, while the diagnostic agents implement the applied diagnostic methods. A specific completeness coordinator agent is implemented to coordinate the diagnostic agents based on different methods. The system is demonstrated on a case study for diagnosis of faults in a granulation process based on HAZOP and FMEA analysis.


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The exhaust gases from industrial furnaces contain a huge amount of heat and chemical enthalpy. However, it is hard to recover this energy since exhaust gases invariably contain combustible components such as carbon monoxide (CC). If the CO is unexpectedly ignited during the heat recovery process, deflagration or even detonation could occur, with serious consequences such as complete destruction of the equipment. In order to safely utilize the heat energy contained in exhaust gas, danger of its explosion must be fully avoided. The mechanism of gas deflagration and its prevention must therefore be studied. In this paper, we describe a numerical and experimental investigation of the deflagration process in a semi-opened tube. The results show that, upon ignition, a low-pressure wave initially spreads within the tube and then deflagration begins. For the purpose of preventing deflagration, an appropriate amount of nitrogen was injected into the tube at a fixed position. Both simulation and experimental results have shown that the injection of inert gas can successfully interrupt the deflagration process. The peak value of the deflagration pressure can thereby be reduced by around 50%. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD can be used as a powerful tool supporting engineers throughout the steps of the design. The combination of CFD with response surface methodology can play an important role in such cases. During the conceptual engineering design phase, a quick response is always a matter of urgency. During this phase even a sketch of the geometrical model is rare. Therefore, the utilisation of typical response surface developed for congested and confined environment rather than CFD can be an important tool to help the decision making process, when the geometrical model is not available, provided that similarities can be considered when taking into account the characteristic of the geometry in which the response surface was developed. The present work investigates how three different types of response surfaces behave when predicting overpressure in accidental scenarios based on CFD input. First order, partial second order and complete second order polynomial expressions are investigated. The predicted results are compared with CFD findings for a classical offshore experiment conducted by British Gas on behalf of Mobil and good agreement is observed for higher order response surfaces. The higher order response surface calculations are also compared with CFD calculations for a typical offshore module and good agreement is also observed. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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An explosion occurred in a busy university laboratory during a few minutes when it happened to be unoccupied. The explosion was puzzling since the laboratory was dedicated to geochemical work, such as digesting rock samples with stable, inorganic reagents. The only unstable substance knowingly stored or handled for this purpose, perchloric acid, was not in use on the day of the incident. The investigation was unable to reach an exact conclusion but did prove that a substantial organic contaminant, not on the laboratory inventory, must have been present


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Introducción Debido a que los accidentes de origen ocupacional ocupan un lugar importante dentro de las causas de ausentismo, discapacidades y hasta las muertes se realizó la descripción de la accidentalidad, teniendo en cuenta factores como la severidad y tipo de lesión, el tipo de actividad laboral y re accidentalidad ocurrida en una empresa manufacturera en un periodo de 2010 al 2014. Objetivos Establecer la distribución de los accidentes laborales ocurridos en una empresa manufacturera en el periodo de 2010 al 2014 según edad, género, área laboral y tipo de lesión. Materiales y métodos Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en donde se analizaron las características según los trabajadores y la empresa y se realizaron asociaciones para establecer cuáles eran los factores de riesgo para presentar re accidentalidad. Se tomó una empresa manufacturera del sector de producción de alimentos que cuenta con un total de 950 empleados, en riesgo de presentar accidentes laborales. Se seleccionaron 338 accidentes ocurridos en el periodo de 2010 y 2014.Se realizaron análisis de los accidentes según las variables de: género, área de trabajo y tipo de herida para determinar su distribución según dichos factores. Posteriormente se realizaron análisis bivariado por medio de asociaciones estadísticas usando el estadístico Chi cuadrado y pruebas no paramétricas o paramétricas según la distribución de normalidad de las variables cuantitativas. El programa que se usó para el análisis fue el de SPSS versión 22. Resultados El estudio identificó que la proporción de accidentes durante el periodo estudiado con respecto al número de trabajadores fue de 35,6% y de los 950 trabajadores el 28,8% presentaron accidentes que corresponde a los 274 trabajadores. La mediana de edad fue de 35 años y se presentó más frecuente en mujeres (55,6%). El área laboral en la que se presentaron mayor número de accidentes fue el área de manufactura (75,7%). La proporción de mujeres que presentaban mayor accidentes en el área de manufactura si representó una diferencia de 23,4% con respecto a la proporción de hombres que presentaron mayor accidentes en la misma área. Con respecto al tipo de lesión, se presentaron accidentes frecuentemente en miembros superiores y según el género, las mujeres presentaron 2,02% más accidentes en miembros superiores comparado con los hombres. Los análisis en cuanto a re accidentalidad determinaron que el 16,8% de los trabajadores presentaron más de un accidente y un trabajador presentó 5 accidentes en el periodo de tiempo estudiado en la empresa, la edad se relacionó significativamente con el hecho de presentar re accidentalidad.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral verificar como uma empresa gerencia seus riscos trabalhistas com vistas a preveni-los. É um estudo de caso único, de natureza descritiva e qualitativa. Foi desenvolvido junto ao Grupo Eberle Mundial, através de entrevista do Gerente de Recursos Humanos, questionário auto-aplicado por sete membros do corpo executivo da organização, exame de documentos e análise de artigos de revistas e de jornais. Paralelamente, buscou experiências e opiniões de quatro especialistas da área trabalhista, também mediante questionário auto-aplicado. Em face dos resultados obtidos, o trabalho descreve a forma de gerenciamento de riscos trabalhistas adotada pelo Grupo Eberle Mundial e atende os objetivos específicos nos termos adiante sintetizados. Demonstra que o Grupo mantém rotinas para identificação de riscos trabalhistas, porém, não pratica a definição prévia do que sejam riscos relevantes e não relevantes. Identifica uma diversidade de riscos trabalhistas percebidos pelo Grupo e verifica que esses não abrangem riscos operacionais. Mostra que o Grupo criou métodos e instrumentos de trabalho próprios para o gerenciamento de seus riscos trabalhistas, atua de forma permanente na prevenção desses e faz a revisão anual de seus processos, buscando chegar à incorporação dessa filosofia à cultura da empresa, contudo, não mantém um sistema que integre seus procedimentos, na forma proposta pela literatura. Confirma que, através do projeto implantado pela nova administração, o Grupo que, em 1998, estava com sua sobrevivência comprometida, até 2003 já reduziu em mais de 50% as perdas financeiras que vinha sofrendo e restabeleceu sua credibilidade e imagem internas e externas. Constata que existe comprometimento da alta direção do Grupo com o gerenciamento de riscos trabalhistas, todavia, esse comprometimento não é do conhecimento de todos membros do corpo executivo da organização. Aponta que o Grupo não mantém área específica para gerenciamento de seus riscos trabalhistas, nem tem claro quem são os profissionais responsáveis por esses procedimentos.


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This study analyzes the possibility of organizational change in the security activity in organizations, assuming a new paradigm: management of risks and loss prevention. Based in this, two different analytical problems had structuralized the research: A) To demonstrate the absence of an activity regulated between the public and private security, presenting as it is played and justifying by means of historical and methodological aspects the responsibility of the actors on the losses generated for the current form of management; B) the challenge of the management of risks and loss prevention, leaving of the estimated one that the acceptability of treatment of the risks is based not only by the evaluation technique, but mainly in the involved intuitive aspects in the decision made. In general lines, the intention to carry through a theoretical quarrel and an analysis of the speech of controllers of organizations, to the end, is to arrive at the conclusion of that if it cannot more admit the different sides of security and a bigger universe, where if does not have to look for to only decide the urgent problem, but also to participate and to contribute in the life of the organization, by means of a cycle of accompaniment of risks based in preventive activities. Moreover, a new involved approach in the process of understanding of the heuristically ones of the organization brings the possibility of uneven benefits in that it concerns to provide actions that if locate inside of one continuum, whose extremities are in playing activities with a maximum degree of risks displaying the life of the organization the concretion of a starter fact of damages and keeping the activity end of the organization stopped in the search of a degree of risk next to zero.


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The objective of this work is to draw attention to the importance of use of techniques of loss prevention in small retail organization, analyzing and creating a classification model related to the use of these in companies. This work identifies the fragilities and virtues of companies and classifies them relating the use of techniques of loss prevention. The used methodology is based in a revision of the available literature on measurements and techniques of loss prevention, analyzing the processes that techniques needed to be adopted to reduce losses, approaching the "pillars" of loss prevention, the cycle life of products in retail and cycles of continues improvement in business. Based on the objectives of this work and on the light of researched techniques, was defined the case study, developed from a questionnaire application and the researcher's observation on a net of 16 small supermarkets. From those studies a model of classification of companies was created. The practical implications of this work are useful to point mistakes in retail administration that can become losses, reducing the profitability of companies or even making them impracticable. The academic contribution of this study is a proposal of an unpublished model of classification for small supermarkets based on the use of techniques of loss prevention. As a result of the research, 14 companies were classified as Companies with Minimum Use of Loss Prevention Techniques - CMULPT, and 02 companies were classified as Companies with Deficient Use of Loss Prevention Techniques - CDULPT. The result of the research concludes that on average the group was classified as being Companies with Minimum Use of Techniques of Prevention of Losses EUMTPP, and that the companies should adopt a program of loss prevention focusing in the identification and quantification of losses and in a implantation of a culture of loss prevention