990 resultados para Longitudinal residual strain
O objetivo desse trabalho foi obter estimativas da tensão de crescimento longitudinal em árvores vivas e verificar a sua relação com algumas características da madeira de Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden aos oito, treze, quinze e dezenove anos de idade. O material foi proveniente da Empresa Procopiak Compensados e Embalagens S.A., localizada no Município de Canoinhas, Santa Catarina. Os níveis de tensão longitudinal de crescimento foram mensurados indiretamente pelo método do "CIRAD-Forêt", na árvore viva, e estimados a partir do módulo de elasticidade dinâmico e do módulo de elasticidade obtido no ensaio de tração paralela à grã. A deformação residual longitudinal (DRL) e as estimativas das tensões de crescimento longitudinais apresentaram tendência de aumento, na média, com a idade do material. A DRL apresentou correlação, positiva e significativa, com todas as estimativas das tensões de crescimento longitudinais, sendo de maior magnitude aos 13, 15 e 19 anos de idade. A densidade básica apresentou maiores correlações, positivas e significativas, com o módulo de elasticidade dinâmico, estimado no sentido longitudinal, para a madeira na condição de saturação e a 12% de umidade, em todas as idades avaliadas. Todas as estimativas das tensões de crescimento longitudinais apresentam elevadas correlações, positivas e significativas, entre si.
In this work, we use the rule of mixtures to develop an equivalent material model in which the total strain energy density is split into the isotropic part related to the matrix component and the anisotropic energy contribution related to the fiber effects. For the isotropic energy part, we select the amended non-Gaussian strain energy density model, while the energy fiber effects are added by considering the equivalent anisotropic volumetric fraction contribution, as well as the isotropized representation form of the eight-chain energy model that accounts for the material anisotropic effects. Furthermore, our proposed material model uses a phenomenological non-monotonous softening function that predicts stress softening effects and has an energy term, derived from the pseudo-elasticity theory, that accounts for residual strain deformations. The model’s theoretical predictions are compared with experimental data collected from human vaginal tissues, mice skin, poly(glycolide-co-caprolactone) (PGC25 3-0) and polypropylene suture materials and tracheal and brain human tissues. In all cases examined here, our equivalent material model closely follows stress-softening and residual strain effects exhibited by experimental data
The objective of this study was to obtain estimates of longitudinal growth stresses in standing trees of the Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden at eight, thirteen, fifteen and nineteen years of age and to determine their relationships with wood characteristics. The longitudinal growth stresses were indirectly measured by the "CIRAD-Forêt" method and estimated from both the dynamic modulus of elasticity and the modulus of elasticity in tension parallel to the grain. The longitudinal residual strain (LRS) and the estimates of the longitudinal growth stresses tended to increase with the age of the material. The LRS correlated positively and significantly with all the growth stresses estimates. The largestes magnitudes were at 13, 15 and 19 years of age. The basic density presented high, positive and significant correlations with the dynamic modulus of elasticity, estimated in the longitudinal direction, for wood saturated and at 12% moisture content, for all the ages assessed. All the growth stresses estimates presented high, positive and significant correlations between themselves.
The objective of this work is to non-destructively determine the residual stress profile in the bulk of two characteristic types of alumina-based composites, with the aim of improving their durability and structural integrity.
In this paper we focused on the differences of mechanical properties of tension and normal wood of 1-year-old poplar trees, artificially tilted. Elastic and fracture properties have been measured and linked to the anatomy. Tension wood is well known because it prevents good surface finishing and leads to difficulties with sawing. We studied three main mechanical properties: young modulus, energy of cutting and longitudinal residual strain of maturation (with strain gauges) because of their importance in wood technology. Moreover, this work takes place in a larger project of study, the phenomena of axes re-orientation in trees (allowing by the production of reaction wood), where these data are required for biomechanical modelling. The results show that tension wood has a higher young modulus, needs a higher energy to be cut and exhibited a higher level of longitudinal residual strain of maturation than those of normal wood. The results suggest that these differences require deeper analysis of the wood than anatomy: measurement of microfibril orientation in the S2 layer and also the lignin composition in monomeric units.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Cold-drawn steel rods and wires retain significant residual stresses as a consequence of the manufacturing process. These residual stresses are known to be detrimental for the mechanical properties of the wires and their durability in aggressive environments. Steel makers are aware of the problem and have developed post-drawing processes to try and reduce the residual stresses on the wires. The present authors have studied this problem for a number of years and have performed a detailed characterization of the residual stress state inside cold-drawn rods, including both experimental and numerical techniques. High-energy synchrotron sources have been particularly useful for this research. The results have shown how residual stresses evolve as a consequence of cold-drawing and how they change with subsequent post-drawing treatments. The authors have been able to measure for the first time a complete residual strain profile along the diameter in both phases (ferrite and cementite) of a cold-drawn steel rod.
Strain rate significantly affects the strength of a material. The Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) was initially used to study the effects of high strain rate (~103 1/s) testing of metals. Later modifications to the original technique allowed for the study of brittle materials such as ceramics, concrete, and rock. While material properties of wood for static and creep strain rates are readily available, data on the dynamic properties of wood are sparse. Previous work using the SHPB technique with wood has been limited in scope to variability of only a few conditions and tests of the applicability of the SHPB theory on wood have not been performed. Tests were conducted using a large diameter (3.0 inch (75 mm)) SHPB. The strain rate and total strain applied to a specimen are dependent on the striker bar length and velocity at impact. Pulse shapers are used to further modify the strain rate and change the shape of the strain pulse. A series of tests were used to determine test conditions necessary to produce a strain rate, total strain, and pulse shape appropriate for testing wood specimens. Hard maple, consisting of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and black maple (Acer nigrum), and eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) specimens were used to represent a dense hardwood and a low-density soft wood. Specimens were machined to diameters of 2.5 and 3.0 inches and an assortment of lengths were tested to determine the appropriate specimen dimensions. Longitudinal specimens of 1.5 inch length and radial and tangential specimens of 0.5 inch length were found to be most applicable to SHPB testing. Stress/strain curves were generated from the SHPB data and validated with 6061-T6 aluminum and wood specimens. Stress was indirectly corroborated with gaged aluminum specimens. Specimen strain was assessed with strain gages, digital image analysis, and measurement of residual strain to confirm the strain calculated from SHPB data. The SHPB was found to be a useful tool in accurately assessing the material properties of wood under high strain rates (70 to 340 1/s) and short load durations (70 to 150 μs to compressive failure).
The present investigation addresse the influence of laser welding process-ing parameters used for joining dis-similar metals (ferritic to austenitic steel), on the induced residual stress field. Welding was performed on a Nd:YAG laser DY033 (3300 W) in a continuous wave (CW), keyhole mode. The base metals (BM) employed in this study are AISI 1010 carbon steel (CS) and AISI 304L austenitic stainless steel (SS). Pairs of dissimilar plates of 200 mm x 45 mm x 3 mm were butt joined by laser welding. Different sets of parameters were used to engineer the base metals apportionment at joint formation, namely distinct dilution rates. Residual strain scanning, carried out by neutron diffraction was used to assess the joints. Through-thickness residual stress maps were determined for the laser welded samples of dis-similar steels using high spatial reso-lution. As a result, an appropriate set of processing parameters, able to mi-nimize the local tensile residual stress associated to the welding process, was found.
In this study, autogenous laser welding was used to join thin plates of low carbon ferritic and austenitic stainless steel. Due to the differences in the thermo-physical properties of base metals, this kind of weld exhibits a complex microstructure, which frequently leads to an overall loss of joint quality. Four welded samples were prepared by using different sets of processing parameters, with the aim of minimizing the induced residual stress field. The dissimilar austenitic-ferritic joints obtained under all welding conditions were uniform and free of defects. Variations in beam position did not influence the weld geometiy, which is a typical keyhole welding. Microstructural characterization and residual strain scanning (by neutron diffraction) were used to assess the features of the joints. By varying laser beam power density and by displacing the laser beam towards the carbon steel side, an optimum combination of processing parameters was found.
The present investigation addresses the mechanical behavior and residual stress field of dissimilar joints produced by laser welding. Microstructure characterization and residual strain scanning, carried out by neutron diffraction, were used to assess the joints features. It was found that the heat source position influences the base metals dilution and the residual stress field associated to the welding process. The tensile behavior of the joint, different zones achieved by using a video-image based system (VIC-2D) reveals that the residual stress field, together with the positive difference in yield between the weld metal and the base materials protects the joint from being plastically deformed.
En este trabajo, materiales de tipo alúmina/Y-TZP (ZrO2 tetragonal, estabilizada con 3 mol. % Y2O3), como sistema cerámico popular por sus mejoradas propiedades mecánicas en comparación con las cerámicas de alúmina puras, han sido estudiados en términos de propiedades mecánicas y tensiones residuales. El novedoso método de colado en cinta, consistente en el apilamiento de cintas de cerámica verde a temperatura ambiente y el uso de bajas presiones, se ha escogido para la presente investigación con el fin de poder aprovechar al máximo el futuro desarrollo de materiales laminados de alúmina-óxido de circonio. Se han determinado las propiedades de los materiales obtenidos por este nuevo método de procesamiento comparándolas con las de los materiales obtenidos por “slip casting”, con el fin de analizar si el método propuesto afecta a la microestructura y, por tanto, a las propiedades mecánicas y tensiones residuales propias de estos materiales. Para analizar la idoneidad del proceso de fabricación, utilizado para evitar la presencia de discontinuidades en las intercaras entre las láminas así como otros fenómenos que puedan interferir con las propiedades mecánicas, se estudiaron materiales cerámicos con la misma composición en cintas. Por otra parte también se analizó el efecto de la adición de óxido de circonio sobre la aparición de tensiónes residuales en cerámicas Al2O3/Y-TZP, teniendo en cuenta su notable influencia sobre las propiedades microestructurales y mecánicas de los materiales, así como el requisito de co-sinterización de capas con diferentes materiales compuestos en materiales laminados. La caracterización del material incluye la determinación de la densidad, el análisis de la microestructura, la obtención de las propiedades mecánicas (módulo de elasticidad, dureza, resistencia a la flexión y tenacidad de fractura) así como de las tensiones residuales. En combinación con otros métodos de medida tradicionales, la nanoindentación también se empleó como una técnica adicional para la medida del módulo de elasticidad y de la dureza. Por otro lado, diferentes técnicas de difracción con neutrones, tanto las basadas en longitud de onda constante (CW) como en tiempo de vuelo (TOF), han sido empleadas para la medición fiable de la deformación residual a través del grosor en muestras a granel. Las tensiones residuales fueron determinadas con elevada precisión, aplicando además métodos de análisis apropiados, como por ejemplo el refinamiento de Rietveld. Las diferentes fases en cerámicas sinterizadas, especialmente las de zirconia, se examinaron con detalle mediante el análisis de Rietveld, teniendo en cuenta el complicado polimorfismo del Óxido de Zirconio (ZrO2) así como las posibles transformaciones de fase durante el proceso de fabricación. Los efectos del contenido de Y-TZP en combinación con el nuevo método de procesamiento sobre la microestructura, el rendimiento mecánico y las tensiones residuales de los materiales estudiados (Al2O3/Y-TZP) se resumen en el presente trabajo. Finalmente, los mecanismos de endurecimiento, especialmente los relacionados con las tensiones residuales, son igualmente discutidos. In present work, Alumina/Y-TZP (tetragonal ZrO2 stabilized with 3 mol% Y2O3) materials, as an popular ceramic system with improved mechanical properties compared with the pure alumina ceramics, have been studied in terms of mechanical properties and residual stresses. The novel tape casting method, which involved the stacking of green ceramics tapes at room temperature and using low pressures, is selected for manufacturing and investigation, in order to take full advantage of the future development of alumina-zirconia laminated materials. Features of materials obtained by the new processing method are determined and compared with those of materials obtained by conventional slip casting in a plaster mold, in order to study whether the proposed method of processing affects microstructure and thereby the mechanical properties and residual stresses characteristics of materials. To analyse the adequacy of the manufacturing process used to avoid the presence of discontinuities at the interfaces between the sheets and other phenomena that interfere with the mechanical properties, ceramic materials with the same composition in tapes were investigated. Moreover, the effect of addition of zirconia on residual stress development of Al2O3/Y-TZP ceramics were taken into investigations, considering its significantly influence on the microstructure and mechanical properties of materials as well as the requirement of co-sintering of layers with different composites in laminated materials. The characterization includes density, microstructure, mechanical properties (elastic modulus, hardness, flexure strength and fracture toughness) and residual stresses. Except of the traditional measurement methods, nanoindentation technique was also used as an additional measurement of the elastic modulus and hardness. Neutron diffraction, both the constant-wavelength (CW) and time-of-flight (TOF) neutron diffraction techniques, has been used for reliable through-thickness residual strain measurement in bulk samples. Residual stresses were precisely determined combined with appropriate analysis methods, e.g. the Rietveld refinement. The phase compositions in sintered ceramics especially the ones of zirconia were accurately examined by Rietveld analysis, considering the complex polymorph of ZrO2 and the possible phase transformation during manufacturing process. Effects of Y-TZP content and the new processing method on the microstructure, mechanical performance and residual stresses were finally summarized in present studied Al2O3/Y-TZP materials. The toughening mechanisms, especially the residual stresses related toughening, were theoretically discussed.
Transmural extent of infarction (TME) may be an important determinant of functional recovery and remodeling. Recent animal data suggest that strain rate imaging (SRI) maybe able to identify subendocardial ischemia.We compared SRI and cyclic variation of integrated backscatter (CVIB) for predicting TME in the quantitative assessment of regional subepicardial function. Forty-nine (n = 49) postmyocardial infarct patients (61±10 years, EF 41±10%) underwent tissue Doppler echocardiography (TDE) and contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (CMR). A15 mm×2mm sampling volume (tracked to wall motion) was placed over the long axis subepicardial region of each segment during TDE offline analysis to measure peak longitudinal systolic strain rate (SR), peak longitudinal systolic strain (PS), and CVIB. Findingswere compared with TME classified into two categories of scar thickness by CMR: Non-transmural (TME≤50%), and transmural (TME > 50%). Of 213 segments identified with resting wall motion abnormalities, 145 segments showed delayed hyperenhancement on CMR. SR, PS and CVIB were similar with no significant differences between transmural and non-transmural infarcts regardless of the echo modality.
Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Ramo de especialização: Ultrassonografia Cardiovascular
Since the 1980s, different devices based on superelastic alloys have been developed to fulfill orthodontic applications. Particularly in the last decades several researches have been carried out to evaluate the mechanical behavior of Ni-Ti alloys, including their tensile, torsion and fatigue properties. However, studies regarding the dependence of elastic properties on residence time of Ni-Ti wires in the oral cavity are scarce. Such approach is essential since metallic alloys are submitted to mechanical stresses during orthodontic treatment as well as pH and temperature fluctuations. The goal of the present contribution is to provide elastic stress-strain results to guide the orthodontic choice between martensitic thermal activated and austenitic superelastic Ni-Ti alloys. From the point of view of an orthodontist, the selection of appropriate materials and the correct maintenance of the orthodontic apparatus are essential needs during clinical treatment. The present work evaluated the elastic behavior of Ni-Ti alloy wires with diameters varying from 0.014 to 0.020 inches, submitted to hysteresis tensile tests with 8% strain. Tensile tests were performed after periods of use of 1, 2 and 3 months in the oral cavity of patients submitted to orthodontic treatment. The results from the hysteresis tests allowed to exam the strain range covered by isostress lines upon loading and unloading, as well as the residual strain after unloading for both superelastic and thermal activated Ni-Ti wires. Superelastic Ni-Ti wires exhibited higher load isostress values compared to thermal activated wires. It was found that such differences in the load isostress values can increase with increasing residence time.