911 resultados para Long Valley Region (Mono County)


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A description and model of the near-surface hydrothermal system at Casa Diablo, with its implications for the larger-scale hydrothermal system of Long Valley, California, is presented. The data include resistivity profiles with penetrations to three different depth ranges, and analyses of inorganic mercury concentrations in 144 soil samples taken over a 1.3 by 1.7 km area. Analyses of the data together with the mapping of active surface hydrothermal features (fumaroles, mudpots, etc.), has revealed that the relationship between the hydrothermal system, surface hydrothermal activity, and mercury anomalies is strongly controlled by faults and topography. There are, however, more subtle factors responsible for the location of many active and anomalous zones such as fractures, zones of high permeability, and interactions between hydrothermal and cooler groundwater. In addition, the near-surface location of the upwelling from the deep hydrothermal reservoir, which supplies the geothermal power plants at Casa Diablo and the numerous hot pools in the caldera with hydrothermal water, has been detected. The data indicate that after upwelling the hydrothermal water flows eastward at shallow depth for at least 2 km and probably continues another 10 km to the east, all the way to Lake Crowley.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The main cis-acting control regions for replication of the single-stranded DNA genome of maize streak virus (MSV) are believed to reside within an approximately 310 nt long intergenic region (LIR). However, neither the minimum LIR sequence required nor the sequence determinants of replication specificity have been determined experimentally. There are iterated sequences, or iterons, both within the conserved inverted-repeat sequences with the potential to form a stem-loop structure at the origin of virion-strand replication, and upstream of the rep gene TATA box (the rep-proximal iteron or RPI). Based on experimental analyses of similar iterons in viruses from other geminivirus genera and their proximity to known Rep-binding sites in the distantly related mastrevirus wheat dwarf virus, it has been hypothesized that the iterons may be Rep-binding and/or -recognition sequences. Here, a series of LIR deletion mutants was used to define the upper bounds of the LIR sequence required for replication. After identifying MSV strains and distinct mastreviruses with incompatible replication-specificity determinants (RSDs), LIR chimaeras were used to map the primary MSV RSD to a 67 nt sequence containing the RPI. Although the results generally support the prevailing hypothesis that MSV iterons are functional analogues of those found in other geminivirus genera, it is demonstrated that neither the inverted-repeat nor RPI sequences are absolute determinants of replication specificity. Moreover, widely divergent mastreviruses can trans-replicate one another. These results also suggest that sequences in the 67 nt region surrounding the RPI interact in a sequence-specific manner with those of the inverted repeat.


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The flower industry has a reputation for heavy usage of toxic chemicals and polluting the environment, enormous consumption of water, and poor working condition and low wage level in various parts of the world. It is unfortunate that this industry is adamant to change and repeating the same mistakes in Ethiopia. Because of this, - there is a growing concern among the general public and the international community about sustainability of the Ethiopian flower industry. Consequently, working conditions in the flower industry, impacts of wage income on the livelihoods of employees, coping strategies of low wage flower farm workers, impacts of flower farms on the livelihoods of local people and environmental pollution and conflict, were analysed. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were employed. Four quantitative data sets: labour practice, employees’ income and expenditure, displaced household, and flower grower views survey were collected between 2010 and 2012. Robust regression to identify the determinants of wage levels, and Multinomial logit to identify the determinants of coping strategies of flower farm workers and displaced households were employed. The findings show the working conditions in flower farms are characterized by low wages, job insecurity and frequent violation of employees’ rights, and poor safety measures. To ensure survival of their family, land dispossessed households adopt a wide range of strategies including reduction in food consumption, sharing oxen, renting land, share cropping, and shifting staple food crops. Most experienced scarcity of water resources, lack of grazing areas, death of herds and reduced numbers of livestock due to water source pollution. Despite the Ethiopian government investment in attracting and creating conducive environment for investors, not much was accomplished when it comes to enforcing labour laws and environmental policies. Flower farm expansion in Ethiopia, as it is now, can be viewed as part of the global land and water grab and is not all inclusive and sustainable. Several recommendations are made to improve working conditions, maximize the benefits of flower industry to the society, and to the country at large.


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The prevalence of enzootic bovine leukosis (EEL) among female buffaloes reared in 15 herds of the Ribeira Valley, Brazil, was zero. Serum samples(470)were submitted to agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) with a glycoprotein antigen(gp51) for the diagnosis of EBL. The fact that no seroreactive animals were detected may probably be due to the predominantly extensive management of buffaloes and their little or no contact with cattle, the major source of EEL infection.


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This work aimed to evaluate the gastrointestinal helminthfauna composition of six-banded armadillos from the Brazilian semi-arid region. Gastrointestinal contents of six road-killed adult animals from Patos County, Paraiba State, were analyzed. Six species of nematodes, comprising five genera and four families, were recovered from the analyzed animals. New morphological data on Trichohelix tuberculata is given, along with a new taxonomical proposal for Hadrostrongylus ransomi (Travassos, 1935) n. comb. This is the first record for parasitic helminths in this host from the Brazilian semi-arid.


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The gill monogene communities of Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow) in three distinct sites on converging streams were investigated from 2004 to 2006 in three different seasons. Thirty collections of P. promelas were made in southeastern Nebraska along three converging tributaries: Elk Creek (40.88534°N, 96.83366°W), West Oak Creek (40.9082°N, 96.81432°W), and Oak Creek (40.91402°N, 96.770583°W), Lancaster County, Nebraska. In all, 103 P. promelas were collected from Elk Creek, 115 from West Oak Creek, and 78 from Oak Creek and examined for gill monogenes. Among the P. promelas collected, 93.5% were infected with up to three species of Dactylogyrus, including Dactylogyrus simplex Mizelle, 1937, Dactylogyrus bychowskyi Mizelle, 1937, and Dactylogyrus pectenatus Mayes, 1977. Mean intensities at Elk Creek, West Oak Creek, and Oak Creek were 17.6, 22.8, and 25.1, and prevalences 88, 95, and 97%, respectively. At these three sites: (1) P. promelas does not share Dactylogyrus species with Semotilus atromaculatus (creek chub) or Notropis stramineus (sand shiner); (2) fish size and sex are not predictive of Dactylogyrus infection; (3) Dactylogyrus spp. vary (not always predictably) in their seasonal occurrence; (4) populations of Dactylogyrus spp. respond to environmental differences among sites; and (5) the community structure of Dactylogyrus spp. (order of abundance) is independent of environment.


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Unroofing of the Black Mountains, Death Valley, California, has resulted in the exposure of 1.7 Ga crystalline basement, late Precambrian amphibolite facies metasedimentary rocks, and a Tertiary magmatic complex. The Ar-40/Ar-39 cooling ages, obtained from samples collected across the entire length of the range (>55 km), combined with geobarometric results from synextensional intrusions, provide time-depth constraints on the Miocene intrusive history and extensional unroofing of the Black Mountains. Data from the southeastern Black Mountains and adjacent Greenwater Range suggest unroofing from shallow depths between 9 and 10 Ma. To the northwest in the crystalline core of the range, biotite plateau ages from approximately 13 to 6.8 Ma from rocks making up the Death Valley turtlebacks indicate a midcrustal residence (with temperatures >300-degrees-C) prior to extensional unroofing. Biotite Ar-40/Ar-39 ages from both Precambrian basement and Tertiary plutons reveal a diachronous cooling pattern of decreasing ages toward the northwest, subparallel to the regional extension direction. Diachronous cooling was accompanied by dike intrusion which also decreases in age toward the northwest. The cooling age pattern and geobarometric constraints in crystalline rocks of the Black Mountains suggest denudation of 10-15 km along a northwest directed detachment system, consistent with regional reconstructions of Tertiary extension and with unroofing of a northwest deepening crustal section. Mica cooling ages that deviate from the northwest younging trend are consistent with northwestward transport of rocks initially at shallower crustal levels onto deeper levels along splays of the detachment. The well-known Amargosa chaos and perhaps the Badwater turtleback are examples of this "splaying" process. Considering the current distance of the structurally deepest samples away from moderately to steeply east tilted Tertiary strata in the southeastern Black Mountains, these data indicate an average initial dip of the detachment system of the order of 20-degrees, similar to that determined for detachment faults in west central Arizona and southeastern California. Beginning with an initially listric geometry, a pattern of footwall unroofing accompanied by dike intrusion progress northwestward. This pattern may be explained by a model where migration of footwall flexures occur below a scoop-shaped banging wall block. One consequence of this model is that gently dipping ductile fabrics developed in the middle crust steepen in the upper crust during unloading. This process resolves the low initial dips obtained here with mapping which suggests transport of the upper plate on moderately to steeply dipping surfaces in the middle and upper crust.


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Chagas’ disease, also called American Trypanosomiasis, is a vector-borne disease caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. T. cruzi is spread by triatomine insects, commonly referred to as ‘kissing bugs.’ After the insect takes a blood meal from its animal or human host, it usually defecates near the bite wound. The parasite is present in the feces, and when rubbed into the bite wound or mucous membranes by the host, infection ensues. Chagas’ disease is highly endemic in Central and South America where it originated. Many people in these endemic areas live in poor conditions surrounded by animals, mainly dogs, that can serve as a possible link to human infection. In Chagas’ endemic countries, dogs can be used as a sentinel to infer risk for human infection. In Texas, the prevalence of Chagas’ and risk for human infection is largely unknown. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Chagas’ disease in shelter dogs in Houston, Texas and the Rio Grande Valley region by using an immunochromatographic assay (Chagas’ Stat-Pak) to test for the presence of T. cruzi antibodies. Of the 822 samples tested, 26 were found to be positive (3.2%). In both locations, Chagas’ prevalence increased over time. This study found that dogs, especially strays, can serve as sentinels for disease activity. Public health authorities can implement this strategy to understand the level of Chagas’ activity in a defined geographic area and prevent human infection.^


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