842 resultados para Literary discourse
Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)
The concept of cultural cannibalism was discussed and re-established by intellectuals from the field of literary and cultural criticism, and it was also the object of creative appropriation by a significant group of writers in Brazil and in the Latin America context. Nevertheless, this concept is revitalized in the contemporary context, reflecting the critical consciousness of the writer on the understanding of social inequalities that shape Latin America, in its different segments, be they political, economic or cultural.
The charge of »Ressentiment« can in today's world – less from traditionally conservative quarters than from the neo-positivist discourses of particular forms of liberalism – be used to undermine the argumentative credibility of political opponents, dissidents and those who call for greater »justice«. The essays in this volume draw on the broad spectrum of cultural discourse on »Ressentiment«, both in historical and contemporary contexts. Starting with its conceptual genesis, the essays also show contemporary nuances of »Ressentiment« as well as its influence on aesthetic and literary discourse in the 20th century.
This work is a reflection on black women’s writing, which has been and yet, sometimes, is marginalized and reduced to invisibly in our literary field due to several factors . Therefore, it becomes important to give visibility to this writing so as to discuss the marks of feminism, race and gender that it brings, showing its contributions for the construction of a new and empowered discourse on black women, which represents a differential for literary discourse and affects the canon, since it t promotes the construction of a new perspective, a differentiated representation of black women, emphasizing their forms of struggle and resistance, front the exclusionary sociocultural systems. In order to do that, I bring up some theoretical voices such as that, of Guacira Lopes Louro (1997); Abdias do Nascimento (2000); Tatau Godinho (2008), among others that deal with the theme, as well as texts written by black women writers such as Alzira Rufino, Esmeralda Ribeiro e Cristiane Sobral to argue and think about a literature that deals with black women autonomy, and challenges the dominant power systems, a literature that gives emphasis to women and ethnic-racial issues from perspective of the black person herself , since this project was relegated to oblivion for too long or portrayed in as stereotyped way by other voices, other discourses guided by a masculine and eurocentric bias. In this way, we hope to show how it is relevant to black women's literature, because makes us reflect and face the mechanisms of oppression, subalternization against women, especially black women, and race and gender prejudice, and its effects, that still can be seen daily in different social and cultural contexts.
Children’s picture books dealing with the topic of child sexual abuse appeared in the 1980s with the aim of addressing the need for age-appropriate texts to teach sexual abuse prevention concepts and to provide support for young children who may be at risk of or have already experienced sexual abuse. Despite the apparent potential of children’s picture books to convey child sexual abuse prevention concepts, very few studies have addressed the topic of child sexual abuse in children’s literature. This article critically examines a selection of 15 picture books (published in the US, Canada and Australia) for children aged 3–8 years dealing with this theme. It makes use of an established set of evaluative criteria to conduct an audit of the books’ content and applies techniques of literary discourse analysis to explain how these picture books satisfy criteria for child sexual abuse prevention. The analysis is used as a way to understand the discourses available to readers, both adults and children, on the topic of child sexual abuse. Key themes in the books include children’s empowerment and agency, and the need for persistence and hope.
A partir da década de 1970, a ciência geográfica passou a entender que seus conceitos, suas categorias analíticas, bem como seus objetos de pesquisa poderiam se utilizar dos discursos literários, em suas diversas possibilidades, incluindo o cinema, a pintura e, até mesmo, a música. Compreender os lugares a partir dos panoramas narrados pelos literatos {escritores ou compositores} e fomentar uma leitura de mundo repleta de sentidos existenciais, oferecida pelas maneiras que os autores apreendem, se configura como um relevante caminho de entendimento do mundo vivido a partir da interrelação entre a linguagem científica e artística. Neste sentido, a corrente humanística em geografia tem se dedicado a esta análise, uma vez que a linguagem literária tem a particularidade de comunicar aspectos da vida ou fatos e tempos da experiência humana, revelando, pois, o sentimento e o entendimento do literato frente à sociedade. No que tange à literatura musical, os versos permitem múltiplas interpretações. A música pode afetar, comover, causar estranheza, interesse ou reflexão, fazer o corpo se movimentar ou relaxar e, ainda, servir de base para análises filosófico-científicas a respeito dos espaços e lugares geográficos. Dito isto, esta dissertação segue a trilha da geografia humanística e nossa intenção é mostrar esta corrente configurando um caminho para a elucidação da complexidade exposta pela análise subjetiva de um elenco de letras capturadas do acervo de Chico Buarque, bem como o desvendar da plêiade de efemérides, sentimentos, mazelas e vibrações encerradas no cancioneiro buarqueano e que podem ser lidas através do conceito de lugar, este confundido com a trajetória da geografia humanística.
Este trabalho busca, através de um estudo que vincula literatura e pensamento crítico social, explorar as relações entre os processos de marginalização literária e algumas alternativas intelectivas acerca das noções de marginalidade e anormalidade. Seu corpus literário abarca três livros de escritores brasileiros, que, além de não terem logrado inserção no que poderia ser entendido como um cânone nacional, destacam-se ainda pela temática de suas obras, que, em si mesmas, trazem o problema da marginalização. Assim, Desabrigo, de Antônio Fraga; Quarto de despejo, de Carolina de Jesus; e Hospício é Deus, de Maura Lopes Cançado são abordadas a partir das reflexões desenvolvidas, especialmente, por Michel Foucault e Georges Canguilhem a respeito das estratégias de produção de anormais, revelando o quanto a marginalização, antes de ser uma consequência de uma inadequação a normas pré-existentes, pode, de fato, ser a própria fonte de produção destas normas. Buscando valorizar tanto as convergências, quanto as distinções possíveis nas obras daqueles três escritores, o trabalho procura se afastar de uma perspectiva que apreenderia suas obras como produções isoladas e desprestigiadas, para nelas encontrar a potência da afirmação de um discurso literário que tanto se apresentou como denúncia e contestação, quanto como um cuidadoso trabalho de expressão literária e, portanto, de expressão social.
W artykule został przeanalizowany dyskurs bałkański XX wieku z kolonialnego i postkolonialnego punktu widzenia. Pierwsza część przybliża geopolityczny stosunek do Bałkanów,The Balans in the Gaze of Western Travellers (2004) jako przykłady korygującego wobec istniejących dotychczas reprezentacji i wyobrażeń Bałkanów. skupia się jednak nie tylko na nazwie geograficznej Półwysep Bałkański, lecz przede wszystkim na figuratywnym i metaforycznym języku, bazującym na stereotypach i negatywnych „etykietkach” Bałkanów, takich jak: „beczka prochu”, obszar „zadawnionej nienawiści”, „zderzenie cywilizacji”, „strefa rozłamu”, europejskie „jądro ciemności”, „dzika Europa”, „jeszcze- nie” Europa. Ten stosunek opiera się na opozycji My-Oni z kolonialnego, punktu widzenia Zachodu. W drugiej części tekstu zostaje przeprowadzona analiza trzech utworów prozatorskich autorstwa wybitnych pisarzy z Bałkanów – chorwacki dyskurs literacki jest reprezentowany przez Miroslava Krležę w opowiadaniu W Dreźnie. Mister Wu San Pej interesuje się problemem serbsko-chorwackim (1924), serbski dyskurs przedstawia Ivo Andrić w opowiadaniu List z roku 1920 (1946), natomiast bośniacki – Nenad Veličković i jego powieść epistolarna Sahib. Impresje z depresji (2001). Te trzy dyskursy z różnych przełomowych dla Jugosławii okresów pokazują, że pisarze chętnie sięgali po figurę „Obcego”, by uwypuklić problemy związane z własną złożoną, często zwielokrotnioną tożsamością. Ostatnia część akcentuje nowe, postkolonialne podejście do problemu Bałkanów – uczestniczą w nim wybitni naukowcy pochodzący z tego regionu, którzy zrobili kariery w Europie Zachodniej i USA. W tej części zostają zaprezentowane trzy fundamentalne dla tego problemu książki – studium Marii Todorowej (Bułgarka) Imagining the Balkans (1997), monografia Vesny Bjelogrlić-Goldsworthy (Serbka) Inventing Ruritania: The Imperializm of the Imagination (1998) oraz antropologiczna książka Božidara Jezernika (Słoweniec) Wild Europe.
This article investigates intersections between legal and literary discourse in Ireland in the early 19th century, and explores how judicial tropes, in particular that of an “alternative judiciary”, shape perceptions of Irish identity as well as cultural expression. Whilst Ireland and the Irish were typically characterized as lawless, this article examines the ubiquitous presence of alternative legal systems, focusing on the writings of Thomas Moore (1779–1852) and William Carleton (1794–1869). These representations, and the questions of authority and legitimacy that they provoke, are considered within critical debates about the development of literary forms in Ireland, and the inherent relationship that legal alterity evokes between textual and judicial authority.
Tese de doutoramento, Estudos de Literatura e de Cultura (Estudos Comparatistas), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Linguística (Linguística Aplicada), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2015
This essay aims to confront the literary text Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë with five of its screen adaptations and Portuguese subtitles. Owing to the scope of the study, it will necessarily afford merely a bird‘s eye view of the issues and serve as a starting point for further research. Accordingly, the following questions are used as guidelines: What transformations occur in the process of adapting the original text to the screen? Do subtitles update the film dialogues to the target audience‘s cultural and linguistic context? Are subtitles influenced more by oral speech than by written literary discourse? Shouldn‘t subtitles in fact reflect the poetic function prevalent in screen adaptations of literary texts? Rather than attempt to answer these questions, we focus on the objects as phenomena. Our interdisciplinary undertaking clearly involves a semio-pragmatic stance, at this stage trying to avoid theoretical backdrops that may affect our apprehension of the objects as to their qualities, singularities, and conventional traits, based on Lucia Santaella‘s interpretation of Charles S. Peirce‘s phaneroscopy. From an empirical standpoint, we gather features and describe peculiarities, under the presumption that there are substrata in subtitling that point or should point to the literary source text, albeit through the mediation of a film script and a particular cinematic style. Therefore, we consider how the subtitling process may be influenced by the literary intertext, the idiosyncrasies of a particular film adaptation, as well as the socio-cultural context of the subtitler and target audience. First, we isolate one of the novel‘s most poignant scenes – ‗I am Heathcliff‘ – taking into account its symbolic play and significance in relation to character and plot construction. Secondly, we study American, English, French, and Mexican adaptations of the excerpt into film in terms of intersemiotic transformations. Then we analyze differences between the film dialogues and their Portuguese subtitles.
Cette thèse est une réflexion concernant les particularités du langage, principalement de l’utilisation de la métaphore, dans les textes d’écrivaines ayant été internées. Mon analyse considère les œuvres de Janet Frame, Sylvia Plath, Unica Zürn, Emma Santos et Susanna Kaysen, ainsi que d’autres textes étant mentionnés dans une moindre mesure. Le fait d’avoir vécu une expérience de vie extrême, physique et psychique, a des répercussions sur l’esprit et la perception de soi, leurs représentations textuelles, ainsi que le rapport à l’écrit et à la littérature. Des figures subies ou choisies se répètent dans ces textes. Elles renseignent sur ce que ces femmes ont vécu, comment elles ont été affectées et la littérature. Cette thèse est divisée en cinq idées principales concernant les liens entre la folie, l’écriture et les femmes internées correspondant à la division des chapitres. Le premier porte sur la figure de la cloche de verre et ses variations chez diverses écrivaines. Il s’agit d’une métaphore puissante, efficace pour traduire l’état d’esprit de l’internée qui permet d’expliciter l’importance et le fonctionnement de la métaphore, son rôle dans l’écriture et la pensée. Le deuxième traite des métaphores spatiales et des lieux de pensée présents dans ces textes. Il est un examen de comment, alors que l’esprit devient de plus en plus fragile et l’image du corps incertaine en raison des traitements et des conditions de vie imposées, apparaît la nécessité d’un lieu, figuré ou réel, d’où écrire et de comment ce lieu est en relation avec le langage et la structuration de l’écrit et de la pensée. Le troisième porte sur la notion d’abjection. Ces femmes sont considérées, traitées, se perçoivent et vivent comme des animaux, des excréments ou des déchets. Il est une décortication de la représentation de l’effritement des limites de la subjectivité lors de l’internement. J’y explique à quel point l’hôpital pousse la personne vers la saleté et l’animalité plutôt que vers la guérison, ainsi que les conséquences pour la perception de soi que le fait d’être placé hors du social entraîne. Le quatrième concerne la notion d’objet et les processus qui font qu’à force d’être réifiées les narratrices des textes se perçoivent comme des objets plutôt que des personnes. Le rapport que l’esprit entretient avec les objets et l’importance qu’ils ont pour son fonctionnement y sont examinés. Le cinquième traite enfin des réflexions sur l’utilisation du langage, que ces écrivaines ont réalisées, sur les mots et procédés qu’elles emploient pour les communiquer ainsi que sur l’importance du corps féminin et de la conception de la féminité dans la production des textes et des idées qu’ils portent. J’en arrive à établir à quel point, pour ces écrivaines, la vie dépend du littéraire. Ma thèse démontre comment la littérature leur a fourni un espace d’analyse et de structure de leur personne et de leur pensée, ainsi qu’un lieu de parole émergeant de l’utilisation du langage et des interactions entre l’esprit, les mots et le monde.
Ce mémoire a pour objet l’analyse du discours situationniste dans l’œuvre de l’auteur québécois Réjean Ducharme, plus particulièrement dans Le nez qui voque (1967), L’hiver de force (1973) et Dévadé (1990). Partant du postulat que Ducharme a pu entrer en contact avec les idées issues du mouvement contre-culturel français de l’Internationale situationniste (1957-1972), il s’agit de repérer les similitudes entre les deux corpus et d’analyser de quelle manière celles-ci travaillent l’œuvre de Réjean Ducharme. Notre analyse micro-textuelle comparative se déploie sur trois axes principaux. Il est tout d’abord question de la place de l’art dans la société de l’époque et de la résistance à son institutionnalisation. Nous abordons ensuite les conceptions ducharmienne et situationniste de la ville qui, sur plusieurs points, se recoupent et se répondent. Finalement, nous analysons le discours économico-politique émanant des deux corpus, insistant sur la manière dont autant les personnages ducharmiens que les membres de l’Internationale situationnistes résistent à l’organisation capitaliste et hiérarchique de leur époque, lui préférant un idéal social basé sur le jeu, l’amitié et l’amour. Nous montrons que le discours situationniste est omniprésent dans l’œuvre ducharmienne et qu’il permet de souligner que, contrairement à ce que plusieurs critiques affirment, Réjean Ducharme est bel et bien un auteur politique.