214 resultados para Lonomia caterpillars
A case of a 37-week pregnant woman who developed a hemorrhagic syndrome and acute renal failure after contact with Lonomia caterpillars is reported. The accident also initiated labour and the patient gave birth to an alive child. Some pathophysiological aspects of the genital bleeding and of the acute renal failure are discussed.
The severe bleeding diathesis produced by intoxication with the venom of Lonomia achelous caterpillars is characterized by prolonged bleeding from superficial skin wounds as well as massive hemorrhage into body cavities. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the crude venom and its fibrinolytic fractions on in vitro lysis of whole blood clots. Venom fractions with fibrinolytic activity were obtained by gel filtration chromatography on Sephadex G75 using imidazole buffer, pH 7.4, at a flow rate of 24 ml/h. Four peaks with fibrinolytic activity were obtained by this method. The highest activity was found in the first two peaks (both peaks were used for the experiments). The results show that the caterpillar venom degraded the preformed clots at a slower rate than plasmin. In addition, plasma protease inhibitors of the fibrinolytic system (a2-antiplasmin, a2-macroglobulin, PAI, etc.) only weakly inhibited the lytic effect of the caterpillar venom. These characteristics, as well as the pattern of fibrinogen degradation products, the delay period on fibrin plate lysis and amidolytic activity on chromogenic substrate, reported previously, indicate that the caterpillar enzymes are different from plasmin and trypsin.
Loebl, Komlos, and Sos conjectured that if at least half the vertices of a graph G have degree at least some k is an element of N, then every tree with at most k edges is a subgraph of G. We prove the conjecture for all trees of diameter at most 5 and for a class of caterpillars. Our result implies a bound on the Ramsey number r( T, T') of trees T, T' from the above classes.
Lipocalins are beta-barrel proteins, which share three conserved motifs in their amino acid sequence. In this study, we identified by a peptide mapping approach, a seven-amino acid sequence related to one of these motifs (motif 2) that modulates cell survival. A synthetic peptide based on an insect lipocalin displayed cytoprotective activity in serum-deprived endothelial cells and leucocytes. This activity was dependent on nitric oxide synthase. This sequence was found within several lipocalins, including apolipoprotein D, retinol binding protein, lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase, and many unknown proteins, suggesting that it is a sequence signature and a lipocalin conserved property. (C) 2010 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Caterpillars of Euploea core corinna (W. S. Macleay) sever leaf veins prior to feeding on their latex-bearing host plants, which restricts the flow of latex at feeding sites. The severing of leaf veins by insects feeding on latex-bearing plants is commonly referred to as 'sabotaging' and is thought to be an evolved response by the insect to counter the negative effects of feeding on latex-rich leaves. Sabotaging behaviour is described for all instars of E. core corinna, with particular attention given to neonates. Vein cutting by neonate E. core corinna caterpillars can occur within 2 h of hatching, with most caterpillars establishing feeding sites within 10 h. Commonly, first instars cut an are-shaped row of leaf side-veins parallel to the leaf margin, but they may also cut the leaf mid-rib in a fashion similar to older instar larvae. From a sample of 50 E. core corinna larvae, representing all instars, we found that the diameters of the veins cut by caterpillars are closely correlated to larval head width (r=0.90). Through manipulative experiments, we demonstrate for the first time that sabotaging behaviour in neonate caterpillars imposes no detectable short-term physiological costs on those caterpillars.
Relata-se o caso de um homem de 44 anos, natural do Rio de Janeiro, residente no município de Teresópolis (RJ), vítima de um provável acidente por lagarta do gênero Lonomia, que evoluiu com quadro caracterizado por anemia hemolítica, plaquetopenia e insuficiência renal aguda. O diagnóstico de erucismo por Lonomia foi estabelecido a partir da anamnese e das manifestações clínicas e laboratoriais. O esquema terapêutico, baseado em hemodiálise e hemotransfusão, resultou em excelente resposta clínica. São discutidos os aspectos clínicos e fisiopatológicos do erucismo por Lonomia.
O presente artigo objetivou mostrar a distribuição dos acidentes com a lagarta Lonomia obliqua, Walker, 1855 no período de 1989-2001 no Estado do Paraná. Os dados foram obtidos junto a Secretaria de Saúde Ambiental do Paraná. As informações coletadas foram mapeadas utilizando-se o programa Arcview, sendo gerados mapas de ocorrência sazonal de acidentes. Esta sazonalidade foi correlacionada com o ciclo de vida do inseto, que indicou o período de verão como o de maior incidência de acidentes, e ocorrendo as maiores concentrações nas regiões centro-sul, sudeste e sudoeste do Estado.
Ascia monuste (Godart), also known as cabbage caterpillar, is considered herbivorous and specialist in Brassicaceae; however, it performs cannibalism. Experiments carried out in this work aimed to quantify the cannibalism occurrence in A. monuste, to verify whether cannibalism interferes in the species performance and to check whether cannibalism is influenced by the population size. The parameters used in order to evaluate the performance were time of development, adults weight and size, fecundity, oviposition and survival rate. Cannibalism occurred in all larval instars. There was a tendency to increase the cannibalism practice as the number of co-specific increased (potential preys). Cannibalism was more intense in larvae at the end of larval development. Generally, cannibalism did not interfere in the population performance. The most probable hypothesis for the occurrence of cannibalism in the conditions here studied would be the hypothesis of cannibalism as having the function of population control.
Este fungo foi isolado pela primeira vez de lagartas de L. obliqua de uma agregação em plátano (Platanus acerifolia (Aiton) Wild - Platanaceae), em Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brasil. Após isolamento, purificação e caracterização, realizou-se um teste de patogenicidade com lagartas sadias de L. obliqua para corroborar, sua infectividade pelo postulado de Koch. Constatou-se correspondência morfológica e molecular entre o inóculo e o reisolado, comprovando sua patogenicidade a L. obliqua.
Parasitoids of the family Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) were obtained during an inventory of Lepidoptera larvae caught feeding in the wild on Croton floribundus (Euphorbiaceae). The Lepidoptera larvae were collected from host plants along trails inside three preserved forest areas in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. Fifteen different species of Ichneumonidae belonging to five subfamilies (Banchinae, Campopleginae, Cremastinae, Mesochorinae and Metopiinae) were obtained. Seven species of Ichneumonidae were reared from leaf rollers: Meniscomorpha sp. (Banchinae) and Leurus caeruliventris (Cresson) (Metopiinae) from Dichomeris sp. (Gelechiidae); Mesochorus sp.1 (Mesochorinae) [as a parasitoid of Hypomicrogaster sp. (Braconidae, Microgastrinae)], Campoplex sp. (Campopleginae) and Leurus sp. from Olethreutinae sp. (Tortricidae); Sphelodon annulicornis Morley (Banchinae) and Eutanygaster brevipennis Cameron (Cremastinae) were also reared from two unidentified species of Gelechiidae. The other eight species were reared from the larvae of exposed feeders: Diradops sp. (Banchinae) from Miselia albipuncta Hampson (Noctuidae), Casinaria sp. (Campopleginae) from Hymenomima conia Prout (Geometridae), Charops sp. (Campopleginae) from Bagisara paulensis Schaus (Noctuidae) and Oxydia vesulia (Cramer) (Geometridae), two species of Hyposoter Förster (Campopleginae) from Semaeopus sp. (Geometridae) and H. conia, two species of Microcharops Roman (Campopleginae) from B. paulensis and an unidentified species of Limacodidae and Mesochorus sp. 2 [reared from what was probably Aleiodes sp. (Braconidae, Rogadinae)] from an unidentified species of Noctuidae.
Lycaenid caterpillars (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) eating flowers of Dalea pennellii var. chilensis (Fabaceae) in the northern Chilean Andes. The shrub Dalea pennellii var. chilensis (Fabaceae) is reported for the first time as a host plant for three Neotropical Polyommatini (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Polyommatinae): Hemiargus ramon (Dognin, 1887), Leptotes trigemmatus (Butler, 1881) and Nabokovia faga (Dognin, 1895), based on two collections performed in the western slopes of the northern Chilean Andes in two consecutive summers. The relative abundance was always above 90% for N. faga while it was always less than 5% for H. ramon and L. trigemmatus. Furthermore, N. faga was not found on inflorescences of other native Fabaceae examined in the study site. This pattern suggests a close relationship between N. faga and D. pennellii var. chilensis, at least at a local scale.
The venom of Lonomia obliqua caterpillar may induce a hemorrhagic syndrome in humans, and blood incoagulability by afibrinogenemia when intravenously injected in laboratory animals. The possible antithrombotic and thrombolytic activities of L. obliqua caterpillar bristle extract (LOCBE) were evaluated in this study. The minimal intravenous dose of the extract necessary to induce afibrinogenemia and anticoagulation was 3.0 and 10.0 µg protein/kg body weight for rabbits and rats, respectively. In rabbits, this dose induced total blood incoagulability for at least 10 h and did not reduce the weight of preformed venous thrombi, in contrast to streptokinase (30,000 IU/kg). In rats, pretreatment with 5.0 and 10.0 µg/kg LOCBE prevented the formation of thrombi induced by venous stasis or by injury to the venous endothelium. The dose of 5.0 µg/kg LOCBE did not modify blood coagulation assay parameters but increased bleeding time and decreased plasma factor XIII concentration. When the extract was administered to rats at the dose of 10.0 µg/kg, the blood was totally incoagulable for 6 h. These data show that LOCBE was effective in preventing experimental venous thrombosis in rats, justifying further studies using purified fractions of the extract to clarify the mechanisms of this effect.
Is childhood valuable? And is childhood as, less, or more, valuable than adulthood? In this essay I first delineate several different questions that we might be asking when we think about the ‘value of childhood’, and I explore some difficulties of doing so. I then focus on the question of whether childhood is good for the person who experiences it. I argue for two key claims. First, if childhood wellbeing is measured by the same standards as adulthood, then children are worse off than adults. Second, if childhood and adulthood wellbeing are measured by different standards, then we cannot compare them, and children are neither better off nor worse off than adults. This has some counter-intuitive implications, such as we do not harm persons by depriving them of a childhood, nor by keeping them as children for elongated periods.
Lonomia obliqua caterpillar bristle extract induces hemolysis in vitro on washed human and rat erythrocytes, in either the absence or presence of exogenous lecithin. In the former condition, phospholipases A(2) are key enzymes involved in hemolysis. However, the mechanism whereby this extract causes direct hemolysis is not known. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the hemolytic mechanism of the crude extract of the caterpillar L obliqua on human erythrocytes in the absence of lecithin. The extract significantly increased the erythrocyte osmotic fragility and promoted the removal of glycophorins A and C, and band 3 from the erythrocyte membrane. The use of Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) ions significantly potentiated glycoprotein removal, remarkably of erythrocyte band 3. The composition of fatty acids was analyzed by HPLC in both L obliqua caterpillar bristle extract and human erythrocyte membranes incubated with the extract. The levels of unsaturated fatty acids were remarkably augmented in erythrocytes incubated with the extract than in control erythrocytes, modifying thereby the saturated/unsaturated fatty acid ratio. Altogether, evidence is provided here that the interplay of at least three mechanisms of action accounts for the direct activity of the bristle extract on erythrocyte membrane, leading to hemolysis: the removal of glycoproteins and band 3; the insertion of fatty acids; and the action of phospholipases. Such mechanisms might affect erythrocyte flexibility and deformability, which may induce hemolysis by increasing erythrocyte fragility. However, whether the direct hemolytic activity of L obliqua caterpillar is the major cause of intravascular hemolysis during envenomation still needs further investigation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A hemostasia é um processo multifuncional, complexo e finamente regulado que envolve diversos componentes celulares e moleculares, incluindo plaquetas, parede vascular, cascata da coagulação sangüínea e fibrinólise. O desequilíbrio desses componentes pode desencadear condições patológicas, tais como hemorragias, hipercoagulopatias e a conseqüente trombose vascular. O descobrimento de novos princípios ativos e o desenvolvimento de drogas como instrumentos de intervenção antitrombótica constituem estratégias de eleição para a prevenção e o tratamento do quadro trombo-embólico. Muitos desses princípios ativos são obtidos de fontes naturais, incluindo os conhecidos anti-hemostáticos presentes em venenos de serpentes e na saliva de artrópodos hematófagos. Por afetarem o sistema hemostático humano, essas moléculas são alvo de estudos para o desenvolvimento de anti-venenos, testes laboratoriais e novas drogas terapêuticas. As lagartas do gênero Lonomia são conhecidas por produzirem proteínas tóxicas que estão associadas a uma severa síndrome hemorrágica em humanos, cujo quadro clínico é caracterizado por distúrbios da coagulação, insuficiência renal aguda, hematúria, sangramentos, dentre outros sintomas. O veneno é constituído por diversos princípios ativos, incluindo atividades pró-coagulantes e fibrinolíticas Apesar da importância social e científica desses envenenamentos e do conhecimento sobre a natureza dessas toxinas, as informações sobre as características moleculares do veneno ainda são escassas, o que limita o melhor entendimento das bases moleculares da síndrome hemorrágica e o desenvolvimento de um diagnóstico e de um tratamento mais adequados para os pacientes. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar as proteínas mais abundantes e os genes expressos em maior proporção na taturana L. obliqua durante a fase larval (fase em que ocorrem os acidentes), visando identificar moléculas potencialmente envolvidas no envenenamento. As etapas realizadas foram: análise dos princípios ativos presentes em tecidos utilizados para a construção de bibliotecas de cDNA, seqüenciamento em massa das bibliotecas e análise dos transcritos utilizando ferramentas de bioinformática. Mais de mil seqüências de cDNA foram obtidas e agrupadas gerando um catálogo com informações sobre os transcritos encontrados, incluindo seqüências completas de cDNAs que codificam para proteínas provavelmente envolvidas no envenenamento, além de novas seqüências de função biológica desconhecida O conteúdo protéico do veneno foi analisado por SDS-PAGE seguido por seqüenciamento da região N-terminal das proteínas mais abundantes, possibilitando a correlação entre o cDNA e a proteína por ele codificada. As seqüências completas de cDNA foram enviadas para o GenBank (NCBI/NIH, EUA) e os resultado estão disponíveis em um sítio eletrônico específico no NCBI: http://www.ncbi.nih.gov/projects/omes. O cDNA mais abundante da lagarta, que codifica para uma lipocalina, foi clonado e obteve-se a proteína recombinante. Demonstramos que essa lipocalina liga o grupamento heme e participa da oxidação acoplada desse ligante, levando à formação de biliverdina γ, sugerindo uma nova função para as proteínas ligadoras de bilina em insetos. Os resultados obtidos colaboram para o maior entendimento das bases moleculares do envenenamento por L. obliqua, além de apontarem moléculas candidatas para o desenvolvimento de kits de diagnóstico para o envenenamento com Lonomia e para a melhora na especificidade do soro anti-lonômico, bem como para estudos mais aprofundados dos processos hemostáticos.