26 resultados para Longinus


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Mode of access: Internet.


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9 1/16 in.x 7 43/64 in.x 5/16 in.; champlevé enamel, copper


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Includes indexes.


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First edition published 1739.


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This dissertation is the first comprehensive and synthetic study of the Irish presentation and legends of Longinus. Longinus was the soldier at the crucifixion who pierced Christ with a spear, who believed and, according to some texts, was healed of his blindness by the blood and water issuing from the wound, and who later was martyred for his belief. In my thesis I survey the knowledge and use of the legend of Longinus in Ireland over genres and over time. Sources used for the analyses include iconographic representations of the spear-bearer in manuscripts, metalwork and stone and textual representations of the figure of Longinus ranging over the history of Irish literature from the early medieval to the early modern period, as well as over Irish and HibernoLatin texts. The thesis consists of four core chapters, the analyses of the presentations of Longinus in early-medieval Irish texts and in the iconographic tradition (I,II), the editions of the extant Irish and the earliest surviving Latin texts of the Passion of Longinus and of a little-known short tract describing the healing of Longinus from Leabhar Breac (III), and the discussion of the later medieval Irish popular traditions (IV). Particular attention is given to the study of two intriguing peculiarities of the Irish tradition. Most early Irish Gospel books feature an interpolation of the episode of the spear-thrust in Matthew 27:49, directly preceding the death of Christ, implying its reading as the immediate cause of death. The image of Longinus as 'iugulator Christi' ('killer of Christ') appears to have been crucial for the development of the legend. Also, the blindness motif, which rarely features in other European popular traditions until the twelfth century, is attested as early as the eighth century in Ireland, which has led some scholars to suggest a potential Irish origin.


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O objetivo da presente dissertação consiste em analisar o sublime, um conceito estético que vem sendo estudado desde os primeiros séculos. Tomamos como base a definição do sublime como algo paradoxal que cria o prazer e o medo ao mesmo tempo. Porém, o sublime apresenta especificidades que variam de acordo com o filósofo analisado. Neste trabalho, três críticos foram estudados: Longinus, Edmund Burke e Immanuel Kant. Assim, o sublime pode ser representado através da imensidão da natureza, do poder de uma criatura sobrenatural ou, até mesmo, através da sexualidade feminina. E, com o intuito de exemplificar essas diferentes perspectivas do sublime, buscamos obras da Literatura Gótica. Sendo esta uma vertente literária que buscava a oposição ao racionalismo trazido pelo movimento iluminista, as características sublimes foram essenciais para enfatizar a emoção. Para tal exemplificação, utilizamos trechos de dois romances góticos dos séculos XVIII e XIX, respectivamente: The Monk escrito por Matthew Lewis e Dracula escrito por Bram Stoker


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Writing in the late 1980s, Nancy gives as examples of the "recent fashion for the sublime" not only the theoreticians of Paris, but the artists of Los Angeles, Berlin, Rome, and Tokyo. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the sublime may of course no longer seem quite so "now" as it did back then, whether in North America, Europe, or Japan. Simon Critchley, for one, has suggested that, at least as regards the issue of its conceptual coupling to "postmodernism," the "debate" concerning the sublime "has become rather stale and the discussion has moved on." Nonetheless, if that debate has indeed "moved on"-and thankfully so-it is not without its remainder, particularly in the very contemporary context of a resurgence of interest in explicitly philosophical accounts of art, in the wake of an emergent critique of cultural studies and of the apparent waning of poststructuralism's influence-a resurgence that has led to a certain "return to aesthetics" in recent Continental philosophy and to the work of Kant, Schelling, and the German Romantics. Moreover, as Nancy's precise formulations suggest, the "fashion" [mode] through which the sublime "offers itself"-as "a break within or from aesthetics"-clearly contains a significance that Critchley's more straightforward narration of shifts in theoretical chic cannot encompass. At stake in this would be the relation between the mode of fashion and art's "destiny" within modernity itself, from the late eighteenth century onwards. Such a conception of art's "destiny," as inextricably linked to that of the sublime, is not unique to recent French theory. In a brief passage in Aesthetic Theory, Adorno also suggests that the "sublime, which Kant reserved exclusively for nature, later became the historical constituent of art itself.... [I]n a subtle way, after the fall of formal beauty, the sublime was the only aesthetic idea left to modernism." As such, although the term has its classical origins in Longinus, its historical character for "us," both Nancy and Adorno argue, associates it specifically with the emergence of the modern. As another philosopher states: "It is around this name [of the sublime] that the destiny of classical poetics was hazarded and lost; it is in this name that ... romanticism, in other words, modernity, triumphed."


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Essai de plume f. 102 : « Lamberti Amatreschie[re] » Basilia (100), Basilius (1), Fructuosus (55), Johannes Bapt. (89), Julianus et Basilissa (23), Longinus (97), Marcus evang. (87v), Radegundis (65), Romanus monachus (57v), Stephanus martyr (50v).


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El trabajo se detiene en el pasaje del Poema de Mio Cid en el cual se hace referencia a Longinos (vv. 351-357), centurión que habría custodiado a Cristo durante la crucifixión y quien milagrosamente habría recobrado la vista a raíz de que sus ojos ciegos fueran alcanzados por la sangre de Su costado. El análisis se centra en el procedimiento a través del cual este personaje es insertado para relacionarlo con el Cid y sus hombres, estableciéndose una cadena de significaciones cuya finalidad ideológica es la de enmarcar la gesta del Cid dentro de un juego de identidades con la gran historia del pueblo de Dios.


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Las Sentencias de Porfirio, que constituyen un compendio de las Enéadas de Plotino, incluyen una revisión del locus vexatus de platonismo del siglo III, que tiene su origen en la interpretación de un controvertido pasaje del Timeo, 39e. Revisaremos los antecedentes de Porfirio, bajo la influencia de Longino, y la polémica suscitada con Plotino y Amelio a su llegada a Roma. Su posterior "retractación" le lleva a aceptar que la Inteligencia se identifica con la multiplicidad de los inteligibles que intelige. La Inteligencia es sujeto inteligente y, al mismo tiempo, objeto inteligido, es decir, ejerce sobre sí misma su propia actividad intelectual. Nuestro análisis tratará de poner en conexión textos de las Sentencias, particularmente provenientes de la 43, con pasajes extraídos de los tratados plotinianos


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El trabajo se detiene en el pasaje del Poema de Mio Cid en el cual se hace referencia a Longinos (vv. 351-357), centurión que habría custodiado a Cristo durante la crucifixión y quien milagrosamente habría recobrado la vista a raíz de que sus ojos ciegos fueran alcanzados por la sangre de Su costado. El análisis se centra en el procedimiento a través del cual este personaje es insertado para relacionarlo con el Cid y sus hombres, estableciéndose una cadena de significaciones cuya finalidad ideológica es la de enmarcar la gesta del Cid dentro de un juego de identidades con la gran historia del pueblo de Dios.


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Las Sentencias de Porfirio, que constituyen un compendio de las Enéadas de Plotino, incluyen una revisión del locus vexatus de platonismo del siglo III, que tiene su origen en la interpretación de un controvertido pasaje del Timeo, 39e. Revisaremos los antecedentes de Porfirio, bajo la influencia de Longino, y la polémica suscitada con Plotino y Amelio a su llegada a Roma. Su posterior "retractación" le lleva a aceptar que la Inteligencia se identifica con la multiplicidad de los inteligibles que intelige. La Inteligencia es sujeto inteligente y, al mismo tiempo, objeto inteligido, es decir, ejerce sobre sí misma su propia actividad intelectual. Nuestro análisis tratará de poner en conexión textos de las Sentencias, particularmente provenientes de la 43, con pasajes extraídos de los tratados plotinianos


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Las Sentencias de Porfirio, que constituyen un compendio de las Enéadas de Plotino, incluyen una revisión del locus vexatus de platonismo del siglo III, que tiene su origen en la interpretación de un controvertido pasaje del Timeo, 39e. Revisaremos los antecedentes de Porfirio, bajo la influencia de Longino, y la polémica suscitada con Plotino y Amelio a su llegada a Roma. Su posterior "retractación" le lleva a aceptar que la Inteligencia se identifica con la multiplicidad de los inteligibles que intelige. La Inteligencia es sujeto inteligente y, al mismo tiempo, objeto inteligido, es decir, ejerce sobre sí misma su propia actividad intelectual. Nuestro análisis tratará de poner en conexión textos de las Sentencias, particularmente provenientes de la 43, con pasajes extraídos de los tratados plotinianos