998 resultados para Lolium-temulentum L


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Cairns, A. J., Gallagher, J. A. (2004). Absence of turnover and futile cycling of sucrose in leaves of Lolium temulentum L.: implications for metabolic compartmentation. Planta, 219 (5), 836-846. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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J. A. Gallagher, A. J. Cairns and C. J. Pollock (2004). Cloning and characterization of a putative fructosyltransferase and two putative invertase genes from the temperate grass Lolium temulentum L. Journal of Experimental Botany, 55 (397) pp.557-569 Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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Maria Roca, Caron James, Adriana Pruzinsk?, Stefan H?rtensteiner, Howard Thomas and Helen Ougham. Analysis of the chlorophyll catabolism pathway in leaves of an introgression senescence mutant of Lolium temulentum. Phytochemistry, 65 (9), 1231-1238. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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igments, proteins and enzyme activity related to chlorophyll catabolism were analysed in senescing leaves of wild-type (WT) Lolium temulentum and compared with those of an introgression line carrying a mutant gene from stay-green (SG) Festuca pratensis. During senescence of WT leaves chlorophylls a and b were continuously catabolised to colourless products and no other derivatives were observed, whereas in SG leaves there was an accumulation of dephytylated and oxidised catabolites including chlorophyllide a, phaeophorbide a and 132 OH-chlorophyllide a. Dephytylated products were absent from SG leaf tissue senescing under a light-dark cycle. Retention of pigments in SG was accompanied by significant stabilisation of light harvesting chlorophyll-proteins compared with WT, but soluble proteins such as Rubisco were degraded during senescence at a similar rate in the two genotypes. The activity of phaeophorbide a oxygenase measured in SG tissue at 3d was less than 12% of that in WT tissue at the same time-point during senescence and of the same order as that in young pre-senescent WT leaves, indicating that the metabolic lesion in SG concerns a deficiency at the ring-opening step of the catabolic pathway. In senescent L. temulentum tissue two terminal chlorophyll catabolites were identified with chromatographic characteristics that suggest they may represent hitherto undescribed catabolite structures. These data are discussed in relation to current understanding of the genetic and metabolic control of chlorophyll catabolism in leaf senescence.


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Long-day exposure of the grass Lolium temulentum may regulate flowering via changes in gibberellin (GA) levels. Therefore, we have examined both GA levels and expression of a MYB transcription factor that is specific to the GA signal transduction pathway in monocots. This MYB gene from L. temulentum shows over 90% nucleotide identity with the barley and rice GAMYB genes, and, like them, gibberellic acid (GA3) up-regulates its expression in the seed. Furthermore, cDNAs of both the barley and L. temulentum GAMYB show the same simple patterns of hybridization with digests of L. temulentum genomic DNA. Compared with vegetative shoot apices of L. temulentum, the in situ mRNA expression of LtGAMYB does not change during the earliest steps of “floral” initiation at the apex. However, by 100 h (the double-ridge stage of flowering) its expression increased substantially and was highest in the terminal and lateral spikelet sites. Thereafter, expression declined overall but then increased within stamen primordia. Prior to increased LtGAMYB expression, long-day exposure sufficient to induce flowering led to increased (5- to 20-fold) levels of GA1 and GA4 in the leaf. Thus, increases first in GA level in the leaf followed by increased expression of LtGAMYB in the apex suggest important signaling and/or response roles in flowering.


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A molecular marker-based map of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) has been constructed through the use of polymorphisms associated with expressed sequence tags (ESTs). A pair-cross between genotypes from a North African ecotype and the cultivar Aurora was used to generate a two-way pseudo-testcross population. A selection of 157 cDNAs assigned to eight different functional categories associated with agronomically important biological processes was used to detect polymorphic EST–RFLP loci in the F1(NA6 × AU6) population. A comprehensive set of EST–SSR markers was developed from the analysis of 14,767 unigenes, with 310 primer pairs showing efficient amplification and detecting 113 polymorphic loci. Two parental genetic maps were produced: the NA6 genetic map contains 88 EST–RFLP and 71 EST–SSR loci with a total map length of 963 cM, while the AU6 genetic map contains 67 EST–RFLP and 58 EST–SSR loci with a total map length of 757 cM. Bridging loci permitted the alignment of homologous chromosomes between the parental maps, and a sub-set of genomic DNA-derived SSRs was used to relate linkage groups to the perennial ryegrass reference map. Regions of segregation distortion were identified, in some instances in common with other perennial ryegrass maps. The EST-derived marker-based map provides the basis for in silico comparative genetic mapping, as well as the evaluation of co-location between QTLs and functionally associated genetic loci.


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Sk?t, L., Humphreys, J., Humphreys, M. O., Thorogood, D., Gallagher, J. A., Sanderson, R., Armstead, I. P., Thomas, I. D. (2007). Association of candidate genes with flowering time and water-soluble carbohydrate content in Lolium perenne (L.). Genetics, 177 (1), 535-547. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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Sk?t, L., Humphreys, M. O., Armstead, I. P., Heywood, S., Sk?t, K. P., Sanderson, R., Thomas, I. D., Chorlton, K. H., & Sackville Hamilton, N. R. (2005). An association mapping approach to identify flowering time genes in natural populations of Lolium perenne (L.). Molecular Breeding, 15(3), 233-245. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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Root exudates were collected over a 27 day period from defoliated and non-defoliated Lolium perenne L. plants grown under sterile conditions in microlysimeters. Eleven individual sugars, including both aldehyde and alcohol sugars, were identified and quantified with a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). There was no change in the number of sugars present between 7 and 27 days, but the exudation of alcohol sugars decreased rapidly at about day 12. Xylose and glucose were present in the largest amounts. Defoliation initially increased the total amount of sugars in the exudates, but continuous defoliation reduced total sugar exudation by 16% and induced changes in the exudation patterns of individual sugars. Defoliation enhanced exudation of erythritol, threitol, and xylitol, reduced exudation of glucose and arabitol, but had little effect on the amounts of other sugars exuded. The more complex 6 C, 5 OH aldehyde sugars, especially glucose, showed changes earlier and to a greater extent (17 days), than the 5 C, 4 OH (xylose and ribose) and 6 C 4 OH (fucose) aldehyde groups. These findings confirm the general finding that repeated defoliation reduces the quantity of total sugars exuded, but the pattern of release of individual sugars is complex and variable.


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Earthworms are an essential part of the soil fauna in many global soils, represent a significant proportion of the soil biomass and are regarded as a useful indicator of soil health and quality (Edwards, 2004). They are also often the subject of inoculation programmes during the restoration of degraded lands (Butt, 1999) and the inoculation of earthworms to metal-contaminated soils has been suggested (Dickinson, 2000) largely due to the role earthworms are known to play in soil formation at such sites (Frouz et al., 2007).


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Bioactive brassinosteroids have been localized in developing and mature pollen of anhydrously fixed rye-grass (Lolium perenne) by immunocytochemistry using polyclonal antibodies to castasterone generated in rabbits. Tricellular pollen fixed by freeze-substitution was also labelled in the starch granules. Study of the developmental sequence of the pollen through the microsporocyte, microspore, bicellular and tricellular stages showed that the brassinosteroids were increasingly sequestered in starch granules as the amyloplasts matured, supporting the view that these are storage organelles for these potent plant growth promoters. In bicellular pollen, heavy labelling was seen in the zone within 0.5 μm of the starch granule, where stromal tissue remains. Thus, the stroma may be the site of synthesis of these compounds. During aqueous fixation, the brassinosteroids leached from the starch granules of tricellular pollen, indicating that they would be quickly available after imbibition to influence the physiology of germinating pollen. The results from high-performance liquid chromatography of dansylaminophenylboronates from partially purified extracts of freshly dehisced tricellular pollen of rye-grass showed 25-methylcastasterone may be a minor component, together with two unknown peaks. No specific binding of brassinolide to any soluble proteins extracted from tricellular rye-grass pollen was observed using the antibodies in gel electrophoresis or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays.


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Proplastids of both tapetal cells and microsporocytes were present early in anther development. Tapetal proplastids differentiated—probably into elaioplasts—at late microspore stage. The tapetal cytoplasm was completely resorbed by early tricellular pollen stage. Microspore proplastids differentiated into amyloplasts at early bicellular stage, and were present in both vegetative and generative cells. In the generative cell, the amyloplasts were ephemeral and apparently degenerated within autophagic vacuoles. Plastids were absent from sperm cells. Vegetative cell amyloplasts increased in number apparently by fission such that one amyloplast produced one amyloplast and one proplastid per division. Mature pollen grains were estimated to contain between 550 and 820 amyloplasts with only one starch granule per plastid.


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A trial was carried out to evaluate efficacy of different herbicides and spray volumes when sprayed to ryegrass for chemical management and control of remaining seeds. The treatments were: three formulations of glyphosate at 1080 g ha(-1) (Original Round up, Round up Transorb, WG Round Up), paraquat + diuron at 300+500 and 150+250 g ha(-1) and glufosinate ammonium at 400 and 600 g ha(-1). All treatments were used in spray volumes of 200 and 400 l ha(-1). The effectiveness of the desiccation of ryegrass plants was assessed at 1, 3, 7, 14 and 21 days after application. At the last evaluation samples were collected for dry mass production analysis, and also panicles with seeds for germination test. Glyphosate in different formulations and volumes and glufosinate ammonium at 600 g ha(-1) when sprayed with into 400 l ha(-1) provided the best controls regarding ryegrass chemical management. Treatments with gliphosate (Roundup Original) and paraquat + diuron (300 +150 g ha(-1)) in volumes of 400 and 200 L ha(-1), respectively, were the ones that showed the lowest values of dry matter, differing from the control. All the ryegrass seeds were killed by treatments with herbicides (paraquat + diuron) at 500 + 250 g ha(-1) and glufosinate-ammonium at 600 g ha(-1) when used 200 l ha(-1).


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This work aimed to study the drying of ryegrass seeds (Lolium multiflorum L.) in fixed bed dryer with parallel air flow.