250 resultados para Listeners
Spectral peak resolution was investigated in normal hearing (NH), hearing impaired (HI), and cochlear implant (CI) listeners. The task involved discriminating between two rippled noise stimuli in which the frequency positions of the log-spaced peaks and valleys were interchanged. The ripple spacing was varied adaptively from 0.13 to 11.31 ripples/octave, and the minimum ripple spacing at which a reversal in peak and trough positions could be detected was determined as the spectral peak resolution threshold for each listener. Spectral peak resolution was best, on average, in NH listeners, poorest in CI listeners, and intermediate for HI listeners. There was a significant relationship between spectral peak resolution and both vowel and consonant recognition in quiet across the three listener groups. The results indicate that the degree of spectral peak resolution required for accurate vowel and consonant recognition in quiet backgrounds is around 4 ripples/octave, and that spectral peak resolution poorer than around 1–2 ripples/octave may result in highly degraded speech recognition. These results suggest that efforts to improve spectral peak resolution for HI and CI users may lead to improved speech recognition
The purpose of this study was to explore the potential advantages, both theoretical and applied, of preserving low-frequency acoustic hearing in cochlear implant patients. Several hypotheses are presented that predict that residual low-frequency acoustic hearing along with electric stimulation for high frequencies will provide an advantage over traditional long-electrode cochlear implants for the recognition of speech in competing backgrounds. A simulation experiment in normal-hearing subjects demonstrated a clear advantage for preserving low-frequency residual acoustic hearing for speech recognition in a background of other talkers, but not in steady noise. Three subjects with an implanted "short-electrode" cochlear implant and preserved low-frequency acoustic hearing were also tested on speech recognition in the same competing backgrounds and compared to a larger group of traditional cochlear implant users. Each of the three short-electrode subjects performed better than any of the traditional long-electrode implant subjects for speech recognition in a background of other talkers, but not in steady noise, in general agreement with the simulation studies. When compared to a subgroup of traditional implant users matched according to speech recognition ability in quiet, the short-electrode patients showed a 9-dB advantage in the multitalker background. These experiments provide strong preliminary support for retaining residual low-frequency acoustic hearing in cochlear implant patients. The results are consistent with the idea that better perception of voice pitch, which can aid in separating voices in a background of other talkers, was responsible for this advantage.
The differences in spectral shape resolution abilities among cochlear implant ~CI! listeners, and between CI and normal-hearing ~NH! listeners, when listening with the same number of channels ~12!, was investigated. In addition, the effect of the number of channels on spectral shape resolution was examined. The stimuli were rippled noise signals with various ripple frequency-spacings. An adaptive 4IFC procedure was used to determine the threshold for resolvable ripple spacing, which was the spacing at which an interchange in peak and valley positions could be discriminated. The results showed poorer spectral shape resolution in CI compared to NH listeners ~average thresholds of approximately 3000 and 400 Hz, respectively!, and wide variability among CI listeners ~range of approximately 800 to 8000 Hz!. There was a significant relationship between spectral shape resolution and vowel recognition. The spectral shape resolution thresholds of NH listeners increased as the number of channels increased from 1 to 16, while the CI listeners showed a performance plateau at 4–6 channels, which is consistent with previous results using speech recognition measures. These results indicate that this test may provide a measure of CI performance which is time efficient and non-linguistic, and therefore, if verified, may provide a useful contribution to the prediction of speech perception in adults and children who use CIs.
We are constantly immersed in stimuli. Upon reaching our senses, stimuli are processed within various brain systems along various pathways into the brain, and eventually turned into a percept. However, there are percepts that do not result from responses to external source stimuli. A particular case of this situation is the auditory percept known as tinnitus. Tinnitus can be seen as a task-irrelevant auditory percept, commonly reported to interfere with normal daily tasks. This is known from reports made by tinnitus sufferers that refer to their phantom percept as distracting, and that it diverts their focus from the task-relevant stimuli.(...)
[Excerpt] The idea of community is usually associated with radio today in the context of what Bart Cammaerts (2009,635) classifies as a "third type of broadcast, namely participatory radio, complementary to both commercial and public media". Following Ellie Rennie (2006, 3), community radio corresponds, as all other forms of community media, to non-profit media that provide "community members with an opportunity to participate in the production process". For the International Association for Media and Communication Research, which supports a research group on Community Communication, this area includes media that originate from, circulate and resonate with the sphere of civil society.
This paper discusses a study undertaken to test various speech discrimination tests.
This study investigates the relation between physical measurements of pure-tones, third-octave bands of noise and third-octave bands of speech and subjective judgments of auditory threshold, most-comfortable listening level (MCL) and uncomfortable-listening level (UCL) for three normally hearing listeners.
This paper discusses the use of noise cancellation headphones for hearing aid users to reduce background noise in order to improve speech discrimination.
This paper studies auditory-vowel perception abilities of the hearing impaired. The study investigated the relationship among the difference limen for first formant frequencies of synthesized vowels in severe and profoundly hearing-impaired listeners, degree of hearing low, and general auditory speech perception.
This paper discusses a study to predict the pure tone audiogram from the results of electric response audiometry utilizing frequency-selective tone burst stimuli.
This paper reviews a study to determine the usefulness of signal processing along with lipreading in improving speech perception of profoundly hearing impaired persons.
This paper studies the use of a rank order scale to achieve a goal of normal loudness perception for a hearing-impaired person. The study compares loudness judgments in normal and hearing-impaired listeners.
This paper investigates loudness summation in a group of listeners with moderate to severe hearing losses and the applicability of this information to hearing aid fittings.
This paper presents some normative data on the relation between the perceived loudness of third-octave bands of noise and that of broad-band noise. The study used normally-hearing listeners and was used as a control study for a parallel study done with hearing impaired listeners.
This paper reviews a study to determine if deaf children can discriminate fine durational changes in acoustic signals or whether the impairment of the peripheral auditory system interferes with the temporal precision necessary for such tasks.