866 resultados para Lithium Chloride
The present work describes an investigation concerning the acetylation of celluloses extracted from short-life-cycle plant sources (i.e. sugarcane bagasse and sisal fiber) as well as microcrystalline cellulose. The acetylation was carried out under homogeneous conditions using the solvent system N,N-dimethylacetamide/lithium chloride. The celluloses were characterized, and the characterizations included an evaluation of the amount of hemicellulose present in the materials obtained from lignocellulosics sources (sugarcane and sisal). The amount of LiCl was varied and its influence on the degree of acetate substitution was analyzed. It was found that the solvent system composition and the nature of the cellulose influenced both the state of chain dissolution and the product characteristics. The obtained results demonstrated the importance of developing specific studies on the dissolution process as well as on the derivatization of celluloses from various sources.
Lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is accompanied by polyuria, downregulation of aquaporin 2 (AQP2), and cellular remodeling of the collecting duct (CD). The amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is a likely candidate for lithium entry. Here, we subjected transgenic mice lacking αENaC specifically in the CD (knockout [KO] mice) and littermate controls to chronic lithium treatment. In contrast to control mice, KO mice did not markedly increase their water intake. Furthermore, KO mice did not demonstrate the polyuria and reduction in urine osmolality induced by lithium treatment in the control mice. Lithium treatment reduced AQP2 protein levels in the cortex/outer medulla and inner medulla (IM) of control mice but only partially reduced AQP2 levels in the IM of KO mice. Furthermore, lithium induced expression of H(+)-ATPase in the IM of control mice but not KO mice. In conclusion, the absence of functional ENaC in the CD protects mice from lithium-induced NDI. These data support the hypothesis that ENaC-mediated lithium entry into the CD principal cells contributes to the pathogenesis of lithium-induced NDI.
Learning and memory in adult females decline during menopause and estrogen replacement therapy is commonly prescribed during menopause. Post-menopausal women tend to suffer from depression and are prescribed antidepressants – in addition to hormone therapy. Estrogen replacement therapy is a topic that engenders debate since several studies contradict its efficacy as a palliative therapy for cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases. Signaling transduction pathways can alter brain cell activity, survival, and morphology by facilitating transcription factor DNA binding and protein production. The steroidal hormone estrogen and the anti-depressant drug lithium interact through these signaling transduction pathways facilitating transcription factor activation. The paucity of data on how combined hormones and antidepressants interact in regulating gene expression led me to hypothesize that in primary mixed brain cell cultures, combined 17β-estradiol (E2) and lithium chloride (LiCl) (E2/LiCl) will alter genetic expression of markers involved in synaptic plasticity and neuroprotection. Results from these studies indicated that a 48 h treatment of E2/LiCl reduced glutamate receptor subunit genetic expression, but increased neurotrophic factor and estrogen receptor genetic expression. Combined treatment also failed to protect brain cell cultures from glutamate excitotoxicity. If lithium facilitates protein signaling pathways mediated by estrogen, can lithium alone serve as a palliative treatment for post-menopause? This question led me to hypothesize that in estrogen-deficient mice, lithium alone will increase episodic memory (tested via object recognition), and enhance expression in the brain of factors involved in anti-apoptosis, learning and memory. I used bilaterally ovariectomized (bOVX) C57BL/6J mice treated with LiCl for one month. Results indicated that LiCl-treated bOVX mice increased performance in object recognition compared with non-treated bOVX. Increased performance in LiCl-treated bOVX mice coincided with augmented genetic and protein expression in the brain. Understanding the molecular pathways of estrogen will assist in identifying a palliative therapy for menopause-related dementia, and lithium may serve this purpose by acting as a selective estrogen-mediated signaling modulator.
Learning and memory in adult females decline during menopause and estrogen replacement therapy is commonly prescribed during menopause. Post-menopausal women tend to suffer from depression and are prescribed antidepressants – in addition to hormone therapy. Estrogen replacement therapy is a topic that engenders debate since several studies contradict its efficacy as a palliative therapy for cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases. Signaling transduction pathways can alter brain cell activity, survival, and morphology by facilitating transcription factor DNA binding and protein production. The steroidal hormone estrogen and the anti-depressant drug lithium interact through these signaling transduction pathways facilitating transcription factor activation. The paucity of data on how combined hormones and antidepressants interact in regulating gene expression led me to hypothesize that in primary mixed brain cell cultures, combined 17beta-estradiol (E2) and lithium chloride (LiCl) (E2/LiCl) will alter genetic expression of markers involved in synaptic plasticity and neuroprotection. Results from these studies indicated that a 48 h treatment of E2/LiCl reduced glutamate receptor subunit genetic expression, but increased neurotrophic factor and estrogen receptor genetic expression. Combined treatment also failed to protect brain cell cultures from glutamate excitotoxicity. If lithium facilitates protein signaling pathways mediated by estrogen, can lithium alone serve as a palliative treatment for post-menopause? This question led me to hypothesize that in estrogen-deficient mice, lithium alone will increase episodic memory (tested via object recognition), and enhance expression in the brain of factors involved in anti-apoptosis, learning and memory. I used bilaterally ovariectomized (bOVX) C57BL/6J mice treated with LiCl for one month. Results indicated that LiCl-treated bOVX mice increased performance in object recognition compared with non-treated bOVX. Increased performance in LiCl-treated bOVX mice coincided with augmented genetic and protein expression in the brain. Understanding the molecular pathways of estrogen will assist in identifying a palliative therapy for menopause-related dementia, and lithium may serve this purpose by acting as a selective estrogen-mediated signaling modulator.
Cellulose acetates with different degrees of substitution (DS, from 0.6 to 1.9) were prepared from previously mercerized linter cellulose, in a homogeneous medium, using N,N-dimethylacetamide/lithium chloride as a solvent system. The influence of different degrees of substitution on the properties of cellulose acetates was investigated using thermogravimetric analyses (TGA). Quantitative methods were applied to the thermogravimetric curves in order to determine the apparent activation energy (Ea) related to the thermal decomposition of untreated and mercerized celluloses and cellulose acetates. Ea values were calculated using Broido's method and considering dynamic conditions. Ea values of 158 and 187 kJ mol-1 were obtained for untreated and mercerized cellulose, respectively. A previous study showed that C6OH is the most reactive site for acetylation, probably due to the steric hindrance of C2 and C3. The C6OH takes part in the first step of cellulose decomposition, leading to the formation of levoglucosan and, when it is changed to C6OCOCH3, the results indicate that the mechanism of thermal decomposition changes to one with a lower Ea. A linear correlation between Ea and the DS of the acetates prepared in the present work was identified.
Celulose de linter foi acetilada, visando obter acetatos de celulose com diferentes Graus de Substituição (GS) em meio homogêneo, usando cloreto de lítio/N,N-dimetilacetamida (LiCl/DMAc) como sistema de solvente, e anidrido acético como reagente acetilante. A agregação entre cadeias de celulose ou acetatos de celulose (GS 0,8, 1,5 e 2,0) em solução foi avaliada através de medidas viscosimétricas. Os resultados mostraram que a formação de agregados no sistema de solvente utilizado (LiCl/DMAc) é diferente para celulose e acetatos, e dependente da temperatura e do GS, no caso dos acetatos. Este trabalho corresponde à primeira etapa de um estudo em que se pretende preparar filmes de acetatos, assim como de acetatos reforçados com celulose, diretamente a partir de soluções destes em LiCl/DMAc. Os resultados apresentados permitem uma escolha melhor embasada do intervalo de concentração mais adequado para preparação de filmes, a partir de soluções de acetatos e celulose nesse sistema de solvente.
The study compared the growth capability of probiotic (Lactobacillus acidophilus La05, Lactobacillus casei Lc01 and Bifidobacterium animalis Bb12) and non-probiotic (Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus) cultures on twenty-one culture media grouped according to selectivity: nonselective agars, selective agars without antibiotics and MRS agars containing different combinations of lithium chloride, cystein, bile salts and antibiotics. Four of these media were selected for quantitative enumeration of L acidophilus La05, L casei Lc01, and B. animalis Bb12. The best culture media and incubation conditions for enumeration of the probiotic cultures were: B. animalis: MRS agar with dicloxacillin, 37 degrees C or 42 degrees C, anaerobiosis; L acidophilus: MRS agar with bile salts, 37 degrees C or 42 degrees C, aerobiosis; L casei: MRS agar with lithium chloride and sodium propionate, 37 degrees C or 42 degrees C, aerobiosis or anaerobiosis. Plating on MRS with glucose replaced by maltose, 37 degrees C or 42 degrees C, anaerobiosis, will distinguish probiotic from non-probiotic cultures. For enumeration of each probiotic in a mixed culture, the following media and incubation conditions were recommended: B. animalis: 4ABC-MRS, 42 degrees C, anaerobiosis, L acidophilus: LC medium, 42 degrees C, aerobiosis or anaerobiosis and L casei: LP-MRS, 42 degrees C, aerobiosis or anaerobiosis. In all experiments, differences in counts using pour plating or surface plating were not significant (P <= 0.05). (C) 2008 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conditioned taste aversions are a useful tool to reduce livestock consumption of toxic plants. The forage legume Leucaena leucocephala (leucaena) is both toxic and palatable. The objective of this study was to determine if goats could be aversively conditioned to avoid leucaena. Adult and juvenile female goats, naive to leucaena, were divided into control and averted groups. Animals were exposed to leucaena, and time(s) spent eating leucaena was measured. During initial conditioning with lithium chloride (LiCl), averted goats spent less time eating leucaena (P < 0.05) than did controls. The averted groups maintained their reduced consumption (P < 0.05) of leucaena compared to controls during open field tests when goats could chose between leucaena and sugar cane. In final tests (two tests per week), averted goats reduced (P < 0.05) the amount of time they spent eating leucaena compared to control animals, but the aversion eventually extinguished. Aversive conditioning was successful in greatly reducing, but not entirely eliminating goats` consumption of leucaena. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase, PNMT, utilizes the methylating cofactor S-adenosyl-L-methionine to catalyse the synthesis of adrenaline. Human PNMT has been crystallized in complex with an inhibitor and the cofactor product S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine using the hanging-drop technique with PEG 6000 and lithium chloride as precipitant. A critical requirement for crystallization was a high enzyme concentration (>90 mg ml(-1)) and cryocrystallography was used for high-quality data measurement. Diffraction data measured from a cryocooled crystal extend to a resolution of 2.3 Angstrom. Cryocooled crystals belong to space group P4(3)2(1)2 and have unit-cell parameters a = b = 94.3, c = 187.7 Angstrom.
The present work is divided in two parts: Part 1 is focused on the analysis and treatment of a 19th century portrait of Domingos Affonso, which belongs to the Ecomuseu Municipal do Seixal; and Part 2, which is entitled “The Microclimate Frame Project” is focused on the study of Artsorb® and on the planning of a microclimate frame for the painting. In Part 1, a study of the painting’s materials was performed using complementary analytical techniques and the painting’s condition was carefully evaluated. The painting exhibited signs of mould growth, and a more detailed investigation was made of this topic to understand if the fungal community was active and if it represented a real danger to the painting. A treatment was proposed, appropriate to the painting’s condition. A description of the treatment carried out, comprising the treatment options, is also present in this section. Within the study of the microclimate frame, in Part 2, the study of the potential corrosiveness of Artsorb® was a central subject. Artsorb® sheets are one of the most widely used materials for buffering relative humidity fluctuations in microclimate frames and its reported excellent performance is enhanced by its availability in lightweight sheets that can be easily placed inside microclimate frames. However, concerns have arisen regarding the presence of the corrosive salt lithium chloride in the composition of this buffer. Consequently, the present work also aimed to understand the potential risks of using Artsorb® and the possibility of avoiding exposure of lithium chloride to the artworks through the use of Tyvek®. Results from the preliminary tests seem to indicate that Artsorb® releases lithium chloride into air. This study also showed that a Tyvek® cover over Artsorb® reduces but does not eliminate evidence of chlorine contamination, and it significantly reduces the effectiveness of the buffering material. Considering that Artsorb® appears to be unsuitable due to the release of the corrosive salt, that Tyvek® was not efficient as a barrier for lithium chloride or as a permeable material to enable the proper functioning of Artsorb®, the buffering material proposed for the use in the microclimate frames is silica gel without indicator. Based on the choice of buffering material, as a result of this study, a microclimate frame is proposed.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Saúde
Freezing point depressions (¿Tf) of dilute solutions of several alkali metal chlorides and bromides were calculated by means of the best activity coefficient equations. In the calculations, Hückel, Hamer and Pitzer equationswere used for activity coefficients. The experimental ¿Tf values available in the literature for dilute LiCl, NaCl and KBr solutions can be predicted within experimental error by the Hückel equations used. The experimental ¿Tf values for dilute LiCl and KBr solutions can also be accurately calculated by corresponding Pitzer equations and those for dilute NaCl solutions by the Hamer equation for this salt. Neither Hamer nor Pitzer equations predict accurately the freezing points reported in the literature for LiBr and NaBr solutions. The ¿Tf values available for dilute solutions of RbCl, CsCl or CsBr are not known at the moment accurately because the existing data for these solutions are not precise. The freezing point depressions are tabulated in the present study for LiCl, NaCl and KBr solutions at several rounded molalities. The ¿Tf values in this table can be highly recommended. The activity coefficient equations used in the calculation of these values have been tested with almost allhigh-precision electrochemical data measured at 298.15 K.
The aim of this study was to determine whether goats could be averted from consuming Mascagnia rigida, a toxic plant found in the semiarid region of northeastern Brazil. Fourteen male goats not previously familiarized to M. rigida were randomly allocated to two treatment groups: control (treated with 5.5mL water orally by a drenching gun) and lithium group (treated with 100mg LiCl/kg body weight orally by a drenching gun). For conditioning, goats were allowed to feed on M. rigida leaves for 15 min, followed by LiCl or water administration. The time spent on eating M. rigida leaves was measured. The conditioning was repeated daily until the LiCl-treated goats stopped eating M. rigida. On the 10th, 17th, and 24th day after conditioning, extinction trials of the M. rigida aversion were performed in goats by using single-choice tests. There was no difference between the two treatment groups with respect to the consumption of M. rigida on the first day of aversion conditioning, however, controls ingested increasing amounts of the plant on consecutive conditioning days. On the second day, five out of the seven goats in the lithium group did not eat the leaves, but on the third day, all the goats in the lithium group did not ingest M. rigida. This aversion persisted throughout all evaluated days. This indicates that goats can be easily conditioned by using lithium chloride to avoid eating M. rigida temporarily.