999 resultados para Logical processing


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Voltage-controlled spin electronics is crucial for continued progress in information technology. It aims at reduced power consumption, increased integration density and enhanced functionality where non-volatile memory is combined with highspeed logical processing. Promising spintronic device concepts use the electric control of interface and surface magnetization. From the combination of magnetometry, spin-polarized photoemission spectroscopy, symmetry arguments and first-principles calculations, we show that the (0001) surface of magnetoelectric Cr2O3 has a roughness-insensitive, electrically switchable magnetization. Using a ferromagnetic Pd/Co multilayer deposited on the (0001) surface of a Cr2O3 single crystal, we achieve reversible, room-temperature isothermal switching of the exchange-bias field between positive and negative values by reversing the electric field while maintaining a permanent magnetic field. This effect reflects the switching of the bulk antiferromagnetic domain state and the interface magnetization coupled to it. The switchable exchange bias sets in exactly at the bulk Néel temperature.


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Los sistemas de alarmas constituyen un elemento clave en las plantas modernas de procesos industriales. A lo largo de los años, los mismos han ido evolucionando de la mano del importante desarrollo en la industria del software, para pasar de ser simples paneles de anunciación y lámparas cableadas hasta complejos sistemas inteligentes que asisten al operador en sus funciones de operación. En el desarrollo de este trabajo se planteó diseñar un Sistema Avanzado de Alarmas para el Reactor Nuclear de Investigación RA6 contemplando las nuevas tecnologías existentes para incorporar mejoras a la actual sala de control. Para ello se trabajó siguiendo la metodología propuesta por la guía de diseño de sistemas de alarmas ANSI / ISA- SP-18. Para asistir al diseño y la verificación del sistema se utilizó un modelo termohidráulico de la planta desarrollado en Matlab/Simulink. Entre las nuevas herramientas incorporadas en el prototipo final obtenido se pueden mencionar: creación de archivos históricos, asignación de prioridades, supresiones de alarmas según estado operativo, filtrado y agrupamiento de alarmas.


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Los sistemas de alarmas constituyen un elemento clave en las plantas modernas de procesos industriales. A lo largo de los años, los mismos han ido evolucionando de la mano del importante desarrollo en la industria del software, para pasar de ser simples paneles de anunciación y lámparas cableadas hasta complejos sistemas inteligentes que asisten al operador en sus funciones de operación. En el desarrollo de este trabajo se planteó diseñar un Sistema Avanzado de Alarmas para el Reactor Nuclear de Investigación RA6 contemplando las nuevas tecnologías existentes para incorporar mejoras a la actual sala de control. Para ello se trabajó siguiendo la metodología propuesta por la guía de diseño de sistemas de alarmas ANSI / ISA- SP-18. Para asistir al diseño y la verificación del sistema se utilizó un modelo termohidráulico de la planta desarrollado en Matlab/Simulink. Entre las nuevas herramientas incorporadas en el prototipo final obtenido se pueden mencionar: creación de archivos históricos, asignación de prioridades, supresiones de alarmas según estado operativo, filtrado y agrupamiento de alarmas.


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his paper studies the problem of designing a logical topology over a wavelength-routed all-optical network (AON) physical topology, The physical topology consists of the nodes and fiber links in the network, On an AON physical topology, we can set up lightpaths between pairs of nodes, where a lightpath represents a direct optical connection without any intermediate electronics, The set of lightpaths along with the nodes constitutes the logical topology, For a given network physical topology and traffic pattern (relative traffic distribution among the source-destination pairs), our objective is to design the logical topology and the routing algorithm on that topology so as to minimize the network congestion while constraining the average delay seen by a source-destination pair and the amount of processing required at the nodes (degree of the logical topology), We will see that ignoring the delay constraints can result in fairly convoluted logical topologies with very long delays, On the other hand, in all our examples, imposing it results in a minimal increase in congestion, While the number of wavelengths required to imbed the resulting logical topology on the physical all optical topology is also a constraint in general, we find that in many cases of interest this number can be quite small, We formulate the combined logical topology design and routing problem described above (ignoring the constraint on the number of available wavelengths) as a mixed integer linear programming problem which we then solve for a number of cases of a six-node network, Since this programming problem is computationally intractable for larger networks, we split it into two subproblems: logical topology design, which is computationally hard and will probably require heuristic algorithms, and routing, which can be solved by a linear program, We then compare the performance of several heuristic topology design algorithms (that do take wavelength assignment constraints into account) against that of randomly generated topologies, as well as lower bounds derived in the paper.


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Ridoux, O. and Ferr?, S. (2004) Introduction to logical information systems. Information Processing & Management, 40 (3), 383-419. Elsevier


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A key assumption of dual process theory is that reasoning is an explicit, effortful, deliberative process. The present study offers evidence for an implicit, possibly intuitive component of reasoning. Participants were shown sentences embedded in logically valid or invalid arguments. Participants were not asked to reason but instead rated the sentences for liking (Experiment 1) and physical brightness (Experiments 2-3). Sentences that followed logically from preceding sentences were judged to be more likable and brighter. Two other factors thought to be linked to implicit processing-sentence believability and facial expression-had similar effects on liking and brightness ratings. The authors conclude that sensitivity to logical structure was implicit, occurring potentially automatically and outside of awareness. They discuss the results within a fluency misattribution framework and make reference to the literature on discourse comprehension. 


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La présente thèse examine les liens entre le sommeil, la mémoire épisodique et les rêves. Dans une première étude, nous utilisons les technologies de la réalité virtuelle (RV) en liaison avec un paradigme de privation de sommeil paradoxal et de collecte de rêve en vue d'examiner l'hypothèse que le sommeil paradoxal et le rêve sont impliqués dans la consolidation de la mémoire épisodique. Le sommeil paradoxal a été associé au rappel des aspects spatiaux des éléments émotionnels de la tâche RV. De la même façon, l'incorporation de la tâche RV dans les rêves a été associée au rappel des aspects spatiaux de la tâche. De plus, le rappel des aspects factuels et perceptuels de la mémoire épisodique, formé lors de la tâche VR, a été associé au sommeil aux ondes lentes. Une deuxième étude examine l'hypothèse selon laquelle une fonction possible du rêve pourrait être de créer de nouvelles associations entre les éléments de divers souvenirs épisodiques. Un participant a été réveillé 43 fois lors de l'endormissement pour fournir des rapports détaillés de rêves. Les résultats suggèrent qu'un seul rêve peut comporter, dans un même contexte spatiotemporel, divers éléments appartenant aux multiples souvenirs épisodiques. Une troisième étude aborde la question de la cognition lors du sommeil paradoxal, notamment comment les aspects bizarres des rêves, qui sont formés grâce aux nouvelles combinaisons d'éléments de la mémoire épisodique, sont perçus par le rêveur. Les résultats démontrent une dissociation dans les capacités cognitives en sommeil paradoxal caractérisée par un déficit sélectif dans l'appréciation des éléments bizarres des rêves. Les résultats des quatre études suggèrent que le sommeil aux ondes lentes et le sommeil paradoxal sont différemment impliqués dans le traitement de la mémoire épisodique. Le sommeil aux ondes lentes pourrait être implique dans la consolidation de la mémoire épisodique, et le sommeil paradoxal, par l'entremise du rêve, pourrais avoir le rôle d'introduire de la flexibilité dans ce système mnémonique.


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Cluster systems are becoming more prevalent in today’s computer society and users are beginning to request that these systems be reliable. Currently, most clusters have been designed to provide high performance at the cost of providing little to no reliability. To combat this, this report looks at how a recovery facility, based on either a centralised or distributed approach could be implemented into a cluster that is supported by a check pointing facility. This recovery facility can then recover failed user processes by using checkpoints of the processes that have been taken during failure free execution.


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The goal of a research programme Evidence Algorithm is a development of an open system of automated proving that is able to accumulate mathematical knowledge and to prove theorems in a context of a self-contained mathematical text. By now, the first version of such a system called a System for Automated Deduction, SAD, is implemented in software. The system SAD possesses the following main features: mathematical texts are formalized using a specific formal language that is close to a natural language of mathematical publications; a proof search is based on special sequent-type calculi formalizing natural reasoning style, such as application of definitions and auxiliary propositions. These calculi also admit a separation of equality handling from deduction that gives an opportunity to integrate logical reasoning with symbolic calculation.


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Current attempts to manage parallel applications on Clusters of Workstations (COWs) have either generally followed the parallel execution environment approach or been extensions to existing network operating systems, both of which do not provide complete or satisfactory solutions. The efficient and transparent management of parallelism within the COW environment requires enhanced methods of process instantiation, mapping of parallel process to workstations, maintenance of process relationships, process communication facilities, and process coordination mechanisms. The aim of this research is to synthesise, design, develop and experimentally study a system capable of efficiently and transparently managing SPMD parallelism on a COW. This system should both improve the performance of SPMD based parallel programs and relieve the programmer from the involvement into parallelism management in order to allow them to concentrate on application programming. It is also the aim of this research to show that such a system, to achieve these objectives, is best achieved by adding new special services and exploiting the existing services of a client/server and microkernel based distributed operating system. To achieve these goals the research methods of the experimental computer science should be employed. In order to specify the scope of this project, this work investigated the issues related to parallel processing on COWs and surveyed a number of relevant systems including PVM, NOW and MOSIX. It was shown that although the MOSIX system provide a number of good services related to parallelism management, none of the system forms a complete solution. The problems identified with these systems include: instantiation services that are not suited to parallel processing; duplication of services between the parallelism management environment and the operating system; and poor levels of transparency. A high performance and transparent system capable of managing the execution of SPMD parallel applications was synthesised and the specific services of process instantiation, process mapping and process interaction detailed. The process instantiation service designed here provides the capability to instantiate parallel processes using either creation or duplication methods and also supports multiple and group based instantiation which is specifically design for SPMD parallel processing. The process mapping service provides the combination of process allocation and dynamic load balancing to ensure the load of a COW remains balanced not only at the time a parallel program is initialised but also during the execution of the program. The process interaction service guarantees to maintain transparently process relationships, communications and coordination services between parallel processes regardless of their location within the COW. The combination of these services provides an original architecture and organisation of a system that is capable of fully managing the execution of SPMD parallel applications on a COW. A logical design of a parallelism management system was developed derived from the synthesised system and was shown that it should ideally be based on a distributed operating system employing the client server model. The client/server based distributed operating system provides the level of transparency, modularity and flexibility necessary for a complete parallelism management system. The services identified in the synthesised system have been mapped to a set of server processes including: Process Instantiation Server providing advanced multiple and group based process creation and duplication; Process Mapping Server combining load collection, process allocation and dynamic load balancing services; and Process Interaction Server providing transparent interprocess communication and coordination. A Process Migration Server was also identified as vital to support both the instantiation and mapping servers. The RHODOS client/server and microkernel based distributed operating system was selected to carry out research into the detailed design and to be used for the implementation this parallelism management system. RHODOS was enhanced to provide the required servers and resulted in the development of the REX Manager, Global Scheduler and Process Migration Manager to provide the services of process instantiation, mapping and migration, respectively. The process interaction services were already provided within RHODOS and only required some extensions to the existing Process Manager and IPC Managers. Through a variety of experiments it was shown that when this system was used to support the execution of SPMD parallel applications the overall execution times were improved, especially when multiple and group based instantiation services are employed. The RHODOS PMS was also shown to greatly reduce the programming burden experienced by users when writing SPMD parallel applications by providing a small set of powerful primitives specially designed to support parallel processing. The system was also shown to be applicable and has been used in a variety of other research areas such as Distributed Shared Memory, Parallelising Compilers and assisting the port of PVM to the RHODOS system. The RHODOS Parallelism Management System (PMS) provides a unique and creative solution to the problem of transparently and efficiently controlling the execution of SPMD parallel applications on COWs. Combining advanced services such as multiple and group based process creation and duplication; combined process allocation and dynamic load balancing; and complete COW wide transparency produces a totally new system that addresses many of the problems not addressed in other systems.


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The overarching goal of this dissertation was to evaluate the contextual components of instructional strategies for the acquisition of complex programming concepts. A meta-knowledge processing model is proposed, on the basis of the research findings, thereby facilitating the selection of media treatment for electronic courseware. When implemented, this model extends the work of Smith (1998), as a front-end methodology, for his glass-box interpreter called Bradman, for teaching novice programmers. Technology now provides the means to produce individualized instructional packages with relative ease. Multimedia and Web courseware development accentuate a highly graphical (or visual) approach to instructional formats. Typically, little consideration is given to the effectiveness of screen-based visual stimuli, and curiously, students are expected to be visually literate, despite the complexity of human-computer interaction. Visual literacy is much harder for some people to acquire than for others! (see Chapter Four: Conditions-of-the-Learner) An innovative research programme was devised to investigate the interactive effect of instructional strategies, enhanced with text-plus-textual metaphors or text-plus-graphical metaphors, and cognitive style, on the acquisition of a special category of abstract (process) programming concept. This type of concept was chosen to focus on the role of analogic knowledge involved in computer programming. The results are discussed within the context of the internal/external exchange process, drawing on Ritchey's (1980) concepts of within-item and between-item encoding elaborations. The methodology developed for the doctoral project integrates earlier research knowledge in a novel, interdisciplinary, conceptual framework, including: from instructional science in the USA, for the concept learning models; British cognitive psychology and human memory research, for defining the cognitive style construct; and Australian educational research, to provide the measurement tools for instructional outcomes. The experimental design consisted of a screening test to determine cognitive style, a pretest to determine prior domain knowledge in abstract programming knowledge elements, the instruction period, and a post-test to measure improved performance. This research design provides a three-level discovery process to articulate: 1) the fusion of strategic knowledge required by the novice learner for dealing with contexts within instructional strategies 2) acquisition of knowledge using measurable instructional outcome and learner characteristics 3) knowledge of the innate environmental factors which influence the instructional outcomes This research has successfully identified the interactive effect of instructional strategy, within an individual's cognitive style construct, in their acquisition of complex programming concepts. However, the significance of the three-level discovery process lies in the scope of the methodology to inform the design of a meta-knowledge processing model for instructional science. Firstly, the British cognitive style testing procedure, is a low cost, user friendly, computer application that effectively measures an individual's position on the two cognitive style continua (Riding & Cheema,1991). Secondly, the QUEST Interactive Test Analysis System (Izard,1995), allows for a probabilistic determination of an individual's knowledge level, relative to other participants, and relative to test-item difficulties. Test-items can be related to skill levels, and consequently, can be used by instructional scientists to measure knowledge acquisition. Finally, an Effect Size Analysis (Cohen,1977) allows for a direct comparison between treatment groups, giving a statistical measurement of how large an effect the independent variables have on the dependent outcomes. Combined with QUEST's hierarchical positioning of participants, this tool can assist in identifying preferred learning conditions for the evaluation of treatment groups. By combining these three assessment analysis tools into instructional research, a computerized learning shell, customised for individuals' cognitive constructs can be created (McKay & Garner,1999). While this approach has widespread application, individual researchers/trainers would nonetheless, need to validate with an extensive pilot study programme (McKay,1999a; McKay,1999b), the interactive effects within their specific learning domain. Furthermore, the instructional material does not need to be limited to a textual/graphical comparison, but could be applied to any two or more instructional treatments of any kind. For instance: a structured versus exploratory strategy. The possibilities and combinations are believed to be endless, provided the focus is maintained on linking of the front-end identification of cognitive style with an improved performance outcome. My in-depth analysis provides a better understanding of the interactive effects of the cognitive style construct and instructional format on the acquisition of abstract concepts, involving spatial relations and logical reasoning. In providing the basis for a meta-knowledge processing model, this research is expected to be of interest to educators, cognitive psychologists, communications engineers and computer scientists specialising in computer-human interactions.


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Non-conventional database management systems are used to achieve a better performance when dealing with complex data. One fundamental concept of these systems is object identity (OID), because each object in the database has a unique identifier that is used to access and reference it in relationships to other objects. Two approaches can be used for the implementation of OIDs: physical or logical OIDs. In order to manage complex data, was proposed the Multimedia Data Manager Kernel (NuGeM) that uses a logical technique, named Indirect Mapping. This paper proposes an improvement to the technique used by NuGeM, whose original contribution is management of OIDs with a fewer number of disc accesses and less processing, thus reducing management time from the pages and eliminating the problem with exhaustion of OIDs. Also, the technique presented here can be applied to others OODBMSs. © 2011 IEEE.