997 resultados para Liver Glycogen


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The activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase during infusions of glucagon, isoproterenol, or cyanide in isolated liver of fed rats submitted to short-term insulin-induced hypoglycemia (IIH) was investigated. A condition of hyperinsulinemia/hypoglycemia was obtained with an intraperitoneal injection of regular insulin (1.0 U kg(-1)). The control group received ip saline. The experiments were carried out 60 min after insulin (IIH group) or saline (COG group) injection. The rats were anesthetized and after laparotomy, blood was collected from the vena cava for glucose and insulin measurements. The liver was their infused with glucagon (1 nM), isoproterenot (2 mu M), or cyanide (0.5 mM) during 20 min and a sample of the organ was collected for determination of the activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase 5 min after starting and 10 min after stopping the infusions. The infusions of cyanide, glucagons, and isoproterenol did not change the activities of glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase. However, glycogen catabolism was decreased during the infusions of glucagon and isoproterenol in IIH rats, being more intense with isoproterenol (p < 0.05), than glucagon. It was concluded that short-term IIH promoted changes in the liver responsiveness of glycogen degradation induced by glucagon and isoproterenol without a change in the activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Purpose: To evaluate cigarette smoke exposure and/or diabetes association effects on the glycemia and liver glycogen levels of pregnant Wistar rats. Methods: 60 adult rats were randomly distributed into (n= 10/group): non-diabetic exposed to filtered air (G1); non-diabetic exposed to cigarette smoke only before pregnancy (G2); non-diabetic exposed to cigarette smoke before and during pregnancy (G3); diabetic exposed to filtered air (G4); diabetic exposed to cigarette smoke only before pregnancy (G5), and diabetic exposed to cigarette smoke before and during pregnancy (G6). Glycemia was determined at days 0 and 21 of pregnancy. Liver samples were collected for liver glycogen determinations. Results: At day 21 of pregnancy, glycemia was higher in G5 and G6 compared to G4 group. G2 (2.43 +/- 0.43), G3 (3.20 +/- 0.49), G4 (2.62 +/- 0.34), G5 (2.65 +/- 0.27) and G6 groups (1.94 +/- 0.35) presented decreased liver glycogen concentrations compared to G1 (4.20 +/- 0.18 mg/100mg liver tissue) (p<0.05). G5 and G6 groups presented decreased maternal weight gain and litter weight. Conclusions: Severe diabetes and cigarette smoke exposure, alone or associated, caused impairment in liver glycogen storage at term pregnancy. Due to the fact that liver glycogen storages were considered determinant for glucose tolerance, it is relevant to point out a rigid clinical glycemic control and to stop smoking so earlier in pregnancy programming.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Both liver and muscle glycogen stores play a fundamental role in exercise and fatigue, but the effect of different CHO sources on liver glycogen synthesis in humans is unclear. The aim was to compare the effect of maltodextrin (MD) drinks containing galactose, fructose, or glucose on postexercise liver glycogen synthesis.


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Glycogen is a cellular energy store that is crucial for whole body energy metabolism, metabolic regulation and exercise performance. To understand glycogen structure we have purified glycogen particles from rat liver and human skeletal muscle tissues and compared their biophysical properties with those found in commercial glycogen preparations. Ultrastructural analysis of commercial liver glycogens fails to reveal the classical α-rosette structure but small irregularly shaped particles. In contrast, commercial slipper limpet glycogen consists of β-particles with similar branching and chain lengths to purified rat liver glycogen together with a tendency to form small α-particles, and suggest it should be used as a source of glycogen for all future studies requiring a substitute for mammalian liver glycogen.


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Standard toxicity tests with high levels of D-tagatose showed a reversible enlargement of the liver in Sprague-Dawley rats without increase of liver enzymes. The present study tests the hypotheses that partial substitution of dietary sucrose by D-tagatose for 28 days increases the volume of human liver and the concentration of liver glycogen. Twelve healthy, male volunteers were studied in a double-blind crossover study with ingestion of D-tagatose (3x15 g daily) and placebo (sucrose, 3x15 g daily) for periods of 28 days each. Liver volume and glycogen concentration have been determined by magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and spectroscopy, which were accompanied by routine medical examinations. MR examinations before and after the treatments revealed no effects (P>0.05) of treatment, period, or subject for changes in liver volume or glycogen concentration. A steady increase of liver volumes, independent of the D-tagatose or placebo intake, has been observed over the study in parallel with a slight increase in body weight. The treatment with D-tagatose was not associated with clinically relevant changes of the examined clinico-chemical and hematological parameters, including liver enzymes and uric acid.


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Glycogen is a major substrate in energy metabolism and particularly important to prevent hypoglycemia in pathologies of glucose homeostasis such as type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). (13) C-MRS is increasingly used to determine glycogen in skeletal muscle and liver non-invasively; however, the low signal-to-noise ratio leads to long acquisition times, particularly when glycogen levels are determined before and after interventions. In order to ease the requirements for the subjects and to avoid systematic effects of the lengthy examination, we evaluated if a standardized preparation period would allow us to shift the baseline (pre-intervention) experiments to a preceding day. Based on natural abundance (13) C-MRS on a clinical 3 T MR system the present study investigated the test-retest reliability of glycogen measurements in patients with T1DM and matched controls (n = 10 each group) in quadriceps muscle and liver. Prior to the MR examination, participants followed a standardized diet and avoided strenuous exercise for two days. The average coefficient of variation (CV) of myocellular glycogen levels was 9.7% in patients with T1DM compared with 6.6% in controls after a 2 week period, while hepatic glycogen variability was 13.3% in patients with T1DM and 14.6% in controls. For comparison, a single-session test-retest variability in four healthy volunteers resulted in 9.5% for skeletal muscle and 14.3% for liver. Glycogen levels in muscle and liver were not statistically different between test and retest, except for hepatic glycogen, which decreased in T1DM patients in the retest examination, but without an increase of the group distribution. Since the CVs of glycogen levels determined in a "single session" versus "within weeks" are comparable, we conclude that the major source of uncertainty is the methodological error and that physiological variations can be minimized by a pre-study standardization. For hepatic glycogen examinations, familiarization sessions (MR and potentially strenuous interventions) are recommended. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The way in which metabolic fuels are utilised can alter the expression of behaviour in the interests of regulating energy balance and fuel availability. This is consistent with the notion that the regulation of appetite is a psychobiological process, in which physiological mediators act as drivers of behaviour. The glycogenostatic theory suggests that glycogen availability is central in eliciting negative feedback signals to restore energy homeostasis. Due to its limited storage capacity, carbohydrate availability is tightly regulated and its restoration is a high metabolic priority following depletion. It has been proposed that such depletion may act as a biological cue to stimulate compensatory energy intake in an effort to restore availability. Due to the increased energy demand, aerobic exercise may act as a biological cue to trigger compensatory eating as a result of perturbations to muscle and liver glycogen stores. However, studies manipulating glycogen availability over short-term periods (1-3 days) using exercise, diet or both have often produced equivocal findings. There is limited but growing evidence to suggest that carbohydrate balance is involved in the short-term regulation of food intake, with a negative carbohydrate balance having been shown to predict greater ad libitum feeding. Furthermore, a negative carbohydrate balance has been shown to be predictive of weight gain. However, further research is needed to support these findings as the current research in this area is limited. In addition, the specific neural or hormonal signal through which carbohydrate availability could regulate energy intake is at present unknown. Identification of this signal or pathway is imperative if a casual relationship is to be established. Without this, the possibility remains that the associations found between carbohydrate balance and food intake are incidental.


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We determined the effect of an acute bout of swimming (8 × 30 min) followed by either carbohydrate administration (0.5 mg/g glucose ip and ad libitum access to chow; CHO) or fasting (Fast) on postexercise glycogen resynthesis in soleus muscle and liver from female lean (ZL) and obese insulin-resistant (ZO) Zucker rats. Resting soleus muscle glycogen concentration ([glycogen]) was similar between genotypes and was reduced by 73 (ZL) and 63% (ZO) after exercise (P < 0.05). Liver [glycogen] at rest was greater in ZO than ZL (334 ± 31 vs. 247 ± 16 μmol/g wet wt; P < 0.01) and fell by 44 and 94% after exercise (P < 0.05). The fractional activity of glycogen synthase (active/total) increased immediately after exercise (from 0.22 ± 0.05 and 0.32 ± 0.04 to 0.63 ± 0.08 vs. 0.57 ± 0.05; P < 0.01 for ZL and ZO rats, respectively) and remained elevated above resting values after 30 min of recovery. During this time, muscle [glycogen] in ZO increased 68% with CHO (P < 0.05) but did not change in Fast. Muscle [glycogen] was unchanged in ZL from postexercise values after both treatments. After 6 h recovery, GLUT-4 protein concentration was increased above resting levels by a similar extent for both genotypes in both fasted (∼45%) and CHO-supplemented (∼115%) rats. Accordingly, during this time CHO refeeding resulted in supercompensation in both genotypes (68% vs. 44% for ZL and ZO). With CHO, liver [glycogen] was restored to resting levels in ZL but remained at postexercise values for ZO after both treatments. We conclude that the increased glucose availability with carbohydrate refeeding after glycogen-depleting exercise resulted in glycogen supercompensation, even in the face of muscle insulin-resistance.


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Thyrotoxicosis, a condition in which there is an excessive amount of circulating thyroid hormones, leads to reduced glycogen content in different tissues. In this study we analyzed the effects of aerobic swimming training on liver, heart, and skeletal muscle glycogen content in experimentally induced thyrotoxicosis. Wistar male rats were divided into euthyroid sedentary (ES, n = 12), euthyroid trained (ET, n = 11), thyrotoxic sedentary (TS, n = 12), and thyrotoxic trained (TT, n = 10) groups. Thyrotoxic groups received daily i.p. doses of T4 (sodium levothyroxine, 25 mu g/100 g body mass) through the experimental period, and trained groups swam for 1 h at 80% of the aerobic-anaerobic transition intensity, 5 days/week for 4 weeks. Heart and liver glycogen stores were similar to 30% lower in T4 treated compared with nontreated groups, but were not changed by training status. on the other hand, glycogen content in mixed fiber type gastrocnemius of TT was 1.5- to 2.3-fold greater than those in other groups, whereas no significant differences were found for the slow soleus muscle. Increased gastrocnemius but not soleus, liver, or heart glycogen indicates that in mild long-term thyrotoxicosis chronic swimming affects glycogen stores in a tissue-specific manner.


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We investigated the effect of a meal feeding schedule (MFS) on food intake, hepatic glycogen synthesis, hepatic capacity to produce glucose and glycemia in rats. The MFS comprised free access to food for a 2-hour period daily at a fixed mealtime (8.00-10.00 a.m.) for 13 days. The control group was composed of rats with free access to food from day 1 to 12, which were then starved for 22 h, refed with a single meal at 8.00-10.00 a.m. and starved again for another 22 h. All experiments were performed at the meal time (i.e. 8.00 a.m.). The MFS group exhibited increased food intake and higher glycogen synthase activity. Since gluconeogenesis from L-glutamine or L-alanine was not affected by MFS, we conclude that the increased food intake and higher glycogen synthase activity contributed to the better glucose maintenance showed by MFS rats at the fixed meal time. Copyright © 2001 National Science Council, ROC and S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Alterations in liver functions are common among diabetic patients, and many symptoms in the liver have been reported, including changes in glycogen stores and in the amount of collagen fibers. The practice of physical training and its morphological effects in this organ, however, are scarcely studied. In order to observe the morphological effects of alloxan-induced diabetes and the alterations arising from the practice of long-term chronic physical training in the liver, samples were collected and processed, and then analyzed by means of the histochemical techniques Periodic Acid-Schiff and Picrosirius-Hematoxylin, and ultrastructural cytochemical test of Afzelius. Through evaluation of the tissue, it was observed a drastic reduction in hepatic glycogen stores of sedentary diabetics, recovered in trained diabetic rats. Furthermore, it was detected a decrease in the content of perisinusoidal collagen fibers in the diabetic liver, also recovered due to the development of a training protocol. On ultrastructural level, cytochemical analysis confirmed the loss of glycogen and the recovery obtained by training. In conclusion, the practice of a long-term chronic physical training protocol may be considered an important assistant in the treatment of diabetes, mitigating the occurrence of possible damages to liver tissue. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Os benefícios à saúde relacionados ao consumo moderado de vinho incluem diferentes mecanismos, nos quais estão envolvidos tanto etanol quanto compostos fenólicos que são constituintes do mesmo. Com o objetivo de avaliar variações glicêmicas, ponderais e o depósito de triglicérides, colesterol e glicogênio hepáticos com uso regular de vinho tinto em camundongo ApoE Knockout, foram utilizados 60 camundongos machos adultos ApoE Knockout de peso médio de 30 gramas, distribuídos em três grupos de 20 animais: grupo vinho, grupo etanol e grupo água, os quais receberam 50 mL de vinho e 50 mL água, 6mL de etanol e 94mL de água e somente água respectivamente por quatro meses. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: variações glicêmicas, ponderais, acúmulo de triglicerídeos, colesterol e glicogênio hepáticos. O grupo vinho teve em relação a sua massa corporal uma área sob a curva maior que a dos outros dois grupos, mas com um percentual pequeno de aumento. A concentração do triglicerídeo hepático foi maior no grupo vinho 57% em relação ao grupo etanol, que foi 31,6% menor que o controle (p<0,01%). A concentração do colesterol hepático foi menor no grupo vinho (23,6%), assim como no grupo etanol (24,5%), (p<0,05%). A concentração do glicogênio hepático foi maior no grupo vinho (16%), porém não alcançando significado estatístico. A glicemia em jejum no dia da eutanásia foi maior no grupo etanol em relação aos demais grupos, porém não demonstrou diferença estatisticamente significante. Na análise histológica não foi observada diferença significativa entre os grupos, embora o peso médio em gramas nas gorduras, retroperitoneal e subcutâneas tenha sido aproximadamente duas vezes maior no grupo vinho. Concluiu-se que neste estudo o uso regular e crônico de vinho tinto aumentou triglicerídeo hepático, porém o álcool diminui o colesterol hepático. O aumento do triglicerídeo pode ser devido ao alto valor calórico do vinho ou alguma propriedade lipogênica desconhecida que levou ao aumento importante das gorduras retroperitoneais e subcutâneas em camundongos ApoE Knockout.


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O extrato aquoso de erva-mate, obtido a partir de folhas secas de Ilex paraguariensis, é uma bebida amplamente consumida na América do Sul. Inicialmente, nosso objetivo foi caracterizar os compostos presentes nas amostras de erva-mate disponíveis no mercado brasileiro (CH: chimarrão; T: chá mate torrado; G: chá mate torrado, comercialmente acondicionado em garrafas ou C: em copos; TS: chá mate torrado solúvel A mutagenicidade, citotoxicidade e antimutagenicidade de todas as amostras também foram avaliadas atavés do Teste de Ames na presença e na ausência de ativação metabólica. Em seguida, analisamos a amostra TS (2,5, 5,0 e 10 mg/mL) quanto a sua atividade antioxidante e antigenotóxica. Além disso, avaliamos também os efeitos da amostra TS sobre a sinalização da leptina e da insulina no hipotálamo e o estresse oxidativo hepático de ratos adultos obesos programados pela superalimentação neonatal (S). Para induzir S, o tamanho da ninhada foi reduzido a três filhotes por lactante e as ninhadas com número padrão de filhotes (dez/lactante) foram utilizadas como controle. Aos 150 dias de vida, as proles S foram subdivididas em: TS - tratados com extrato aquoso de erva-mate (1g/kg de peso corporal/dia, por gavagem) e S - recebendo água por gavagem durante 30 dias. A prole controle (C) também recebeu água nas mesmas condições do grupo S. Em nossos resultados, verificamos a presença de ácido clorogênico, cafeína e teobromina em todas as amostras analisadas. O conteúdo de compostos fenólicos nas infusões estudadas foram CH: 5,140,23; T: 4,330,01; G: 0,930,25; C: 0,800,3 e TS: 8,350,5 mg/ml. Não observamos efeito mutagênico ou citotóxico nas amostras analisadas. Um efeito antimutagênico significativo foi observado para a cepa TA97 (pré-, co- e pós-tratamento), na presença de ativação metabólica, em todas as amostras testadas. A amostra TS também apresentou um efeito antimutagênico significativo para a TA102 (pré-, co-e e pós-tratamento), na presença de ativação metabólica. Na análise exclusiva da amostra TS, observamos uma atividade antioxidante quando utilizado o ensaio de DPPH, apresentando IC50 69,3+3,1 μg/ml. Além disso, a amostra TS apresentou um efeito protetor sobre a quebra do DNA plasmidial induzida por radicais superóxido e hidroxila, de maneira dose dependente. No teste do cometa, detectamos um efeito antigenotóxico induzido pelo TS em cultura primária de células epiteliais de esôfago. Em nossos testes in vivo observamos que os animais TS não desenvolveram sobrepeso, obesidade visceral e hiperfagia. A resistência hipotalâmica à leptina não foi significativamente revertida, porém a resistência à insulina foi minimizada pelo tratamento com TS no grupo programado pela S. No fígado, TS normalizou as atividades das enzimas antioxidantes (SOD, GPx e CAT) e diminuiu os marcadores de estresse oxidativo, MDA e 4-HNE. O tratamento com TS também reduziu o conteúdo de glicogênio e triglicerídios hepáticos. Nossos resultados sugerem que a erva-mate foi capaz de proteger o DNA contra danos oxidativos, aumentou as defesas antioxidantes, melhorou a função hepática em ratos superalimentados na lactação, talvez através da modulação da sinalização hipotalâmica da insulina podendo ser, portanto, uma importante ferramenta para prevenção e tratamento de doenças relacionadas ao estresse oxidativo.


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Estudos demostram que a hiperalimentação no período pós-natal causa obesidade, alterações cardiometabólicas e resistência à insulina em longo prazo. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar as consequências da hiperalimentação na lactação nos corações de camundongos filhotes e adultos ao longo do desenvolvimento. Para induzir a hiperalimentação na lactação, o tamanho da ninhada foi reduzida a 3 filhotes machos no terceiro dia, grupo hiperalimentado (GH). O grupo controle (GC) permaneceu com 9 filhotes da lactação ao desmame. Avaliamos a massa corporal, gordura epididimária e retroperitoneal, morfologia hepática e cardíaca, ultraestrutura dos cardiomiócitos, peso do PVE/CT, glicemia de jejum, triglicerídeos, colesterol total, insulina plasmática e HOMA-IR. Analisamos o consumo de oxigênio das fibras cardíacas através da respirometria de alta resolução, atividade enzimática da PDH, CS e LDH no coração e glicogênio hepático. Biologia molecular, através das proteínas: IRβ, IRS1, pIRS1, PTP1B, PI3K, Akt, pAkt, GLUT1, GLUT4, AMPKα, pAMPKα, HKII, CPT1, UCP2, FABPm, CD36, PGC-1α, PPARα, 4HNE, complexos da CTE (I, II, III, IV e V), α-tubulina, GP91 e VADC. Diferenças entre os grupos analisadas por Two-Way ANOVA, com significância p<0,05. O GH apresentou aumento da massa corporal, gordura epididimária, retroperitoneal e colesterol total em todas as idades; glicemia de jejum, insulina, índice de HOMA-IR e triglicerídeos aos 21 e 90 dias. Aumento do índice de Lee aos 60 e 90 dias. GH apresentou diminuição: do IRβ e GLUT4 aos 21 e 60 dias; aumento do IRβ aos 90 dias; aumento do IRS1, PTP1B, aos 21 e 90 dias e da AKT, pAMPK/AMPK e GLUT1 aos 21 dias; diminuição da pIRS1/IRS1, PI3K, pAKT/AKT aos 21 e 90 dias; diminuição da HKII aos 21 dias e aumento aos 60 e 90 dias; aumento da PDH aos 90 dias; aumento da LDH aos 21 dias e redução aos 60 dias; aumento da CS aos 21 dias e diminuição aos 60 e 90 dias; aumento da oxidação de carboidratos aos 21 dias e redução aos 90 dias; diminuição na oxidação de ácidos graxos aos 60 e 90 dias. Adicionalmente, aumento do desacoplamento mitocondrial entre a fosforilação oxidativa e a síntese de ATP aos 60 e 90 dias. Diminuição da CPT1 e aumento da UCP2 aos 21 e 90 dias. Diminuição da PGC-1α aos 60 e 90 dias; da FABPm e CD36 em todas idades. Aumento da 4HNE aos 21 e diminuição aos 90 dias. Diminuição na expressão do mRNA para CPT1 aos 21, 60 dias. Diminuição na expressão do mRNA para PPARα e aumento na expressão do mRNA para UCP2 aos 21 dias; diminuição na expressão do mRNA para UCP2 ao 60 dias. Alterações morfológicas cardíacas e hepáticas, assim como na ultraestrutura dos cardiomiócitos, em todas as idades, maior conteúdo de glicogênio hepático aos 21 e 90 dias. Concluímos que a hiperalimentação na lactação levou à obesidade, com aumento da oxidação de glicose, alterações no metabolismo energético associadas à diminuição da sensibilidade à insulina, redução da capacidade oxidativa mitocondrial, levando ao desacoplamento e alteração da morfologia e ultraestrutura dos cardiomiócitos do desmame até a idade adulta.