57 resultados para Longnose sucker


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Actinobdella inequiannulata was found on the white sucker. Catostomus commersoni, and less frequently on the longnose sucker, Catostomus catostomus, in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. Catostomus commersoni parasitized with Act. inequiannulata was collected from July to October 1973 and May to October 1974. In May and October, less than 3% of the fish carried leeches. In July, 80% of the fish were parasitized with an average of 1.5 leeches/fish. Observations on leech weight suggest that young leeches attach to fish from May to September, some mature in July, and a second generation of leeches reparasitize the fish in August and September. The mean size of leeches on suckers increased from May until July, after which the size remained relatively constant. Leeches produced characteristic lesions on the opercula of suckers. Fully developed lesions on fish opercula produced by aggregated leeches had varying amounts of central erosion, extravasation, dermal and epidermal hyperplasia, and necrosis.


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Skates (family Rajidae) are oviparous and lay tough, thick-walled eggs. At least some skate species lay their eggs in spatially restricted nursery grounds where embryos develop and hatch (Hitz, 1964; Hoff, 2007). After hatching, neonates may quickly leave the nursery grounds (Hoff, 2007). Egg densities in these small areas may be quite high. As an example, in the eastern Bering Sea, a site <2 km2 harbored eggs of Alaska skate (Bathyraja parmifera) exceeding 500,000/km2. All skate nursery grounds have been identified over soft sea floors (Lucifora and García, 2004; Hoff, 2007).


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In 1987 we found a juvenile yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788), in the stomach of a longnose lancetfish, Alepisaurus ferox Lowe, 1833. Analysis of published information on lancetfish food habits (Haedrich, 1964, 1969; Haedrich and Nielsen, 1966; Parin, 1968; Parin et al., 1969; Fourmanoir, 1969; Grandperrin and Legand, 1970; Kubota and Uyeno, 1970; Legand et al., 1972; Kubota, 1973; Fujita and Hattori, 1976; Matthews et al., 1977) led us to conclude that this was the first record of a yellowfin tuna found in a lancetfish stomach.


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The sequencing analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region (mtCR DNA) was performed to assess the genetic divergence and population structure of the Chinese sucker Myxocyprinus asiaticus (Cypriniformes Catostomidae) using four sample lots from natural populations of the Yangtze River. The mtCR DNA sequences of approximately 920 base pairs were obtained. A total of 223 nucleotide positions were polymorphic, and these defined 39 haplotypes. Of the 39 haplotypes, 37 (90%) were not shared, and among the populations as a whole there was little sharing of haplotypes. The average haplotype diversity (0.958) and the average nucleotide diversity (0.052) indicated a higher level of genetic diversity of Chinese sucker through the river. Analysis of molecular variation (AMOVA) of data revealed significant partitioning of variance (P<0.001) among populations (60.29%), and within populations (39.71%). The topology according to the neighbor joining and maximum parsimony methods showed mosaic composition of the 39 haplotypes, suggesting that the populations wore not completely divergent. The pairwise F statistic values, however, indicated that the population structuring existed to some extent among the geographic populations. There was a positive relationship between the aquatic distance and the genetic distance (Fst) among the populations (P<0.05). Based on our data, it is suggested that genetic drift, gene flow, and stochastic events are the possible factors influencing the population structure and genetic variation.


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A rhabdovirus was found to be associated with a lethal hemorrhagic disease in the cultured Chinese sucker Myxocyprinus asiaticus Bleeker. The rhabdovirus was amplified and isolated from the infected GCO, (grass carp ovary) cells. In ultrathin sections of liver cells from the diseased fish, the virus particles exhibited the characteristic bacilliform morphology, and budded through vesicle membranes of the infected cells. The isolated rhabdovirus particles were found to have a bacilliform morphology with 2 rounded ends rather than a typical flat base. The virus particles were measured and ranged in size from 150 to 200 nm in length and 50 to 60 nm in diameter. Most other characteristics, including their size, extensive virus infectivity to fish cell Lines, strong cytopathogenic effects, stability at high temperatures, vesicle formation in infected cells, structure protein electrophoretic patterns and the presence of an RNA genome, very closely resembled those of other fish rhabdoviruses. At present it is not known if this is a novel virus species or if it is an isolate of a known fish rhabdovirus. Until a confirmed identification can be made, we will temporarily refer to this virus as Chinese sucker rhabdovirus (CSRV).


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The continuing over-exploitation of traditional coastal stocks has resulted in the shift of commercial fishing towards deep-sea ecosystems in many parts of the world. The effects on target and non-target species have been dramatic; particularly for the deep-sea sharks. With the aim of providing tools that will allow the assessment of population genetic structure of Centroselachus crepidater, novel microsatellite loci have been developed for this deep-sea elasmobranch. Seven of these markers showed between 3 and 7 alleles per locus in two North Atlantic populations, with observed and expected heterozygosities between 0.18-0.95 and 0.25-0.82, respectively. Additionally, ten loci cross-amplify in other Elasmobranch species.


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The interface between stages of Eimeria funduli and hepatocytes of the experimentally infected killifish Fundulus similis was studied ultrastructurally. Parasitophorous vacuoles (PV's) in which meronts, macrogamonts, and microgamonts developed were lined by an inner, smooth membrane and an outer, ribosome-studded membrane. The outer membrane bordered on the cytoplasm of the host cell, whereas the inner one limited the PV. The origins of these membranes have not been determined with certainty, but images were observed in which both membranes appeared to be continuous with the outer nuclear membrane of the host cell. Furthermore, the outer PV membrane was continuous with membranes of rough endoplasmic reticulum in the host cell. For stages which were rapidly growing or differentiating, the inner membrane blebbed into the PV. Blebbing ceased and ribosomes detached from the outer membrane after maturation of the meront or fertilization of the macrogamont. Blebbing appears to be a mechanism by which nutrients transfer from the host to the parasite. During sporogony, the inner PV membrane acquired a thin layer of electron dense material, but otherwise membranes lining the PV remained intact. The two PV membranes, probably together with dense material of parasitic origin lining the inner membrane, appear to serve as the oocyst wall enclosing the sporocysts until they are released in the intermediate host.


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Electronic text and image data.


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The literature associated with descriptions and definitions of the sucker-like attachment organs in trypanorhynchs, termed either bothria or bothridia, is reviewed. There are descriptions of 14 trypanorhynch species representing 10 families. In none of these trypanorhynchs was a membrane separating the attachment organ from the scolex parenchyma described, one of the definitions used to distinguish bothria from bothridia. Transmission electron microscopy of the bothria of the trypanorhynch species Nybelinia queenslandensis Beveridge & Jones, 1998 (Tentaculariidae) and Otobothrium mugilis Hiscock, 1954 (Otobothriidae) also failed to show any membranous structure separating the surface of the attachment organ from the cestode parenchyma. The sucker-like attachment organs of trypanorhynchan cestodes appear, therefore, to be bothria rather than bothridia. As a result, changes in the terminology of related features of the scolex are proposed here. Henceforth, the pars bothridialis should be referred to as the pars bothrialis and the bothridial pits should be referred to bothrial pits.


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Lepisosteus osseus (Longnose Gar) is a large-bodied predator, whose Florida distribution remains unclear at the southern edge of its range. We reviewed available literature and museum voucher specimens to provide a more accurate range description, and we discuss recent collections in south Florida. Longnose Gar has not been previously reported in natural habitats south of Lake Okeechobee. Instead, records south of the lake are from canals, and most are recent (since 2000), including our own southernmost 2011 record. No records from Everglades natural habitats have been collected. Previous studies have shown native range expansions in anthropogenically disturbed landscapes. We suggest that the Longnose Gar is expanding its range southward in Florida using canals as dispersal vectors and/or suitable habitat.


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Contemporary curriculum guidelines, such as those provided in the incoming Australian curriculum, call for English to attend to multimodal forms of text and literacy as well as more traditional forms. Students are expected to become capable and critical readers, users and creators of texts and forms of literacy that span everything from newspapers to classic texts to visual art to computer games. How to do so, and what this means for English, is often less clear. In this paper, we describe an English curriculum that was at once literary and multimodal, analytic and creative, and embraced a range of opportunities for students to study and create literary and aesthetic texts in many forms. We discuss the opportunities this presented to connect with the excitement of the contemporary world, and the ways in which longstanding principles and philosophies of good teaching and learning, and the central concerns of English curriculum across time, might be understood and reconstituted in the digital age.


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应用超声波探测抽油杆疲劳裂纹扩展时的深度a, 通过室内实验找出D级抽油杆裂纹深度a和裂纹宽度c之间的比趋向于0.78, 简化后可直接研究超声波信号V和裂纹深度a之间的关系, 从而用V-a关系估算有疲劳裂纹D级抽油杆的剩余寿命, 避免杆断带来的经济损失.


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